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27750855 No.27750855 [Reply] [Original]

How do I short Spacex?

>> No.27751178

Gotta let choyna catch up

>> No.27751243

This. Biden is a Chinese plant

>> No.27751385

Reddit Spaceman blown the fuck out by based Biden.

>> No.27751411

Well, SpaceX is a private company, if anything he can get a deal with the ESA then

>> No.27751455

I’d rather short Biden.

>> No.27751483

whats the plot here? china wants to colonize mars first?

>> No.27751601
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Oh no send the space police to arrest him in space for breaking space law
I know both Biden and baldie are just Jew puppets, but I still root for the musk man

>> No.27751696
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America remains steadfast in its never-ending quest to regress to cavenigger levels. God bless.

>> No.27751721

He's gonna send in Trump's Space Force on Musk to tell him to go back to the apartheid mines.

>> No.27751772

SpaceX Will just move to another country. Fixed it

>> No.27751831

Joe Biden is a fucking nigger.

>> No.27751876
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>> No.27752002

>SpaceX moves to Russia or China and Americans get mad
>Media twists Musk as a foreign shill that is an enemy
>Elon colonises Mars
>Now we can have interplanetary wars
Martians will win. Check em

>> No.27752003

Archive link faggot

>> No.27752041

Musk's goal is to get to Mars

Musk should just fuck off to China at this point, it is the only way humanity can progress, instead of being tied to nigger loving USA

>> No.27752058

and all because lefties want to pander to 3rd world corporate slave workers and righties wont fucking shoot any of them
deserve it at this point

>> No.27752079

Why doesn't Elon and the whole company just move somewhere else?

>> No.27752145

Why not back to South Africa where this african american fucking belongs

>> No.27752209

why did dem*crats think that biden is the good guy?

>> No.27752300
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>> No.27752319

let me guess, there's niggers to feed down here

>> No.27752325

i hate living in this fucking country more and more every day

>> No.27752332

*Russian Federation

>> No.27752357


that's literally it. They were programmed by the media and have carried out their programming.

The future is dark, miserable and short, and it's what we deserve. Our children's children will have freedom from our ashes.

>> No.27752389

so thats why he's trying to pump and dump doge

>> No.27752404

The ESA supports the European aerospace industry. It's of strategic importance the ESA supports European industry.

>> No.27752430
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>> No.27752538
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>> No.27752555

Musk has tweeted that he is not going to get to Mars under the regulatory regime that started immediately after Trump cucked out. On the twenty eighth of January, exactly one week after the inauguration by the deep state of the president elected by the official media, they discovered that no rocket test that has the objective of getting to Mars is safe. Rocket tests that have the objective of proving that all science and technology was stolen from black African females will of course be permitted.

Space X testing is on hold, and is likely to remain on hold for a considerable time.

I see no alternative but to decamp to the fringes of the Russian or Chinese hegemonies.

>> No.27752597

throw enough money at someone and they will support you in a flash tho

>> No.27752605

Kek, based Biden will give the US to China for free. So much for Orange Man bad.

>> No.27752635

>Obese as fuck
Looks like mama needed to stop hoarding all the food.

>> No.27752649

bullshit fake article, I don't believe someone give me the link because if this is true the U.S. is unequivocally fucked, where's Artemis 2024, Trump couldn't have done it anyways but he who have forced anyone to complete it if he had another term

>> No.27752682

Elon should probably be in jail, honestly.

>> No.27752701

1. they dont think
2. because trump bad

>> No.27752713

just let him move to western eurozone done.

>> No.27752749

the depressing part? We *know* that curtailing our space programs didn't help them a bit.

>> No.27752755
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Bullish for MAXAR ?

