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27785731 No.27785731 [Reply] [Original]

At one point I was up 10k

>> No.27785887

It's just money

>> No.27786015

Some people pay tens of thousands for that level of financial education.

>> No.27786071

Money is literally life. You trade in parts if your life(time) for money, once you start getting into the millions it's not as important, but until then you are losing fragments of your time on earth the more you work.

>> No.27786078

Good job bag holder. Do you also hold the extra box of condoms while your wife is getting plowed by her bull?

>> No.27786254

This is just like in the Avengers when all the Daleks were killed but then Captain Hero makes his big comeback and defeats Darth Voldemort with his power glove do don't worry. Just keep those diamond hands and wait. ;)

>> No.27786293

That’s the way to cookie crumbles

>> No.27786323

I don't use reddit, I listened to the frog posters

>> No.27786329

I lost 90K. Now I'm in 5 figure hell with a family to support.

>> No.27786386
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It’s ok op I could have cashed out for $70k. We are just retarded.

>> No.27786414

Maybe, but now I hope America dies in nuclear hellfire, if I can't be happy then neither should anyone else.

>> No.27786424

Enjoy your $500 deduction of taxable income redditfag

>> No.27786568

I got too greedy, all my family were telling me to cash out
I don't make enough to pay income tax.

>> No.27786601

inshallah my brother

>> No.27786728
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why didn't you sell?
Welcome to the club noobie

>> No.27786759

You're too poor to invest then. Get your income stream up to speed first.

>> No.27786777

If I convert to Islam maybe Allah will give me those 40 lolis you guys are always talkin about.

>> No.27786797
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>I don't make enough to pay income tax.

>> No.27786808

Exact same as me

We managed to drop the bags because dumb plebbitors we're willing to jump off the cliff so we diidn't get sacrificed to jews.

Celebrate with a nice tendie meal

>> No.27786814

same but up 17k on crypto so who cares

>> No.27786838

Easy come, easy go.

It wasnt meant to be anon

>if I can't be happy then neither should anyone else.

grow up, you were never meant to make it with this attitude

>> No.27786857

I have no skills

>> No.27786915

I bought a single share at 100 and the price immediately tanked. My whole life is a joke

>> No.27786941

Same here. I had decent gains but tried to be a kike and got what I deserve for being a greedy jew

>> No.27786945

I lost 4k$, I’ll need 2 weeks to recover. Fucking hell, I feel stupid!

>> No.27787049

Cheap for the lesson learned

>> No.27787074

just get a regular ass job then

>> No.27787131

Sorry to hear fren. Are you still holding or did you sell at a loss?

>> No.27787177

and what did you learn?

>> No.27787187


>> No.27787188

you didn't lose if you didn't sell

how jew are you?

>> No.27787232

That the system is rigged and needs to be set on fire

>> No.27787258

arent we going up again?

>> No.27787299

Try to take a breather buddy. Don't go into a downward spiral. Learn from this as much as you can and apply it later on down the road. Some lesson are expensive monetarily but its not a loss if you learned something, immerse yourself in finance and make more educated moves next time. Did you already sell your shares?

>> No.27787326 [DELETED] 
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>"New orders for manufactured goods in December, up eight consecutive months, increased $5.2 billion or 1.1 percent to $493.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today."


>"US trade court dismisses challenge to Section 232 steel tariff"


>> No.27787336

I lost out too but it was a quick lesson in stock market I guess. It still got me into investing in general and I feel good about the small gains I'm making now though. $500 isn't that much either. If you're an Amerifat just hope you get the stimulus check.

>> No.27787352

When the news, thots, and my grandparents are talking about something i invested in that means its time to get out

>> No.27787386

I feel you, hombre. Still, this experience has taught me that jews will do literally anything in their power to make sure the goyim don't get easy money. GME is a loss, but I'm hoping at least BB comes back up.

>> No.27787407


>> No.27787468

You just bought extremely cheap lesson on how pump&dump schemes work.

