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File: 9 KB, 480x325, ethusd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2774726 No.2774726 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2774739

Most of us will buy thousands and thousands worth of it if that actually happens.

>> No.2774751
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1432439900246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Send Ether to the exchange to sell before this shit happened
>It happens while I wait for the fucking deposit
>Still no confirmations from exchange after half an hour



>> No.2774752

Dlete this

>> No.2774756

Kek and that's why 90% of traders loose their money

>> No.2774759

Anon, there's no loss if you don't sell.

>> No.2774784

Who cares only retards are still holding

>> No.2774808

Just look at the daily charts you fucking faggot. does this shit look like a fucking reversal? Then what the fuck were you thinking

>> No.2774823

All etherfags are bragging about muh 30s block

It's fast only hen you don't need it

>> No.2774835
File: 111 KB, 1273x649, bitfinex-ethusd-Jul-13-2017-19-11-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-shut up, shits bouncing off 50% fibonacci right now

>> No.2774840

Just the ones that put their student loans into it

>> No.2774844

We are well aware of the dumps but we did not anticipate it being this bad.

>> No.2774846

this is why crypto is an awful investment. way too slow, so you can't quickly react to market changes.

>> No.2774864

Who said anything about investing? Just trade this shitcoin

>> No.2774875

I'll just buy up more, infact, i would able to double my ETH. fine with me.

>> No.2774894

the real question is why is anon still in ETH

>> No.2774922

I probably would, but it will go to 1000+ the 1st august will also be the day of the flip, so I won't have to.

>> No.2775097

I bought mine at $5, so it could go to $6 and I would still have made a decent profit. Even so, I wouldn't sell. ETH is the only coin truly worth HODLing long term, as it is most definitely the future of crypto.

>> No.2775099

Are you moving fiat in or crypto? And from where to where?

>> No.2775134

why does everyone post this? I've been in crypto for a year now and I still don't understand this fucking stupid meme. Yes I get that it's some kind of inside joke probably based on a retarded typo in some article or something, but who fucking cares? this is not funny

why do you faggots post this shit
it'slike i'm surrounded by retards or bots or children or all 3

>> No.2775138

Kek, 90% of 4chink FUD eth, hodlers gonna win again

>> No.2775144

Thank you. This is the complete truth.

>> No.2775151

>Hold on for dear life
Jesus fuck dude
>I've been in crypto for a year
>still doesn't know this

>> No.2775156

why would i ever know this? retards just spam HODL HODL HODL over and over
they never post the phrase, assuming you're not just mememing
not that i care if you are because this is childish bullshit only a 15-year-old would find funny or worth his time

>> No.2775174

I'm holding for at least 2-3 more years. It's going to take at least this long for a lot of these ICOs to come to fruition. See you then!

>> No.2775200

That's just tazo dumping 20 million worth of eth nothing to see here

>> No.2775202

you sound like a huge faggot

>> No.2775209

>offended retarded child detected

>> No.2775249

Definitely not me. I've never bought any ETH EVER. Mostly because I got in the game too late.

>> No.2775253

Some guy was drunk and posted a huge rant on the main bitcoin forum in early 2014 while it was crashing and asked everyone to hold but made typos.

It was a shitty normie meme like doge and made me cringe already 3 years ago but now even here people use it I just want to kill myself.

>> No.2775264

That actually makes you a better trader than 50% of the fags here. Resist the FOMO is a valuable skill in thos kinds of volatile markets

>> No.2775266

faggot confirmed

>> No.2775267

thought so

>> No.2775283

>Some guy was drunk and posted a huge rant on the main bitcoin forum in early 2014



>> No.2775287

Are you retarded

>> No.2775303

>knowing about the meme chart
>still lose everything

Why are cryptocucks retarded?

>> No.2775314

why would you care?

>> No.2775350

It won't. Bitcoin will be 1800$ while Ethereum will be around 100$

>> No.2775384

You need a lot faster responsiveness to trade rather than invest, you retarded shitface

>> No.2775390

it's too slow for that. also, your advice contradicts the rest of the board's "HODL" sentiment.

>> No.2775399

This is just the beginning, anon. Non-retards saw this coming.

>> No.2775406

I want it to go lower. I want 10 cent BNTs

>> No.2775485

This makes my eyes bleed

>> No.2775526

The fibonacci retracement looks like shit on cryptowat.ch, but I still need it

>> No.2775562
File: 67 KB, 1141x673, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the levels on Kraken 5USD is not their biggest market si your milage may vary)

>> No.2775579
File: 43 KB, 804x790, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, low is 173 USD, these one are more accurate

>> No.2775583

Hodl my balls as I cum, bae

>> No.2775593

Very nice, honestly I couldn't care less about Ether, just that it drags every shitcoin along with it

>> No.2775621
File: 618 KB, 320x240, youthinkthisisagame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitcoin apocalypse is taking too long :/ Newfags and weak hands need to panic sell

>> No.2775630

the panic hasnt started

it will be much more severe

only real long term bottom will occur when 99% of the people say bitcoin is worthless

not even close

>> No.2775647

I'm holding my bags since $80, IDGAF.
ETH is the most promising project to ever come out of this scene and if you believe in the project and in the future of blockchain technology you shouldn't sell either.