>> No.27752789

>worrying about some dead rock trillions of miles away while POC are arrested and killed every day simply for committing crimes
And you wonder why we hate yall white folk

>> No.27752826

You invest in SPCE. Look at the mooning it did yesterday when a SpaceKek rocket exploded

>> No.27752863

Based Beijing Biden

>> No.27752887

the article is from the Washington Times it is mostly an op/ed posing as a news article like everything in the fallen world of journalism

>> No.27752914

>is the united states putting tarrifs on cars bullish for horses

>> No.27752952

>oy the slaves are planning to escape!

Build the rockets in secret, flee the Earth to where true freedom is possible.

>> No.27752958

Or go to Singapore: independent, sovereign nation, plenty of water (although congested with shipping traffic) for landing boosters, and it's even closer to the equator than anywhere in the USA so less fuel needed to get to LEO. They're either building or recently completed a spaceport there, too.

>> No.27753016

Nobody gets out alive anon.

>> No.27753035

But you were going to have the honor of being the first flight’s passengers. It is what you deserve after all, since space flight is only possible due to Katherine Johnson.

>> No.27753039

Meanwhile, Senate and Biden just re-affirmed funding for Artemis program.
This article is literally fake news.

>> No.27753051

lmao at Bidet bulldozing America

>> No.27753077

No you're thinking of the other guy

>> No.27753087


>> No.27753088
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ding ding ding. we have a winner.
no space for you goy. not when we still have racial inequality to tackle

>> No.27753141

Willkommen, Elon.

>> No.27753182

She doesn't look hungry, did she eat a child?

>> No.27753193

>space is not real
Imagine being a fucking retard

>> No.27753225

Fuck no. This place has been larping for the past 30 years, at this point all we can do is keep the facade up

>> No.27753247

Biden is a disgusting fucking China cuck.

>> No.27753251

It's from the Washington Times, which isn't the greatest of sources.
Looks like the FAA cancelled some of Musk's starcraft tests due to "non-specified concerns" maybe it's safety or perhaps it's something more sinister.
Nothing Biden did specifically according to the article, but I still assume the worst with that senile fuck and his corrupt cabinet.

>> No.27753271
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>be Joe Biden March 23rd 2021
>"hey who's burning toast"?

>> No.27753294

Explain to me how bulldozing America is a bad thing. Look at China, an ethnic, cultural, qnd economic powerhouse where every single problem America makes for mankind comes undone. Look at Muttmerica and tell me importing China on top of it wouldn't be an improvement.

>> No.27753304

Sorry Donald, I'd rather give that money to China.

>> No.27753348

>Why not back to South Africa where this african american fucking belongs
Hardly anyone wants him in South Africa since he’s clearly losing his mind.

>> No.27753379

Take meds

>> No.27753387

Yeah whatever jew
Keep shilling your imaginary bullshit to the goyim

>> No.27753395

link you fucking faggot

>> No.27753408

Based, he's already building a tesla factory in germany, might aswell build a spaceport.
Or just work together with ESA, they already have space port in south america.

>> No.27753447

Fuck Biden

>> No.27753449

Who the fuck is Joe Biden to tell a private company that they can’t go to space?

>> No.27753453

U dont
All they have to do is change country lol
Space is not us soil

>> No.27753470


Finna make it rain

>> No.27753552

HEY! Think of all the niggers could you feed with those rockets you fucking bigot!

>> No.27753568

tfw we had to fake the moon landing because the government spent all of the money feeding D'Andre the Giant.

>> No.27753579

The duly elected president

>> No.27753656

Unironically niggers
U dont grow up as superrich white kid in south africa without becoming racist

>> No.27753703
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>quit your space malarkey a-aaro-e-elon! b-b-b-b-w-we-we got niggers and wars for israel t-t-to-to bankroll!

>> No.27753705

Good. Fuck that grifter Elon

>> No.27753734

How about the "hungry" go to fucking work?

>> No.27753738

thats how it works in america. land of the free.

>> No.27753751

>Looks like the FAA cancelled some of Musk's starcraft tests due to "non-specified concerns"
My knee jerk reaction is that Musk didn't donate enough to democrat causes or didn't pony up after a direct request for bribes. If he had balls he'd immediately file a lawsuit to get testing reapproved or a solid reason for the cancellations.

