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File: 76 KB, 1200x464, rfawwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27774815 No.27774815 [Reply] [Original]

I've only had one success story in my life where I made close to $80k USD in about a week and a half, it was 2010, I was 18 years old and playing a game I assume some of you might be familiar with, I'd been into botting/hacking/packet editing for a while, just messing around having fun...

At some point I discovered an exploit that allowed me to get max meso (in-game currency) almost instantly, at the time that was 2,147,483,647 (32bit game), the exploit worked like the following example:

>Click on "Donation King NPC" (an NPC that takes in-game currency donations, and basically the highest donator at the end of the week receives a gay medal)
>Choose the "Donation King" Title
>Get to the point in the NPC dialog where you could input an amount to donate
>Block the packet for NPC dialog (very important step, we called it the "NPC Bypass" method), without it this wouldn't work.
>Click "next" to move to next dialog window
>Dialog window doesn't show up because you've blocked said packet for it
>Unblock NPC dialog packet so that we can send our own modified one (at this point the game state thinks the NPC chat is open, but the server hasn't received a response from your client
>Input your own modified NPC dialog packet with a negative value for mesos (worked particularly well because of the game being 32bit integer max), would input -2,147,483,646
>Send it
>Profit (instant max mesos), the whole process took around 7 seconds, for what would usually take months of grinding.

The reason this is a success story is that the game is quite popular (or was at the time), I sold all the mesos on my own website and to Chinese gold farmers at a discount for them to resell.. I netted most of my 80k in profits from the Chinks, they loved my gold.

Only problem is I permanently shifted the games economy and caused thousands of people to get banned in the process, in the end, Nexon (the games company) had to roll back everyone's character progress by 2 weeks, everyone was hella pissed.

>> No.27775039


>> No.27775362
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If ripping off chinks and getting them in the shit for reselling my hacked gold is based, then yes, I'm very based.

>> No.27776170
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Yeah uh....i just took pictures for pedos putting tooth brushes up my ass for like $10 worth of NX........i made maybe $6000 all together but uh....it wasn't even real cash and all I did was waste it on shitty gachas. Why were weapon attack for glove scrolls so fucking hard to get???

>> No.27776208
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>Has nobody got any interesting success stories?

>> No.27776298
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Idk, anon, but with my infinite mesos I managed to bleed the free market dry in Windia and Bera at the time.

>> No.27776321

nice larp, i dont remember this happening

t. FangBlade

>> No.27776527

I played Diablo 3 on release and noticed how the trash auction house UI was making people put certain valuable items on sale for a fraction of the actual value, so I wrote a simple <100 LoC AHK script to bot the auction house and made a shit ton of gold on it. I then sold it in bulk to chinks and made like $10k on it.

I went on to use $6k of those on BTC in 2013, took out my initial investment during the bull run and left the profits in BTC. I traded the fuck out of the 2017/2018 run and turned it to 8 figures. I fucked up by being overly cautious, not wanting to realize too much in capital gains, and watched the portfolio reduce to like $1.5m at the lowest. Being confident we would get another run, I just took out enough to pay taxes, rent, and a small buffer just in case, and waited. Fast-forward to today I'm deep into 8 figures, but this time cashing out larger chunks while I trade to avoid repeating the same shit.

>> No.27776542

>Windia and Bera
Dracura is that you

>> No.27776548


>> No.27776777

Seriously though, I played on those servers and merched hard kek, we might've traded at some point. Also that fucking rollback (if it's the one I'm thinking of) cost me a fuckload in merching scams, faggot

>> No.27776803
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only the retards were pissed, high iq chads bought godly items with their inflated mesos and put them in the mts (trading system) and the rollback skipped them

>> No.27776903

They're all fake and gay.

>> No.27777064

good old maple story. i used to play this and gunbound with the asian girls in my middle school to try and flirt with them

>> No.27777163
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Success stories ? Where do you think you are ?

>> No.27777347

That was a cool roll.

>> No.27777546
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If you don't remember the 2010 Donation King exploit followed by the "hellban" then you've never played MapleStory.

Also as much as you'd like to believe, this is not a LARP and is in fact 100% true story.

>> No.27777721

I had 2 characters during the meso exploit, I believe one was called FM66 and there was another one but I can't remember the name, but it was a level 160 Evan I used as a mule

>> No.27777947
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I actually profited from the MTS at the time as well, I literally wiped the free markets in Windia and Bera of anything godly and sold about half of it on MTS, only managed to make 1.4mil NX before the exploit went mainstream for half a day then immediately got patched.

>> No.27778043

Merchs/sharks in the FM were fucking absolutely brutal, this was such a good game to learn how to play markets.

Damn what an all-time classic, only thing I didn't like were the pay2win cosmetics and the fact that I would get completed raped and die in one turn by asians with either aimbots or perfect aim using the Boomerlauncher.

