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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27767056 No.27767056 [Reply] [Original]

>pussied out from going in all amd in august 2016
>knew crypto biz threads in 2016
>still havent made any money
>knew about chainlink in 2018
>havent bought any stock in march during rona
>missed gme
>missed amc

>> No.27767874

whatever man. the market is full of opportunities. quit being a lil bitch and make some money.

>> No.27767986

missing amc is good you tard, unless you bought it when it was 1.95 or whatever.

>> No.27768060

Grt is your last easy shot. Dca and hold two years maybe longer to exit the solar system.

>> No.27768122

there was a solid week where he could've bought for an easy 4x

>> No.27768168

can you redpill me on grt?late to the party.

>> No.27768262

yeah that's all good at least you never had the stress
I bought in early 2017 and I've only 5x'd my money
5x in nearly 4 YEARS
might just rope now

>> No.27768298

You're early. And no I won't redpill you you lazy piece of shit. Fostering that kind of spoon feeding is why you'll never make it

>> No.27768435

said on a forum where literally the only DD is "buy my coin"

>> No.27768511

anon fuck off. quit being a pussy and figure it out.

>> No.27768521

sounds like you have a low risk tolerance

>> No.27768574

>bought 600 shares of AMC @ $14.

Realize I was on the ass-end of a p&d but go against my better judgement because I'm bombarded by literal retards and liars telling me it's jist going to take one more day, don't sell.

Fell for the sunken cost fallacy, a d am now down over 50%. Imagine had I dumped that shit Monday or Tuesday.

>> No.27768659
File: 330 KB, 1144x888, GRTshillin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Data is exists in the blockchain in an unorganized fashion
>Dapp developers want to access this data
>Pre GRT they had to download the entire blockchain and then perform a linear search
>This problem becomes exponentially more complex if you want to join data.
>Say the difference between finding all men, all people age 40, or all people named John. Versus finding all people named John that are 40. The first example is hard enough, the latter would take ages
>GRT indexes the entire blockchain using what are called indexers (people with servers resources)
>They create queryable API that allow dapp developers to just focus on their dapp instead of creating a database
>Running servers isn't free
>Indexers get rewarded with GRT for hosting their servers as well as for processing queries
>Delegators signal to the network that an indexer can be trusted by staking GRT to that indexer
>Delegators get a share of that reward
GRT is needed as a currency to incentivized running indexing servers that process queries for dapps.

>> No.27768681

Going to miss doge.

>> No.27770023
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A thread for copies, yay

>Started in 2017, always all-ins
>Come 2019 I had 2k, at a loss
>DeFi season, make a 3x by going all-in, hold until 1BTC (didn't quite reach 1BTC)
>Coin tanks, left with 1.5k
>Desperate futures run to recover before BTC take-off

>Started again last month, 2k, strong diversified portfolio, more knowledgeable and risk-averse
>Still heartbroken about missing out/losing but come to terms