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27764855 No.27764855 [Reply] [Original]

I was able to get to Kansas to see my doctor's today and we ran more labs, I was able to show them through my old medical records things that were left out from my last testing.

Night sweats, weight loss and my constant infections I thought were a side effect of just being sick but they narrowed it down to two things.

B-Cell Lymphoma or Lymphoproliferative disease, neither are good both likely end with a death sentence, cancer is actually more treatable than the latter.

I'm not gonna keep posting here because it's offtopic but I do thank those who helped get me back to the doctor.

>> No.27765394

just take iodine faggy, i wish you the best :)

>> No.27765636
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Pretty bad when I'd trade my body for AJ's lol

Thanks friend I do appreciate it.

>> No.27766881

nothing wrong with that. Jones is swole with a huge hog. Docs dont know everything man. Continue going and do what they recommend but dont take it as a death sentence. miracles happen. you'll be alright man. keep your head up and do good in the world while youre here, however long that is.

>> No.27767554

Best of look man. If you are not overwhelmed and have time, look into Ray Peat (raypeatforum can be a good place to start), I think his approach is helpful when dealing with overproliferation of cells since it promotes differentiation (and restrains cells in the G0 phase).
Mitochondrial health is a key determinator in these pathologies, since defective oxidative metabolism promotes cell division.

Ultra short primer:
Bad: estrogen, nitric oxide, serotonin, lactic acid, endotoxin (lps)

Good: pregnelonone, progesterone, androgens, DHT, aspririn, methylene blue, niacinamide, vitamin D, magnesium, calcium

You can BEAT THIS. Don't take doctors words as final. Remember, how do you call the worse student passing med examinations? A doctor.

>> No.27768076

Thanks, and I'm pretty overwhelmed, I thought I had a jaw infection and got antibiotics but now 2 days on em pain is back at 100%

Can't even fucking eat anything anymore, I'm thinking this is Lymphoproliferative disease as I display a lot of the same things.

Hell I thought cancer was bad until I looked more into LFD which is a guaranteed death sentence literally zero treatment.

I'm fucking pissed I had to discover this myself the last E.R visit completely neglected it.

I'll be honest I'm pretty disheartened at this point I can't think straight anymore and I hate being awake.

>> No.27768360

>Lymphoproliferative disease
Anon, at a median follow-up of 40 months, survival without relapse was 64% for the evaluable study group and 74% for its members aged 65 or younger, while overall survival was 82%

it's not even close to a death sentence.

>> No.27768723

Get some rest anon im a doctor and you are going to be ok. you are 19 right?

>> No.27768932

I wish 33, amd should have stated it looks like X-Linked Lymphoproliferative disease (XLP) Sorry this shits confusing and literally in 10/10 pain so it's hard to think.

Does look like they have advanced on these conditions although doesn't appear it's very good.

>> No.27769241

Damn why are so many young people getting cancer?

Is it sugar, the food we eat, plastic, pollution?

>> No.27769380

To be fair it might be XLP, which would make sense I've always been very sickly and had terrible infections even as a kid.

Also grew up in a bodyshop around sprayed chemicals so that probably didn't help.

>> No.27770215

Ah I thought you were the anon from yesterday. I will pray for you.

>> No.27770361

My mum died of Lymphoma sorry to hear

>> No.27770404
File: 139 KB, 791x1178, vaccines01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doctors get paid to KILL their patients. They're all EVIL. The organ "donation" business is a way for doctors to take DIRECT PAYMENTS from hospital bosses for KILLING YOU. What is brain dead you might ask? Whatever the hospital wants it to be! And misdiagnosing and mistreating you with dangerous medications? Well that's MORE MONEY for them! ALL doctors are scum. Anyways anon, you should fast for 5 days, thank me after when you're feeling fine and alive

>> No.27770489

how old are you?

>> No.27770538

Na I was in that thread talking though, and lower anon I don't disagree the medical world has always treated me as second class because I'm not MR Moneybags.

I'll be completely honest I'll probably try the fasting because if this pain keeps up I'm not gonna stick around to keep putting up with it.