>> No.27787493

Its okay anon, I was at 10k too but was scared to sell because didn't know if it would pump higher plus brokers screwing me over and I wouldn't be able to buy back in, thankfully only lost 300 on it before I snapped out of it and sold that shit. I snatched up some penny stocks today that I was watching for a bit and made 400, so you can make your money back with some research anon. Love you

>> No.27787503

I kept 5 just in case, but I'm not hopeful they'll go back up. I'm worried this was a once in a lifetime thing though so I'm not sure learning anything will get me another shot

>> No.27787529

I bought 15 Gme puts for .01 before the close. It's currently selling at .02 right now. Should I just sell and make an easy $15 or put in a higher price? It expires tomorrow and so far out of the money I don't think it will effect anything unless GME really sinks again tomorrow.

>> No.27787568

Try 10 months for me. What this anon said >>27786071 I'm feeling it fucking hard. I just turned 29 last month. I thought I was going to try and have fun and enjoy the last year of my 20's. Instead I'm going to be penny pinching and constantly kicking myself and feeling regret as I enter my 30's because of the massive amount of money I wasted.

>> No.27787572

Thanks anon, I love you too

>> No.27787601

Nope still just money

>> No.27787603

Checked. I agree, its a hard one to take on the chin, but you don't "lose" until you sell at a loss. If the stock has already lost its value and your deep in the red you might as well hold on to it with the hopes one day it goes up. GME just might do that in the future, and there is still a very small chance that the "squeeze" has simply been delayed.

>> No.27787664
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I mean at least you arent this guy.

>> No.27787677

I constantly forget poor people are allowed to post here

>> No.27787683

Anon think of it this way, 500 bucks was your price of admission to watch a bunch of faggot redditors neck themselves

>> No.27787686

stay poor

>> No.27787729
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its not about the money its about the mission

if hes still in, im still in

>> No.27787753

Price had been tanking for a while at that point
Meanwhile, I bought at 300 monday during the last surge upward 10 minutes after opening

>> No.27787759

Starting learning the things you didn't know going into this. Become obsessed, and make your next play with that knowledge fren.

>> No.27787765

and you thought you were writing a blank check for 30k ?

>> No.27787809

Sage advice. What penny stock did you mess with?

>> No.27787818
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bought 148, sold 300 cause im not retarded....eat my shit morons

>> No.27787857

I lost 10k. A good 1/3rd of my bank account.

I try to keep telling myself it’s not a big deal and I’ll recover and it doesn’t really affect me financially but man idk I feel like such shit. That 10k was supposed to fund my next vacation

>> No.27787861

Honestly, the amount of information I absorbed during this trading frenzy in the span of a week was equivalent if not greater to an entire semester of University level economics classes
>t. college graduate

>> No.27787901
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Blockchain is rising now because of the defi sphere, that's why I usually check new projects. Not long ago, I found BAEX(#baex), did you hear about it? That's a defi binary assets system with Yahoo Finance quotes source

>> No.27787909

I'd say at least you learned your lesson, but with a post like this, you clearly didn't. Rather than blame external forces, figure out what you did wrong.

>> No.27787917

That is a good, albeit costly, lesson.

>> No.27787957

It sucks to lose man, at this point you might as well hold the shares and hope one day you get back some of the losses, at least you didn't go "all-in".

>> No.27787975

did you legitimately look at that chart and go "yeah you know what, i could see it going from 400 to 800 ez"

>> No.27788026

Genuinely classy response.

>> No.27788031

gamestop will never be above 50 again in its existance

>> No.27788051

I made about 1,200 sold the 4 stocks I had at because and only kept 2 stocks with an average of 85.90 I’m down $100 I’m actually sad why the fuck did I do this

>> No.27788056

LOL he prob did, the fucking moron.....the whole worlds eyes were on gme and he still thought it would do another LOL

>> No.27788071

I'm down 4k on AMC

>> No.27788088

Nigga, shit had gone from 10 to 400 so why not

>> No.27788100

Yes yes

>> No.27788119

Why do you type like this?

>> No.27788159
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>only $500 loss
Lucky goose.

>> No.27788220

>today will be exactly like yesterday
lmao retarded nigger can't understand cause and effect

>> No.27788250

specifically because it bothers retards like you, when you make 10,000 in one trade you may be able to type like this too LOL....retard

>> No.27788269

Yes, I thought it was still shorted and the squeeze had not arrived

>> No.27788283
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>> No.27788337

he learned nothing

>> No.27788340


>> No.27788360

Stonks go up

>> No.27788405

GME is a stink.

