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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27717273 No.27717273 [Reply] [Original]

> Denko is an autist software engineer with superior technical knowledge and a well-defined vision.
> Reef have created their own abstraction layer for cross-chain communication and integration with their client.
> Have been working on their own data-driven analytics engine for 1.5 years. It basically harvests data from different sources allowing real-time analytics on exchanges, tokens, pools, native cryptos etc.
> Using the analytics engine, the Reef client provides metrics and analytics to users, as well as investment suggestions based on performance and user's risk choice.
> Created their own basket engine to allow simple cross-chain investing (tokens, native, pooled assets etc from different protocols). Users can configure bucket investment allocation manually or select a simple risk profile and leave it up to the analytics engine.
> DankO explains that new crypto protocols and ecosystems are constantly being created, all wanting to provide the best tech - Reef's mission is to simply connect users to these via abstraction, allowing normies to invest without technical knowledge or the complexities we're all so accustomed to.
> Reef software client will have direct integration with multiple T1 exhanges from day 1 (Binance already shown in demo), meaning it's legit a one-stop app for normies. No need for wallet management, signing up to exchanges, connecting to uniswap, understanding ERC20 tokens, pooling, staking, gas fees etc...
> Powered by Polkadot. On Binance, Huobi. Partnerships with: OpenDeFi, chainlink, AVAX, bZx
> Reef is solid and solving real problems

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMXkYYvMPyY [Embed] [Embed]

>> No.27718527

REEF is a prime example of /biz/ being a little bitch, it's an extremely promising product that's still in development (AKA You've got the guarantee you're getting in early) but they'd much rather spread FUD regarding it than buy in and make 20-50x their investment.

>> No.27718942

What is the market cap, cant seem to find this information anywhere

>> No.27719277
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Fudding is part of the game. If you believe in the project then you're on the right path.

>> No.27719572

>reef general
>Only 2 replies

Fuck off

>> No.27719802

I'm adding another just to spite you

>> No.27719928

Meme is too good, gives off scam vibes.

>> No.27720868
File: 80 KB, 300x300, 1607732348909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay all trolling aside, this coin is gonna pump hard as shit correct me if im wrong but i see this at 5-10$ in summer

>> No.27721004
File: 135 KB, 397x439, 1612118055794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek fucking retard look at the supply

>> No.27721009


>> No.27721056

yeah shit the meme up a bit and you're on to something

>> No.27721190

More like .5 to 1

>> No.27721198

1$ would be enough to make it

>> No.27721200

what is the supply?
i feel like $1 EOY is more realistic, then $3/$4 in 2022 (provided danko delivers)

>> No.27721328

Supply too high but what do we actually think a realistic price point is?

>> No.27721373

They fud to buy in cheaper retard.

>> No.27721973
File: 2.04 MB, 1315x1920, 1612157027330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
is how it started. It went through an evolutionary process. Some anons just really have a knack at making good memes.

>> No.27722035

Yeah, $1 would be more than enough for me. That is 37x from current price anyway, kek.