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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27740961 No.27740961 [Reply] [Original]


Someone says Vechain, your first thought is supply chain.
WRONG. Vechain is the ultimate defi coin, you get paid just for holding the token. You get paid more for staking. I'll tell you how.

Vechain is a fork of eth, it can do everything ETH can do with consistent fees at 0.01$ even at 10 000tps.

>Now here is the redpill.

When you pay ETH fees All of that goes to the miners. ALL OF IT. YOU. DO. NOT. SEE. A. PENNY. Miners are the crypto jews. They are parasites and leech our ETH and when they've gathered all of that eth, they it dump on us.
You can cope say muh security muh decentralisation but the truth is ETH is controlled by less then 15 mining pools. It is already centralized and we are being jewed.

Now all of the fees paid when using VET, they are all equally distributed towards all of the token holders equally. Stakers get more obviously, but there is no middle man. No filthy jewish miners taking our hard earned crypto. We token holders get our fees back. Do you understand the enormity of this?
We get fees back and we distribute it back into the Vet ecosystem pumping up the marketcap,, Vet gets used more,, more fees earned, pump back into the eco-... you get the idea right. Its an organic constant pump cycle.
You can create tokens on Vet. It has its on Uniswap called Vexchange. Its own metamask called Comet. Its own blockchain games called, Berserk, Vulcanverse. An official mobile wallet. It has special features that help normie adoption that I'll tell you about if you ask me.
And best of all the circular economy means everyone is rewarded in fees just for holding the coin. The rich don't get richer, the holders do. No parasite miners draining our wallets, ETH would have overthrown BTCs marketcap if it wasn't for the scaling. That's the truth. Vet is heading to the top 5.

>> No.27741533

ive tried to make them see this anon but they keep saying china scam. never mind.

>> No.27741640

checked, it is indeed a china scam like you say

>> No.27741652

>all these old as dead coins coming back
is this a bad sign

>> No.27741875

no it means some of them have a working product

>> No.27742276

I held these bags since VEN, finally can leave. Enjoy, future bagholders

>> No.27742592

haha yes sell now when it's finally getting traction


>> No.27742955
File: 194 KB, 1200x799, vechain-hustle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not use another POA Ethereum copypasta network like xDai Chain which has much more support, adoption and is much more decentralized than this scam?

>> No.27743183

This is a big sell signal. when these 2017 scam coins start coming back. fuck. thanks for reminding me to take profits chink