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File: 119 KB, 1024x577, yellencoin is dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2773271 No.2773271 [Reply] [Original]

>dollar ponzi scheme at the verge of collapsing
>decentralized money is born
>status quo is challenged
>guy shows "buy bitcoin" sign on live TV
>[camera guy shaking intensifies]
>[quickly cuts the camera]



>> No.2773281

Auditing the FED would be bad for the world IMO.
It has brought many many good things, we developed a ot since the FED is there. Can you imagine a world with a limited amount of Gold and Bitcoins and Altcoins?

>> No.2773290

What would likely happen to crypto in the event of a another 2007 style recession?

>> No.2773317
File: 46 KB, 813x603, bitcoin supply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you imagine a world with a limited amount of Gold and Bitcoins and Altcoins?
are you fucking kidding me?

BTC goes $1,000,000++

>> No.2773320

>dollar ponzi scheme
that's pretty rich for someone who shills crypto all day -- an investment that has no inherent value and is only worth money because of the greater fool theroy

>> No.2773332

>bitcoin market cap is going to be 21 trillion
>Bitcoin market cap is going to be more than the entire US stock market to be worth $1,000,000
retarded delusional or idiot who can't do basic grade school multiplication?

>> No.2773339

It'll be a world where autist drives overpriced cars like Lambo, lives in their mom's basement, does nothing productive but thinks they're important because they have loads of coins?

>> No.2773361
File: 1.98 MB, 1051x9709, ItHasntEvenBegunYet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 trillion is a lot!!

Im sorry that you fell for the fiat meme. Enjoy the up and coming bonds collapse as boomers wish they were holding bitcoin.

>> No.2773368
File: 30 KB, 621x343, screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks 21 trillion isn't a lot
lol if you're hoping for 1 million btc you're gonna be disappointed

>> No.2773389

if youre betton on bitcoin going to $1m in order to become rich you shouldn't bother. i wouldn't be surprised to see 10k bitcoin, or even 25k bitcoin in a few years, but 1m is so high the dollar itself would have to crash hard to get there.

besides, if you got in early enough you wouldn't be needing 1m bitcoins to get rich to begin with.

>> No.2773395


>fed has brought us many good things
>like income tax
>massive wealth transfer from poor to rich
>destruction of the middle class
>destruction of the dollar

>> No.2773406


>doesnt understand money
>thinks value of a currency is comparable to stock market

if bitcoin gets adopted as global reserve currency a multi-trillion dollar market cap would be peanuts.
its a long shot desu but absolutely possible.


>that's pretty rich for someone who shills crypto all day -- an investment that has no inherent value and is only worth money because of the greater fool theroy

and the dollar is different, because...?

>> No.2773407

You guys have been saying the dollar is going to collapse since 2001 and it's been almost 17 years and still there's no collapse.

>> No.2773412

>he thinks bitcoins will be more valuable than the companies that produce the overwhelming majority of goods and services in America
just no

I'm sorry man but if you didn't get in on bitcoin in 2012 at the latest you already missed the boat, let it go

>> No.2773418


>dollar lost 90% of its value
>only propped by bullying oil producing countries into using dollar as reserve currency
>US will literally invade countries like lybia that want to go back to the gold standard
>no sign of collapse

yes there is absolutely nothing to see here goyim
now move along and just trust the central bankers, they know whats best for you

>> No.2773423

>dollar lost 90% of its value since 2001
you're an idiot, don't post

>> No.2773427

by that logic you shouldn't put anything into the dollar because the boat was never there to begin with.

>> No.2773430


>he still doesnt understand the value of a currency vs stock market cap
>has no arguments left and falls back to insults

lol ok then

>> No.2773438

I looked through your post history, CheapCoins, and it's pretty clear you're invested in this "21 btc" meme pretty hard.

You wouldn't give a shit if you put money in back in 2011/2012 and you wouldn't need to entertain delusions and wishful thinking like "bitcoin global reserve currency by 2020" nonsense

Fucking nucoiners.

>> No.2773450


>hurr durr youre too late


>> No.2773451
File: 58 KB, 1214x231, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Cryptocurrency will be the death knell of the government/military age, because it takes government out of controlling the money

lmao I can't believe you actually believe this shit. Bitcoin will end the government and military? Full retard.


>> No.2773459


you do realize thats not even my post you idiot?

