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27752773 No.27752773 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to even “make it” anymore if everyone gets universal basic income /biz/?

>> No.27753103

ubi is based if everyone gets it
right now just welfare niggers get ubi
if you are working and get ubi then you are just getting what welfare niggers get plus your pay

>> No.27753258

>ayo whiteboi why you makin mo den me it suppose to be equity n shiet now
It will never be enough.

>> No.27753329

There are two types of UBI advocates:
>retards who don't understand inflation
>accelerationists who do

>> No.27753460

Duuuude inflation literally can't happen in US because the dollar is so desirable worldwide, inflation just get outsourced forever lmao

this is what economists actually believe

>> No.27753480

You know dollars can be destroyed to control inflation right?

>> No.27753502

>ubi + apps like robinhood
what could go wrong

>> No.27753648

>You know dollars can be destroyed to control inflation right?
When was the last time they actually decreased the money supply by any significant amount and how would UBI make them any more likely to do so?

>> No.27753770
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>You know dollars can be destroyed to control inflation right?

>> No.27754027

nice burger centric mindset there

>> No.27754068

They don't really control inflation by destroying dollars, they do it by raising rates so that our inflation < the rest of the world's inflation

>> No.27754155

If there is ever UBI, just know that I'm going to dump on you motherfuckers and live off the UBI in a cheap country.

>> No.27754875

ubi is coming, but it won't be enough to finance a life of degeneracy, just enough to rent a rat-trap in the ghetto and shop a little at wally world. if you want trips to didnyland, flashy toys, hookers and drugs, you'll still need to work.

>> No.27755675

In the US, UBI will only go to non-whites because of white privilege.

>> No.27755685

1kuwaiti dinar trades for over 3 United States dollars...anon, they have been lying to you. There are several countries where their currency is valued more than USD.

>> No.27755776

imagine poor faggots rejecting ubi so they can get a chance at becoming a big jew.
america is gay.

explain inflation. explain why the currency has inflated greatly since the fed without UBI.

>> No.27756036

No they don’t idiot. Inflation is a worse outcome than unemployment or economic depression. The latter two can be rectified eventually but the first will never be fixed.

>> No.27756173

>imagine poor faggots rejecting ubi so they can get a chance at becoming a big jew.
>america is gay.
I can just smell the underage from this post. You don’t know how financial systems work because you’re 16, so you simplify them to an absurd degree and try to poke holes in them to feel superior. Stop posting.

>> No.27756299

>damage to the wider economy is only achievable by imposing continuing measures to prevent trading amongst the commerce and service industries as a whole regardless of the size of organization. it is likely that strike action and more likely, general public disorder will occur, which the government would struggle to crack down on without the necessary financial sweeteners including generous benefit packages as proposed in section 3a and 3 of the memorandum Emergency Financial Infrastructure. Any such disorder will be discouraged by a public health campaign that will bring on board a mixture of health information, analysis and data presented by Government and Independent institutions. All ministers will be complicit in the publication of the health directives using public and private media organizations. The names of considered independent institutions are outlined in Section 11b and 11c of the memorandum. The proposed media organizations are outlined in section 11e.

>> No.27756336

Do you speak for the entire black race? My race?

>> No.27756389

lol, that's literally what caused the gamestop situation

>> No.27756408

lol, you said this:
>Inflation is a worse outcome than unemployment or economic depression. The latter two can be rectified eventually but the first will never be fixed.

>> No.27756562

>You don’t know how financial systems work because you’re 16
lol, imagine larping as an old faggot who understands things.

>> No.27756679
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yes if you invest your ubi for gainz while tyrone spends it on sneakers and jimmy spends it on onlyfans and jose spends it on beans

>> No.27757198

>There are two types of UBI advocates:
>>retards who don't understand inflation
>>accelerationists who do
All world governments try to increase inflation by discouraging saving, UBI could change this as UBI itself would basically be responsible for the 2%/year inflation target central banks have, while encouraging saving via higher savings interest rates, investments etc.

UBI is Based

>> No.27757394
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Depend on the quantity of UBI.

Still need to work

Still need to work

Still need to work

Still need to work

Job may be needed. Likely not living too close to the edge of hitting $0.

No job needed.

No job needed nor desired.


If the amount is high enough I basically financially made it but will attempt higher amounts via getting a job and sticking it into stocks to secure my familys well being.

>> No.27757553
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>> No.27758740

You can make $1500-$2000 work easily, maybe even $1000 if you share the costs with someone.

>> No.27759091

>false dichotomy: fed vs UBI
how about neither?

>> No.27759128
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Let's give everyone 5K a month and nobody has to work, ever!

>> No.27759352

What if UBI was based on local taxation of data harvested from cities, townships, municipalities, etc? No new money is printed and it can be controlled for cost of living standards.

>> No.27759400

nice headcanon. here's what really happens. the instant UBI is announced, everyone jacks up their prices, especially for rent and food. UBI blows up the US dollar.

>> No.27759555

If everyone got UBI, I'd just start living in the countryside, enjoying nature, working on building a farm, and keep developing my projects, comfy as fuck

>> No.27759713

>retards who don't understand inflation
The FED has printed 3 trillion dollar in the first three months of covid, that would be equal to almost 10k for every person in america. Where is the inflation?

