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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2772742 No.2772742 [Reply] [Original]

>BAT is only 9.3 cents
>Guaranteed to reach Coinbase, Polo, Kraken
>Every insider in crypto is behind this. Hundreds of major sites going to use BAT.
>Only one month away from first milestone.
>Only three months away from release

I'm only posting this to screencap your sarcasm/shitty remarks. I plan to mock you greatly once we're trading at $2-$3 by years end. SMile faggots history is watching you.

>> No.2772757

Great! A coin that needs a browser that NOBODY uses.

Dont kill urself when it goes down to 1 cent, Bagholder

>> No.2772758

>history is watching you
liberal cuckhold spotted.

>> No.2772782
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Yes, yes, keep going...

>> No.2772851

Do they have plans to bring it to other browsers via add-ons?

>> No.2772856

>Great! A coin that needs a browser that NOBODY uses.

redpill me on this aspect of BAT. seems like a major roadblock....?

>> No.2772892

Yes they do, even google chrome, ask on the slack.

>> No.2772935

Whats to prevent google from just blocking BAT or creating its own cryptocurrency thats a copy of BAT, but premined by google and run by google

>> No.2773003

It only works on the "Brave" browser whatever the fuck that is

>> No.2773024

BAT users are unable to send it to an exchange, only buy services/products in the browser
I don't get how this fact does not kill it dead

>> No.2773031

>Guaranteed to reach Coinbase, Polo, Kraken
Why is it guaranteed? any infos on that or it's wishful thinking on your part?

>> No.2773087

end users have no desire to use a complicated payment system like this, especially one that pays out in worthless tokens.

theres also zero reason to actually buy these tokens, so coinbase is certainly not going to add these unless it's along with hundreds of other tokens as part of an ethereum support update.

once again, a token used only for funding development got erroneously tied into the product they were building, and will leave them with a worse product that is ripe for replacement while gamblers speculate on a token actual end users will not be using.

>> No.2773096

do you currently hold any alts?

>> No.2773097
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Ahahahaha more more more

>> No.2773124
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>pls buy into my shitty coin pls

>> No.2773143

i exited out of most of them in the past couple of months. but i was never interested in small market niche app tokens like BAT, especially as the web is going to look completely different by the time they get their act together and try launching something. ad blocking rates are increasing, native support for ad and tracker blocking keep getting added to browsers, and so why would a system based on a market that is already disappearing hold or even gain value in the future?

consumers not using ad blockers dont care, and consumers that do aren't going to downgrade their experience by using a complicated browser/token setup that's requires even more invasive tracking / analytics.

and this is ignoring the fact that the token is going to trend very quickly to zero once fraud ramps up. even google can't stop the massive amount of fraud on it's ad networks, and huge percentages of revenue are being paid out of fraudulent clicks. what makes you think an even less experienced team is going to solve one of the most difficult to solve problems on the whole internet?

without an airtight solution the bots will outweight the small userbase by orders of magnitude and BATs will slide below the threshold where the niche of actual users get completely priced out.

>> No.2773165
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>> No.2773231

Some idiots forget that they'll implement a plug-in for other browsers
Let them stay poor

>> No.2773242

What is stopping you from sending it to an exchange? People have been trading for months

>> No.2773255

To be fair, I bought 500 just to shove away and look at in a couple of years to see how much they are /aren't worth.

I've done it to loads of shitcoins in the past and let me tell you now, I am well up on my investments.

>> No.2773272

And who's going to bother to install that when you could just install an ad blocker instead? Especially when ad blockers are natively supported on mobile while random token plugins are not. Every website would need to embed the code directly into their website if they wanted to support it for everyone. And you can bet that code would immediately be added to ad blocker lists everywhere...

>> No.2773283

I meant BAT earned by the user for seeing ads can only be spent within the ecosystem, not withdrawn to be traded
I may be misunderstanding the whitepaper tho

>> No.2773299

There's no way they should be able to enforce that, unless they operate custodial wallets for all users, meaning they, the company, hold and own all of the BAT that gets issued to users. If that's the case there's even more evidence that the BAT token shouldn't exist in the implementation.

>> No.2773322

Good luck with those bags anon

>> No.2773983

Smart man. Do 5,000 though. We are hitting $10.

>> No.2774031

include me in the screencap :^)