>> No.27788418

I mean it was legit going to till the brokers shut it down. The shit plowed through 500$ like a rocket.

>> No.27788471

This kind of jump might be a once in a lifetime thing but there will always be other ways to make money. Just can't be greedy and think it'll happen quickly.

>> No.27788473

no, people could have bought at over 500 again if they wanted, you just got greedy

>> No.27788527

Why wouldn't you sell when your $5mil suddenly dropped to $4mil? $3mil? ...$2mil? I mean take the hint.

>> No.27788538

$500 isn't really that bad. Some YOLOed and asked for loans so hard they lost everything.

>> No.27788620

The only thing anybody learned from this is that people here are legitimately more against the imaginary meme feud against Reddit than the actual fight against (((greed)))

>> No.27788628

Also holding onto OCGN for later

>> No.27788630

I lost $13,000 USD, really astounded that i let myself get fucked like that, im usually pretty wise...guess i took my recent "hold only" strategy for granted and was sure gambling would work this time

>> No.27788660

I lost 1400 and I'm very ashamed of it, but be honest, we both knew we were going to lose on it and went in out of fomo

>> No.27788673

Retard redditor. How hard was it for you to look up what a pump and dump is? You get it, make a quick buck and get out. If you get in high and the trend takes a massive turn you get out before it crashes. Don't be afraid to take profit. But you also need a lesson in being schemed. Don't fall for cult like thinking. Fear and greed are the emotions that run the markets.

>> No.27788739

Lost 1k. First time I ever gamble and I lose kek

>> No.27788746

Wow i was laughing at myself before but seeing the 5 figures typed out right here is a little painful

>> No.27788753

That’s because a lot of people cashed out to move on to other shitcoins or meme stocks lowering the price. This resulted in people who bought in at 200-300 to panic sell leaving most people selling a loss or holding bags.

>> No.27788815

>you got greedy
Whatever you say m8. I made out like a bandit on gme. RH throttled the velocity for days and still is. They went on a full smear campaign that weekend and retail buyers ran for the hills. It bounced off a 150 dollar loss at one point so they were definitely willing to buy people just couldn't.

>> No.27788865
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Bought one share at 230 thinking that I could ride the bubble and cash out before it burst

>> No.27788929

post proof of gains

>> No.27788949

I lost my 1k bucks in gains I made from an 800 dollar basis during the craze. I got greedy on a SPCE weekly and didn't take profit and I bought more NOK calls for this week that I sold yesterday at a loss. I will never be greedy again Bros and I don't know if I ever want to buy weeklies ever again

>> No.27788989

Just fucking hold. It'll go up eventually.

>> No.27789030

Nice dude, glad to hear about your gainz.

>> No.27789064

I ended up making around $400 but holy shit seeing the losses people are posting, I feel dumb for even touching it. I really think anyone can get caught up in this kind of thing, just like you see seemingly intelligent people get sucked into cults.

>> No.27789069

there's so much demoralizing on this site. Wasn't always like this

>> No.27789087

Ah yes from 10 to 20 dollars in two months

>> No.27789103

Bought 65 @ 102
Sold 64 @ 330
I am still kicking myself for holding onto that one share. Fuck me.

>> No.27789128
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>> No.27789145

>there's so much demoralizing on this site. Wasn't always like this
Kinda makes you wonder why...

>> No.27789148

lmaooooooo, it just keeps halving each day....its at like 46 now and you know a bunch of monkey brains are gonna sell friday so they can have their "weekend money" LOOOOOOOOOOL

>> No.27789209
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Bought in at 45 and 99 on 2 different accounts

>> No.27789210

wait to february 9th if you haven't sold at a loss yet, it's 50/50 that they covered shorts. with all the demoralization of the panic sellers it's very likely that they're cocky and still have doubled down with SI%, this probably fed into their ego even more

>> No.27789227

this isnt proof as I dont use these random fag apps. post the lines in your broker account niggy

>> No.27789299

well done

>> No.27789309

You are a literal retard.
>A fool and his money are soon parted

>> No.27789460

I lost $200. was up to $300 grabbed my $176 and ran away lol.

