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2774725 No.2774725 [Reply] [Original]

>Getting bullied by the people at my retailcuck job
>Heard manager laughing with his favorite employee calling me a stupid idiot

I want to quit... it's not worth minimum wage.

>> No.2774731

Stand up for yourself.

>> No.2774738

Quit or buy a gun and go out swinging.

>> No.2774745

How? there's literally no response that doesn't make you seem beta or overreacting.

>> No.2774750

holy shit quit right away. don't even leave a notice. don't even tell them you quit. just stop showing up and don't answer phone calls.

There is no good reason to wagecuck at a place where people disrespect you. Not when there are a million other wagecuck jobs out there you could do instead. Tell them to fuck off, curse their business, and try to do some sabotage before you leave that can't be traced back to you. Or go super autismo and get revenge on those specific individuals, for example find out where they live, slash their tires, send death threats, make fake facebook accounts and harass them, etc.

>> No.2774757

Go walk to the store, buy everybody sodas, come in really confidently and say "hey guys, you thirsty? Thought you might want something to drink!" Then detonate a nuclear bomb in kitchenette.

>> No.2774764

this little incident should fuel your desire to get a better job. get a job at publix if you can only do retail and you live in the SE

>> No.2774765

be more specific, what are they doing to you that you view as bullying?

>> No.2774777

Call them out on their faggotry. Ask the, why they're a bunch of gossiping bitches and quit. Doing nothing makes you a cuck. It's not overreacting when you call someone out on their shitty behavior.

>> No.2774779

Don't be petty and quit in a huff it's what poorfags do, hence no references, hence no career-oriented upward mobility, hence treadmill for life kys. Give them a nice two weeks notice, write email to manager thanking him for the growth opportunity, it's a tough decision but you're happy to be moving on, never explain what you're going on to do. Offer to help for the next two weeks to make you leaving easier. They prob won't take you up on it, but it's a good look and they'll give you a solid reference which makes getting an actual not bullshit abusive job much easier. Who cares what other people think of you, they're retarded and they work at some shitty retail job. If you have ideas and can work hard you can make shit happen in this world like never before.

>> No.2774780

Mass shooting seems to be a classic choice

>> No.2774790

Dish it back at them? Stand up for yourself?

I used to have a boss call me gay and a fag so I recorded him. Wouldnt be a big deal if this was a construction job, but we were working for the government as therapists for abused kids.

Anyways I recorded him and told him to be professional and to cut that shit out. He didn't, so I went to his sup and had them listen. He wasn't at work the next day and I mever saw him again. I was also promoted to site supervisor.

>> No.2774791

smash their cars

>> No.2774797
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>> No.2774799

hahahahahahahhaahaha what a fucking cuck

OP, don't listen to this guy. No one gives a shit about your minimum wage job, so when you're ready to get a real job you can just like on your resume and they won't bother to call and check what your work ethic was like at McDonald's or whatever lol

>> No.2774802

*lie on your resume

>> No.2774816

They're acting like little low T faggots
If you're gonna quit go out with a whirlwind and cause a big scene
Then post video

>> No.2774827

I guess I'll quit and look for a new job guys... it just feels bad because I always tried to be nice with everyone and they treat me like shit in response. I was thinking of attacking them with a hammer or something but I figured that would only make my situation worse. I don't really have any friends, and I'm also a virgin.

>> No.2774833

Yea this advice is bullshit
If you need to leave on good terms just so you can put a fucking RETAIL gig on your resume, then you're fucking up bad
Eye for an eye, karma doesn't exist, don't be a bitch

>> No.2774841

what state you live in

>> No.2774855

Do you have any advice for me to assert my dominance in my next job?

>> No.2774861
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Get a really loud motorcycle and rev it in the parking lot for 30 mins everyday before work.

>> No.2774863

Kill them with kindness and put in your two weeks. Then create a 'hot girl' profile on Facebook add like 50 people randomly and then send a message to one of the tormentors' SO. Karma is a bitch.

>> No.2774872

Then leave. Min wage retail jobs can be found anywhere.

>> No.2774877

ask your manager why he's so sad inside.

ask him why he has decided to single you our and ostracize you from the team dynamic

ask him if he thought he planned to be a manager of minimum wage cucks with nothing to lose.

tell your cool co-workers not to come to work tomorrow

*cocks gun*

ask him if your a faggot now

>> No.2774884

>I was thinking of attacking them with a hammer or something
literally the most retarded thing you could've done. No wonder they called you a stupid idiot

>> No.2774885


>> No.2774895
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>> No.2774899

>I always tried to be nice with everyone
>Do you have any advice for me to assert my dominance
Yeah, stop being a doormat. Been there, done that.

