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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27749657 No.27749657 [Reply] [Original]

Any thoughts?

>> No.27749847

my xcm has been trapped on this retarded exchange for years.

>> No.27749922

DNA moon when?

>> No.27750376

well it will at the very least reach 1€ since the 1€ party has been hyped so much

>> No.27750394

1$ eoy
DNA- no idea, have 15k of them, hoping for .5$

>> No.27751199

Anyone here since 2017 ico?
I have like 5 refs from /biz/ but none of them picked up their xcm lol

>> No.27752309

i love this exchange! obviously not much volume yet but i like the features. been in since ico, forgot about it for a couple of years and just went back recently to do some trades.
i think DNA is gonna pop tomorrow when it gets listed, 12pm UTC.

>> No.27752708
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>Anyone here since 2017 ico?
I did look at the site back then not knowing what they were even doing, does that also count?
then i found them in August, here is a pick of me finding them kek

>> No.27753066

whenever an actual businessman takes control and not sperg scientists who don't know how to sell

>> No.27753124

this.. i have like 20k of them

>> No.27753390

Yeah it's kinda worrying the company is ran by a manchild jew posting woke shit with a cartoon avatar on twitter all day. Still expect this to atleast 2x when the new token starts trading tomorrow. I have a heavy bag of 200k and I trust Kevin despite all the red flags

>> No.27753445

>cartoon avatar on twitter

>> No.27753577

Jews are usually good at pumping

>> No.27754028


>> No.27754187

I predict that this exchange struggles to keep up with the big centralized boys and withers away as the DEXes take over.

>> No.27754687

all this exchange needs is an App a nicer looking UI and for biz/reddit to even know about it
then it will be the top 3 exchange if not top 2

>> No.27755753

I love Kevin, but it FUCKING PISSES ME OFF that he hasn't made the app the absolute highest priority. I would never use an app to trade in a million years, but normies do, and it's gonna get far more people using Coinmetro than tokenised bonds and LINK staking.

>> No.27755889

biz knows about it because it's been shilled by ICO bagholders for 3 years. how the fuck will Coinmetro get more users than FTX let alone Binance? people are sick of KYC and happy to pay the fees to use Uniswap but now you see other decentralized exchanges like Sushiswap and Rubic being shilled and there will be many more too

>> No.27756147

I CANNOT put into words how much I'm agreeing with every word you just posted

>biz knows about it because it's been shilled by ICO bagholders for 3 years.
you'd be fucking surprised how many anons here still don't know about this exchange, its almost every day that some faggot here thanks me for showing them an exchange where they can save on fees
>happy to pay the fees to use Uniswap
this makes me think you're just baiting

>> No.27756648

For me it's how lightly they think about KYC complaints, there have been many already and they haven't really responded to that.
KYC is shit to deal with already but I don't understand why it's mobile only.

>> No.27756766

>you'd be fucking surprised how many anons here still don't know about this exchange
best keep shilling it every fucking day then
>its almost every day that some faggot here thanks me for showing them an exchange where they can save on fees
LMAO idontbelieveyou.jpg "oh gee ffanks anon for showing me the way" Coinmetro has got lower fees than FTX and Binance?
>happy to pay the fees to use Uniswap
instead of sending fucking selfies and my ID to the forehead Kevin. didn't they have a data breach and lose everyone's KYC already?

>> No.27757068

>I love Kevin, but it FUCKING PISSES ME OFF that he hasn't made the app the absolute highest priority. I would never use an app to trade in a million years, but normies do, and it's gonna get far more people using Coinmetro than tokenised bonds and LINK staking.
this, 100%

>> No.27757163

>ffanks anon for showing me the way
one guy said this verbatim kek
>Coinmetro has got lower fees than FTX and Binance?
binance - 0.10% Taker Fee • 0.10% Maker Fee
ftx - 0.07% Taker Fee • 0.00% Maker Fee
coinmetro - 0.10% Taker Fee • 0.00% Maker Fee
and its regulated and doesn't fuck their clients over

>> No.27757281

there are paid coinmetro shills on /biz/

>> No.27757501

what happened with the stolen IDs? you ignored this question

>> No.27757515
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>price floor $0.12

>> No.27757777

thanks, didn't even read the last part
>didn't they have a data breach and lose everyone's KYC already?
in 2018 some employee stole data, it's all useless by now and is begging for bitcoin now because the terrorist or whatever he's called is in a "bad financial" situation kek
so no, much like every other financial tech company, kyc data is safe

>> No.27757991


>> No.27758060

That extortionist nigger is from 4chan
He was in the chat
Saying that CM should just pay the 3 BTC lmao
to see

>> No.27758319


>> No.27758842

I joined coinmetro before that I think, not sure. So I hope they didn't ruin it.

>> No.27759441

I like the exchange and the tokenomics but the progress is pretty damn slow
I know some stuff like licenses are out of their hands but some of the other stuff like the mobile app should have been figured out a while ago

>> No.27759928

DNA will trade higher on coinmetro obviously than uniswap, right?