>> No.2773464

I mean, you're not too late to make money. Bitcoin could go to 500b, trillion market cap and be worth 20-50k

But if you think that shit is going to 21 trillion market cap you need to take your pills

>> No.2773465

Hes actually referring to the 70s when nixon pulled the gold backing from the dollar, and at the same time sent nixon to make a deal with saudi arabia to only sell oil in usd. Now all members of the OPEC sell in usd. This creates an artifical demand for USD. As long as america can keep the world dependant on petroleum/oil, and its only sold in USD, then the dollar will be in demand.

Remeber when Gaddafi wanted to switch to gold to sell oil? Yeah we killed him

Remember when Sadam wanted to sell using the euro? Yeah that didnt work out well for him either.

Just sayin, hes not wrong, and never mentioned 2001 explicitly

>> No.2773472

nah but it is >>2773361 's

>> No.2773473

Same time sent Kissinger*

>> No.2773487


>this anon gets it

yup and thats just the tip of the iceberg
google confessions of an economic hitman
this shit has been going on for a looooong time

>> No.2773495

>Just sayin, hes not wrong, and never mentioned 2001 explicitly
>Just sayin, hes not wrong, and never mentioned 2001 explicitly
he was responding to a post that mentioned 2001 and it was implied that he meant that the the dollar lost 90% value since 2001, because bringing up that stat without mentioning a reference date is utterly meaningless.

i don't care too much for the gaddafi conspiracy theories

>> No.2773508


you dumbass I never mentioned 2001
you made that up in your demented brain, because you have absolutely no clue wtf youre talking about
edumucate yourself before you start spouting nonsense

>muh gaddafi conspiracy theory

do you even gold dinar you retard?
jesus pick up a book once in a while

>> No.2773528

>you dumbass I never mentioned 2001
You responded to a post that did (>>2773407) and quoted a figure in reference to that.. idiot.

go back to smoking weed and watching zeitgeist movies retard

>> No.2773541


I referenced the "no sign of collapse" you fucktard
its not my fault you have zero reading comprehension

>> No.2773555

Yeah okay idiot, quoting a figure like "the dollar has lost 90% of its value" without a reference date means nothing (90% of its value compared to what date? 1971? 1913? 1776?)

so it's obvious that you meant 2001

now keep backpedaling

>> No.2773581

Man, to be honest, you're the one who's losing the argument. I took his post too pretty clearly mean, "the dollar has lost 90% of it's value since it's creation" and I haven't seen you provide any evidence to the contrary.

>> No.2773588

>I haven't seen you provide any evidence to the contrary.
burden of proof isn't on me retard

the claim isn't even wrong, it's vague and "value" isn't even defined

value against what? gold? PPP?

>> No.2773623
File: 607 KB, 300x169, dlfox.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, its become too obvious whats going on. Only problem then was that people knew this but had no other choice but to accept the dollar.

But now it different. With cryptos, we now have a choice to take our economic freedom back into our hands with the added bonus of fucking over the FED and their puppet banks.


>> No.2773652


Hahahah who is this kike

>> No.2773653

Bait: the post

>> No.2773659

>that's pretty rich for someone who shills fiat all day -- a currency that has no inherent value and is only valuable because of the greater fool theroy

>> No.2773665


the value of a currency is its purchasing power you mongoloid!
and the dollar has lost 90% or more of that since its creation
you also completely ignored everything else I and other anons have stated, probably because its way over your head
then you dismiss the lybia invasion and the economic warfare of the US as "Muh conspiracy" when theres fucking NSA operatives on RECORD confirming what was said in this thread

Just gtfo, turn off the interwebs and kys you mongrel

>> No.2773672

He's from /pol/ (they used to say that "burden of proof" copout bullshit.) Which means there's no point in trying to reason with him.

>> No.2773678
File: 60 KB, 860x650, proofs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> theres fucking NSA operatives on RECORD confirming what was said in this thread

>> No.2773689

This! Anyone who wants to audit the fed doesn't know what's good for them! Best to leave some stones un-turned, goy. Some things, you're better off not knowing :^)

>> No.2773691

The truth is that your rulers sometimes have to make tough decisions for your sake, tough decisions that you wouldn't understand, so they have to keep it from you.

>> No.2773955

this person will also go on /pol/ and complain about other governments cucking their citizens

>> No.2774083

you gotta be a fucking nigger or an absolute retard with an IQ that matches your shoe size. 10 DOLLARS BOUGHT 100 BURGERS IN 1960, 10 DOLLARS BUYS YOU 8 BURGERS IN 2017.

