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File: 21 KB, 635x635, gamestop-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27746644 No.27746644 [Reply] [Original]

So will the jews face any repercussions for this?

>> No.27746732

The redditors brought it upon themselves.

>> No.27746760

It's not the fault of the Jews, it's the fault of R*ddit. If the government had any integrity this site would get taken down immediately, and its owners/mods would be behind bars.

>> No.27746794
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>> No.27746842

For not anticipating that they would break law in broad daylight and not be immediately punished for it?

>> No.27747674

Did they face any for rigged election?

>> No.27747716


>> No.27747780
File: 320 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210204-154152_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit reddit going crazy on $CLF

>> No.27747810

Kikes and Redditors got btfod together literally feels so fucking good bros

>> No.27747849

they already rigged the election, so they dont care about a meme stock

>> No.27747949

What do you mean? A bunch of /pol/tards jumped in and lost money that literally went into the 1% jew hedgies in Wall street lmao

>> No.27748061

Yes, they should've known the SEC isn't going to protect the peseants

>> No.27748183

They should be charged with treason and hung outside of supreme court.

>> No.27748186

If anything, this made me feel some sympathy with our long nosed overlords. Looking at this whole sad mess must make them feel like that dude from the Idiocracy movie.

>> No.27748221


>> No.27748241

stop shilling this you faggot

>> No.27748398
File: 30 KB, 439x368, 1583965839042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robinhood and other brokers who limit buys killed it, simple as. If they don't face consequences for this I will have zero confidence in stocks and all my money will be into crypto/physical from now.

>> No.27748430

>corrupt politicians
>corrupt media
>corrupt wall st
>corrupt courts
>only normies get hurt
What do you think?

>> No.27748764

Google deleted all the bad reviews so no one will remember what happened.

>> No.27748875

another poltard got btfo by buying into wild conspiracies and plan trusting
many such cases

>> No.27748894

For what? Shorting a dying and failing brick and mortar vidya retailer in an age that is going purely digital? They did absolutely nothing wrong

>> No.27749003

Eh, if those trader app CEOs and hedge fund kikes would be thrown to the streets and possibly hanged i wouldn't mind. But when i see everyone just forgetting about this in a few weeks, then i will think that the sheep deserve to be exploited.

>> No.27749206

Did they?

>> No.27749305

why do they keep going to other stocks? wasn't the whole point that GME was getting squeezed by greedy hedges, all this shilling makes me thing WSB is becoming just as greed as the thing they hate

>> No.27749399

i think some new regulations will get put in place. Whether they're helpful is another question. I also think congress is again mad with the SEC, but i don't think they're going to fix the sec.

Robinhood will lose a few million in lawsuits, but they have like 30 billion dollars just as collateral for their clearinghouse, i doubt they'll have problems with that.

I think robinhood is gonna lose its customer base though. partly out of mistrust on their brand, but also mustrust in investing all together. It's a big deal that you can cheat an investor with the consent and support of nasdaq's head chairman. it's a big deal that we see brokers just straight up betraying their customers. like not even kind of failing their customers, objectionably failing them.

Somehow i think people are gonna pay for it. There's a reason people elected trump, it was frustration with this exact kind of thing. And as much as i don't like the guy, it's obvious to me that's why people put him in office, and as soon as he go out, middle and lower class Americans got fucked again.

>> No.27749509
File: 77 KB, 900x596, MR-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please fuck off pajeet.

>> No.27749577

sure they got greedy, but they never committed
blatantly irresponsible crimes like hedgefunds did.
THese retail guys were following the rules, hedgies
just straight up put their dick on biden's desk and told the
US it's not a capitalist free market anymore.

>> No.27749583


>face any repercussions


>> No.27749640

they did nothing wrong

>> No.27749816

Yes. Eternal Hellfire

>> No.27749970

That might be true but seeing these pump and dumps might be in violation of something, Don't get me started on crypto what elons been doing with doge he would be in deep shit if it was regulated

>> No.27750121

I just don't want it to be retarded redditors trying to get rich quick by gambling their gibs to be the ones to do it.
Like similarly I'd appreciate a fascist state and the American government to be centralized but I don't want sub-room temperature IQ mouth breathers to bring it about.

>> No.27750170

All the gains should be confiscated. So noone would attempt to do this again.

>> No.27750273

Pump and dumps are illegal but I'm pretty sure the SEC doesn't even exist anymore like its probably just a single computer running windows 2000 and some cobwebs. I've seen so much insider trading this year go completely unpunished and uninvestigated.

>> No.27750319

Citadel/Melvin might get a fine for a few million. Everyone else gets off scott free. A few democrats promise to do something, and then don't.

>> No.27750364

Jews didn't do anything wrong redditors deserve it.

>> No.27750430

Ok autist.

>> No.27750451

>will the jews face any repercussions
Yes, but you must deal out those repercussions yourself otherwise they will not face any.

>> No.27750557

Legit question.

Why are the HF still manipulating the GME/AMC prices?

Pretty much the same graph

>> No.27750638

No, but the r*dditors might

>> No.27750666

from $500 to $50 in less than a week... This is my first time seeing something like this. Holy shit.

>> No.27750792

Nope its at 1.1 right now both on the search and page

>> No.27750902

Do something about what? Here are the people that did something wrong:
>Reddit - financial terrorism
>Reddit - not using their stimulus responsibly
>Robinhood - loaning too money on margin
>WSB whales - pump and dump scheme
>Reddit - attacking short selling during an irrational bull market with infinite money

>> No.27751019

Noob. Trade some biopharma. 90%+ in a day.

