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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 999 KB, 897x730, them.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27752370 No.27752370 [Reply] [Original]

Did we just witness the biggest wealth transfer from normies to *them*?

*They* always win in the end.

>> No.27752494

fucking kek. Wall street bets and the reddit retard gang tried to take down the hedge funds but ended up making them richer. I bet Deep fucking value was a psyop the whole time.

>> No.27752677

look how fucking smug they look

>> No.27752715

The size of that nose it is impossible to lose money.

>> No.27752805
File: 554 KB, 2250x2442, reddit meme stock death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, in retail investor town...

>> No.27752842

good on them. Fuck short sellers
still holding

>> No.27752911

someone post this on WSB to make them seethe harder

>> No.27752924

>low IQ normies thought they would beat lifelong professionals at their own game

>> No.27752997

matt levine just put out new info citing that they had been interested in gamestop since september and started buying up
they basically timed their sale right to when elon musk tweeted gamestonk and it maxxed out

>> No.27753029

>Were going to take down the hedge funds by giving them all of our money
2021 has been nothing short of Shakespearean so far

>> No.27753127

>lost $187k

Lol. What kind of dumbass goes all in like that? I tossed the surplus of my 2020 entertainment budget into it for the lols.

>> No.27753139
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>> No.27753143

I thought it was supposed to go "Hedgie hedgie, jump from ledgie"

>> No.27753152

Let me guess, it's some boomer company like Blackrock or Vanguad investing on behlf of boomer retirement funds.

>> No.27753240

Tameem would be proudm

>> No.27753257


>> No.27753606

Literal fake news. I just searched the name "Jake McGuirrey" and not a single article came up anywhere.

>> No.27753750
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>> No.27753853

You did it r*ddit! You really showed those hedgies who is in control by holding their pump and dump bags!

>> No.27753975

Nah this was a smaller group. Didn't recognize the name. Spetzle or something

>> No.27754066

This shit has quickly turned into a weird cult of the retarded.

>> No.27754259
File: 249 KB, 1000x1000, 1610190414163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based hedgies dabbing on redditors and normalfags

>> No.27754260

Fuck r*ddit and fuck g*yim

>> No.27754302


man my port is so packed full of (((gold))) right now

>> No.27754359

These fuckers that fucked the price down with their algorithms and short ladder crap.

>> No.27754741

This isn’t real. Why would you go through the massive effort of typing this out?

>> No.27754807

Keep telling yourselves you're retarded when you're sure as shit some actual retards were going to fomo their life savings. Whatever lets you sleep at night. Funny how Reddit calls 4chan racist and sheeeit meanwhile they've cost retail millions of dollars. At least gas fees and no fundamentals keep normies from shitcoins. Yall were so sure now it doesnt even matter if it will happen, too many people are ruined and not going to buy back in.

>> No.27754829

It would have succeeded if not for the rules of the game changing.

>> No.27755885

I think there was a decent chance it could have happened, but those chances evaporated once the big money capitalists pulled out.

>> No.27755996
File: 424 KB, 1024x605, moonshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did we just witness the biggest wealth transfer from normies to *them*?
no the squeeze hasnt squoze this is just media shills Melvin paid to get you to sell