Don't give anyone your respect until they earn it. In fact, go so far as to almost disrespect them by default. Act like you're better than them, even if you're not. Eventually, you'll come to believe that you are better than them, and this will make you come off as arrogant, which will make people want to be on your good side, because deep down most normies just want to be universally loved by everyone.

You have to just learn to look down on others and have it show in your attitude. Confidence and arrogance make a big difference in how people perceive, and consequently treat you.

>> No.2774915

Can you be more specific about how I can implement this? Can you elaborate more I understand the idea but I don't understand what actions I can specifically do

>> No.2774918

No response makes you beta. Standing up for yourself makes you alpha. Of course it's difficult to do if you're not accustomed to it. Just approach them and be like wtf? Got a problem with me then deal with me to my face.

Him gossiping with a co worker about you is pretty low. Sounds like a lower to me. At least you're important enough that other people talk about you

>> No.2774920

Start trading for a few years and show up later, well dressed, with a lambo and a hot waifu. Why make some faggots worth your time.

>> No.2774924

>Don't give anyone your respect until they earn it. In fact, go so far as to almost disrespect them by default.
>Act like you're better than them, even if you're not. Eventually, you'll come to believe that you are better than them, and this will make you come off as arrogant, which will make people want to be on your good side
>because deep down most normies just want to be universally loved by everyone.
Interesting. I know from experience that doing the opposite doesn't work. I will definitely try this out.

>> No.2774930

Stop being friendly. Don't go any further than the obligatory introduction/hand-shake. In fact if you can get away with not introducing yourself to coworkers, then don't introduce yourself. Don't hold the door for anyone. Don't say hi.

Or take it a step further and greet people with "how are you?" and when they respond "good, how are you?" don't respond. Don't say anything else and walk away.

>> No.2774931

spanish revenge is pretty sweet. I have a decent crypto portfolio myself... so this is my plan if the market ever turns bull again.


>> No.2774934

>go super autismo and get revenge on those specific individuals, for example find out where they live, slash their tires, send death threats, make fake facebook accounts and harass them, etc.
hahahaha I've unironically did this before. Every 3-4 weeks I'd go to this one guys house and slash a tire before throwing a rock through his window. After only 4 months of doing this he moved. THAT'S WHAT YOU GET, ASSHOLE

>> No.2774936

Dude I've tried this and it really doesn't end up as cool as it sounds. There's no way to do this that won't be awkward af

>> No.2774942

I've found this to be true, if you think highly of yourself you will start to believe it, and if you believe it enough, everyone else will start to believe it as well.

>> No.2774947

also, roll your eyes when someone says something stupid. look disgusted when someone walks by you who you don't like or think is beneath you. even if they're not beneath you, it's about coming off as an arrogant jerk. You'd be surprised at how many people are actually afraid of this and will go out of their way to impress you.

Sure, they'll call you a jerk behind your back. But the alternative in your case is being picked on.

>> No.2774951

This is autistic. Don't be a dick to random people thinking they'll suddenly be in awe of you. Just be corgial and give respect where it's deserved. You don't have to be liked by everyone, and you don't want to be liked by people who think you're someone who you're not.

>> No.2774968

>Don't be a dick to random people thinking they'll suddenly be in awe of you
No, don't be a faggot and misrepresent what I said. They won't be in awe of you, but they won't treat you like a doormat either. And you don't necessarily have to be a dick to only give respect where it's deserved.

>and you don't want to be liked by people who think you're someone who you're not.
You don't have to be liked, but you also don't have to pretend to be something you're not. You're not pretending if you change yourself from a doormat to a self-respecting person.

>> No.2774975

Are there no laws about workplace bullying? This would never fly in muh Scandinavian country. Anyways sorry for you OP, no one should get bullied. If you can move on to something other than a minimum wage job there should be less bullying brainlets, but you can also work on your confidence. Start lifting and stop giving a shit about what people think about you.

>> No.2774987

I guess I could try this.

Should I also harass the visibly weaker employees? A few months I thought of an idea where I would harass the gay boy at my job with words at first to drive him crazy and then id implement stage II which is where I'll physically harass him until I finally end with beating him.
Then revert back to stage I where I harass him but with threats of repeat preciously inflicted violence.

I never went through with the idea but I feel like something along these lines could give me the confidence boost I need.

>> No.2774989

Just curious, what did he do to you before?