>> No.27778092

Based. What coins you holding?

>> No.27778171

OP here, I too started with Gunbound and aimbotting, I then found MapleStory through Gunbound as at the time it was becoming really popular.

>> No.27778240

Extremely based anon, I'm glad for you.

>> No.27778386

oh you played maplestory? name 5 bosses larper

>> No.27778501
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None, too retarded to invest, I was more for doing illegal things, for example I created a keylogger/rat that would imbed itself in the users PC by planting a startup registry key, and then would replicate itself and save in random locations (in case the user tried to delete it), it would run in the back ground of the users PC silently and invisibly sending screenshots to my email of what they were doing as well as a log of any keys they had pressed, I used to scam a lot of people by posting bots on gaming sites I hated, idiots would download them, get infected then I'd take anything of value including bank details, in-game items etc...

I made a retarded mistake because if I'd have taken the 80k and put it into bitcoin at the time I'd be a millionaire now, but I didn't know any better, Crypto's were still new back then.

>> No.27778545

Love this story anon. I always wondered how the maple economy became so fucking inflated

>> No.27778592

you guys ever play Gunz: The Duel?
The cheats for that game were awesome. Also used your sword to fly around was based

>> No.27778599
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>Papulatus (my fave)

>> No.27778632

You're a high IQ hackerman. Just make a rugpull coin and shill it on /biz/ and you've hacked your way to fuck you money.

>> No.27778671
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No, I did play Combat Arms, though, and some weird game where you could like turn into a wolf and shit (was another online shooter).

>> No.27778988
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>High IQ hackerman

The keylogger was programmed in .net (VB) with basically stolen code, I would look for examples of features I wanted in the keylogger and then include the code for it, but I guess at the time the idea was good, I wanted to make it so that it was like a client/server deal where I could connect to people's PC's from a local hub and then download anything I wanted, but in practice I wasn't very good with winsock or networking.

My programming skill is pretty much borderline average, I've dabled in Java, .Net, C++ and C# but never fully learnt any language.

I'm what you'd probably call and "advanced" or "slightly better than" script-kiddy.

>> No.27779304

I used to be into hacking games when I was in high school. I tried to search the the hacking communities I use to frequent but they are all dead.
Do you know where I can start up again? I'm very interested.
I use to play and hack in maplestory too and in all the nexon games (vindictus, combat arms, kart racers, etc.)

>> No.27779324
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fuck you, i lost all my money because of the roll-back

>> No.27779336

I ratted you and every hacker on gamer soul and gamekiller.

My rat probably still exists on your computer.


>> No.27779453
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So did you and like 10,000 other players or more hahaha.

I don't suppose an apology after all these years is worth anything to you, is it?

>Sorry anon.

>> No.27779603
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Honestly, game hacking in games like MapleStory is essentially dead, Nexon has upped there game to maximum, and although you can find and purchase a very good bot on http://gamekiller.net - it's not worth it because you'll probably be banned in a couple hours-1 day, as for other games, I'm not sure, I'm what you'd call "washed up". Don't play MMO's any more, nor do I keep up with the hacking scene. I just like reliving my glory days.

>> No.27779698 [DELETED] 
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You wouldn't have ratted me because I was never dumb enough to not pay for hacks. The packet editors I used were all private.

I know the name Goomba, though, do you remember a guy named Viera? That was my forum name on GS and GK I believe.

>> No.27779741
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this is cool.

>> No.27779909

I botted in gms too. I used w8baby and remember it becoming gamersoul. I mostly used bizarro trainer until it became obsolete. Beginning of the pandemic I botted a little in the private server mapleroyals with a premium trainer called Mercury and made a couple grand. I think gamersoul is completely gone nowadays but there's still a bit of a botting community over on gamekiller.

>> No.27780111

I made $850,000 because a city bus crashed into me at a red light. Invested half of it, made 3.5m from a 420,000 investment. Own a lake and house. Life’s pretty interesting anons.

>> No.27780154

I didn't know private servers were that profitable... I know there's a few that still operate now that get from 1400-2000 concurrent players at a time.

>> No.27780174
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Mushmom (& Zombie Mushmom)
Female Boss(AKA Lady Boss)

>> No.27780264

I hope you weren't injured, because that sounds fucking awesome as you describe it

>> No.27780306
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I also earned a significant amount of money from MapleStory, though it was from goldfarming on private servers.

This was possible because:
>mesos on the server I farmed on were worth more than GMS mesos
>The server had an anticheat that made it difficult for leechers to hack/bot on it
>1.5k people online = sufficient customer base to sell to, but not so big it would be worth farming for more experienced hackers like Cam, Bizarro, etc
Thus, goldfarming on private servers was perfect for a mid-tier hacker like me.