Took a chance to see if the retards were gonna pump it again, then I check after the market closed, the volume was in the fucking shitter.


Oh well, baby shit investment = baby shit losses.

Dont ever pour more money into a hype stock than you're willing to lose.

Losing $500 is a lesson learned and you can get that money back relatively fast.

buying 20 stocks at $400 a share and taking yours and your parents' life savings and holding because the pump and dumpers heading wallstreetbets pushing the diamond hands memes told you it will hit $1000 is absolutely pants on head retarded.

Diamond hands are needed to hold those bags.

WSB and /biz/ got scammed hard lol.

>> No.27789501

>literally buying as the stocks keep going down
what the actual fuck

>> No.27789515

I honestly have no idea how to do it on webull. Lined section doesn't show priced. Here is over all of webull. Suck my nut sack the bubbles show your profit. Look at date what retarded thing could I have bought and sold then?

>> No.27789598

I did it on Monday and made out like a fucking bandit.

>> No.27789607
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Forgot pic

>> No.27789638

eh, profits outweigh the losses. Good on you.

>> No.27789689

in what sense ? how how did u lose on gme? why would u hate on OP if u didnt lose big on GME and are mega salt?

>> No.27789722
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Definitely but that was 200+ unrealised profits and now that is a loss. I am going to let it sit in my portfolio as a reminder to never be a fucking retard.

>> No.27789855

How much did you lose?

>> No.27789945

If the buy orders hadn't been halted then it absolutely could have.

>> No.27789961

don't be a bitch anon. there'll be more opportunities

>> No.27790016

Don't beat yourself down bro. I was up 100k and now at even sold most. No one could have predicted that ban on buying bullshit.

>> No.27790075

i was up 50k and now lost 4k. not really lifechanging money or anything but a little more financial security would've been great. now i have to draw more furry porn to make the money back. fml

>> No.27790078

its always been a gamble. betting more than 500 hundo is retarded. anything lost is deserved

>> No.27790186

Why were you guys so greedy? Should have just taken the W when it hit 400 and started to slide.

>> No.27790245

I was up 14k and actually ended up losing 31k. Shit happens. Take the L and move on.

>> No.27790434

i swear i wasn't being greedy. my exit strategy from the start was picking the first number off random.org between 1-1000 and i got 820 and i thought okay this sounds legit (don't know shit about stocks, didn't invest more than i could comfortably lose). the first dip and spike tricked me into holding for too long lol. oh well

>> No.27790497

How the fuck did you guys not start selling the moment profits went from 5 digits to 4 digits? I had one share left and it took a lot of discipline to not sell >>27789103 since I wanted to gamble.

Remember, no one ever died from taking a profit.

>> No.27790529
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Diamond hands baybeee

>> No.27790583

what a retard

>> No.27790608

maybe think the pump and dump is actually gambling and not what the epic redditors said it was.

>> No.27790644
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In the same boat, you’re not alone.

And this bread has me feeling real comfy. Scrolling through and am joyed to see some supportive and sobering posts here. This was a good lesson for me and a good challenge to pick up as I always did want to get into stocks. Hopefully you won’t be discouraged and you can get in the game soon, slower and steadier. There’s also crypto, but avoid using any KYC like I did, then you won’t get raped with taxes. Wishing you well, anon

>> No.27790702
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I wish all my /biz/ brothers the best. The sad truth is that GME will drop further and further until seemingly out of nowhere it will shoot up way past the mother fucking sky..but only for a brief moment. Many will regret falling for the obvious jewish manipulation and relentless demoralization, and few will prosper beyond the stars.

>> No.27790723

Not a pump and dump, there was a squeeze when it went from 4 to 400.

>> No.27790738

Take profits dummy

>> No.27790776 [DELETED] 
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CLF to 50

>> No.27790787


>> No.27790851

If there was one it didn’t really matter, it played out the same way as a pump and dump, and whole lot of people got absolutely dumped on

>> No.27790891

Thanks frens, I wish yall the best too

>> No.27790933

this. woudlnt be surprised if gamestop saga kicks off a new occupy wallstreet movement of chimpouts

>> No.27790980

So money is the only value you gained from all that work? Hard to believe.