>> No.27753810

This. Space isn't real. We're living in a giant glass ball sitting on someone's mantle piece in another dimension. If the rocket cracks the glass, the whole world might roll into the fireplace.

>> No.27753828 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27753835


If ONLY there was another country 10 miles away from their current facility that would be glad to have the sort of capital investment and prestige of the richest man in the world. Hmmm

>> No.27753891


Fuck elon nigger.

>> No.27753901
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>americans believe in every boogieman the media has presented them since the 1880s starting with the zar
>biden is extremely anti china
>muh china agent
I cant believe this shit you cant make that up

>> No.27753911

>apartheid mines
Good money in those, I wish I had one :(

>> No.27753936

This is probably very likely what happened. Even building a fucking fence on your land requires bribery these days in the good ol' US of A.

>> No.27753985
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>> No.27754032

Share article or shut the fuck uo

>> No.27754059

>pandemic that is killing millions of americans

i hate all of you

>> No.27754111

>The Expanse IRL
Yes please, fuck the UN cucks

>> No.27754121

Ty. This is a nothing burger

>> No.27754156
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involuntarily-funded government is obsolete
this case of biden telling spacex they can't go about their regular business is just one such example of how
taxation is, and always will be theft—as such, the enforcers of taxation are thieves, and will act and behave in an accordingly entitled manner

>> No.27754190

>pandemic that is killing millions of americans
When did that happen?

>> No.27754212

It hasn't killed enough people. Dying boomers, fatties and niggers makes my cock erect

>> No.27754235

meds. now.

>> No.27754246

>>pandemic that is killing millions of americans*

mostly niggers*

>> No.27754247


>> No.27754253
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>> No.27754304

There’s a lot of poltards here since GME. Don’t worry though, they always lose money (too emotional)

>> No.27754332

plant is a chinese biden

>> No.27754416

>leave earth and form a multiplanet spanning civilization
>stay on earth and feed the local baboons

>> No.27754425

Turns out they were the cosmic filter all along.

>> No.27754452

3. Whites will be extinct thanks to the Breeding for Biden Campaign

>> No.27754497

Wasn't this the plot of The Wings of Honneamise?

>> No.27754588

>My knee jerk reaction is that Musk didn't donate enough to democrat causes or didn't pony up after a direct request for bribes.
It’s because he is virtue signaling to the Alt-Right and not bright enough to know he receives government grants for his space program.Its the Biden Administration now running the show not Trump.

>> No.27754704

>Biden is extremely anti china
>China literally had a national celebration at his election
>Has already rejoined the Paris Climate accord which is basically just a contract to pay china in the hopes that they decidd to make cleaner energy on their own.

I fell for bait but come on man

>> No.27754739

You gotta be kidding me? Ofc he lol, he just wants to boycott olympia maybe. And that was only from today news.
WAKE UP YOU Qtards, china isnt the problem, Trump was never in control and got his election stolen and biden is ful neocon.

>> No.27754808


You're doing that thing again where you compulsively suck dick again, anon. We're going to need you stop doing that shit.

>> No.27754818

>he posted an opinion article
>let's see what it says
>The FAA did not cite its reasoning behind ordering the cancellation of the launch.
>Many have speculated that the cancellation was brought about due to safety concerns.
>After all, in December 2020, SpaceX did a test of the experimental rocket. The Starship prototype made it to a height of 41,000 feet.
>Once it reoriented itself, in order to allow for the rocket to land vertically, the great silver spacecraft promptly did a bellyflop that ended in a massive explosion.
>massive explosion
you're all retarded and I'm ashamed to be sharing a portfolio with you.

>> No.27754835

wtf does he need to do more to stop you posting this shit?
declare war on china and release nukes?
you still would say oh he isnt anti china.