I made around $100k from goldfarming over the course of about a year, which was moved into Bitcoin at ~$5000 each. I only stopped because the admin drove the players away by doing shit like declaring arbitrary things were bugs and temp banning people to slow down progression.

>> No.27780397
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I'm waiting for Selene to come out so I can grind nonstop

>> No.27780411
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I suppose that's more successful than my story, but there's a lack of substance, no skills or secret knowledge involved, just dumb luck really...

Nonetheless, congrats on your millions. I'm now a complete poorfag, I'm only just getting into investing/markets now and have a current net worth of -$800

>> No.27780451
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I'm standing next to the donation king right now kek

>> No.27780457

kek I remember in like 2007 there was the first major exploit with the Chief Bandit mesobomb and I did lvl 70-140 in like 2 weeks. Based fucking times man. I miss OMS

>> No.27780508

Minor injuries, but still long lasting neck pain here and there but I just smoke weed to make it feel better. Haven’t worked a day in a little over 3 years and I’m only 24

>> No.27780515
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You've given me a need to find and play a retro server now. Thanks, now I have something to fill my afternoon with!

>> No.27780529

>>Papulatus (my fave
I remember hacking at that boss and an invisible GM caught me so I called him a nigger and he appeared and banned me

>> No.27780552

Is that a private server or is OG MS1 actually still populated?

>> No.27780668

its mapleroyals, its filled with 3rd worlders who dont speak english but as far as i know its the only old school server with a consistent high population. around 1500 players at the lowest and 2500 at the highest. there are better servers but they dont have high populations and without high population it just feels soulless and dead

>> No.27780676
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No you're not, that's old MapleStory, the UI is a dead giveaway... Unless private server then based

>> No.27780682
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>Haven’t worked a day in a little over 3 years and I’m only 24
>$3m in the bank
Be very, very, very careful around womyn anon. Not that I need to tell you that.

>> No.27780723


>> No.27780788

Mapleroyals looks and sounds really fucking good but I'm still going to hodl and just wait for Selene since that sounds very promising so far. I've been itching for a good MS private server forever though

>> No.27780886

>playing maplestory after 2007

aqua was the last good patch

>> No.27780890
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>> No.27780928

noobs i bet i ks'ed u all in hhg1

>> No.27781082

I have a qt Swedish gf, we just hang out at home all day, we’re looking on starting a family in the next few years

>> No.27781108
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Bought link in 2018 cuz I’m a late fag. Currently worth around $400k. Never read the white paper. Never watched a single Sergey video. I just bought because the memes were funny and I wanted to feel like I was a part of something

>> No.27781190

ye private server
the way i play royals is i basically make a new character, play it for a month or two and spend most of that time shitposting in henesys or trading in the free market, and then i get to level 50-70 and stop playing. i do it like once a year. so you could just boot it up and play it until you get bored and then play selene whenever that happens. old school maple gets old extremely fast even though its still fun

>> No.27781211

I started in 2007. I wasn't with the cool beta-gang retards. I think I started right when the Ludibrium patch came out.

>> No.27781236
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I didn't bot Royals or any "oldschool" server, I botted a "modern" post-BB server. "Oldschool" servers have much less potential for money making due to their more limited itemization/progression system.

>> No.27781279

No, but I know of him, and I've personally talked with Ech0 before, who's not actually very good at hacking, just phishing (hence how he got the GM's account, was just very lucky).

>> No.27781361
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What's Selene and why am I seeing it mentioned so much? Link? I'm curious now.

>> No.27781437

nobody called Anego "Female Boss"

>> No.27781499

My most played game probably, hacking was fun back then. Private servers too.

>> No.27781503
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based skid. you're a genius compared to most crypto faggots

>> No.27781665
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Amazing thread, this is why it's still worth it to come to 4shit sometimes.

>> No.27781727
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No, this is 4chan.

>> No.27781832
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Idk, it was pretty commonly refered to as "female boss" in the time I played. Only time I ever heard people use the name "Anego" was try-hards wanting to sound like they played KMS.

>> No.27781857

>>27710217 is my success story

>> No.27782156

I bet £1500 (my student maintenance loan) on Trump to win in 2016 at an average of 4/1. I had pretty much just turned 18, fresh at uni and had around £8000 in my account. I developed a bad gambling addiction in my first year at uni, constantly playing blackjack everyday. I never went too degen, had a betting strategy and somehow built it up slowly to £15000 in January, hit a big streak in February to £25000 and then lost £10k in one day. That was in 2017 and i wanna rope myself for not investing then. Basically the money slowly dwindled living like a king at uni and occasional losing sessions at the casino

>> No.27782442

Your money goes a lot further in college anon. Being able to buy a pizza and 30 pack of beer and an 8th of weed can form lifelong relationships

>> No.27782513

hi my name is SwaggaStyle and i like to sit in henesys

>> No.27782622 [DELETED] 
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bought PLTR at 15
bought GME at 20
bought MARA at 11
bought silver at 14
bought BB at 9