>> No.27770554


Ironically my mum got lymphoma because a doctor removed her spleen unnecessarily

>> No.27770566

You're not going to see this but read

Terri Davis Newman's Mass Murdering doctors
Should be on Amazon. Yes, name. She is the only known survivor of a terminal stage of a specific cancer that killed her identical twin

If you can stomach her rants about the medical system, doctors insurance family life and extreme trumpism (you'd likely agree with her politics for the most part) you'll find some very concrete, if diy, steps. It's not fda approved and your doctor won't prescribe it to you but what do you have to lose? Tldr mix of rso and that gc or whatever, the autoimmune thing. Just read the chapters where she talks about it.

>> No.27770605

Many such cases!

>> No.27770636

why do i always see an ass on first glance when this pic shows up
am i a coomer anons?

>> No.27770651

holistic medicine schizos have arrived

song 4 u OP. GL with it, i'm sure you'll be okay

>> No.27770693

33 be 34 in June.

and not exaggerating it feels like someone took about 80 long gauged needles and shoved them into every inch of my head.

I can't even open my mouth otherwise the pain ramps up to the point all my nerves are shooting out and I'm destroying shit in frustration and anger.

>> No.27770698

Ironic, didn't see this right before I posted my recommendation. But yes, I completely believe at this point that it's all a fucking scam, especially cancer charities. Millions if not billions and we're still using tech from the previous century?

>> No.27770890

It will get better. Priorities:
-sleep. Meds for sleep if necessary: [diphenhydramine, doxylamine], amitriptyline, trazadone, mirtazapine. Benzodiazepines only intermittently to avoid tolerance
-assemble a competent team of doctors (difficult but worth it). You can order tests without prescription if you have the $$$.
-DYOR: both mainstream and alternative. Write down every interesting idea you find on an excel sheet so you don't forget them. Screenshot or copy paste informative posts. Information is key
-Support: do you have someone you can vent to? If not therapy. It's not gay, you are forcing them to listen to your problems and understand you. Chad move.

>> No.27770969

>therapy. It's not gay
I feel bad for OP too but lying to him is still uncool

>> No.27770979

I'm sorry anon, they got my father by biopsying his cancer and it flared out and he died a month after.

Like fucking right now asking my family to drive me to the doctor tomorrow for something to help with my pain, nope no fucking help there.

Literally when you can't even get help from the people you spent your life helping, it kinda makes you wanna say fuck this world.

>> No.27771034

Sorry to hear fren. May God bless you and yours. Had cancer in 2013 to 2014. Found biz around then

>> No.27771128

suicide migraines? also...


if you are diagnosed with anything bad, make sure to check out all your options.

And don't leave without saying goodbye, I want a hospital pic and a smile posted in the catalog. BUT most importantly, make right with God before you go to see Him.

And I hope OP is a larping fag and is totally fine.

>> No.27771130

I'd love to sleep believe me but my pain wakes me up constantly.

>> No.27771210

The virgin "just keep it to yourself"
The chad "shoot your problems in a verbal stream of thought unto a mind-hooker (shrink). Leave refreshed and with new perspectives"

>> No.27771235

He vents to us anon, therapists are just HR style liars and everyone knows this. People only see a therapist when they want a prescription written.

>> No.27771326

>letting others influence your perspective on shit
ngmi anon. I reject science, doctors, any form of experts, I put my faith in my eyes and Jesus Christ Our Savior alone. People can only lie and deceive you if you let them, and you're wide open to the whims of the satanic elite with that attitude.

>> No.27771394


>> No.27771402
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Believe me i wish I was a larping faggot pajeet with the immune system of a god because I swim in feces.

But I'm not bullshitting about anything unfortunately.

Different pic of when I first discovered my infections 3 years ago.

Haven't posted these to prove It's me.

>> No.27771416

Are you taking acetaminophen and ibuprofen or other NSAID? If yes at high dose, the next mainstream treatment is opioids. Sometimes they are necessary

>> No.27771528

I literally had to beg the doctor's to give me tramadol they don't give me painkillers.

