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27794430 No.27794430 [Reply] [Original]

Are people actually buying this jew's shitcoin because he spends 20 hours a week talking to children on youtube about doge coin and bitching about coin telegraph and 4chan?

>> No.27794458 [DELETED] 


>> No.27794526
File: 81 KB, 828x632, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey he seems well mannered and pleasant
leave him alone
also buy $feg

>> No.27794773

Does memeing and being shit on by 4chan make you develop thicker skin?

I became a meme on /fit/ for a few years and at first it annoyed me but eventually it grew on me, and I find it funny.

If you get so much shit, you eventually become immune to the shit?

>> No.27794786

this was an incredibly based webm I wish cardano much success

>> No.27794997

Yes. Also how did you become a meme? Never post your self online man

>> No.27795030

would you share the meme with us? since you are over it

>> No.27795101

Charles Hoskinson
I know you are reading this,
Kill yourself dumb nigger kike

>> No.27795161


>> No.27795164

He’s cute :)

>> No.27795182


>> No.27795194

yeah I'd say so, same thing happened to me on a different board
you either gotta take it or sudoku

>> No.27795250

what a fag

>> No.27795252

Damn right he is. I hope his crawler pick these up.

>> No.27795272
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>> No.27795281

Nah, he has that kike phenotype, like he both wants all your money and for you to fuck his wife at the same time

>> No.27795304

I like him better than the pedo bro's, vitalik and gavin wood.

>> No.27795313

so ... what's the meme ?
You are just a skinny-fat faggot - was this the meme ?

>> No.27795352

What's the meme, that you don't know how to eat clean?

>> No.27795379

The guy is clearly keeping the train moving by keeping focus on Cardano while I'm sure he is selling the shit out of it. Anyone buying Cardano in 2021 is a fucking moron. It should be long forgotten along with other eth killers of 2017.

>> No.27795467


>> No.27795512

The threads get insta-deleted on /fit/ now, but it was because I complained about Chads having elite genetics that were giving advice to guys like me with Subhuman genetics, and that they would blame me for not getting results, even though im doing what they said, but they cant comprehend that its their genetics that allows them to be muscular and lean, not their work ethic, and that they dont actually train any harder or different, nor do they eat better than me, its just that their body doesn't hold fat, their body responds much better to training stimulation, and that they really aren't doing anything special other than having good genetics.

>> No.27795576

He's not a jew

>> No.27795788

you are fucking delusional

>> No.27795888

he's not a jew faggot

>> No.27795962

Your webm made me like him, OP. I thought he was just another limp wristed faggot soiboi, but he seems pretty based actually.

>> No.27795965

I just bought ADA

>> No.27796062

you sound like a faggot just eat less, I still eat ice cream often but i eat in moderation so I dont have a bulb on my abdomen. Grow up.

>> No.27796435

you look fine but sound like an insufferable faggot
the subhuman genetics are not your body but your mindset

>> No.27796821

You really think, after watching that webm, that this post will affect him in any way? Lol.

>> No.27796877

Fuck off Charles

>> No.27796915
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Cope, eth fags

>> No.27797008

Yep, that's a chad

>> No.27797412

Buying more ADA (:

>> No.27799073
File: 169 KB, 865x664, 1596599399290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pajeet paid shills are back again

>> No.27799180


>> No.27799344
File: 353 KB, 1450x981, ada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27799348

try 2second reps or a count to two. pause 1 second, then two seconds. it sounds simplistic and stupid but I had similar muscle groups that seemed to lag and this helped a great deal.

Also find the perfect weight, it should feel kind of floating, do sets of 30 or 40 and this will greatly stimulate the area.

>> No.27799883

looks like you got baited

>> No.27799925

you literally just needed to do some fasts for a month lol

>> No.27800158

if it didnt matter to him what a bunch of fags on the internet say he wouldnt obsess about it like that

>> No.27800224
File: 1.09 MB, 360x203, 1582583135405.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just posted this video saying that he still reads all the shit 4chan says about him daily

>> No.27800458

Yea I still keep seeing this picture in body deformation threads, funny stuff.

>> No.27800513

Gigachad vibes. Vitalik should be scared

>> No.27800724

This guy talks about his web scraper a lot. Sounds like he is really proud of his basic Python skills.

>> No.27800865

>no accountability for what people say
fat boy gets butt hurt lmao

>> No.27800877

you're absolutely right about genetics playing a big part, it's amazing how many people refuse to accept this.
It's like someone becoming a doctor and then saying 'it's easy, you just have to study hard bro". Yeah, you do have to study hard and you should be proud of your hard work, but if you don't have the right brain genetics you're never going to be a doctor.

>> No.27800893


>> No.27800908

I hate this fucking guy. I hope he never shares / partners with Kleros.