114k -> 390k in 1 year

Still a nocoiner tho which is gay

>> No.27782687

I hacked Denny's reward points and ate for free for months. Then I hacked it again and drained the top (legitimate I assume) user's balances into my own account. Fuck Denny's. and fuck barbara and all the other boomer shitheads that had like 20k points (you got 10 points per dollar)

>> No.27782703
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For anyone interested in the mechanics of the exploit I posted and why it worked I'll try:

To get to basics, the game (MapleStory, and most MMO's) are based on client/server. Packets are sent between both the client and the server, normally there are checks added on the server side that stop you from easily manipulating certain parts of the game. The reason this exploit worked (I believe) is that the NPC dialog packet that was blocked was a client sided one, the client wouldn't allow you to input negative values, and would not accept the donation, normally if you tried you'd get an error message telling you that the value you entered was invalid, the way that got around this was simple but ingenious, you'd simply block the header ID for the packet that was responsible for displaying NPC dialog on your client, the server was now open for communication and waiting on the message back from the client (with the amount you were wanting to donate), and because the client-sided dialog box was blocked we were free to send our own modified packet(thus getting around client sided checks) with whatever we wanted, in this case, a negative value would, instead of deducting the amount of meso from your inventory, it would give it back in surplus, before sending this packet you would unblock the client sided dialog packet again so that the server wouldn't close out due to hang-time response.

The most retarded thing about this is that Nexon didn't think to add checks to the game on the server side to see if you were donating a negative value, because they probably didn't think anyone could really get around the client sided check.

>> No.27783272

LMFAO I wonder if that’s why they made the Big Bang. That’s fucking legendary bro. I played the fuck out of MS and still log in and grind occasionally

>> No.27783353

How do you figure this stuff out.

>> No.27783487
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Nah, GMS (Global MapleStory) follows patches from KMS (Korean MapleStory) which is far ahead of GMS in terms of content, Big Bang was always intended to be implemented sooner or later, whether or not I cause the patch to be ushered in sooner rather than later is anyones guess, but even to this day the economy has never been the same. A lot of people lost a lot of their wealth in the game, and I completely upset the economy by introducing massive amounts of mesos and buying and then selling god-tier items cheaply.

A game economy works just like a real world economy, it's fascinating to watch.

>> No.27783621

I would say a bit of luck, and a bit of understanding about game fundamentals and how it runs. If you have a general idea of the structure of the packets and how certain game mechanics work, all you need is a good idea and a bit of luck (luck in this case being that they had terrible programmers who regularly overlook implementing client/server related checks to make sure this type of thing doesn't happen).

I'm no genius, just had a good understanding of the game, and quite frankly got very lucky.

>> No.27783670

I found an exploit on Facebook that let me reach pretty much the entire friend list in seconds. I'd borrow someones account and spam their entire friends list with affiliate marketing offers. Repeat this everyday over thousands of accounts each day

>> No.27783703

Holy shit I remember the weebs in high school playing maple story on lunch breaks in like 2005

>> No.27783759

Hacking a game is bad enough, but hacking facebook or big tech companies could really land you in hot shit. Nonetheless, if true, great effort.

Vulnerabilities/exploits are always fun.

>> No.27783793

Fuck me...I was just stoked when I finally saved enough for a 12ATT WorkGlove...

>> No.27783798

>other anons also waiting for Selene to go all in on the autism again
brings a tear to my eye
imagine if Maplestory was an actual good game instead of just nostalgiabait. that's what Selene aims to be; they're rewriting the client from the ground up so they won't have to deal with shit being hardcoded
they plan on making big changes, such as giving clerics the ability to fly and make terrain at later job ranks, and letting paladins tank damage for other party members

>> No.27784129

Bumping for excellent thread, I play in MapleLegends semi daily.
My "Success" story

>get into crypto because of link threads
>lost all crypto gains in trx in 2018 and went dormant with trading
>Drip spare money into link starting in late 2019 due to fomo
>be fired in late april 2020
>get back on biz because home and depressed
>FOMOswap my full suicide stack of 1300 Link (about 6k usd) into Statera at 2 and 4 cents
>watch it moon to 30k usd throughout the week
>it crashes to sub 10k usd and lingers
>I make sta threads for you fucks for a month straight and make many connections in the meantime
>get into presales through bros and shill for biz, sometimes paid gigs using sta threads success as a "resume"
>now in 6 figure hell, havent worked since april 2020

>> No.27784331

This sounds like it'd be a hotbed for exploiting. The original game can still quite easily be exploited, though there's not really much point considering you'll be banned within days.