>> No.2774090

>being this retarded

>> No.2774131

the kikes are aftraid
death to FED, ECB, BOJ et al
one thing is a voluntary ponzi, if anon considers crypto a ponzi
an entirely different thing is a mandatory centrally planned ponzi with tier 1 banks and their overlord controlling everything and kiking the individuals out of their mandatory pound of flesh

>> No.2774203

>compound 30% inflation over the last 10 years

>> No.2774338
File: 41 KB, 622x350, tbills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's now how you measure purchasing power, you fucking angry retard. Compare against a risk-free instrument.

>> No.2774364

Don't forget feeding every bubble since its creation.
Good podcast on the origins of central banking:

>> No.2774440

You are a fucking idiot. You are confidently and arrogantly wrong. You are everything wrong with people.

>> No.2774451

You must be one of those conspiracy retards.

>> No.2774469

It's sad that folks like you exist, that you worthless, braindead fucks make up probably half of the people in the world. You believe so much so deeply and don't even know why.

>> No.2774504
File: 26 KB, 600x450, b62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It's sad that folks like you exist, that you worthless, braindead fucks make up probably half of the people in the world. You believe so much so deeply and don't even know why.

>> No.2774560

A little fedora but I'm serious. You let simple social engineering and NLP like the stigmatization of the word "conspiracy" prevent you from researching on your own something like whether we staged a "revolution" and killed Gaddhafi because he was threatening the petrodollar, which is exactly 100% undeniably what happened. You really don't buy any conspiracies? Most of the big ones are true

>> No.2774607
File: 69 KB, 624x555, Purchasing-Power-Chart[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thats actually EXACTLY how you measure purchasing power you idiot
if you put money in the bank and earn compound interest (which we dont have anymore due to zero interest rates) then you end up with MORE money that still has LESS purchasing power than a real gold-backed currency had

you just keep parroting nonsense that they feed to sheep like you to keep the people from straight up revolting. if people like you werent too dumb to realize whats going on there would be blood in the streets tomorrow.

anon was right you are completely retarded and 100% confident in your ignorance. you are whats wrong with this planet and why humanity will never get their shit together. do us all a favour, dont have children and kys

>> No.2774627


I already told you what to google in this thread and Im not gonna repeat myself. again, learn to read.

>> No.2774667

>>Can you imagine a world with a limited amount of Gold and Bitcoins and Altcoins?
>are you fucking kidding me?

Altcoins are unlimited.

>> No.2774715
File: 82 KB, 788x685, IMG_0651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>build up massive credit card debt
>allow inflation to happen
>pay denbts in 30 years
>pay a fraction of what I originally owed
What now, dollar ponzi schemers?

>> No.2774883

Where do you find this information?

>> No.2775031

>he reportedly received donations of more than $10,000 worth of bitcoin


>> No.2775091

I'm doing this myself op . As long as you pay more than the monthly min they keep on raising the your limits . Fuck the banks . My whole line of credit is in bitcoin I don't fucking care

>> No.2775116

Its the same reason why "propaganda" was renamed to press release(PR). Just create another word for conspiracy theory like 'intellectual analysis' or something of the likes when speaking on the matter.

>> No.2775133

Because the interest will kill you thats why. Yea you can pay more than you owe but if your interest rate isn't insanely low you will be in default within a year or two. Unless you can pay enough each month to just pay the interest .

>> No.2775274
File: 2.15 MB, 1297x5111, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw if you own 21 BTC in 2021 you will be rich as fuck while boomers suffocate

>> No.2775654

I can BTC going to 10,000$ - 50,000$ but going to the price of a lambo is ridiculous.

That mean the total value of BTC would be: 2,100,000,000,000$. FOr just a lambo. For a house that would be 10 Trillion or even 100 Trillion.

>> No.2775753

this is 90% true from my perspective. it is no longer true that all of OPEC sells in USD tho. Iran uses Euro in all trade besides trade with China, where RMB is used. China and Russia trade in RMB and RUB. Both countries have many other similar deals. China is very clear that they don't want to live under USD hegemony for the rest of days.

Europe is a different beast. They opened the window into the future with the creation of the Euro. Think: If the Euro is such a failure why are US-economists fudding it so hard day in day out? Libya? It was expensive but today they use EURO for their oil trade.

Don't get me wrong, I like crypto. But don't believe for a second that Bitcoin will be the "global reserve currency". lol. The Dollar/Euro/RMB will share these roles. When the dollar crashes hard, the Euro will come into it's own.

China has opened the Gold window again thru Shanghai and DUBAI. The Euro has provided the new market structure (MTM Gold in Balance Sheet). Check the price of Gold in Euros since introduction of the Euro.

Understand this: ECB could take over the world within a week by bidding for physical gold on the open market. They won't do it unless there is a BIG emergency tho because Washington would probably ready them nukes.

