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27727725 No.27727725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just entered five figures, how hard is it going to be to make them six?

>> No.27727877


>> No.27728099

Negro drink my semen

>> No.27728131

Don’t be retarded and you can get there

>> No.27728240

All in on FTM, you will be worth high 6figs-low 7figs by EOY.

>> No.27728296

>Wash-You-Penis-Man is a schizo
So we can take this as confirmation he actually knows everything about the JQ?

>> No.27728328
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My fellow melanin rich fren, proceed to rim your tongue around my sphincter.

>> No.27728450

I try not to be. I hope that's all it takes.

I like Andre, but do you really expect this 32-node centralized abandonware to do a x10?

>> No.27728636

Hey go easy on Jordan, if i was canadian, benzos 24/7, just to take edge off, and living in that shithole would cause anyone to be a schizo. Also, wash your benis.

>> No.27728758
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Yes, because they just signed a deal with the ACCI, their market is worth $1t, and they have lithium reserves worth over $3t.
Just gotta be a little patient, the reason you think its "abandonware" (and youre a fucking retard for thinking that) is because we dont have 50 discord trannie groups spamming the board 24/7 with it.
Its an IQ test, and a test of fortitude.
Will you allow redditfaggots and discordtrannies to sway your mind, or will you see through the veil?
Hope to see you on the fantie yacht in a few years when were chilling in Dubai bro.

>> No.27728954

he’s not schizo never been diagnosed w schizophrenia lol just bad journalism

>> No.27729034

Thanks, I've been semi-shilled. Will wait until my current positions fully develop (I expect another x3 in the coming weeks) and I'll do my research. The fact that this is FUDded so often is actually bullish.

>> No.27729176

Btw he was actually diagnosed medically with Schizophrenia and his DAUGHTER disputes it, because, shes his daughter. And a woman. She knows these things better than actual doctors.


>> No.27729269
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dont slander the boss

>> No.27729486

Bullshit, you kikes had it pulled down with legal threats but he was diagnosed by a medical professional with Schizophrenia and he disputes it personally. Thats not how medical diagnosis works. You dont get to pick and choose, the DOCTOR tells you waht you are and he said Petersons a fucking Schizo.

>> No.27729553

Watching the journey of Jordan has been a privilege. Although his journey has come to an end, i comfort myself of all the future e-celebs i will get to know and watch their birth, peak and eventually demise.
The internet is an amazing place, truly the best time to be alive and be neeting it up.

>> No.27729578

tfw a 4x from hitting 100k
Its chumpchange to some but would be a milestone for me, I just have no idea how to hit it without pumping more money into my current holds.

>> No.27729817
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>> No.27729835

He was supposed to be a controlled opposition agent of de-radicalization and actually admitted thats his goal is to get people to go back to the center. Ezra Levant admitted thats Tommy Robinsons reason to exist on air the other day too, to make people not lose faith in democracy and keep voting (for no real change). These people are effectively broken down as trying to tell you "Do nothing, dont get extreme, accept capitulating, go do some personal writing exercises and waste time on meaningless efforts while society crumbles around you"

>> No.27729892
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>da jooooz

stfu retard

>> No.27729905

dont you guys thinks its safer to go into stablecoins when you reach 6 figures and wait for a crash to get back in? The risk/reward of getting in at the bottom is so heavily skewed towards reward im thinking its the way. I know another march 2020 wont happen again soon but there will be a crash sooner or later

>> No.27729953

It was relatively obvious to be honest. Broken thinking is pretty common in him. His logo, which he "drew during an entheogenic experience", and consists of broken pieces that supposedly create a grand idea, is also very typical schizophrenic behavior. In his 20s, he also wrote letters about he has a "world-changing idea, that no one else can see, and he must do it justice", which coincides with the typical schizophrenia onset.
My guess is that it developed in his 20s and he's been medicated ever since to stay high-functional. What a character.

>> No.27730002
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Pic didnt post, anyways I got more of these. He has said its absolutely normal for races to behave tribally and to act with their own interests in mind, and he has also said white identity is reprehensible, which means hes in favor of identity for everyone except whites. The more you peel his scales back the more you see hes A anti-white B trying to make sure white people dont achieve any political goals.