>> No.27800965

50 acres? that's it?

>> No.27800980

top bait

>> No.27801000

Going to get a lot of shit but I agree with you. In my 20s I lived with my best friend and we had the exact same routine and diet and consistency. He came out looking like a fitness model and I looked almost exactly like you lmao.

>> No.27801015

>no such thing as bad press
delete this off your computer, now.

>> No.27801363


>> No.27802286

nice try pushing past the sale
>not jewish
>not buying because he engages so much
buying because it is fundamentally the most rock solid platform in the cryptosphere, built to scale and will scale to over 1million TPS, currently the most decentralized and decentralizing further, over 70% of the network is staked, on-chain treasury for funding DAPP development valued at well north of 150 million USD and soon to be worth 1 billion.
>1 billion USD treasury to fund development on Cardano infinitely into the future
>10-12 funding rounds per year
>on-chain governance
>50% byzantine resistant for Bitcoin & Cardano with Cardano's Ouroboros Spikes to provide smooth recovery from spikes of dishonest majority
>Eth 2.0 only 33% byzantine resistant and therefore instituting Slashing punishments because they HAVE TO because their byzantine resistance is shit.
nice COPE post OP

>> No.27802619
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You live in world where engagement=flow of money and this faggot is literally making up shit and telling stories 24/7, best part is hes so egocentric he acually believes in his own fabricated reality!
I dumped this shit at peak of 2017 (ok not exact peak but still...) I just cant fantom fact I was one of "community members"
Fucking 2017 ico scammer Crypto crow is now "cardano ambasador", its "decentralised" project and it will go to 0 if anything happens to CEO, same CEO that is such a egomaniac that he picks fights with anyone in internet making fun of him (MMA match vs crypto stoner youtuber LMFAO), they went from "where we are going we don't need ethereum" to "we are building ethereum bridge" and "b-b-bbut ethereum is pond we are the ocean", and literally only projects interested are dead bullshit like "AI on blockchain"
I still can't believe i was sold utxo based bullshit for "gen3 blockchain" back in 2017 AND madman is doing it again!
Also onchain governance on L1 LMFAO
Also stakers payed by fees when inflation runs out LMFAO
But hey at last they have 100+ peer reviewed papers BECAUSE THATS HOW YOU BUILD SHIT IN OPENSOURCE SPACE LOL
I literally cant stand this fagot and fucking plebitoirs and buying this coin but I do have huge 500k bag because i really, really want to dump on plebs again and price will go up and up because "investors" just drink this "THE TECH" narrative this shit will pump all way untill product is actually released and we all know how good are they with delays so it will be LONG fucking pump!

So yes I hate Cardano but everyone should have bag since 0.032 lol this will pull 2018 eos pump (and rest of eos chart later on)

>> No.27803169

Throwing in fancy words won't cover for your sloppy grammar. Nice try pajeet.

>> No.27803240

The absolute state of desperation and fear of mETH bagholders. LMAO

>> No.27803323

This nigga is 33 years old and looks 50

>> No.27803484

I have 0 eth and i will so dumpo on you kek you fucking newfag

>> No.27803579

rrrrrriiiiiiiggggggggggtttttttttttttt anon. nice try mETH fren. keep coping and fudding. I need to mine more salt.

>> No.27803739

The guy semed fine to me. It's what I hope my attitude would be under those circumstances. Would OP prefer it if the guy was screaming for 4chan to be censored/shut down? At no point does he advocate killing free speech, but only addresses how do deal with vitriol on a personal level from those who use free speech to be abusive. I think it's a pretty based response. OP needs to grow up and get outside the echo chamber of 4chan (or elements of it)

>> No.27803752

In the meantime:
ADA outperforming ETH + BTC since Covid March crash on an epic scale.

>> No.27803841

Yes thats what im saying you sub 80iq mongo lol
This is best part I can type blog like this and bagholderts will still be like " muh my bags" you will be perfect exit liquidity lol

>> No.27803956

I can really understand the fear of BTC and ETH maxis.
Deep inside they already feel it, that Cardano is superior in every single tech aspect.
And there is nothing they can do about it.
Like Trump supporters who still thought he will stay president.
These kind of guys are the ones who stayed invested in Nokia when the iphone launched..

>> No.27804020

was charles the model for coomer wojak? the ressemblance is uncanny

>> No.27804034
File: 1.92 MB, 1720x1567, 1612501113313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething COPE anon
thanks for the additional salt anon. KEK.

>> No.27804145

You are a tech dumbfuck.
Nothing makes sense in your comment.
Your mom must be ashamed of yours.
Poor mom.