>> No.27784441

really wish it was possible to perma-ban faggots like you

>> No.27784535
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get dabbed on staggot

>> No.27784537

because they're rewriting the client you can't use the same old cheat programs that hook into exe, you'd have to try and packet edit but with the amount of effort they're putting into the project I have faith they'll prevent that from working out too

>> No.27784568

6 figure hell beats being in negative 3 figure hell hahahaha.

I have heard that a crypto called cardano is meant to moon eventually and rivel eth. I'm a part of a very private and confidential group of people in NZ that share crypto information, it's invite only, I only know about it from my brother.

Anyway, may be worth looking into, I'm not sure of the current price, in fact I know nothing about it, was planning to purchase some later tonight or tomorrow.

>> No.27784648

holy fuck anon
enjoy your stay

>> No.27784838
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I wouldn't need to, I know enough to code my own, hooking a game is pretty easy, especially if they don't have any anti cheat, but assuming they will, making a bypass for that wouldn't be too hard either, I dabble in a bit of assembly as well as the other aforementioned languages. Either way, the game mechanics would essentially work the same way as the originals, even if programmed differently with different features, so packet editing wouldn't be too hard to figure out assuming you could find the opcodes for hooking, sending and blocking packets.

>> No.27784963
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Have you heard of it? I only know it by name, I have yet to even google it or do my due dilligence.... I've just been told it's meant to get to ETH prices.

>> No.27785013

if you want to be helpful you could try and get in contact with the team when it goes into beta and say you're going to be pentesting
or if you don't really care to play legit you can just hack and have fun until they catch you, would incidentally end up helping them whenever you get caught, too
fuck it, do it. it's a win/win

>> No.27785169

I'm not sure, more of an originalist when it comes to private servers, I would normally play private servers that are lowish rates (not above 10x) and with regular game mechanics... That being said, I haven't played in a couple years and I might keep an eye on this new one.

>> No.27785418

it's going to be low rate, probably equivalent to your standard 4x in terms of progression speed. they have a dev blog entry about it and they've very much improved the exp curve
of the last few servers I've went hard on, several of them were 1x and I don't have it in me for that anymore, but medium rate servers go so fast that playing the game at all can feel pointless, it turns the entire game into ToT with a tutorial day of 1st to 3rd job
I'm hoping for Selene to give the same progression speed as Royals, which I played a ton of back in 2015 but these days the thought of going back to it or any washing server in general makes me feel physically ill
the maple PS scene sucks balls right now

>> No.27785577


>> No.27785828

ive heard of it, bring Avax to your friends group when you meet with them next.

>> No.27785904

Bonded Finance is about to hit 20c within the next two months (I believe it will happen within a matter of weeks), fren. it's currently 2.5c and comprises 90% of my portfolio. look into it. also paradoxically, don't listen to /biz/ just use what the people here talk about as leads and do your own research on it. research Bonded Finance and make your own decision
here's a spoonfeed though - it's compound.finance, but for altcoins. they've secured 8 partnerships already, and their contract is currently being audited by CyberTech, the same company that audited Elrond. mainnet projected to be out by summer. I will be taking profits around 20c or so and then either buy back in at a big post-moon dip after we dump on FOMOers or change my position. good luck.

>> No.27786870
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I see, so an easy 10x profit? Will look into, fren, thanks!

>> No.27786977

if you found an exploit that made you 50k+ before <2015 ADA wouldn't even be worth putting money in to at this point unless you're looking for minimal gains.

There's was/probably still is an exploit on some private servers which allow you to trade items where if you figure out a way to crash the server you can duplicate items. This works because some games don't save on trades but only on disconnects.

If you want to find me on the cord i'm @ pQCjHDPc5j

>> No.27787065

it is. but you should be extremely skeptical of the sorts of claims I'm making because you should be skeptical of everything you read here
don't ape in just because I told you
verify everything I said
compare it to compound.finance
invest based on the fundamentals and roadmap
other people will try to shill you coins and it won't work out most of the time

>> No.27787332

MapleStory was the best, hunting MushMom for scrolls/stars, playing the markets, PQ quests. My success story was in Rotmg.

>download buggy trading bot script
>fix bugs (knew AutoHotKey at the time
>trade acclaim sword 24/7, collect life pots
>sell on RWT

Prob made 15k doing nothing, money printer!

>> No.27787422

now stake a small part in HEX.com and reap 40%+ APY

>> No.27787564


>> No.27787991

did this for canadians chains like swiss chalet, would always take my best friend out pre-covid

>> No.27787992
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Well aware of the Crash/Mushy dupes, they were a lot of peoples bread/butter.

I had another exploit I used which was discovered by someone I was in a group with, I'm sure you may have heard of it? It was called "Remote hack", you basically could switch into their character when they changed channel by aquiring their unique character ID, and then sending the change channel packet when they changed channel, resulting in them being booted off the game and you changing channel into their character, from that point on you could just drop/loot/trade all their stuff, though you did NOT have access to their account or account information, just the character you remoted into. Downside was you had to know which channel they were changing to, and you had to be very quick.