>> No.27751106
File: 90 KB, 640x771, 3lo7rt55p5e61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vlad from Robinhood will go to jail. He stated that "there was no liquidity problem", then justified his actions as a liquidity problem. He will learn not to drop the soap in front of sex-starved niggers.

His corporation will be liquidated and split among those he defrauded.

WeBull actually implemented forced -20% stoploss sales on GME and AMC, forcing many of their holders to sell, then paid them back the difference for the "mistake". They are federally fucked.

Good chance Citadel people will go to prison and their company go the way of Enron.

Congress is pissed off that these idiots thought they could manipulate the market to steal BILLIONS from average Joes to prop up hedge fund investors in their own company.

The jurisprudential blood will run deep and red in the coming arrests and liquidations. Congress is on the warpath, and already has secured whistleblower testimony from many RobinHood employees who were upset that company offered them a gift card in exchange for silence about this massive fraud.

t. Congressional Paige

>> No.27751143
File: 215 KB, 514x758, the game-melvin lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have they ever before? even Jesus was shorted into the afterlife

>> No.27751149

keep coping

>> No.27751211

>burn your life savings due to a reddit meme
>it's the jews

>> No.27751259

Wrong. It's the fault of the brokers who colluded, and they will pay the price.

>> No.27751300
File: 28 KB, 389x398, 1611594352541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what im doing now desu. Transferred all my shit out of RobinJew and throwing it into crypto. Luckily I made 2 grand off GME and left before it completely sunk

>> No.27751314

>His corporation will be liquidated and split among those he defrauded.
Really cute post.

>> No.27751358

Why can't it be both?

>> No.27751426

>Transferred all my shit out of RobinJew and throwing it into crypto
Posts like this are why I'd wager crypto bout to crash. Hedge funds will derisk from zoomy buys.

>> No.27751463

If anything, this will probably convince a lot of people to get into crypto. Until the Gamestop thing, people were skeptical of crypto because "where does the value come from lel", but now they got a clear example of how a stock's value can be made up as well

>> No.27751470

I don't know if the letter is real; but it's full of shit either way. Let's dissect it:
> hedge fund bets that a company that sells things at a store that people buy online will go down
> redditors disagree, and decide to take the counterparty
> the redditers create their own bubble, which crashes because they have a lot of talk, but not a lot of money
> congress doesn't blame the idiots who thought gamestop was good bet
> wall street doesn't blame the redditors who only took their action in an attempt to "kill" the shorts.
> mutual fucking combat. You don't blame the homeowner who shoots the robber.

>> No.27751478

Their only mistake was believing they could compete with the powers that keep the ponzi afloat

>> No.27751632

that's why it will crash. When retail crowds the plate emotion rules.

>> No.27751635

The legal fees will be cheaper then whatever the hedgies paid them. Easy choice

>> No.27751679

I hate the Jews as much as anyone but fpbp (>>27746732) and Reddit deserved it for being arrogant retards who thought they could take on people whose entire lives are dedicated to finances and growing money. The HUBRIS.

>> No.27751758

lol no

>> No.27751837
File: 206 KB, 2048x1152, EtYLdPgXEAA_caS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are the HF still manipulating the GME/AMC prices?
Because short interest has DOUBLED in the past week, so their exposure to risk has.

I'm not selling.

People should buy the dip.

>> No.27751945

>from $500 to $50 in less than a week... This is my first time seeing something like this. Holy shit.
Market manipulation, 100%.

>> No.27752005

>Reddit creates echo chamber that filters out all dissenting opinions
>Mods delete any voice of criticism
>They keep the delusion afloat even days after the crash
It's totally reddit's fault.

>> No.27752023

But we need those same retail crowds to top off the bull run, just like last time and the time before that. Though having said that, there's already a fuckton of people in DOGE which completely surprised me since DOGE isn't even on Coinbase, so there are things happening way ahead of schedule in this cycle

>> No.27752082 [DELETED] 

I've neem trading for 3+ years and I have seen stocks go up 500% in a day but there is no way for something to go from $500 to $50 on not even half of the volume that pushed it up. So where exactly was the sell off that made it go down like this that is not being registered in the volume? From where are these shares coming from that seem to not exist? There is no way that is possible for something to go from $500 to $50 like this. The math does no make sense and no one is questioning it.

>> No.27752114

You ain't seen nuthin yet, satan.

>> No.27752140


>> No.27752164

Now even jews were as greedy as redditors, expecting an x100 stonk to shoot to x10000 because magic

>> No.27752263

>Shorting a dying and failing brick and mortar vidya retailer in an age that is going purely digital? They did absolutely nothing wrong

They did nothing wrong

>Shorting (at over 140% of available shares) a dying and failing brick and mortar vidya retailer in an age that is going purely digital? They did absolutely nothing wrong

Pure kikery and they need to be hung from the nearest lamp post

>> No.27752289

I've been trading for 3+ years and I have seen stocks go up 500% in a day but there is no way for something to go from $500 to $50 on not even half of the volume that pushed it up. So where exactly was the sell off that made it go down like this that is not being registered in the volume? From where are these shares coming from that seem to not exist? There is no way that is possible for something to go from $500 to $50 like this. The math does no make sense and no one is questioning it.

>> No.27752302

That doesn't tell you what they shorted at, for all you know they just did it again at $200 or $400 and it helped covered their ass

>> No.27752432

The ones who have profited the most from gamestop is wall st. A single wall st firm owns 13% of gme shares.
You are delusional if you think there are any 'sides' other than profit.

>> No.27752471

the bastards who already sold us out countless times? why should i think that politicians will look out for me?