>> No.2775651
File: 52 KB, 536x625, nigIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of people are never going to say bitcoin is worthless; that's ETH. Bitcoin is too big to fail now it'll drop to ~1200-1500 at the most and people will say it's too volatile and not practical, then it'll hit ~4-5k in the next bull cycle, whenever the fuck that is. FUD around August 1st bullshit and Fraulein Yellen dove remarks are causing the current meltdown, prolly best to sell the rumor buy the news in 2-3 weeks.

>> No.2775657

>muh fibonarcheese

>> No.2775659

Why? There are more smart contract coins out there that look more promising than ETH while being a lot cheaper. ETH is still fucking overvalued.

>> No.2775665

It just bounced off the fibonacci resistance again, dumb goy. It works alright

>> No.2775667

t. David semen

>> No.2775677

For the same reason people still hold BTC even though it's a technological dinosaur piece of garbage. ETH was the first big smart contract token and has the most widespread adoption with huge teams of people working on it and relying on it and supporting it.

What bitcoin autists never fucking seem to understand is that ETH gets held on to over newer smart contract tokens because ETH was first and the most developed in terms of time put into it.

>> No.2775684

draw enough meme lines it will bounce off one of them

>> No.2775721

This shit needs to go below .08 again. I pussied out last time.

>> No.2775820

let's use our collective mind and meme power to make it go up again. I know we can do it.

>> No.2775844

Or to make you kill yourself, fag. Are you 12?

>> No.2775883
File: 177 KB, 367x321, 1495822741230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving Ether, from my Exodus wallet to Poloniex ETH wallet but the fucker is still not showing up it's been over 2 hours and nothing.

It used to take less than half an hour but this time I think I just got Gox'd fuck me.

>> No.2775952

How many nocoiners will suicide when ETH goes to $1000?

>> No.2776068
File: 66 KB, 554x400, 1481903963459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are about to get fucked in the ass from behind

>> No.2776077
File: 52 KB, 554x400, 1497486796343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what he said

>> No.2776115

when i cashed out my eth for bitcoin last week It took me an hour of fucking around with my ether wallet to simply send it out of the wallet to polo. The fucking ledger ethereum wallet doesn't let you set the gas price and it was too low so my tx kept getting declined. i had to just keep trying and doing it in different amounts everyonce in a while one would go through. Couldn't believe ledger lets their eth wallet suck that much.

>> No.2776319

And then suicide
>cuz I am smart

>> No.2776420

Hodl your horses, autismo. No need to get upset over an ebin maymay. It's not worth it, habeeb me. The only thing you have to worry now is about losing the game.
Oh, and nice, I just bought 100k for good measure. See you in lamboland.

>> No.2776422
File: 123 KB, 312x317, 1466444826325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took 4 hours to send 6 ETH to Poloniex I shit you not we finally got a pending confirmation after shitting bricks for 4 hours. Fug.

>> No.2776444
File: 298 KB, 2271x2380, 456745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Won't be able to invest until Monday

>> No.2776452



>> No.2776467

None because nobody is stupid enough to be holding ETH.

>> No.2776525


>Any date in June or later

>Holding ETH


>> No.2776541

looks fine

>> No.2776595

>not liking unfunny shit makes you a baby boomer
found the underageb&

>> No.2776621


this will happen at some point imo

my goal is to accumulate 150 coins this bear run. then sell next bull run

>> No.2776638

Back to $7 it goes

>> No.2776730

fibonacci is the new triangle meme?

>> No.2776752

do u even know what that word means
this is called trading or speculating u dont create value you just hope that the demand will rise for x

>> No.2776788

Ethereum is worth exactly $0. A few people made a ton of money off the future losses of others. It's like financial musical chairs.

>> No.2776858

Please explain to me, why people put all their money into crypto?
Why not use futures or options?
You can trade them faster, more secure and liquidity is much higher.

>> No.2776891

because you can make almost any basic trading system in crypto and kill with it. Easy money. A retard could trade these charts

>> No.2776951
File: 3.60 MB, 300x300, bateman cannot handel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't lose if you never stand up.

>> No.2777141

>ETH still dropping
>My competitor smart contract coins have stabilized

This is the greatest future

>> No.2777196
File: 18 KB, 480x360, fuckednow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? It's like RETHards don't understand how bad their shitcoin is and will defend their federal reserve trash to death.

The mindset of real crypto traders will win here.