>> No.27804161

it's amazing the number of cope replies you're getting from faggots who want to believe their hard work got them where they are
ironically you bet these same faggots think "the elite/the rich/the joos" have an unfair advantage. i'm antisemitic myself, but any objective observer knows genetic differences matters much more when it comes to what you can achieve with your body than social difference matters when it comes to what you can achieve in terms of status or wealth

>> No.27804189

fuck this trash.
why would you invest it all in 1 dumb thing?
you’re stupid as fuck.
>my purse with playcent and you will suck this nigger cock with fucking scam you shill

>> No.27804237

I just love how normies get into crypto, watch a top 100 coin do something, "research" it (or more accurately, read well disguised advertisements) and just shill it, shill it, and shill it. They're so sure in their heads that they got the one, they're so smart, they literally can't go wrong. They go into the coin's telegram, they're finally, part of a community. Cult member status, achieved, herd mentality, activated. It's us or them. Their coin can't do wrong. It's a top tier dev team. Mainnet soon. Partnerships. THE TECH.

>> No.27804368
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>mETH bagholder on suicide watch
keep digging that salt anon. lmao

>> No.27804475

>at no point does he advocate killing free speech
>it's a cesspool, and it's what happens when you have no accountability for what people say
the meditation/sticks and stones stuff he says is actually good advice, though, and a good justification for not censoring a place like this, ironically

>> No.27804550


fucking priceless

all these salty mETH bagholders.

>> No.27804689

Normies are in Eth where you pay rediculous high fees and smart contracts get exploited on a regular basis.
Or they buy BTC and keep hodling it, without getting zero interest rates through staking or Defi useage.
But think they know how to let money work for you.
Cardano is an elite high IQ club.
Only several weeks of deep research and an IQ above 100 brings you to ADA.
The reason it's still not rank 1.
But now institutional money comes in, so it's only a question of time till ADA is number 1, because institutiones have high IQ too.
The dumbfucks who are in BTC and ETH have not that much money to keep them in top ranking.

>> No.27804870


>> No.27804954
File: 15 KB, 112x112, PepeHappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is..Is that what winning feel like?

>> No.27805130

First minute is chad. The rest is pure cringe.

>> No.27805355
File: 60 KB, 836x472, theyjustactivatetheirID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27805411

first minute is faking what he wants to be, rest reflects his real personality

>> No.27805511

Sometimes you're a chad Charles. Most of the time you're a SoiBoi and you know it.

>> No.27805819


>> No.27806023

Hey Charles, keep building that coin for me you fat faggot retard and make me rich already
Cardano ADA Charles Hoskinson Basedboy dAPPs

>> No.27806135
File: 85 KB, 807x935, ff252c077aab7eaa9980c702142ae3abff-wojak-00.2x.w710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This unironically

>> No.27806399

He sure as hell looks like one but I was thrown off when he said that he grows his own food. Jew's cannot possibly grow their own food - it's the curse of Cain, that his brother's blood salts the Earth wherever he tried to grow anything.

>> No.27806702


>> No.27806938
File: 15 KB, 500x318, 1468344170129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles Hoskinson from Cardano (ADA) who uses the twitter handle @IOHK_Charles, you can be a chad but only if you give me some ADA, I have been holding Cardano ADA for a couple of years. Charles Hoskinson wants to help poor people in Africa, well this is your chance! I am African currently living in Africa!

A 100 ADA helps me eat this week.
A 1000 ADA pays my rent.
10 000 ADA pays off my debt.
100 000 ADA buys me a house
1 000 000 ADA starts a small revolution!

Decide how Chad you want to be and how much uBuntu you have living in your soul.


Will be screencaping this post and watching your moves accordingly.

>> No.27807366

>they say im a chad
you have to go back


>> No.27807459

ugh he has to defend it so hard what a fucking onions boy what is his name charles hoskinson? onions boy dude just have a bowl of soup and get your dick sucked nobody cares

>> No.27807529

reported for begging fucking nigger

>> No.27807535

Yo are you the fucking Manlet with gloves lol

>> No.27807539

Charles Hoskins fuck you Cardano is shit Charles Hoskins fuck you Cardano is shit
Charles Hoskins fuck you Cardano is shit Charles Hoskins fuck you Cardano is shit

>> No.27807691

The whole "yeah I totally don't care what [x] says about me" cope is always a cover. In secret, they're always obsessed with what their critics are saying about them.

>> No.27807746

>Announcing a report
>Racism outside of /b/
>Posting extremely low quality
>Being underage

You are breaking more rules if we are going to assess the situation.

>> No.27808164

>i say whatever the fuck i want to say
>its a cesspool and what happens when you have no accountability for what you say
Lel dropping this cunts coin tbqh

>> No.27808209
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>muh genetics