>> No.27752493
File: 191 KB, 1280x763, 1516478692584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back tranny

blaming the jews when it is plebitors who also started to be greedy at the end everyone did get what they deserved

>> No.27752547

Stocks now embraced clown world and their prices now function like cryptocurrency prices

>> No.27752574

>Really cute post
Enjoy your last week of solvency before the hearings, hedge fund asshole. You're going down hard.

>I don't know if the letter is real;
It's real.

>Let's dissect it:
The reddit-fueled short squeeze was perfectly legal because none of them were insiders and no one was shilling fake news about the company to pump the price.

As soon as the rise caused Melvin to go 3 Billion USD in the hole on Wednesday night, on Thursday morning Citadel, who owns overwhelming interests in both Melvin AND RobinHood, instruct RobinHood to stop selling the stock to retail, yet it ALLOWS SALES TO MELVIN.

The inability to buy combined with the ability to sell created the downward pressure which tanked the price and saved the hedge funds. This pressure HAD TO BE SUSTAINED FOR ALMOST A WEEK to succeed!

And don't get me started on the forced sales of securities.

Blatant felony market manipulation. Don't think the Democratic Financial Services Oversight Committee is going to allow the rich little faggots to steal billions of dollars from the lower 50% of incomes in this country during a pandemic, when America is sending out $2000 stimulus checks, without LIFE-CHANGING CONSEQUENCES.

SEC will do what Congress tells them. Congress will tell them to liquidate RobinHood and other colluding American brokers to pay special damages to GME holders, and Citadel will be Enron'd. Expect some CEO suicides in a few weeks.

>> No.27752612

i really wonder if anyone in congress is gonna deal with it. it seems like a bipartisan opinion, but i imagine they might simply be too incompetent as a body to offer any real regulations.

>> No.27752637

nothing about this maes sense. there wasn't enough volume to cover the shorts. they doubled down on the shorts. the price tanked with no one selling. we saw the same baskets of shares movign back and forth and the price in freefall, but that's the only activity on the market. fishier than a wet market at 9pm sunday night.

>> No.27752709

>the bastards who already sold us out countless times? why should i think that politicians will look out for me?
Because Democrats ARE ON THE SIDE OF THE POOR PEOPLE, you dumbass.

Contrary to your confirmation bias, Republican financial policy is all about deregulation and screwing the poor guy, while DEMOCRATIC policy is all about avenging the poor by taxing and regulating the wealthy.

They will not turn down this juicy opportunity to prove that to the entire voter base.

>> No.27752751

Order books more spread out on the way down. The rest of the volume will be over the next 99%.

>> No.27752831

He means kike hedge funds and faggot normies from reddit got fucked.

>> No.27753005

>The legal fees will be cheaper then whatever the hedgies paid them. Easy choice
Not when your corporation is seized and the conspirators given 20-year sentences.

I personally knew one of the Enron executives who committed suicide because he thought exactly like you, until his delusion ran into the brick wall known as "reality".


>> No.27753049

>actually believing this
I want to think congress will deliver justice, but I know it will not. They didn't give a fuck about us when they were closing down all our businesses and handign the profits to amazon and google.

>> No.27753159

No they'll get a apology from Congress and another 38 billion will be sent to Isreal as a "good will" gift.

>> No.27753264

>bluepilled literal boomer
I can say farewell to my portfolio I guess. What is congress actually going to do to de-fuck the price and pay us what we would have made without the hedge schemes and manipulations? How am I gonna get paid what I was due?

I'm not. Just like 2008 saw the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and congress head-nodded it all. I'm not capable of believing in justice because I have never, not once, seen it in this country.

>> No.27753328

Democrats import cheaper labor to undercut the wages of the working class

>on the side of the poor

Kys retard

>> No.27753396

Don't worry guys, as soon as I sell it will pump to 1000

>> No.27753411

>It's totally reddit's fault.
It's legal to do the things you mention.

It's illegal to manipulate the market by refusing to sell a security to your retail userbase while allowing corporations to freely buy, not to mention forced sales of securities without user consent, because your biggest financial backer also backs the hedge fund being murdered by the retail mass-buy.

That's illegal conspiracy to manipulate the market, along with actual market manipulation and fraud to the tune of billions of dollars.

GME holders may not recoup all their losses but they will recoup some, and their biggest payback will be the arrest and dissolution of the offending parties and their financial interests in a very public way.


>> No.27753496

>That doesn't tell you what they shorted at
Over 200% of available shares are shorted on borrow. That may itself be illegal, SEC is looking into that.

>> No.27753532

>Black people do something retarded and fuck their shit up.
>Whitey did it!
>White people do something retarded and fuck their shit up.
>The Joos did it!

Just blame whatever group has a standard deviation of IQ on you for your own idiocy?

>> No.27753565

Neither party is really for the poors. AOC and the progressives are the only ones who care about common people, but they face heavy opposition from Dems and Republicans alike.

>> No.27753599

The jews are on all sides. And yes, ZOG will step in to take more control of the markets, as was planned before the whole psychodrama took place

>> No.27753664
File: 188 KB, 636x699, 4B9B5A43-70E8-4E3E-8C79-F59FF5B7A86D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27753748

>I want to think congress will deliver justice
This is a golden opportunity to flex for theri voter base. Take it to the bank.

>Democrats import cheaper labor to undercut the wages of the working class
Democrats don't import shit despite your ignorant /pol/ brainrot, immigration increased under Trump relative to Obama. And the jobs Mexicans do picking cabbages and landscaping are all jobs Americans WILL NOT DO, hence the need for a migrant farmworker force, you racist shit-for-brains.