>> No.27754847

You fucking niggers are too gullible.

>> No.27754934

>Trump in office
>Democrats: Muh Russia, he's owned by the Russians
>Biden in office
>Republicans: Muh China, he's owned by the Chinese
American's are so stupid. You're country is only there for the Global elite to pilfer. Get over it.

>> No.27754996

up didint want to respond to you but to
see here
Man share a link where chinese people celebrate pls. And china pays aswell in this climate thing

>> No.27754998

>fake mars landing delayed
Kek, still waiting on that moon base

>> No.27755049

Is the "alt right" in the room with us right now?

>> No.27755069


Technically all rocket launches are massive explosions, it just depends on how much control you have of the situation. If they are developing an entirely new rocket maneuver, managed to land it on the pad just harder than they wanted on the first try, that tells me they have a pretty solid control of it.

>> No.27755092


>> No.27755153

Checked and based.

>> No.27755182
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inb4 pic related

>> No.27755230

>the zar

>> No.27755335
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>Media twists Musk as a foreign shill that is an enemy
Media is shilling against him for prioritizing hiring Americans.

>> No.27755367


>> No.27755399
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I see you stole that from Jim you chad

>> No.27755458
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Literally the Great Filter in action

>> No.27755516

This country really is just one big fucking joke

>> No.27755581

Lmao he's being investigated for insufficient diversity and the FAA is pulling their pants down behind him. America's time in space is over, that money is better spent on the inner cities.

>> No.27755625

KEK wut? Isn't rocket technology considered classified stuff? MSM is shilling really hard.

>> No.27755699

civil war 2 electric boogaloo when

>> No.27755726

Based jim blog reader

>> No.27755787


I see you excel in both finance and cartography

>> No.27755844

you guys are fucking idiots if you actually believe this article. Such shitty journalism. I bet you in 3 months elon will launch from America again.

>> No.27755927

No. Our geriatric presidente would never allow him because capitalists are the enemy of the people and the future is more oil refineries and gibs to the poor.

Mexican here. This country is fucked.

>> No.27755947

Obsessed. Go fuck a donkey, Abdullah.

>> No.27755973

Checked. Beijing Biden is getting him to move to his favourite country.

>> No.27755990

those people were pushed onto the west for this very reason
they are a biological weapon

>> No.27755994

fuck I would see to it that 10 million Americans starve to death before the space program is relinquished

>> No.27756069


>> No.27756090

the Space Force is willing to commit genocide to get their hands on Starship desu, it's like showing up to the 1820s Royal Navy and selling them HMS Hood

>> No.27756143

I think so, yea.

>> No.27756159
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Why the fuck do Dem presidents always axe the space program? You'd think they'd be on the side of the "I fucking love science" redditors, but it's always the "regressive" Republicans who put actual money into space exploration and research, and Democrats who slash the budget. If Nixon didn't have Watergate he was planning on funding a manned mission to Mars in the 70s. I hate how we always start making progress and then some blue team fucker steps in and cancels everything.

>> No.27756177

The fuck is this real?

>> No.27756179

>he can't read between the lines
Thank God Musk isn't a cuckold like you

>> No.27756293

stay retarded /biz/

>> No.27756326

this is a typical immigrant move
as soon as you become a citizen, all other immigrants are considered trash and you stop caring about them. Goin as far as becoming a conservative

>> No.27756346

Biden doesn't even want the Space Force to exist, they're going to continue to get shafted.

>> No.27756403

Did you read the article? They even mention that 'Melvin capital' went bankrupt.. They haven't.

>> No.27756457

You can't, its not a publicly traded company

>> No.27756456

They'll still be saying Biden is pro-China when we're lobbing cruise missiles at each other.

>> No.27756464

What is Biden's endgame?