>> No.27788598

holy shit that's crazy

ok guys cc8
>steal the obviously stacked dude who joined up

>> No.27789341
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I did something very similar OP, though instead of Maplestory it was selling gold on a wow private server- specifically warmane.
My friend and I used a DLL injection to abuse an exploit regarding buying and selling Rabbit Crates from the vendor in Dun Morough where the buy price essentially was swapped with the sell price
>go to vendor
>inject DLL
>immediately buy/sell the pet crate 1000s of times (the game lagged like fuck)
>do this for around 10 minutes straight
>eventually reach gold cap when you hit 214k
We then sold the gold to chinks. Made 40k in a year via this method, though it eventually got patched; I assume it was because someone checked the DB logs and noticed tens of thousands of bunny crates being sold.

If you ever played 2017 warmane and wondered why there were level 1 boots being sold for 100k gold for some reason, you now know why,

>> No.27789390

damn I remember getting my old account locked for no reason after getting 4th job on my legit hero and shad pre bb then decided to just bot after bb. boxkiller + multiclient+ cc delay was fucking op for ores especially when professions first came out. eventually botted my new hero up to 120 and geared him up with the 603 st, 27attk vss, 1x att bfc and some other shit with str%.shit was broken as fuck, literally gave my homies solo leech at lhc and soloed scar/tar for them. good times

>> No.27789678
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This was legitimately happening at the time, oddly enough, none of the pro's got robbed, but I guess that's because they were harder to convince to change channel at the same time as you, and they were probably aware of the goings on.

It was pretty OP, but honestly the meso exploit was far superior, the entire goal of the Remote hack was to get their gear/mesos, but what use would they be if you literally had a meso printer?

>> No.27789836
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Used forum posts years ago to get thousands of dollars worth of Amazon gift cards using Bing's rewards program referrals which used to give thousands of points for each successful referral.

After turning in like ~6k they banned my account and massively changed the way their referral program worked by lowering the amount of points significantly. I don't even know if they still have referrals today.

All I had to do was tell people it was okay for beer money and I got thousands of referrals.

>> No.27789858

yeah it was dennys canada. Pretty sure the same pajeet codefarm made both apps then, there was literally no security on the API (despite having a pin password mechanism)

>> No.27789864

I did this exact thing except on a private server and just gave away the money to other players. They banned me, then did a rollback which rolled back my ban so I did it again but they caught me faster the second time.

>> No.27789937

Would have been quite profitable considering WoW was more popular than MapleStory (not too much, though), WoW gold was worth a pretty penny.

Though 10mins as opposed to like 7 seconds and under for max meso cap... I think if I'd have found a way I could have made a script and automated it and had max meso in under 2 seconds.

>> No.27790089

I too loved hacking Nexon games, Neuxs and DA. A lot of their code was shared too with minor improvements along the way.

Network "encryption" was especially laughable.

>> No.27790111

Anyone play SmallWorlds?

>> No.27790290

Yeah the method was publicly released about 1 day after it got patched, but before that, one of the people I'd let use the exploit had leaked it to his close-knit friends, so in reality, towards the end of the last day or two there would have been anywhere from 3-50 people that probably had it.

It was fun while it lasted, and I can't honestly ever remember being thrilled so much in my life, I didn't sleep because abusing it was so god damn fun, and the dollars were rolling in by the thousands daily, it's a time in my life that I'll always look back on, no experience I've had to this date comes close.

>> No.27790367

same, except i didnt buy as much as you. but i was a poorfag student back then so meh

>> No.27790463

How did you even have that knowledge to begin with? I'm a CS grad making 200k and even I don't know shit about packets or networking

>> No.27790594

A lot of Nexon games suffered the signed underflow issue, Nexus TK and Dark Ages too. We fucked around so much on that game, it was great.

When you're a kid you have more time than you know what to do with. Coming home from school, playing the game and dicking around. You make friends with others who also have their own little "hacks" and things they find out.

You're basically a pen(etration) tester on a shitty coded 90s game. People still find new exploits all the time because people just don't code for the "bad" paths, or at least not all of them.

>> No.27790896

gunz was so fucking fun

>> No.27790908

Because CS degrees are overrated. They sound great to normies and people who aren't in the field, but everyone knows it's basically like your newbie armor in a MMO.

You learn by doing things, not being told things. Go learn how the TCP/IP network stack works, how sockets work, and how data flows between client/server. And how you can proxy that with a simple application and basic reverse engineering.

Learn x86 assembly, or at least enough to fuck around with programs. Learn basic C code and writing DLLs you can inject into processes to gain functionality and read internal data. Learn how the WIn32 APIs work.