>> No.27730008
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>> No.27730171

its pretty easy. but be careful what you wish for. 6 figure hell is real.

t. stuck at 500k and considering $rope

>> No.27730197

Am stuck for 5 years in 5 figures $60k atm liquid not counting investment and retirement or hard assets. Should be a lot easier if I just wageslave on the side

>> No.27730202

Stupid easy, just buy chainlink and wait

>> No.27730222
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Its the Jews, they admit it. Plenty of Jews admitting they imported non-whites to make sure whites can never go nazi again aka so whites have no political power anywhere. New York Times for example.

>It was like, hes just not
Said his daughter, not a medical professional. He was diagnosed by a doctor with shizophrenia and her argument was bro like, come on, its 2015+6 and that generally happens at a younger age. Generally. I mean I dont really know that generally doesnt mean always, but generally.

>> No.27730229

Yes, when I reach six figures I will most likely do what you said, unless the market stays clearly bullish.

>> No.27730269

Honestly kind of based. You can hate on him all you want but he is literally a mentally ill schizo addict who applied his wacky ideas to the world and built himself influence and power through raw determination. There's something to be admired in that.

>> No.27730332
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fuk u jew

>> No.27730333

Peterson is a watered down Evola

>> No.27730379

Teach me your ways

>> No.27730434


I've never understood this. Why didn't he just wash his penis?

>> No.27730462

I wish I had an army of beta males paying me $800k a month for the privilege of hearing me tell them to clean their rooms.

>> No.27730511

you can have schizo behaviors and not be schizophrenic. there are no clear lines in the human psyche. nothing you said accurately concludes he's actually schizophrenia, you and the rest of the people here just want to believe it because you guys don't like him and it sounds funny.

>t .confirmation bias

>> No.27730518
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drug induced psychosis is schizophrenia. schizophrenia starts almost always after puberty, not in late years. the guy has no clue

>> No.27730591

He's only popular because men are lost. He teaches basic fucking things anyone with a father figure should already know, except dressed up i esoteric nonsense.

>> No.27730639

sorry meant to say drug induced psychosis is not schizophrenia, it's psychosis. jordan petterson does not show any signs of schizophrenia, he is attention seeking and very social person. schizophrenics are complete opposite of his personality

>> No.27730696

>not believing your own flesh and blood over (((experts)))

>> No.27730742
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PIDF out defending king bucko from having his antifascist viewpoints invalidated. Allow me to blow you the fuck you with a real intellectual.

>> No.27730766

Good luck and godspeed.
Yes absolutely.
Once I hit 6figs Im gonna set aside like $20k just to shitcoin pnd gamble, the rest is going into stablecoins.

>> No.27730783

go back to pol you fucktard

>> No.27730795

>his DAUGHTER disputes it
I wonder if he ever read the copy pasta about having a daughter.

>> No.27730814

>Just entered five figures
You will wash the pen0r and you will be happy, goy.

>> No.27730832
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>> No.27730869

Fuck off retard you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

drink piss

>> No.27730872

His daughter is batshit insane anyways. This isn't the case of 'experts' fucking him over. This guy is obviously unwell. His superhero origin story is legit him growing up in a shithole, with shitty friends who were mentally ill. I've read his book. He's obviously smart, probably midwit tier or a little above, but he has the predisposition for mental illness right there. People who leave shitty situations always stay damaged. As JBP often says, what you go through and your genetics determine how much air you can fit in your 'stress balloon' - when it pops you spiral.

>> No.27730901

This guy isnt even white and his claim to be Norwegian is visibly ridiculous.

>> No.27730921

How is that even possible... In this market, I can hit a +40% every week, with my stop losses set at -5% of buy in. Couldn't get more conservative than that.

I can imagine. I have some strategies in mind, including switching to USDC and waiting for a crash or (most likely) putting a large percentage of what I own in LPs, to get a disposable income of $4-5k, which I will subsequently throw at lowcaps. Alternatively, buy&hold mid-to-high-caps like AVAX/SNX/INJ. We'll see. Let's tackle the 5->6 first.

>> No.27730966

he literally became popular for going against mainstream leftist thought you retard. you have clearly never listened to this man speak

>> No.27730986


hi Mikayla

>> No.27731055
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pics keep not loading, anyways I had another one where his swarthy skin and curly hair were even more visible and obvious. Facial features etc. I dont care what he says he is, he isnt.

>> No.27731120

Don't be mad at people just because they're better then you are. its low class, piss drinker