>> No.27753815

Very cute to assume this is a real country that cares about its citizens but hey at least your post made me feel a sliver of hope for some kind of actual justice to be done for once in this rotting corpse of a country

>> No.27753854
File: 297 KB, 1079x2283, Screenshot_20210204-164358_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you're a mischling supremacist

>> No.27753896

It shouldn't be allowed you literal monkey.

>> No.27753914

>So will the jews face any repercussions for this?
The system is designed so that only gentiles will feel the repercussions.

>> No.27753938

Oh no, they'll have to pay a $10 million dollar fine, whatever will they do?

>> No.27754109
File: 230 KB, 990x768, GameStopMeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27754139

>they might simply be too incompetent as a body to offer any real regulations
>Democratic supermajority in both houses and presidency
>can pass laws with 100% certainty of adoption
these retail brokers are done.

and if any of them even remotely lie, they will be jailed THAT DAY of the hearing for lying to Congress. they've been surveiled by the domestic criminal intel dragnet ever since it splashed on the news. phones, emails, the works.

>> No.27754210

It's social darwinism at work.

It's not like this was some convoluted technical trade, it was an obvious bubble that could be seen from a mile away. Buy low, sell high, it's literally all you had to do you stupid chimp.

>> No.27754264

>confirmation bias, the post

>> No.27754275


Yeah we do. Take the redpill

>> No.27754301

Go back to your time grandpa.

>> No.27754317

to liquidate those shorts they still have to buy and they havent

>> No.27754468

yeah it was an expert pump and dump
retards on mount stupid thought all the "data" meant they were smart but in reality they just got swindled to oblivion

>> No.27754472

>What is congress actually going to do to de-fuck the price and pay us what we would have made without the hedge schemes and manipulations? How am I gonna get paid what I was due?
Congress will dissolve the companies of the offenders, prosecute the conspirators, and support the class-action suits.

Your payback will come when the conspirators' assets are divided by the courts in the special damage settlement of the class actions, which will take two years or so.

Watching the richfags suffer and lose what they love most, their money and freedom, will be your immediate payment.

>> No.27754522
File: 61 KB, 888x894, EShqj_rXgAApWq8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too stupid to know basic terms
>word strange old word hard
You deserve to lose everything and I'm enjoying the show.

>> No.27754616

> thinking members of congress are at the top of the food chain.
The entire congress goes up for election every two years. They work for wall street*, wall street doesn't work for them.

(* technically, they work for whoever gives them the money; it's just wall street that has the most cash to throw at them)

Congress won't cross the line because they know they can't. If they try, WS can throw a switch and put 5 million people out of work, shift jobs from the bad state to the good; fund their opponents, etc.

To quote godfather 3, power wears out those who don't have it, and most members of congress (and I've known a handful), are ALWAYS at the beck and call of their financial backers.

They occasionally have to sound tough to the rubes back at home, but everyone knows it's just part of the game

>> No.27754694

hold 'till after the hearings.

That shit is going EXPLODE.

Don't you think Congress wants you to get your money back? Just be patient until the hearings. When they axe-murder RobinHood on CSPAN, GME will shoot to the stratosphere. You're in uncharted waters, and only the strong survive the swim, instead of caving because they saw some pixels on a screen. You only realize loss if you SELL.

Just. Trust. Me.

>> No.27754795

>Oh no, they'll have to pay a $10 million dollar fine, whatever will they do?
This is CONGRESS, dumbass, not SEC.

Look up Enron.

>> No.27754796

Ten more years
Business fundamentals
Trust the plan
- Q

>> No.27754928

I am just a spectator but I hope you sleep tight boomer.

>> No.27755000
File: 429 KB, 947x768, Braindamage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AOC care about common people
Hi Newfag, spend 1 week on /pol/ lurking and then come back. high iq /biz/ chads know its the jews. we just leave that topic on /pol/.
now back to shilling pajeetcoins faggot.

>> No.27755046

already bought 2 calls

>> No.27755058

you will never succeed at anything as long as you keep feeling sorry for yourself.

>> No.27755063

Did the people who lost their houses in 2008 ever get them back?
Did the people who lost their businesses in the 2020 coof lockdowns ever get financial justice for that?

Bro you're a delusional boomer. America is nothing but a tax-cattle farm for the elite. Congress doesn't give a single fuck about us. You seem to unironically think hilary clinton, nancy pelosi, and gavin newsom give a tenth of a fuck about you.

>> No.27755081

No, if anything wallstreet benefits from more retarded low information retail investors buying into the casino. Sure Melvin Capital took an anal pounding from this, but the people who were lending out those shares that the other hedgies were shorting? They won, and now the rest of wallstreet is probably scheming on how to milk these new retail investors for every penny that they can get out of them. The spirit of this was admirable, but like any so called revolt against the system that seeks to work within it, will only serve to strengthen it as it learns to adapt like the body's immune system against a virus.
The only way for you to win against it is to accumulate enough capital to ultimately check out of it. Stop consooming products for the sake of consooming them, stop watching the latest brainrot coming out of hollywood, stop drinking yourself to death to cope with being a wagie in a deracinated world, and stop worshiping the (((free market))) that makes it profitable to make you a slave to your vices.

>> No.27755263

Sorry anon, we're in a brave jew world now, Trump was our last hope to prevent the collapse.

>> No.27755284

>spend time on /pol/ where the whole Qanon thing started surely you will learn why the Jews are behind everything

stfu newfag I was here during 2012 when Ron Paul was our guy

>> No.27755507
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, hrm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out gmefaq.com

>> No.27755546

your confirmation bias blinds you, this is why your lost the election, and why you cannot navigate reality.

