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27790577 No.27790577 [Reply] [Original]

What coins should I start with $100? Every week I can pump another $100.

I was thinking putting $50 into $ETH, the rest into $REEF and $BAO

>> No.27790781

No comment for your coin choices but dont over-diversify when youre on a small stack, also sounds like eth fees are gonna rape you

>> No.27790867

learn how to pick coins jesus christ
i turned 90 bucks into 10k with good coins like parsiq

>> No.27790880

Wut da fuck should I just go all in on meme coins and pray I make it moons or I make it out in time before dumping?

>> No.27790952

eth is safer and slower, reef and bao have a chance to x100 or go to 0

>> No.27791018

Safe play: look for low mcap tokens attached to sensible projects and buy those.
Correct play: Stay up until India starts using their computers and buy scam coins immediately before they pump and dump

>> No.27791028

I'll research Parsiq, thanks. Any other coins?

What do you recommend besides ETH?

>> No.27791030

We have another SHIB boys!!


>> No.27791048

Gas fees raping me rn, i got 100 in eth but cant move shit around xause of pending and gas fees to buy anything is crazy. Went the normie route n got atom for peace of mind ill try to get RBC eventually hopefully before its a dollar

>> No.27791176

This. If you're not moving actual money don't bother. Gas will fuck you up. Find one good thing and pump as much money into that as you can. I'd recommend XIPOOH for a quick pump, but don't get caught holding bags.

>> No.27791245

you guys are the reason biz went down the drain and assblaser will never come back

>Any other coins?
yes but I'm not going to shill, ask around which exchange listed parsiq first, that should help you find the gems you're looking for

>> No.27791385

Should I just wageslave for the rest of my life? It seems like this will cause me stress and grow gray hair quickly.

How much tax do you pay on crypto anyway?

>> No.27791577

you can pay the gas fee to get on the exchange, lmfao

>> No.27791899
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Where/how can I learn how to tell apart good coins with potential from the rest?

>> No.27792002

thats no little for anything

>> No.27792057


My portfolio has grown 50% in the last week from listening to /biz and buying:

WORLD token

>I think I am ok with taking the advice on FEG too.

It's ok, go look at the stats. I've made bank in the last hour alone faggot.

>> No.27792058

>How much tax do you pay on crypto anyway?
if i hold for a year, none
that's why Im ONLY interested in long term projects


>> No.27792219

have fun looking at all of those coins come crashing down after the hype ends retard
and have fun paying tax when you sell

>> No.27792249

Are you serious? Do you live in the US?

Should I just go all in on $ETH and $RBC then?

>> No.27792456

i live in Germany, yes it's 7am right now, yes I'm going to bed
not sure about eth, but yeah throw rbc away

>> No.27792506

Thanks homie, have a good sleep

>> No.27792677
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Look for coins that provide a solution, and pay attention to "solution saturation".

>Coin that provides a solution.
Look for coins that actually have an idea behind them and a service provided or a solution to a problem. They look to become infrastructure not like Internet or Electricity. If it's got a logical backbone to it and gives a reasonable argument for it's creation, then you've got a potential good coin.

>Solution Saturation
Someone comes up with a coin idea that solves a problem and 300 million retards come out of the woodwork to create their own "Better" version of the OG idea. If you see 400 different coins offering practically the same thing, then you're looking at saturation and likely you've missed the boat. The takeaway is noticing if one of these knockoffs actually provides more than the OG or provides legitimate competition for the OG ie:
>rubic vs uniswap

Lastly, Do Your Own Research. These faggots will try and shill you all kinds of things so if you just pick up coins blindly by whatever retard comes out of the ether to shill their shit, you'll end up just losing everything. And avoid memecoins unless you're willing to jump in at the very start of'em, and ride the pump and dump.

>> No.27792920

Bao has pumped 250x this month. I wouldn’t suggest it. Look into $SURF too. Alpha is being dripped. Will 10x over the next month or two.

>> No.27793108

Thanks man! I'll look into $SURF.

What's the best app to buy crypto with?

>> No.27793464

Not everyone on the Internet is American fuck face

>> No.27793595

is leaving your crypto in a brokerage a bad idea? i like the idea of being able to see stats at a glance, but i assume there's some other way i can do that?

>> No.27793724


>> No.27794189

So basically GRT? :)

>> No.27794216

get the fuck off my board newfags

>> No.27795279

If you think it's worth getting, then sure. You're convincing yourself to buy it, not others.

>> No.27795314


>> No.27795764

BAO has shit on prq returns but sure buddy

>> No.27796558
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Thank you fellas

>> No.27796830

Do you want to watch it and trade between coins or di you just want to set it and forget it? Cuz if you just want to keep pumping in and not trade, ALGO. It is the comfiest hold ever and produces more of itself as a passive ability. LINK also but you might want to wait for it to sink from ATH a bit. Finally, GRT

>> No.27796891

With $100 you want a moonshot. Doubling over the course of a year on a blue chip is gonna get you a whole $100. Whoop de fucking doo. Buy $FEG and strap in for the 100x

>> No.27796930

buy SOL on binance. it's gonna be mooning for the next week at least

>> No.27797026
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Checked. God I should restart my DD save, that game is fucking comfy. Also, DYOR but know that coins shilled here DO 100X often, just a matter of luck and research.

>> No.27797215

100$ is gas. Ngmi