>> No.27759983
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>> No.27760038


>> No.27760130

>ETH gas fees
This has to end. ADA please save us.

>> No.27760394

it didnt save us for years now, why should it now

>> No.27760530

>I like the exchange and the tokenomics but the progress is pretty damn slow
well aside from things taking time when doing it by the book, they were struggling for resources up to about half a year ago.
now they have money coming in from everywhere, so its very likely progress will speed up now.
>other stuff like the mobile app should have been figured out a while ago
agree. they should have at minimum get the old app functioning. hopefully not long to go now until the new app.

>> No.27760891

Because it hasn't actually launched the mainnet yet. END OF MONTH

>> No.27761064

Predictions for DNA?

>> No.27761264

Strong fundamentals with great projects made me 30x since December.
Not selling xcm until 3€ per token.

>> No.27761289

0.2 short term
1 long term IF they get their shit together and bring on a ceo that can sell
yeah yeah

>> No.27761735

look at bnb, you dont think xcm can reach 1/4 of the bnb price?

>> No.27762356

With the market cap of BNB xcm would be around $25 dollar or something lmao

>> No.27762423


CM will offer much more then just crypto, so yes i think it can

>> No.27762774

>mobile only
kek, dumb slav fucks

>> No.27763842

Kevin is american retard

>> No.27764033

Nah Kadena is the real eth 2.0

>> No.27764659

Your dubs mean you're right. FUCK I'M FINANCIALLY RUINED

>> No.27765963

I can't login (I'm a Burger) and they blocked all known VPNs so they basically stole whatever I have in my account

>> No.27766164
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Fuck off CZ

>> No.27766654

I'm a burger and spent my paycheck on it today

>> No.27767123

quickpill on Kadena
and you guys have any more info on DNA? seems like an interesting project, Kadena and DNA are two coins on CM i've kind of ignored

>> No.27767314

XCM is the most obvious moonshot in crypto

>> No.27767490

what site is that, the old one?

>quickpill on Kadena
>and you guys have any more info on DNA?
scroll down fren https://gcg.netlify.app

>> No.27768607
File: 63 KB, 530x906, kda2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main page, scroll to the bottom

Don't know about DNA but for KDA see pic related

>> No.27769298

Someone was saying CM is a scam earlier today but I said why would they bother with all this regulatory bullshit if they were going to scam? Especially knowing that a lot of the 2017/2018 crowd did not like all the KYC bullshit. They could have gone the binance way if that was the goal.

>> No.27769386

460k stack, you?

>> No.27769446

you dont get it..
see What makes Kevin Murcko such a vile and disgusting scum bag is not just that he is scamming the hard working people of this board out of their money but the fact that he is doing it in an utterly sadistic way. Unlike the average rug pull this is a bit more advanced to fuel his ridiculous ego. You see, typically a rug pull is quick, everyone buys in and BAM they take the money and run but this sick fuck Murcko has taken it to another level. After securing millions in the ICO he and his team of low lifes began working to deliver a functioning product instead of just taking off with the cash right away, this acts as a honeypot to bring in more and more clueless fools who will spend their money and even go so far as to USE this EXCHANGE. To cover their bases they've even been providing customer support with staff responding within MINUTES all to create the illusion of a real cryptocurrency exchange. But they haven't fooled me, because I know where this long con is headed. Now that the price of XCM is up and volumes are increasing on this fucking scam exchange Murcko has even brought on some big angel investors aka IDIOTS who he is TRICKING into increasing liquidity on his scam exchange. Once this happens, well, the scam is all but complete. According to Coinmetro's SCAM roadmap they will continue to grow and allow people to deposit and withdraw crypto assets with minimal fees while Kevin The SCAM Murcko lives off the money he makes from this prosperous and profitable community. A classic fucking scam and he honestly almost got away with it.

>> No.27769494

No one reads blocks of text without paragraphs. Gtfo

>> No.27769565

try it, you'll like it trust me

>> No.27769657
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isnt this... market manipulation?

>> No.27769680
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Liked the tweet yet??

>> No.27769814

no, they wouldn't do it if it were illegal obviously

>> No.27769990
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A scam in what way anon? You mean a fake exchange/rugpull? I trust them way more than BitVavo which is located in my country
>did not like all the KYC bullshit
Ye that's the way crypto is going to be
we may not like it but yeah 2021 is the years of regulations in the crypto space (xrp case tether case)
Thats why you should choose CM unironically

>> No.27769994

All they've done is placed a 500k xcm order at 12c.
The floor would drop if people out sold the buy floor.

If that happened and they still prevented you from selling below 12c, then it would be bad. Would never happen though

>> No.27770170

No, I guess it is since it's only used on their platform and serves absolutely no purpose or utility outside of CoinMetro.
I can sell you a can of coke for $2 of $5 dollar in my store.

>> No.27770310

No because you are free to trade XCM below 12x on pooniswap.
You are wrong. You can't place orders below 12c.

>> No.27770421
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>> No.27771016

that is a logical argument, the rest are kinda "meh"

>> No.27772319


>> No.27773036

xcm is so cheap right now >>27757515
sitting around 0.17 cents