>> No.27756517
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>/biz/ has fallen so hard it has click bait non financial articles now, /pol/ fags and redditors get the fuck out
and yes space x is not finances because i can't buy stock in it

>> No.27756627

This article is one of several dozen about Musk. He's being investigated for lack of diversity, the FAA just yanked his permits for nonsense reasons, the DOJ is sniffing around, and Musk himself acknowledged that the new regulatory regime will make it impossible for him to make progress. American Space efforts are over, and Musk knows that. Hopefully he's got enough money to relocate.

>> No.27756637

You might want to do something about that wound, it doesn't look very good

>> No.27756736

k bro

>> No.27756774

How do I short america? Leftists are too fucking stupid and numerous. They're gonna ruin the country.

>> No.27756792

yeah only americans are allowed to work for spacex, kike shills don't even try anymore

>> No.27756851

Biden is an old shit who doesn't like Musk because he's not a complete sycophant for the left.

>> No.27756957


>> No.27756994

Why won't you suck Musk's cock bro? CHINA

>> No.27757005


Correct. It's actually against the law for him to hire outside nationals in most cases.

>> No.27757019

lol what.
i hope theyre not paying you much

>> No.27757099

Whiteman probably going to get us to space since chineseum isn't gonna cut it
But bugmen are going to be the scavengers

>> No.27757150

This LMAO r*ddit niggers can't stop losing

>> No.27757284

Democrats have to appease to their base

Republicans do big dick things
Democrats do tender vagina things
U have to maintain a balance
Space is one of the biggest dick things of all and it looks bad spending money watching billionaires goof rockets while other people have major financial troubles (whether it's their fault or not)

We are in a vagina era atm just be aware
It's not 100s though it's more about balance and levels

>> No.27757285

EPS is non-negative, but low. Dividend exists, but is insultingly low. The price popped today, perfect for buying high and selling low. Next earnings release is expected to be nagative... That's not good.

>> No.27757519

This. It's a complex relationship, but China's rising success as a strong homogeneous society that only looks after itself basically exposes the current multi-cultural diverse and debt-driven sham the US is. It's going to be harder and harder for our "leaders" to brush our issues under the rug when examples overseas completely outshine us.

>> No.27757584

Rent free.

>> No.27757613

The reason is unironically because the Earth is flat and space is fake and they don't want Musk doing any weird experiments that would expose the dome.

>> No.27757641

This article is incredibly misleading, the FAA restriction lasted like a day and they completed the test a couple days later than anticipated.

Biden isnt trying to grab our rockets (yet at least)

>> No.27757661

It's hard to tell at this point though. He's upheld trump-era policies so far which is a good sign. As soon as he backs a little on Taiwan we can be worried.

>> No.27757761
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checked and don't forget to eat ze bugs

>> No.27757817
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>Biden is a Chinese plant
you fags ever going to prove that or it's just some pol truism?

>> No.27757881

For anybody wondering. This is not an attempt to convince anyone that space isn't real. What this post is attempting is to associate antisemitism with being stupid as shit and by extension trying to fool you into never looking into antisemitism/right wing politics further.

They often do this in movies too, they show a "redneck" character, who loves his family and believes immigrants should stay out of his country. They will then frame him as a extremely controlling dumb man. They want you to internalize his political views with being uncouth, uneducated and all round a nasty person.

The increase in the space is not real posts or any other blatantly retarded conspiracy theories is usually grouped with any "right wing", racist or traditional values. Basically it boils down to anything that is a threat to the state, they want you to associate with social shame.

They want to mold your thought patterns into accepting only narratives that ensures the states survival.

>> No.27757901

Ok zar is german ups, in english its tsar.
Unfortunately noone pays me but if you pay me 0.01 ETH per post i actaully help you with your anti china posts.

>> No.27757909


>> No.27757914

dont dump, only pump my fren

>> No.27757913

good, China is based

>> No.27758066

based MCR fag

>> No.27758236

I read this Washington Time's article. It is literally just "The FAA cancelled a SpaceX testflight for unknown reasons" and the rest is a bunch of conjecture. Typical shit tier journalism.