GOLD, Euro, Renmibi, then Bitcoin, Litecoin and if you live in the US canned food.

>> No.2775932


lol you really believe the euro will outlast the dollar?
at least the yankees can simply nuke other countries into submission... the EU has absolutely nothing to keep their scheme going. all they can do is keep stealing more and more taxpayers money and eventually they will reach a brekaing point.
the eurozone is a house of cards, several member states are already close to open revolution since the euro is strangling their economies

>> No.2775940

>Its the same reason why "propaganda" was renamed to press release(PR). Just create another word for conspiracy theory like 'intellectual analysis' or something of the likes when speaking on the matter.
I believe it was Public Relations you're thinking of. It was a term developed by Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud. Bernays used Freud's theories on psychology to become one of the most influential marketers in history. Bacon, eggs and toast is considered a traditional american breakfast nowadays, but it didn't even exist before Bernays sold it to them.

>> No.2775950

Tin foil hats


>> No.2775974

Surely you've noticed that the american media does not exactly cast those countries in a favourable light. Iran in particular is portrayed as part of the "Axis of Evil".

>> No.2775975


(((Edward Bernays)))
(((Sigmund Freud)))
(((Janet Yellen)))

its almost like media and banking is completely dominated by the chosen ones

>> No.2776009

Don't forget the owner and the Ceo of every major media corporation except Fox is a chosen one. I'm pretty sure almost every senior staff member on CNN is.

>> No.2776094

yes, of course. American foreign policy and as an extension the media machine have for a long time been geared towards preserving USD hegemony.

>> No.2776165

The Euro is only loosely connected to the EU, it was constructed by the BIS in Switzerland on the basis of Franco-German cooperation. Think like this: What would happen if say Greece, Italy, Spain and a few smaller, weak countries would leave the Euro. Would the Euro be stronger? Or would it end up being a goddam Deutschmark on steroids? Where is the ECB located. In Brussels? Nah, it isn't.

It was always clear that the Dollars role as a reserve currency would end up being a problem for both the US and the rest of the world one day (Triffin Dilemma). This day has finally arrived.

Now, it is true that the US has fought tooth and nails to keep the Dollar going for just another decade. Think Iraq, maybe even Jugoslavia (Chinese seem to think that). But the buck stops here.

Iran, Russia, China will not be bullied into submission. The price is simply too high for the US.

Now, this is not at all bad for Americans. See what Trump is doing. Rebuilding the industrial base and forming the US into an energy juggernaut. He knows that the credit card is maxed out.

I'm 100% sure the US will bounce back stronger. Just the cars have to get a bit smaller :)

>> No.2776175

PS. Iran, Russia and China are aligned with Europe on the Euro. So are some ME countries. Check out what they say about the Euro. Putin even wants to join :)

>> No.2776348


true the euro would get alot stronger if those countries left
but thats exactly what the EU does NOT want, no?
they want a weak currency to export german goods for cheap
they are constantly pushing for more federalization, the last thing they want is member states leaving the eurozone

>> No.2776373

That was only a thought experiment, I doubt that anyone will leave. Brexit will make EZ and EU stronger. Germany has been exporting kick ass shit under the DM too and that hasn't been exactly a weak currency.

I'll admit that eastern European countries are a problem, especially Poland who (again!) think that the US will save her from the Germanz and the Russian bear. Well. It's a process :)

>> No.2776944


>> No.2776989

Bitcoin would literally go to like $200,000 each minimum.

>> No.2777172
File: 42 KB, 1555x311, YourFuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit nothing in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.2777195
File: 1.94 MB, 1652x3400, NocoinersOnTheCasket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've looked through your post history, nocoiner, and it's pretty clear you have been on every single screenshot since $150.

Is "im a 2010/2011 coiner" your new cope?

>> No.2777214

Dumbass are you saying that bitcoin will be a trillion dollar market? please don't even bother with cryptocoins.

>> No.2777280

dumbass it would only need to be $64,000/BTC. and it's definitely possible. BTC will either be worth a-whole-fucking-lot if it's still usable with the future of the Internet or it'll be worth $0 because developing yet-to-be-developed blockchain applications will render it pointless

>> No.2777334

Dumbass do you realise how high fees that would mean?

>> No.2777351


>implying bitcoin will never upgrade its tech
>not realizing hes the dumbass

>> No.2777359

dumbass hence the fucking fork

>> No.2777573
File: 18 KB, 248x189, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yellen is a dweeb. listening to her talk gives me cancer.