>> No.27791050

>CS Grad
>No understanding of packets

wtf do they even teach you in College

>> No.27791128

I never thought MS was that popular but lately I've seen a lot of people posting about it, how they miss it etc. I played for about a week but I was still Japanaphobic back then and thought slimes and anime art was gay.

>> No.27791135
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(OP btw, my tags changed for some reason...)

You learn from other people. I learnt packet editing and structure of packets early on when I was a member of cheat engine forum, to give you an example of how a packet in MapleStory is usually structured, it's like the following:

5D 00 00 95 D3 33 32 00 00 FF FF FF F7 00 00

Basically the structure breaks up like this:
>5D - packet header/identifier (essentially tells the server what the packets meant for, such as NPC dialog, monster death, player health drop etc...)
>00 00 - byte padding
>95 D3 33 32 - in the example I'm using this would be the ID of the NPC you're using
>00 00 - byte padding
>FF FF FF F7 - (4 byte 32 bit integer) this would essentially be a number from 0 - 2,147,483,647, in this case it's the latter
>00 - essentially just more byte padding, signifying the end of the packet

There's usually more information included, like which NPC dialog box you're on (if there's 4 dialog boxes it'd be represented by 1 through 4 in the packet).

Basically once you understand how the packet is structured, you're free to manipulate the bits that you need to, but the real "genius" comes from the ideas, cause editing a packet is all well and good but you have to understand how the game functions, and have some forward thinking in terms of how Nexon programmers think.

>> No.27791368

No but I played Kingdom of Loathing

>> No.27791384

that screanshot bros
take me back to the sewers

>> No.27791615

The problem is everything has become too high level. The fact that they are going to teach you CS and not the basics of operating systems, networking, data structures, and other important fundamentals means you need to ask for your money back.

>> No.27791766

If you spent some time outside of work and class to learn this stuff you could figure it out. Not everything is taught to you in college.

>> No.27791978


I never got an education in any of that and managed to figure out everything I did just because I was interested enough to learn, sure I've got gaps in my knowledge, and I'm sure a degree could help fill those in, but I'm not interested in a career in anything related, I'm actually a PT (personal trainer), my career is in fitness.

(Also have to specify again that I am OP)

>> No.27792015

>Nothing is taught to you in college.
Sadly this is more accurate. College just serves as a place to party and indoctrinate kids with stupid ideological shit.

How you might ask? Why does a CS major need to take a handful of "liberal arts" classes? Ah yes... to be more "worldly" and "well-rounded"... as they call it.

>> No.27792478

i miss my 300+ att red craven

>> No.27793135

Sounds like you've never been to college. The truth is somewhere in the middle. If you're motivated you will be rewarded greatly. Not everything is taught to you.

>> No.27793201

Damn this game gives me memories.
Used to hack and have bots hide in the Henesys Pot Shop and Kerning Hosptial, basically spots where people drop game and drop transfer (where you drop all your items on a spot that obscures them so other people can’t see it so you can pick them up on your other account with the safety of others not being able to see them [when transferring items was harder]).
Anyways tricked people to drop game and my bots vacced all their items orI had some bots just lingering and auto ccing hiding on the top of the map so when people dropped stuff I get that shit for free.

Think I stole like 12 maple story beta bandanas and some other good shut was funny seeing items fly up to the map.

>> No.27793403

Anyone in this thread have good crypto picks?

>> No.27793447
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I too remember, this, was never part of that crew because it seemed a poor way to make any advancements when botting was superior.

I fondly remember being in that pig hunting ground that was popular and off-map vaccing where people couldn't see or report you. Good times.

>> No.27793769

>How did you even have that knowledge to begin with?
experimenting (and looking at what other people have done)

>> No.27793777

Fuck, the apology seals it. The times we had together in this game during it's heyday was worth the trouble anon. Didn't think you'd be a /biz/ poster yet here we are together after all these years. Fate plays a strange tune, doesn't it?

>> No.27794396

I started playing maplestory on 2003 release, oh god it was a great game. Playing new games when internet was shitty was so much more fun when you were completely lost and didnt k ow what you were doing.

>> No.27794920

It does indeed, anon, it does indeed.

(OP here btw)

>> No.27794972
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Your screenshot is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.27795206

man I remember this game. I accidnelty dropped like 50k gold because clicking the wrong shit. was like a week down the drain

>> No.27795357

They were simpler times, anon.

>> No.27795394

The balrog’s on the way to the second city (forgot name) used to rek me. Was a damn good game! Hermit ftw

>> No.27795459

all this is too high IQ but unfathomably based

>> No.27796332
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>> No.27796362

oh shit this is real
so funny to see how they try to shill fucking shit
u should learn one thing -NOT ALL NFT ARE GEMS
want to see good one - go for playcent - free win while using and playing apps

>> No.27796442

>there are more maplers in /biz/ than /msg/
Is it because of the FM? or Gamersoul/Gamekiller? I had fond memories of the game like sitting on my ass in FM spamming @@@ just to scrape a few mil mesos. It was fun surfing the FM and finding a good deal or the occasional wrong pricing of a godly item, which is how I made the big mesos but rarely. Then I realized that you really couldn't get rich in game by sheer F2P brute trading alone so I made RMT in several forums around the time of Big bang. I was aware of packet editing and such but I could never get to actually doing it, plus I wouldn't risk my main account on experimenting with packet editors.