>> No.27755588
File: 41 KB, 1024x576, Trump-US-Israel_Horo-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump was our last hope to prevent the collapse.
he was always MIGA

>> No.27755647

So in 2008 the BANKS when you lost your job due to the financial system failing, they took your house, took your mortgage insurance, took the money you paid so far... and then they beg us for a bailout that we happily give them? All the liability falls on us and the government when the banks fail... and the BANKS win whether we win and loan out money from banks, or if we fail to pay the banks. Who owns the banks? Thats for you to answer....

>> No.27755741

Bro if you think that congress is going to do anything, you actually need medication. Politicians make money by getting donations from hedge funds directly or indirectly. Joe Biden hasn't said a fucking word about this situation. A sizable amount of Americans suffered financial loses to blatant corruption in the GME craze during a pandemic and he has nothing to say. Blame Americans for being stupid, sure, but Wall Street also cheated and will not be held accountable yet again.

>> No.27755791
File: 68 KB, 1200x801, 3B861AA1-7CA4-4049-B143-75C56402E8F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats who

>> No.27755821
File: 48 KB, 596x376, 1612371857000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so confident of this? None of these cretins was ever punished for 2008. Even if they punish Vlad as they should, he was just the golem acting on the orders of the kikes at Citadel who absolutely will never be punished. Vlad is just their fall guy.

>> No.27755833

trump spent 4 years pandering to nogs and israel

>> No.27755908

>Did the people who lost their houses in 2008 ever get them back?
No, because they defaulted on the payments, no one made them do that by refusing to let them pay. Apples and oranges.

>Did the people who lost their businesses in the 2020 coof lockdowns ever get financial justice for that?
No one forced the virus on those businesses, it was an act of Nature, caused by no one.

>Bro you're a delusional boomer. America is nothing but a tax-cattle farm for the elite.
If you live under a Republican administration. "Trickle-down" theory doesn't trickle.

>Congress doesn't give a single fuck about us. You seem to unironically think hilary clinton, nancy pelosi, and gavin newsom give a tenth of a fuck about you.
It's the JOB of the Democratic Financial Oversight Committee to give a fuck, not those other people you mentioned. You are drawing a false equivalence because you are young, disillusioned, and retarded.

>> No.27755915

>Break le law

Shills are in this thread

>> No.27755918
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>> No.27756002
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Stop thinking someone else is going to save you whether it’s daddy trump Qlarps or sleepy Joe and the SEC to crack down on hedge funds. If you want a change you need to start organizing IRL protests and maybe even take it a step further like sit ins on Wall Street unless you can whip up joggers to riot for you or somethin if you aren’t willing to go to jail for your beliefs.

>> No.27756007

Qtards are braindead cattle goyim. And I mean absolutely braindead, basically running on their brainstem alone for basic functions.

>> No.27756021

Trump didnt fix the system he called rigged. He had heart but no follow through, You cant borrow money to sell houses you dont own, so why is it the hedge funds do that shit with stocks.

>> No.27756054

Elon unironically should be in jail with Jack Dorsey for allowing this kind of shit on his platform. Noone should be able to just tweet "Dogecoin LMAO" and pump and dump through millions of retarded redditors like that

>> No.27756101

>Trump was our last hope
Trump Tax Cuts Helped Billionaires Pay Less Taxes Than The Working Class In 2018


>> No.27756117

This is WHY


>> No.27756126

It's not illegal as long as shares transacted.
When a short position is taken, an additional long position is created.
For an hypothetical company with 1 share owned by B:

A borrows stock from B
A sells stock to C
A borrows the same share from C
A sells stock to D

The stock is now 200% shorted with B, C, and D claiming a long position resulting in 300% ownership. To unwind this:

A buys stock from D
A returns stock to B
A buys stock from B
A returns stock to C

A single share just closed a 200% shorted position in multiple transactions with C owning the company.
Shorts having to buy more stock than exists was always a lie to pull people into the pump&dump.

>> No.27756131

jews wont face anything but the reddit mods and the people that pushed this meme stock like DFV will

>> No.27756175


>reddit spacing
>shills for dems
>unironically uses the term racist as if it's an insult
>eat-the-rich mentality
>actually believes democratic congress is going to punish hedge funds, the same people who fund their campaigns

you must go back

>> No.27756182
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Remember, you're here forever.

>> No.27756191
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>You cant borrow money to sell houses you dont own, so why is it the hedge funds do that shit with stocks.

>> No.27756350

That is some very detailed rules that normal retail investors dont have an understanding of and the hedge funds have unlimited knowledge of the stock market

>> No.27756354

>they took your house, took your mortgage insurance, took the money you paid so far..
The banks did not do this, you are retarded.

The banks gave home loans to unqualified people, who then defaulted on the loans because they could not pay them, which was THEIR OWN FAULT. That's why they lost their homes.

The banks sin was giving loans to unqualified people they should have known were not good for the money, not REFUSING TO ACCEPT PAYMENT, which is essentially what RobinHood did. Apples and oranges.

>> No.27756400

Why the fuck do people interpret this as a singular party (melvin in this case) is responsible for that?
Is it not a much more likely that other parties started to short the stock aftere it started to reach 400? That seems like a smart play to do.

Also from what I read, this is data from january and no official data will be out until the 9th of feb.

>> No.27756508

The banks make money off of whatever loans they give. They want money circulating and debt being taken out so people keep the cycle going

>> No.27756548

Still over 200% true effective short. Most of the short is now against their own deliveries to clearing houses.
What happened this week was intensified naked selling. They are crashing the price by selling shares they don't have. They don't have to deliver them for 3 days anyways. The true short % counting naked shorts, sales and covers within the 3 day buffer to deliver is likely more than 150%. Look into Failure to Deliver data from December and onwards.