>> No.2774998

This. Fuck the npcs at work, they do not matter. Helps to have a manager that thinks the same. You're both just there for money.

>> No.2775002

Dude no wtf, don't turn into one of the bullies.

>> No.2775008

Previously inflicted*

>> No.2775019
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Contact employment attorney, discuss, document everything. Sue they shit out of them. Get the discrimination on camera. When it happens, write it down ASAP with time and date, so that they note is contemporaneous with the discrimination. Enjoy easy road to lamboland, lawsuit will take 2 yrs.

Not sure why more people don't follow eeoc route. The laws are set up for poors who get spit on.

>> No.2775033

Mercilessly ridiculed me every single day at school and work. Every fucking time I saw him he'd make fun of me for something
>my pale skin
>oddly shaped head
>weird triangular and asymmetrical abs
>socially awkward
>visibly depressed
he'd openly mock me for being so down and spread rumors about me being a woman abuser. Who the fuck goes so far out of their way to ruin someone??

Anyways, by vandalizing his shit every now and then I felt a bit better and, when he actually moved, I honestly felt happier than I ever have before. Good fucking riddance, Hayden.

>> No.2775044
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Sucked his dick without permission.

>> No.2775053

Listen to the voices.

>> No.2775054

no, don't ever harass anyone. just keep to yourself. you can also mix my advice with various degrees and acts of kindness, depending on how friendly you want to be. just stop bending over backwards to be polite to others when they're not going to respect you.

It all boils down to self-respect. You have to have standards. Respect yourself and expect a certain degree of respect from others. Those who don't respect you do not deserve your politeness, kindness, or respect. Reply curtly to them and make it clear you don't like them, but don't go out of your way to make a scene and confront them. That makes you look weak, believe it or not, and opens the door for more abuse.

DEFINITELY don't pick on people who didn't do anything to you. Because then someone more autistic than you will want to get revenge on you. You don't have to be an asshole to start getting respect.

>> No.2775068

I regret not doing this, I was a victim of racial abuse a couple years ago and left the company. Although if I lost my case would the lawsuit make me unhireable due to risk?

>> No.2775104

If they think you're a retard, act like a retard.

>> No.2775117

This is good advice OP. What's your current plan of action?

>> No.2775119
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fuck those cucks OP, they will never amount to anything and will continue to work in there retail job while you succeed with mad cryptogains.. and shoot up the shop you work!

>> No.2775120

well because you have to know how to react after they try to play it off.

no offense, but I'm guessing when you did it you just memorized the first line and after that you didn't really know what to say because of autism.

>> No.2775122

Stop being a pussy anon. You won't get any respect until you talk back to them.

>> No.2775125

No, lawsuits are pretty much sealed for two reasons. One, if they got out, it may hurt the plaintiffs (you), or two, it kay hurt the defendant (the person doing discrimination). If you, the plaintiff, faces any retaliation from filing an eeoc action, you can get instant damages. It is highly illegal to retaliate in such cases and most plaintiff make their damages from retaliation, because employers dont know the law. However, it goes both ways. Plaintiff needs to keep their mouth shut to avoid ruining their case.

You have 1 year from the discriminating event to file a federal suit. State suits follow and have different timelines

>> No.2775140
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Leave an anonymous mail to the boss of your manager, stating that he's consuming illegal drugs during working hours. His favourite employee also bought some too.

>> No.2775154

if you do this, you are infact medically autistic

>> No.2775159

Did you actually abuse women?

>> No.2775175

what the fuck am i reading yeah lets jump from extreme to extreme

>> No.2775177

Employment lawyer reporting in.

Idiots are not a protected class. There's no lawsuit here. Anti-discrimination laws are not anti-bullying in general laws.

>> No.2775181

Do this, get right in their fucking face and spit on them a little while talking.

Get them riled up so they hit you, Sue the store, eventually take the store in a lawsuit and fire their punk asses

>> No.2775196

>yeah lets jump from extreme to extreme
>2 posts by this
alright let's go ahead and read your other post.
>smash their cars
Solid advice, anon.

weaponized autism is a blessing, not a curse.

>> No.2775198


Yeah no, this is terrible advice.

You'll just come off as a dickhead and the same thing will happen again as OP. Just less in your face, but behind your back.

>> No.2775212


Also give them a finger if they wave good morning.

>> No.2775215

like I said, he can mix it with varying degrees of kindness depending on how friendly he wants to be, but bottom-line is that he needs to have self-respect and stop letting people walk all over him. And again, you don't have to be a dickhead to require respect to be reciprocated.