I remembered several dupe exploits, the one in which you put items in mush shop or bits case and then crash the channel to rollback your item and then retrieve the 'copy' from the shop/case. I also remember the starforce exploit with the 301 atk cravens and 601 atk STs. Tons of shit happened and I imagined a lot of people getting irl rich by doing these exploits over the years. They also inadvertently tanked the economy which actually helped noobs out with cheaper scrolls to the detriment of the fat cats in FMHero (who were also botters themselves but hoarding-4-inflation type).

In this respect botting unironically prolonged the game's lifespan, though it could have consumed it as well since botters are at their core, selfish actors, and Nexon has done quite a bit to keep them at bay and maintain the cash cow.

>> No.27796451

True it was hella comfy. Though I think it seems kind of simpler now. Even the elites seem dumbed down from their own simplistic propaganda. Im more in shock just how true 1984 is becoming about 2 years after reading it

>> No.27796675

SUTER, up like a lot in one single day

>> No.27796992


Good stuff man. This is really awesome to hear.

I used to bot runescape back in the day and took all that money to grow my online business.

Also been using it for crypto slowly. Did the same thing and watched my portfolio crumble but just HELD THE FUCKING LINE. Now today it is back and I am starting to do better on trades.

Hope you are having a good week bud.

>> No.27797124


I played all of these as well. maplestory got me in to the MMO aspect of games and playing with friends online grinding. Also got me in with the phillipino and asian girls.

Then I LOVED playing gunbound but got aimbotted on like crazy. Same with GUNZ...tons of fun but tons of hackers. This opened me to the world of online cheating and probably helped me get started with botting runescape.

>> No.27797237

Fucken legit, looks like /biz/ is full of old Maplers.

No wonder I'm drawn to this board.

Ya'll all suck and your advice is crappy, but this place is home.

>> No.27797438

>I permanently shifted the games economy and caused thousands of people to get banned
this is the most based part of the whole story

>> No.27797543

>Ya'll all suck and your advice is crappy
guess that aspect of the maple community will always stay

>> No.27797625

its karma bro. You made gains through evil means and you miss out on golden opportunities. Anon was probably a saint that god gave him the opportunity.

>> No.27799231

are you male or female?

>> No.27800439

Had a work 401k. I put in the max. Eventually, they cancel it (probably because I was putting so much $$ in lol).
This allowed me to move my money to an account I fully controlled.
Invested early into TSLA. Held about 1200 shares at one point in 2014. Tried to day trade, and every time, I could only buy one less TSLA share, and one less, and one less. Fast forward to today, I'm not a millionaire sadly.
But I did 7x my money from TSLA.
I haven't put a single cent in since work cancelled the 401k. This was years ago, I don't work there anymore (haven't for like 8 years). But bless them for cancelling that, it allowed me to move my money.

>> No.27801439

lol i made this statement last time someone posted about maplestory. i hate to shove my dogma down throats but i recommend playing maplestory today while listening to a podcast or audio books. feel consciously better that way

as a tangent i think this board is one of the better ones, not because the posters are of quality, i actually much hate this board especially this week from all the newbies, but it houses a male sort of persistence and there should be no girls in business & finance. not the most humorous board though, again its about that persistence

>> No.27801793

I remember those fucking roll backs. I was in the omega sector or the fucking alien place. I got a free gacha roll out of you so thanks anon.

>> No.27802111

133 221 333 123 111

>> No.27802248

This story again but maplestory instead of runescape? At least wait a day between posting it.

>> No.27802384

Ragnarok was better in every way

>> No.27802443
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dexless fag reporting in with that og bath towel and pink cape showing them hoes my 100k crits

>> No.27803671

you could try with private servers of old Maple like legends or royals, I play the latter and still I see shitloads of players vacing and other shit

>> No.27803828

try mapleroyals

>> No.27804560

in Everquest 2 you could find collectibles, random flowers, butterflies etc

I would corner corner the auction market, say I find pink butterfly, the butterfly would go by 1-2 silver on the market probably 5-6 of them tops
I would buy all of them relist them at 80-90 silver and wait.
New sellers would list around 70-90
Then I would immediately crush the price down to 30. Would be insta sells usually.

I remember buying a good ass mount even though my level was sucking

>> No.27804815

>remote hack
Holy fuck I didn’t know that one was actually real

>> No.27805039

At the time?
Female. I blame them.