>> No.27756561

>He had heart but no follow through

no, like every politician he just said what you wanted to hear while afterwards he put on his kneepads and went to sucking cock OR did nothing - moreso than everyone else

the fact the wall is half assed and can be reverted at anytime, his number 1 line item, is a testament to his standing

>> No.27756578

>None of these cretins was ever punished for 2008.
Apples and oranges. The banks sins were giving out loans to underqualified people who defaulted on them, not conspiring to manipulate markets to steal money from the poor. That's why the banks were bailed out, because the loan holders defaulted through their own mismanagement of money, not because they were forced to default.

RobinHoods' members were forced not to buy, and in some cases FORCED TO SELL. This is illegal.

>> No.27756602


>> No.27756607


Thanks Q. I cant wait for the military tribunals also. Lol

>> No.27756672

Nothing you say will save your company from legal consequences.

>> No.27756752

>Elon unironically should be in jail
Crypto is not a security, and not regulated.

So suck my dick.

>> No.27756773

(They) really opened a 140% short on gamestop WHICH IS JUST ILLEGAL OFF RIP and are trying as physically hard to make it seem like the ones who took advantage of it are the bad ones

Literally gas yourself

>> No.27756781

>You are delusional if you think there are any 'sides' other than profit.
If you're a money hating faggot what the fuck are you doing on /biz/ you dumb bitch

>> No.27756795

we can talk in about 30 years. Your lack of cynicism suggests that you've been at this for less than 10 years.

>> No.27756805

It literally is. Who gave the order to RH to stop allowing people to buy?

>> No.27756811

The banks allow underqualified people to take out loans because if they didnt they werent making their percentage for giving out loans from the government for housing

>> No.27756832

>It's not illegal as long as shares transacted.
It is absolutely illegal to sell a security owned by someone else without their consent.


>> No.27756858
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>Q movement is an indicator of /pol/
see this is why you are a fucking newfag. /pol/ and the jewish question existed before trump. Q movement only gained real traction around 2018 and it was mostly contained to /ptg/ threads. so let me remind you: LURK MOAR.

>> No.27756878

>So will the jews face any repercussions for this?
if anything there will be more regulations to fuck the retailer harder in the ass for "his own safety".

>> No.27756897

It wasn't WeBull it was eToro (I know because it happened to me)

>> No.27756926

>jews wont face anything but the reddit mods and the people that pushed this meme stock like DFV will
DFV is being called in to crucify the brokers and make the case that there was nothing illegal happening on Reddit, which there wasn't.

>> No.27756968

Trump is literally a billionaire who lived off inheritance his whole life. All of his business ventures were trash. He conned people with a fake university. He let his supporters freeze to death at one of his rallies. There was no way in hell he would care about literally any of us. There was no heart, the dude made a killing convincing the dumbest, ugliest, stupidest, and most fervent Americans that he was going to save them.

>> No.27756974

Of course not, they write the laws.
They just dropped a massive redpill on Reddit on how vile they are, its up to the redditors now to turn anti-semitic.

>> No.27757009

Is this why Christians believe this world isn’t for them, and that their time here is not as important as their time in the next life? Because earth belongs to the Jews but they are all going to hell so what difference does it make.

>> No.27757041
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>you must go back

If anyone is an ignorant niggerjew here, it's YOU, you intellectually weak, scapegoating, hedge-fund-cum-guzzling faggot, lol.

>> No.27757057

I don't fucking care, all his joyriding on bitcoin and dogecoin is going to ruin crypto forever and then you'll be stuck using shit apps like CRYPTBRO where you can't same day trade and ETH is off limits due to market volatility and [Crypto is only allowed to be traded between 3am est and 4am est] shitcoins will cease to exist by virtue of being made illegal to trade unregulated coins and you'll be able to trade all 3 flavors of Bitcoin, ethereum, and Litecoin.

>> No.27757066

>His corporation will be liquidated and split among those he defrauded.
>WeBull actually implemented forced -20% stoploss sales on GME and AMC, forcing many of their holders to sell, then paid them back the difference for the "mistake". They are federally fucked.
>Good chance Citadel people will go to prison and their company go the way of Enron.

I'd like for you to be right but this is just delusional. They own congress. They own Biden. They own Janet Yellen, Citadel literally gifted her $800,000 and she isn't being forced to recuse due to a conflict of interest because lol ethics don't matter Goyim. America is their colony/tax farm that literally starts wars and kills millions of innocents for these people.

>> No.27757108

The media always gives a name to those they demonize, its awesome they cant give a name to gamestop investors because they have plausible deniability

>> No.27757112

Kek btfo

>> No.27757139

You throw the term newfag around like someone desperate to prove you're "one of us" lmao. Cope harder m8.

>> No.27757142

lmao at getting thetad

>> No.27757275

Yep, bet with the powers that be

>> No.27757301

You are obviously a tourist from reddit. Just admit to yourself that WSB mislead us about the squeeze being inevitable and we got screwed over by (((typical tricks))) like what RH pulled. Time to get off the reddit hype train and face reality.

>> No.27757308

It isn't as long as they fill their IOU to return it.
The lesson for you bag holders is to not gamble on a game you didn't read the rules of.

The hedges playing short and long have enough information on shit-tier brokers like RH to estimate when they'd collapse and dumped on retail practically at the same time. This was the largest single transfer of wealth from retail to Wall Street in decades.

>> No.27757318

>The banks make money off of whatever loans they give.
That was their only sin. And they paid dearly for it. They had to pay back every penny of the bailout plus interest. But make no mistake, the people who lost their homes lost them because THEY THEMSELVES defaulted on their payments, through no fault of anyone else. If anything, the banks has an interest in KEEPING THEM PAYING, and therefore housed, so they could remain solvent themselves.