>> No.2775229

Didn't see that anon stated a reason for bullying. Usually is because of something other than just being an idiot

>> No.2775236

No. I'm too beta and autistic to even approach women. It was an easy thing for him to say though because I'm bald, weird looking and very /fit/, so I look like a rapey goon.

>> No.2775260

Have you got or considered getting a big beard?

>> No.2775298
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My facial hair is patchy and looks like pubic hair. Honestly idgaf about my looks, I'm ugly and it will always be that way. There's not really any point in giving a shit about it anymore. I just want to live a quiet life where I can come home from work, lift weights and play vidya...

>> No.2775307

there's also the possibility of getting an ugly but loving and supportive wife

>> No.2775344

See this is why you suck right now.
You should demand much more from life than this. You really just want to lift weights and play video games by yourself until you die, that's your ultimate mission on this planet?
Shoot for the moon bitch, you should have lofty goals because you'll inspire yourself (the only person who can do it), it'll give you drive and meaning, and putting energy in that directly will start to de-Beta your ass.

Goals that revolve around helping a lot of people solve some problem or do something easier/better are usually the ones that lead to supervictory.

Just wanting to roll around in the trash heap doing a bunch of pointless, quiet, inconsequential stuff is the attitude of the 99%.

>> No.2775357

Maybe. I'd have to get over my irrational fear of talking to people. Don't mean to blog here but even thinking about talking to people makes my heart beat 100mph, palms get sweaty, face gets red... I understand there's no real reason to get so fucking nervous but I can't help the symptoms. It makes anything involving human contact unnecessarily difficult.

I understand that, but I don't aspire to anything more. I'm pretty content existing by myself and living a mediocre life. Sure that makes me a part of the 99% but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.2775483

Yes, I've had really bad social anxiety before. It is something you can get over. You just learn to stop caring so much. Especially if you force yourself to be in a position where you talk to a lot of people. Like customer service or something.

>> No.2775600

Stop bullying me! Or I'll bully your faces.

>> No.2775601
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>> No.2775989

Buy some a pair of pointy sharp scissors from drug store or use an xactos art blade $5
Crawl on your elbows like a commando out to the parking lot
Poke side wall of all 1 or 2 tires
not even considered a misdemeanor $500 is the limit.
Wait for him to come out to the parking lot and laugh in their face

>> No.2776211

Not trying to be a shitter but you should probably change what you are doing. Usually when a majority of people are picking on you its because you arent concious about what you are doing.
Shower before you go to work and clean your actual ass hole.
Look people in the eyes when you talk to them.
Think before you speak and speak clearly.
Go up to your manager and ask him plainly what you are doing wrong for him to treat you this way.
Practice doing things that you suck at so you arent bumbling around.

>> No.2776299

Ignore the betas who are whining at this post, it is 100% correct. At work when I started acting like an asshole who couldn't be bothered to interact with anyone people stopped fucking with me and there have even been a few instances of people going out of their way to appease me.

When I was chatty and friendly I was just the class clown. It's always better to keep to yourself and be guarded.

>> No.2777666

The more you stand up to bullshit, the better you get at it. There are no easy answers here. If you don't want to be a pussy, you got to take risks and work for it. That's how life works.

>> No.2777677

Why publix? It's just a grocery store where you have to deal with people one on one all day. Id rather stock at walmart. Literally no one bothers you there. I have worked entire shifts without anyone ever saying anything to me.

>> No.2777692

just stop being a fucking pussy OP

If you are being bullied (as an adult) it probably means your personality is shit or you are retarded

>> No.2777754

Op, good luck, it gets better. Cut your losses and work towards a new job, be a mad cunt there and get rich from crypto gains.

>> No.2778560

gb2 india you fuckin gook

>> No.2778579

This. Last job guy named jeff got bullied. Zero self awareness or confidence or willingless to joke around. Dont be jeff

If your boss is making a joke dont ignore it and focus on your job take a quick break to laugh at your boss joke.

>> No.2778658

write a manifesto about wage work environments. twitter quotes from it and spread it. sell it.

live stream your experience and tell corporate manager. get the guy fired.

>> No.2779239

Quit at the busiest time when you're needed the most. Literally walk out when there's a huge line of customers!

>> No.2779350

Since words won't make them stop, you need to step up your game. Spit on their lunch, pour paint on their clothes, etc.

>> No.2779386

If your boss is female rape her

>> No.2779404

Go to work to work, not to socialize. Ignore all people there.