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27785399 No.27785399 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27785587
File: 264 KB, 1080x1350, Daisy Keech & Mathilde Tantot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like its read to collapse desu

>> No.27785740

Why it keep pumping then dipping a little, then pumping again? Why can’t number just go up?

>> No.27786092

my god that was made for housing my erect penis in

>> No.27786211

Weakhands and swingers.
When this shit launches alot of fags are gonna be roping bad.

>> No.27786266

Big investors. Not sure people aren't away how its being deployed right now. Look at how little amount of people are talking about it here but the dips are being eaten up everytime it goes down, in large chunks

>> No.27786979

why is fantom never talked about in any thread? are we the retards or are they the retards

>> No.27787030

They, dont worry Im writing a book about it.

>> No.27787088

Man this shit has been crabbing for days it drives me nuts
At least if it was dumping I could go back to letting it sit in my wallet and ignore it

>> No.27787418

You’re a fucking retard if you think this dumping. It’s obvious someone is accumulating large amount (BTC Suisse) and when this shit pops you will fucking rope for being a paper handed faggot.

>> No.27787433

its not scamtom its crabtom

>> No.27787777

everyone tweet fantom to soulja boy plz

>> No.27787782
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Word on the street is that Andre Cronje just lost one million fucking dollars to his fourth exploit in only three years. More than one a year. Good batting average. If he keeps it up at this rate, we can prolong the mooning of this lowcap market gem being used but shitskin desert niggers for maybe 1... 2 years more. Imagine that? I can see us going down to....

>runs numbers

probably the .002 area again as that is where the coin was most historically. But that is fine. we will be known as the 'fantom risers'

>> No.27787870

what if fantom gets hacked...?

>> No.27788052
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oh shoot well i hadn't included that factor into my calculations there anon so you've really thrown an Andre into the mechanism here...

if fantom suffers the same exploit as $YFI did, just hours earlier, known as a FLASH LOAN ATTACK, which fantom is planning on supporting very soon, to give normies FREE MONEY through FLASH LOANS, but apparently... y'know, you can fucking exploit that, crazy Andre, do it in prod bro....

well anon, if fantom were to be hacked and we didn't know as if the hacker were acting as a fantom him or herself, then, well the coin could possibly even go to .0005 or so or who the fuck knows!!!! we could go to negative numbers like an undead crypto, just like a real fantom, do you follow anon

>> No.27788138

what if all our fantom gets stolen

>> No.27788222

Isn't fantom using LINK?

>> No.27788289
File: 114 KB, 295x357, 1549520962203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dilate Joilee lmao.
Andre lost $1m off a $50b MC because someone used their own node to steal.
Andre had it fixed in 3 hours.
It amazes me how stupid you fucking trannie subhumans are, constantly spreading hate and depression throughout the crypto ranks.
You will an hero eventually, when you see a beautiful couple of any race, with their children, knowing you will never have what they have.
Hello Joilee, your wound smells like an asshole from an NFL player after a double overtime game.

>> No.27788394


Well Anon, if all your Fantom get's stolen, you could say that Fantom really worked as intended because

boo haha all your money is gone

>> No.27788458
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just like a real ghost

>> No.27788475

can i stake with using a ledger or how does that work? surely a $60 ledger is worth the insurance on a $10k usd stack of fantom right?

>> No.27788534
File: 25 KB, 500x375, 1548557869874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not even gonna counter your gay FUD anymore, you cut your dick off and now you have 2 holes that smell like shit lmaoooooo

>> No.27788579
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>finance product
>losing money to a bug at all
>people literally lost $YFI from their accounts
>had their own assets kept in storage with Andre

not looking good, Anon. I hold bags. Big ones. Bigger than yours. Also my balls are massive. Fucking huge and I've got a long thick shaft.

>> No.27788672


>Soprano Goku poster

neck yourself as soon as anon, it's called an-hero you fucking newfag ever heard of that :)

>> No.27788696

this isnt fud you dip shit its a literally worrying issue. andre had someone hack EMN last year and then the """hacker""" sent him 50% of the funds just to be ""nice""

>> No.27788720
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>> No.27788731

uhhh q-q-q-quads? is Soulja Boy going to take us to the moon?


>> No.27788784

Cope, keep buying trannycoin

>> No.27788852

>people forget the ridiculous amount of hacks that happened to LINK in its development
Kek, I feel sorry that you have to fill that rank hole where your dick used to be with Fantom FUD.
And I thought you discordtrannies survived off clout, yet you shill for a deadcoin like LINK kek.

>> No.27789025
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Ill be rich in a few months, and you will all still be shoving plastic dildos into your infected wounds you call vaginas crying about the next mooner because you were too salty to get on it and would rather cloutchase and FUD.
Thank you trannies, you are making me RICH!

>> No.27789070

these threads are getting filled with weirdos i miss the old fanties

>> No.27789156


ur tranny bit is so boring, Anon. you're a hack. you wouldn't know what to do with money. it'd be a quick road to realizing how fucking pointless your existence is and you would 100% kill yourself. please just do it now.

>> No.27789385

>he bought

>> No.27789528

At least the SENTINEL posts have blue pepes

>> No.27789679
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>> No.27790028

learn to read u dumb kike nigger

>> No.27790452

It's spammed all day here. It's a pump and dump coin. But worse at it than doge.

>> No.27791697

Fantom will hit $10 eoy

>> No.27791730

please. i just want to leave this website forever.

>> No.27791770

I like how you write with confidence even though you obviously have no fucking idea whats going on. This is why non of you fags are going to make it.

>> No.27791785

>spammed all day here
>has the lowest amount of posts of any other altcoin
Try harder shitpussy.

>> No.27791805

Fuck you niglet. Suck my big fat juicy white dick.

>> No.27791975

I already made it with Fantom retard. Kek I bet I make more money than you just by staking my fanties. Stay poor faggot.

>> No.27793530

can we tone it down with the anger Folx

>> No.27793669

Nope, full power when dealing with discordtrannies and their FUD campaigns.
Sorry come back tomorrow, maybe theyll be gone after they all an hero.