Apples and oranges compared to artificially driving a stock price down by removing buy pressure illegally from the common user, while allowing millionaire cronies to buy shorts freely.

>> No.27757344

Literally nothing will happen, he just raised 3 billion in capital and will have successful IPO

Basically redditors made a bunch of rich people richer, while Melvin was only marginally hurt and will recover from this

>> No.27757413

>Why the fuck do people interpret this as a singular party
Where did anyone type that, retard?

>> No.27757465

Ya, this one only works if you're paying real close attention, and don't mind leaving a little on the table for safety sake. As long as you're out by next wedneday it could work; but I'm sure you already know that they will never be exercised

>> No.27757565

If its not one party but multiple how does the total amount of squeeze matter? Wouldn't they all have different cover dates?

>> No.27757581
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>> No.27757659

>not loaning your secured equities to your brokerage for risk-free interest on your holdings
its like you enjoy staying poor.

>> No.27757706

>congressional paige
how many times have you been molested by your bosses lol

>> No.27757754
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>> No.27758215 [DELETED] 

>bought ten shares at $350
>could have sold for a $100 profit
>broker app was down all day
>dropped to $150
>held on waiting for the next bounce
>$50 now
>dad asking if I'm rich yet (I used his money)
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

>> No.27758540

Every once in a while a black outlier moves up the ladder and blames the joos too.

>> No.27758653

Americans used to do those jobs until they got priced out by illegal labor that works for less.

>> No.27758694

>its just a coincidence theyre all jews!

>> No.27758789
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>> No.27759278


>> No.27759509

>buying an overinflated stock of a dying company that has shot up 1,700% in a pump and dump at the peak of the pump

>> No.27759776

Have fun trying to litigate against ASS_FUCK69 in court because he gave public investment advice for free

>> No.27759877

i bet it made you physically sweat, typing nigger
i bet you were both terrified and excited
i bet you even looked over your shoulder
just to be sure nobody saw you being naughty

>> No.27760090

t. lost 20k on DOGE

>> No.27760139

imagine getting manipulated by redditors

>> No.27760248

Robinhood was NOT the main culprit (except for its sleazy letter on Thursday stating it acted nobly to help customers), nor was its clearing house Apex. The main culprit was DEPOSITORY TRUST CORPORATION (DTC and its parent), a somewhat mysterious entity owned by the big "primary" dealers (the Merrill Lynch, Morgan Staney, JP Morgan, et al.), most of whom make a huge income from the shorting trade, including (currently legal) multiple shorts of the same share of stock. That' s how they shorted more GME than existed. Last Thursday, Depostitory Trust contacted Apex and made a surprise change, from the normal low (probably about 3%) "margin" requirement to cover possible nonpayments, to a sudden 100% margin requirement for GameStock stock. Neither Apex nor Robinhood could handle that incredible and sudden burden (small increases due to volatilty, like !0% or 15% may have been reassinable, not 100%).

DTC pulled something similar today on non-primary brokers (not on DTC's member-owners) who tried to trade in the stock of Cassava Science (SAVA), a company that just discovered the first fairly effective drug for Alzheimers Disease. Its stock skyrocketed and then short-sellers got involved. When Depository Trust called up, suddenly you couldn't do certsin tranactions in SAVA stock.

Probably Depository Trust should be investigated and possibly, if feasible, disbanded and ended, and replaced by a system that "settles" payment in seconds, not days. Depository Trust has an inherent conflict of interest due to its members' and its own lucrative income from the shorting business and hedge finds. Short selling should be limited to one short share per issued share actually borrowed (not re-borrowed repeatedly), and no-one (including DTC and its member-ownerss) should be allowed to do or facilitate naked shorting.

>> No.27760446

I wonder why no one has ever made a terrorist attack on wall street killing as many jews as possible.

Aren't you the nation where you can buy guns at grocery stores?

>> No.27760766

jews can only capitalize on weak faggots, what did you think was going to happen buying into a manipulated market and your fellow holders are paper handed redditors? should have bought BTC ETH or LINK like a white man

>> No.27761260


how do people find this stuff? instead of circle jerking on GME this was a rocket that transpired in the last 7 days.

>> No.27761763

>despite owning 13% of all GME shares...

>> No.27762441

>how do people find this stuff? instead of circle jerking on GME this was a rocket that transpired in the last 7 days.
Over a year ago I read that SAVA had a drug that didn't attempt to duplicate the many failed attempts (for 40 years) to treat Alzheimer's by treating Amyloid plaques, tangles, and Tau in the brain, but just re-folded a small protein that someone noticed was folded wrong in Alzheimer's patients. There was a result last year that seemed bad at first and the stock plummetted, but then it was realized actually it was pretty good. Having faith, I bought some more, and, alas, sold a bunch at over $9. A follow-up trial recently cinched it. The high today was $117.54.

>> No.27762964
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>why did this obvious ponzi scheme not make me rich

>> No.27763076

>inb4 you’re a rabbi
keep blaming jews for your own mental deficiencies. also post your loss porn so i can laugh at you retard

>> No.27763313

>the dude made a killing convincing the dumbest, ugliest, stupidest, and most fervent Americans that he was going to save them.
Ugliest? Young women supporting Trump were and are, on average, far more physically attractive than the tattoed, pierced, green-haired, fat feminist (among others) Biden supporters. Those blonde women on Fox versus.... Rachel Maddow. Looks are superficial and often irrelevant, but that "ugly" is backward.

>> No.27764898

Watch and wait.

>> No.27764992


go ask a farmer how many white males he has lining up for cabbage picking jobs.