I've tried only got em for my surgery and they would help a lot, I hate drugs but there are times when its needed.

>> No.27771625

If already taking ibuprofen and acetaminophen (+ NAC for liver support) at high dose, next mainstream option is opioids. Sometimes they are necessary.

>> No.27771739
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This is an actual face picture of myself, I don't care anymore really.

It's clear this isn't gonna improve and I'm not gonna get much help so what does it matter if y'all see who I am.

And if I somehow survive and become the next Tim Pool you guys can rib me.

>> No.27771767

>I hate drugs but there are times when its needed.
Try not to let yourself become a burnout. You may be dead walking, but being dead walking + horrifically addicted to drugs isn't the combo you want, man.

>> No.27771809

I answered twice, kek. I think you can get acetaminophen and advil over the counter. You will have to go doctor shopping, many have been cucked with the opioid hysteria

>> No.27771904

Oh I believe you. No need for proofs

>> No.27771905

Believe me if I can get my insurance and a vehicle I will, I've been routed to the same doctor's because my limited ability to get around has cucked me into little help.

>> No.27771974

I see the cover of that one Deathgrips album

>> No.27771989

Migraines? yes debilitating ones since I was around 11

>> No.27772039

Cheers anon, heres to hoping for the best for you, I truly hope something works out man

>> No.27772127

you look like the kinda tired sleep cant fix. the selfie is proof of enduring. but you should smile

>> No.27772134

I appreciate it, even though most the time this board is edgy I've received more support from you than people I've wasted countless years supporting.

And It does mean a lot to this sick fucker.

>> No.27772231

Your spot on there, and women tell me the same lol believe me I wish I smiled more myself.

>> No.27772257

Best wishes anon. I was trying to come up with something more to say but I can't think of much, so just know that I'm hoping you make it (and make it out first too).

>> No.27772293

suicide migraines aka cluster headaches aka Horton's syndrome

>> No.27772378

Hey at least you didn't say "KYS FAGGOT"

Much love brother/sister.

>> No.27772482

Yeah most likely honestly I don't remember the last week I've had migraine free it's kind of a constant that I've gotten used to.

But I'm a mess clearly.

>> No.27772625

Hmm you could try uber or another ride sharing? I'm not very familiar with usual distances in the US.
Could you list your symptoms in order of relevance?

>> No.27772969

Sure I'll try as much as I can remember/think rn, if I botch my speech it's because I've got a pretty bad migraine ontop of everything and that usually causes me to butcher typing.

Swollen lymph nodes riddling my entire neck area pushing against my jaw and eyes and teeth causing what feels like "gunshot level pain" as best as I can describe.

Nystagmus at random times usually when looking at text for too long that causes me to vomit, also lost feeling and control of my right leg recently like it's a phantom limb.

Chronic pilonidal abscesses that I had surgery to repair which helped but has returned had precancerous sarcoma cells according to the doctors.

Night sweating, constant low grade fevers.

Eye muscles constantly twitching, muscles in general spasming nonstop.

Obviously terrible headaches but those are common to me.

General malaise and never feeling like I got rest.

>> No.27773059

Total loss of appetite I'll eat once a day tops sometimes not at all, like haven't ate today and won't too painful.

Swollen lymph nodes riddling my groin area.

>> No.27773197

I thought the jaw pain was due to a couple bad molars I had so I had those pulled 6 months ago, noticed they looked healthy.

And now the same pain is happening again except those teeth aren't even there.

>> No.27773371

Uber to my hospital would be around 100 there and back, ride sharing won't go across my state line, I live in KC but treated in Kansas.

Right now every penny basically goes to my rent and keeping my bills paid so it's been a cycle of doctor or live in misery (In missouri)

>> No.27773560

Mind you I don't drink alcohol at all and I only take what doctors prescribe and that has only been an antibiotic recently.

Doctor's think I might have MS as well because I'll have times where my organs feel like they push against my ribs but then it goes away.