>> No.27791167

I'm a wagie in food delivery, I don't enjoy my job and if my industry were to disappear all that would happen is people would cook at home more, it'd actually be a net benefit for society.

>> No.27791170

I guess that happens when you clean toilets for work. Your work should be something you'd do for free because you like it.

>> No.27791310

you could also just not immerse yourself in finance its a shitty world to immerse in

>> No.27791393

Dumped on because they got greedy.

>> No.27791719

What exactly do you think runs the world, bong rips and sick beats?

>> No.27791728


Pretty nuts, that’s what actually got me more upset, just ignoring one’s own logic. I guess it was just the idea of making some bank while also seeing hedgeniggers and kikes squirming on national TV that made it too appealing. I guess the satisfaction made us lower our guard for a little. But hey if I’m wiser because of this, along with others, then fuck it - a neat little deductable it is.

Just take it as a shit test.

>> No.27792224

These are just numbers as soon as you put it into the market. The reason why you fail is because you view it as money. You equate the value of daily life into money. This, while true, prevents you from from taking good risks and makes you take stupid risks (like GME)You can’t have any sentimentality when investing. It’s just numbers and percentages

>> No.27792313

Thx anon, I'll try to be more detached in the future when investing

>> No.27792821


>> No.27793203

>taking university economic classes
I feel sorry for you, son. I got 99 problems but University economics ain't one.

>> No.27793384

Thank God for linkies, I made up the money I lost with stonks.
Now I'm back where I started, minus a week or two of time.

>> No.27793454

>it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God

---Matthew 19

>> No.27793782

Checked. No one is going to be able to protest because they don't have any money.

>> No.27794015

Don’t worry, man. The good guys always win in the end. Those greedy wallstreet fuckers won’t know what hit them. Good will triumph

>> No.27794038

> one day for some dumbass reason it hits $1000

I had a chance to buy at 74 and went "this is retarded" Then retardation flourished.

>> No.27794266

that's why you put a sell order when it hits a price you want it to hit and then applaud anyone who had the balls to hold past that and enjoy your win.

The problem with hype rushes is people hold out for more and get fucked in the ass. If you can get a tidy sum with a small investment (say you buy $50 worth of stock or $200 worth and it explodes into $11,000 rather than $1 million, you're still above water)

that's $11,000 that can go into a stable stock or a Roth IRA and when you hit retirement or you get some sort of injury you have a nest egg lined up.
or dump in more stocks and build your house, brick by brick. limiting your risk and reaping rewards playing the stocks.

but this is /biz/ where you dump a life savings into a worthless stock to make it disappear. Buy high sell low!

>> No.27794419


>> No.27794481
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Diamond hands baby
I bought 1000 shares at $400 and I am NOT selling until it hits at least $4k
Two more weeks, don't let the hedgies win!

>> No.27794605
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>> No.27794721
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It's ok anon, I was a greedy retard too, granted I manage to sell at a point where I still made some profit but I could've made a few thousand bucks if I just sold in the 400s range. Next time let's just recognize the decent profits we made and take them, and be thankful you didn't lose thousands of dollars on this stock like some of the retards on reddit did

>> No.27795474

>beep boop hedge man bad

>> No.27795543

That's like one paycheck. You got away pretty much unscathed. Just move on.

>> No.27795634
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>> No.27795768


>> No.27795828

Same situation, feeling pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.27796000

why tf did you buy puts that were expiring in 1 day.

>> No.27796113

I lost $20k. You got some catching up to do

>> No.27796166

don’t take financial advice from other people when you don’t know anything yourself

>> No.27796200
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You have lost nothing. Try losing 500k then you'll probably feel a little something.

>> No.27796333

Based LOL poster

>> No.27796349

based retard

>> No.27796356

you dont trade time for money, you trade goods and services

>> No.27796403

???? And I made 1k

>> No.27796457

That is not bad at all. During the crypto crash in 2018 i was down 250 000$

>> No.27796534

suck it bitch

>> No.27796638
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If it makes you guys feel any better, even the jews got jewed on this