>> No.27758269

need government gibs

>> No.27758284

shit like this is why america is rapidly falling behind

>> No.27758309

SpaceX can't move anywhere, they're basically owned by the Pentagon because rockets count as weapons of mass destruction.

>> No.27758489
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>> No.27758503
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Musk should tell Biden to FUCK OFF and run for POTUS in 2024 on a Science and Exploration campaign which can appeal to both patriots and Basedboy faggots for different reasons.

>> No.27758588


>> No.27758623

I knew that headline was fucking clickbait. Journos should burn in hell

>> No.27758654

>i'm not sure this asteroid is entirely stable

>> No.27758677

>Biden isnt trying to grab our rockets (yet at least)
100% will. spacex is so far ahead of chinks, they need to shut it down now. so I expect some drastic measures that will derail spacex plans big time.

>> No.27758686

The same doesn't happen to the countless corporations who prioritise foreigners.

>> No.27758723

that fat bitch looks like she ate a cow

>> No.27758761

>Mars... The last place in the Universe where gender exists. The year: 2121
Make it so.

>> No.27758786

musk was born in south africa so he can't run

>> No.27758880

>space exploration is cancelled to feed fucking niggers

wtf happened to america?

>> No.27758887

God damnit... I'm seriously craving some crab rangoons, dipped in that shitty orange liquid now. Damnit... I'm not going to the chinese place. They probably put their ricedicks in everything.;

>> No.27759169

Fuck Biden. Aliens are making fun of us again

>> No.27759203
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Hey now, we got to keep buying these non-reusable SLS rockets built by the Military industrial complex, obviously it's worth the massive extra costs, duh.

>> No.27759289

What exactly is wrong with going to space?

>> No.27759354

Look at this literal Auschwitz prisoner

>> No.27759451

>What exactly is wrong with going to space?
We can't let a crab get out of the bucket until I get out of the bucket... Then we don't mind so much.

>> No.27759484

yfw the first man on Mars is south African

>> No.27759524

I puke every time I see this monstrosity.
>boeing employeed hit his toe
>''OH oh ohh, we need another billion pls''
fucking boomers, they will burn in hell for wasting all that money for nothing.

>> No.27759615

Good. We can’t let a company steal space from the people.

>> No.27759750
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>> No.27759769

>US presidents can't stop making the EU more powerful
lol ok thanks Biden

>> No.27759780

>The Sino-Russian Space Force of Tesla

>> No.27760296

Why the fuck is there Silver in a Tesla?

>> No.27760337
File: 71 KB, 184x184, 1612413671422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have even a shred of evidence to back that up?

>> No.27760647

Electrical resistivity 15.87 nΩ·m

>> No.27760713
File: 218 KB, 700x394, 6019be4d01504a00197fb3ee?width=700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the test was launched? With FAA approval.

>> No.27760773

Bro come on.

>> No.27760817

didn't stop obama

>> No.27760818

A few fidelity funds are invested. I think the contrafund

>> No.27760866


what a massive faggot

>> No.27760922

What does people dying have to do with us going to space? What else should we just stop doing when there's a pandemic the death rate is exactly the same as it always is?

>> No.27760958



>> No.27760966

Connect positive terminal to negative terminal

>> No.27760989

Yes, I'd expect some to be on the electronics but a kilogram/vehicle? That's way too much to sound plausible.

>> No.27761001

ok but space is a waste of money

>> No.27761040

Every Tesla comes with an arsenal of silver bullets, in case if you have to traverse the remote areas of America at night.

>> No.27761066

No. Not the government.
.t litrrally used to work at esa.
Also my dad works at nintendo.
Only 1 of them is a lie

>> No.27761127
File: 58 KB, 750x502, Saturn_V_upgrades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see headline
>read article
>it's about FAA slapping Musk for breaking the rules and has nothing to do with Biden
I hate modern "news".