>> No.27759944

Saying everyone would be richer with a $1,000 UBI is like saying everyone would be taller if we added a foot to everyone's height.

>> No.27759955

>UBI means prices go up
prices have been increasing with no end in sight for decades. average wages have gone down. if anything UBI will just balance this out.

>> No.27760097

UBI funded by stock trade tax and VAT. There ya go. We fixed the economy.

>> No.27760378

Uhh everyone would be taller though?

>> No.27760529

More like there is so many USD that inflation is pretty meaningless now. Pretty much works like Dogecoin. Dogecoin started out as hyperinflationary but with increasing supply the newly issues coins become less and less impactful. Doge right now has an inflation of 5% and will approach 0 in the future.

USA Would need to print 34 Billion dollar every year to have an inflation rate of 2%

>> No.27760628

"Hello there goyim, your ubi has been revoked because of bad think and failure to deliver proof of vaccination"

>> No.27760711

Things will be more popularity/status/knowledge/ability oriented rather than material ownership oriented

>> No.27760716

>everyone gets universal basic income
Things that doesn’t happen

>> No.27760924

If we replaced welfare with ubi and stopped giving billions to Israel and other countries every year, it would be not too expensive. We print more than enough money, it would be a better use of it than sending it to "gender programs in pakistan" or whatever the fuck the kikes in government do with it.

>> No.27760980

Not in our lifetime

>> No.27761255

that's actually the point of paying off the debt, wait a minute.

>> No.27761346

It would be even easier because inflation would cause people to flee from cash to assets causing them to moon. As someone who runs a business, we had bursts of sales when the stimulus checks went out.

>> No.27761362

Depends how fast they go
2030 is going to be about movement, learning, social connections, interactions, development. Etc.
Our material obsession was useful for developing the material world but most of what we've needed to develop is established well enough
All the while, the development of the people has suffered as they've been stuffed into boxes to wage/salary slave for someone else's machinations on the plantation

That's what they mean with the "you'll own nothing" (which was stupid). It just means materials will be tools for experience and development and not obsessions. You can try a new car each month probably.

You should look at the plans they've put forward if you want an idea of what to invest in
Aerospace+/airline is going to blow up

>> No.27761380

Welfare and Social Security. Hey, what if UBI was financed by hedge funds?

>> No.27761507

If you'll even be allowed to move your digital dollar from your digital wallet held in custody for you by the Treasury to non-approved addresses, that is.

>> No.27761539

Klaus, bist du es?

>> No.27761583


>> No.27761649

They won’t give you UBI if you leave the country lmao. It will be digital currency that can only be spent in government approved ways

>> No.27761813
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If they implement UBI you will finally and permanently be locked out of the sexual marketplace. You do realise this right?

>> No.27761823

>get UBI
>invest in market
>millions of nogs compulsively send it on sneakers, jackets, drip, etc
>cash out

>> No.27761863

>only wants to make it for the sake of being above others

>> No.27761871
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>> No.27761899

The opposite actually, Im attractive but poor

>> No.27761928

Have you not noticed how commodities doubled in price this year and groceries are up 30% but the government keeps saying inflation is close to zero lmao

>> No.27761985
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lmao. pic related is what they mean by "you'll own nothing"

>> No.27762037

Maybe you meant cheap state? Pretty sure leaving JewSA means no UBI.

>> No.27762040

I gotta say
Making money off an impulsive culture is very easy

>> No.27762043

Like "free" healthcare right?

>> No.27762059

not in favor of UBI but anon everyone would be taller...

>> No.27762083

government "official inflation" does more to discredit government than any meme

>> No.27762108

jesus christ. she's perfect.

>> No.27762145

This is what people are doing right now
Cattle in a cage working for other people interests without any genuine personal development

Also the normalization of the SAD and factory farming.
Consume docile, miserable cattle, become docile, miserable cattle.

>> No.27762236

you're brrrrrr printing money and giving thousands of dollars to everyone every month. which money are you going to destroy?

>> No.27762238

Is this how stupid zoomers are? They literally cannot distinguish underlying physical reality versus any arbitrary unit of measurement?

>> No.27762258


So you’re saying I can get UBI and also fuck over anti-vaxxers? It just keeps getting better and better

>> No.27762417

Idk they are all retarded children that regurgitate whatever AOC, Shapiro, Bernie, and Trump tell them. I worry for them.

>> No.27762465

Consider that Reddit pumped this propaganda for years to condition you for this event

>> No.27762501

You know the US printed almost 10 TRILLION dollars this year right?

>> No.27762505


Day of the pillow soon boomer. You won’t get UBI

>> No.27762545

Tbh we need to make the internet suck more so people get off it and form their own personas

>> No.27762619
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>> No.27762756
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Inflation can manifest itself in ways other than price for a basket of goods which in itself is flawed.
The purchasing power of currency is the other side of the inflation coin.

UBI is fucking dumb.

>> No.27762759
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>You know dollars can be destroyed to control inflation right?
>You know dollars can be destroyed to control inflation right?

>> No.27762960

Not boomer. Just a free thinking non-NPC... unlike yourself. Go watch your tiktoks kid

>> No.27763514

-dollah/yuro last year 1.15~
-dollah/yuro now 1.20
-dollah inflation 2020 as per info gathered on here 22%
Yep dollah should be losing more, not informed on yuro printing tough