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27769453 No.27769453 [Reply] [Original]

You traditional stock guys still don’t get it, do you? Brand-based contracts are worthless promises, and you see that with the Robinhood fiasco.

When will you listen to Sergey Nazarov?


>> No.27769535

they're not ready for that conversation

>> No.27769615

so whats the point of the token?

>> No.27770035


Unfortunately people have to wait for something bad to happen to change their ways

>> No.27770075


as someone interested in investing in chainlink, i too would like an answer to this

>> No.27770176

it's used to pay node operators.

>> No.27770255

what do the node operators do with the token itself?

>> No.27770262
File: 177 KB, 1000x1406, Reeeeeee.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no point

>> No.27770377

We’re going to see an accelerating collapse of brand based trust as they all try to squeeze as much value as there can before math based trust takes over. The new smart contact economy will be ushered in by an absolute shitshow.

>> No.27770429

You are not supposed to ask that question.

>> No.27770470

they try to solve the lambo problem

>> No.27770633

hes shittin all over the big brands

>> No.27770783

Just listen to Sergey idiot.

>> No.27771090

Doesn't matter if the token "isn't needed"

The fact of the matter is chainlink holds an absolute monopoly on oracles. And chainlink works by using the link token. Yes, someone could make a very similar oracle network without a token. But chainlink would still win, and the link token will still end up being used

>> No.27771434

you have 30 minutes to delete this.

>> No.27771579

you're a retard for sure just for this comment
are you minimum wage?

i refuse to believe any competent person could write this dumbass comment

>> No.27771584
File: 802 KB, 480x334, 67091229C83B4BD6A4A3D5E555F46026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally buying Chainlink brand oracles

>> No.27771694

Token not needed

>> No.27771780

Someone has to pay for sirgays bigmacs

>> No.27771803

To convert our hard earned money into big macs for the creator

>> No.27771808

Agreed. Chainlink is value investing 2.0
We live in a world where value is assumed and dictated.

>> No.27771900

This. Remember back in '18 when Adelyn wore a clown suit and announced token not needed then Rory, Thomas, and Steve threw cream pies at the audience so Sergey could make his escape?

>> No.27771980
File: 538 KB, 918x753, 1587221584861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

token not needed, but it is a funny maymay so i buy

>> No.27771994

Guys, I'm worried about how LINK never carries a fucking pump

>> No.27772006

Nice argument faggot. If you give me a proper rebuttal, we can have an actual discussion here

>> No.27772017

Why do you you me dumbass?

>> No.27772073


>> No.27772113

I'm beginning to think that PNK will unironically surpass LINK in price at some point.

The PNK token is needed, the more you have, the more likely you are selected to be a juror on a case, and you get rewarded in both ETH and PNK

>> No.27772296

>so whats the point of the token?
So that the whole system can be self calibrating by market forces, rather than having some central authority that can go "shut it down! The plebs are making some money!!"

>> No.27772937

My mistake fren. I'm phoneposting from the shower

>> No.27773605

Mining rewards.

>> No.27774086

If the token isn't needed for the service, why would I buy the tokens?