>> No.27765081

>Have fun trying to litigate against ASS_FUCK69 in court because he gave public investment advice for free
You're missing the point, we're litigating against the brokerages. What you describe is perfectly legal.

>> No.27765156

>anyone who makes logical sense can't say anything offensive
You don't get out much, do you niggerjew hedge-fund-cumguzzling-ass-faggot?

>> No.27765666

Who KEPT buying after RH started fucking shit up?

>> No.27766742

owned retards
>they broke the law!!!!!!!!!!
i bet you stupid niggers think you can break the law and avoid taxes on crypto but when the kikes bend the rules suddenly you want daddy to help you

>> No.27766899

how I buy it?

>> No.27766996

I am holding until Tuesday, and then I will go from there. Anyone with half a brain could see how blatant the market manipulation was/is, and how fucking jewed this entire process has been. I was naive to forget that people in power do not play the same game as us, and that every single fucking thing in this goddamn bitch of a world is rigged against you, ESPECIALLY when so much Jewish money is on the line. However, these slimy fucks have still not covered their shorts and they can't go on forever due to other Players expecting their cut. GME is still being bought and held at a massive rate, just look at the volume. Manipulating the price this drastically is their last ditch effort to get as many shareholders to sell as possible before they get absolutely crushed. Anyone telling you the squeeze has happened is wrong. They plan to wait it out, but they are running out of time.
GME was the people's ticket to the moon. Corruption, Jews, and fear are getting in the way of the that. I am going to hold until they pry it out of my cold dead hands.

>> No.27767984

>buy meme stock of a dying company at 1200% inflated price because reddit told you to
>literally giving your savings to wall street hedgies that have been holding since fall 2020
>be surprised when obvios bubble collapses
>da jooz are rigging the game
Never gonna make it

>> No.27768082

It's possible but the only real solutions are political, you won't have a chance of winning when playing within the parameters of a system made by the powers that be to entrench themselves. Income and Capitol gains tax on billionaires should be 90%. Total executive compensation rate shouldn't exceed 100X that of their rank and file employees. One we live in an ultramodern civilization with bullet trains and immaculate public spaces and green energy everywhere, where the hyperwealthy can't visit to Epstein's Island and get away with it, and we have a budget surplus, then yeah maybe we can ease up on taxes for the billionaire class.

>> No.27768161

>da jooz

Obvious shill. The market was rigged and there is a mass demoralization campaign to pressure people to sell. People should hold if for no other reason than to prove they will not be controlled by fear.

People have already lost everything over this. Those who sell at this point are just traitors.

>> No.27768272

They stole a national election and got away with it, do you really think anyone is going to give a shit about some redditors?

>> No.27768408

The diamond hands thing always gets me. How can plebbitors be so fucking cringe?

>> No.27768498

Sad to see someone this brainwashed by liberal media.

>> No.27768542

The hedgies wanted you to keep buying. They wanted the price to keep going up. You fell into a false narrative, when in fact Melvin is a minnow in the world of finance and some of the largest funds in Wall Street (ie. Blackrock) all had a stake in this mooning. If the trading apps hadn't restricted, you retards would have just kept putting in more money after bad.

The hedgies made millions off your savings and you are upset because you weren't allowed to give them even more money.

>> No.27768594

Jews don’t face any repercussions in a post WW2, holohoax guilt ridden world

>> No.27768630

Did the paper hands who sold have an impact on the price drop or are their numbers insignificant when it comes to the price changing?

>> No.27769074

This primarily ownly happened because stock exchanges violated multiple laws and forced people to sell or face a huge loss to protect hedgies. This is prime example of why stocks are fucking gay

>> No.27769214

The squeeze was when it went from 4 to 400. That is fucking 1000%. For comparison, VW did 200 to 1000 which was only 500%. Niggas got too greedy and were caught holding the bags after the squeeze ended.

>> No.27769907

BB, GME, and AMC all drop at the same exact time.... Nothing to see here goy

>> No.27770241


Now the retards want to call an emergency shareholder meeting to stave off bankrupcy, as if that won't sink the stock even further

This whole shitshow has been a riot

>> No.27770276

>Trump campaigns on migration
>GOP had both Chambers of Congress for 24 months.
>Didn't hold one (1) vote on migration, not even token shit about deporting criminals. Nothing.
>Illegal border crossings hit 13 year high in 2019.
Migration is a fine knock against the Dems but they are better for working people than the GOP, who isn't even marginally the tiniest bit better on migration.

Mass migration keeps rent high and wages poor and helps the rich so the GOP especially will never ever stop it. They would raise taxes first.

>> No.27770397

Whereas the poor Joos have to blame God for everything. What a lonely way to rage.

>> No.27770508

I agree with you but
>your retail userbase while allowing corporations to freely buy, not to mention forced sales of securities without user consent

this is allowed in the T&C of the robinhood, which all users agreed to before using.

this is not bulletproof but will save major blows to robinhood.

>> No.27771058

greed has nothing to do with.

wallstreet and hedgies run on unfiltered greed.

what was happening last week was perfectly legal until retails got restricted and hedgies were not. Hedgies have been freely able to buy and sell in whatever volume they please.

liquidity problem or not, rules got changed inbetween for one side not for the other

robinhood is to blame but so are other brokers and DTCC. they took action for self preservation on the cost of customers loss

>> No.27771060

So this is an absolute bluff on the Kike’s part.

>> No.27771117


>> No.27771395
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Were here to watch this shitshow then you can go back to talking about dogecoin all day.

>> No.27772047
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Jews facing reprecussions, when has that ever happened.

>> No.27772124

god the sheer amounts of GME bagholder cope is making my dick rock hard


you lost the money of your own accord you stupid faggots