>> No.27761580

don't you understand tha the jews have decided to cut out this faggot cause his money and influece has became too much to handle

>> No.27761668
File: 19 KB, 655x169, Silver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even silver shills point at double digits silver usage per car, not a fucking kilogram. Retarded boomer tier screenshot bait

>> No.27761724

that headline was enough to fool a full thread of retard anons

>> No.27761731

Elons going down. The big short, when?

>> No.27761748

you're a retard if you think this, seriously

>> No.27761860

No real progress can occur until all journalists are killed.

>> No.27762004

These people vote and breed, fuck an ethnostate I want a min-IQ state. Just a 110 requirement would be a huge improvement.

>> No.27762321

the demand doesn't justify the silver price increase

>> No.27762362

i'd shoot you into space, monkey. also i'd just shoot you

>> No.27763097

They are using different batteries for the new cars.
for these you need more silver to get the desired performance.

>> No.27764452

>first thing I see
Unlike faggy silver, copper is the material of the future

>> No.27764628

After Trump let the money printers run non stop for last 6 months to prop up stock market. Its not surprising they are cutting back on things now.
>Hyper-inflation soon Bear Bros

>> No.27764804
File: 140 KB, 1200x1500, 1611461446426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Biden BTFOing reddit cücks and their le wholesome Tony Stark mememan billionaire

>> No.27764863
File: 19 KB, 424x424, D4FED2BC-3A42-4672-8636-B474E2DBB4C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27764926
File: 81 KB, 387x766, trumptard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the headline didn't fool them, they were fooled long ago, the headline aligned with their preconceptions so they ran with it, honestly, they don't even care that it's untrue, it still reinforces their preconceptions, this is how conservitards operate

>> No.27764988

uh based department?

>> No.27765030

>Based Biden

>> No.27765113

The economic value of space travel is almost zero, aside from a few niche applications (namely satellites)

>> No.27765141
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>> No.27765207

>"there are no underages in space, we are not interested" said Biden

>> No.27765332

Literal “ if you can’t beat them join them “ faggots that always must be on the “winning side” to laugh at people

>> No.27765511

Wow, I thought this was totally fake but it turns out that it is real. Some illegal spic filed a complaint even though this regulation is required to access the US munitions list.
This is a fake fucking country.

>> No.27765526
File: 187 KB, 534x548, 1610402355545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people are the scum of the earth.

>> No.27765905

Your whole reality is a lie. The level of delusion it takes to believe narratives like Mostly Peaceful Protesters or Russia Collusion or Muh Capitol Insurrection is staggering. Stop projecting.

>> No.27765970

what are these screencaps from? does this video even exist?

>> No.27766115

>while POC are arrested and killed every day simply for committing crimes

>> No.27766207

Imagine supporting a literal alzheimer patient puppet

>> No.27766659
File: 1.18 MB, 1164x1138, 1609014320859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27767051

We're in the prelude to the shittiest Gundam adaption

>> No.27767392

We’ve been here long before GME, or you, faggot

>> No.27767574

so this is why china love him.
China musk confirmed

>> No.27767608


Choose only one faggot. Reddit is back that way.

>> No.27767870

Thing that geriatric and the Dems don't realise is that the launch industry is now mostly privatised.
At face value this might seem bad for the industry but the reality is it just reinforced the oligopoly.

>> No.27767953

Space is a waste of money
We need to spend that money convincing people to EAT ZE BUGZ

>> No.27768086

your id is pink because you're a faggot

>> No.27768121

If you would read the article and the comment sections you would find out the article points to the time before Elon launched his test rocket. Tesla still needed to do paperwork, but Tesla fired the rocket anyways. Tesla is not banned from using rockets - they just want him to do all the paperwork from now on.

>> No.27768977

World Economic Forum Upper corner They tweeted the image before deleting

>> No.27769069

Nothing is banned.
You all fall for propaganda incredibly easily. You are worthless sheeple lol