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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 105 KB, 928x643, whitevan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
269180 No.269180[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been scammed?

Got stories?

Pic related, I got white van scammed yesterday.

Was walking back to my car in the parking lot when a guy in a van says "want to buy a home theater system, the person at the warehouse gave me one extra by mistake".

He pulled into a parking lot and I had a look at it. He sold me a whole pitch about how he has to get rid of it before he arrives back otherwise his boss would just take it for himself.

Long story short after 10 minutes and all his sales tactics shit I ended up paying $800 for some shitty chinese knock off speakers that are probably worth $100.

Yes I know I'm a fucking dickhead but it was an impulse buy and the guy was rather pushy and it was too good to be true. Idk what was going through my head when I agreed.

Anyway he said it was a 4-5 K system but he wanted to get rid of it cheap. I got him down from 1500 to 800 on a 100 dollar home theater system lel...

I may have found his address and the warehouse.

I'm going past with a few mates tomorrow.

He was a little short greek wog cunt as well.

Fucking dirty wogs.

Yes I know I'm a moron for doing it. But I'm getting my money back and I'm going to bitch slap the fuck out of him.

>> No.269189

On maplestory I have, trade limits are ridiculous in an online game with a hyperinflated economy.

>> No.269191

Some Chinese fag sold me a shitty knockoff home theater system for $500.

Fortunately I was able to intimidate some pussy little bitch kid into buying them for $800.

>> No.269196
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Did you ever find the chink?

I fucking hope I find this guy. It would be worth him scamming me just so I can find him.

>> No.269200

Are you just going to post this story on every board on 4chan?

>> No.269203

Only 3

>> No.269204

You probably already know this, but you're a fucking idiot. You should have just told him to fuck off.

What are you planning on doing if you find him?

>> No.269206

Get my money back.

Then slap him.

>> No.269217

But how are you going to get your money back? By the sounds of it, he's probably not just going to give you a refund.

>> No.269219

I almost fell for a multi-level marketing scheme.

The guy told me that "he wasn't supposed to tell me" but he was working in a circle of people that found an exploit where they circulate the product within that circle and we generate free and easy money. He sold it to my sleep-deprived self so good I was so excited to walk out the door with him. It was right up to the point when I saw him get a call from someone and I quote

>"Oh hey, I found us a guy and we'll be right there."

When he walked out of the front door of my apartment I told him I forgot something and walked right back to my house and locked the doors.

>> No.269220

I bought something from a scam website once using paypal.

By the time it was obvious that I wasn't going to get what I ordered, it was too late to get my money back using the paypal scam reporting thing.

So I just made a claim saying I never ordered it in the first place and got my money back.

>> No.269224

There's this website that sells itself off as a "video game library". No response from them at ALL. Those video game prices are TOO good to be true as well.

>> No.269226

Lucky man.

>> No.269225

he will probably do the sensible thing and rob him, but only if he's used to comitting crimes, y'know

you can always destroy property pretty easily, but you might as well profit from it

>> No.269227

Persuasion and bigger numbers.

And if he doesn't give it back which I highly doubt will happen I know his address. I'm sure I can think of something.

>> No.269230

Damn quick thinking.

Fuck me I knew something was up as well but I still went through with it.

>> No.269237

The only time I open the door to strangers these days is when I feel like expressing my Atheist views on the poor church people.

>> No.269238

hahahaha I saw you post on /tv/ yesterday and erryone made fun of you

>> No.269240

A guy tried doing that to me last week. He pulled up to me and said hey you want a home theater system? I instantly said no and he immediately pulled the too bad I was gonna give you one for free. That's there hook. Anyone selling anything good for cheap is either a scam or stolen. Never fall into that. The best scam is the one where a guy has a brand new laptop selling dirt cheap. He even opens the box and it looks like a brand new sleek computer. They usually do this when you're at a bank, so that you can go to the ATM and withdraw the money. They even turn it on, and it shows the latest OS and installing it. Truth is, it's an old shitty laptop with shit components, a bootleg version of that OS, and pamphlets they printed out and stapled. The outside is usually paints and completely remade to look brand new. They loose at most $100 bucks and you get a shitty computer with a fake OS and you loose like $400. I try to stray away from anything that's been in the hands of people and I've got no promise that I will be able to contact them tomorrow. I buy stuff on Craigslist but I know in depth what I am buying or don't buy at all. I give financial advice at a non-profit so we often get people who got scammed.

>> No.269242
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>> No.269246


Yeah I'm well aware of shit like this now. Nothing like this has ever happened in my life.

I guess you do learn from your mistakes.

>> No.269251

please don't haze me for this but I scammed someone once.

I actually scammed an old guy into paying for tiny little PC fixes on an i3 laptop. I kept complaining about little shit like slow programs and stuff so I kept charging the guy for each change I made. Made around $200 that day using un-abbreviated terms and complaining.

>> No.269253

So you're a technician and you kept lying to him he had problems?

>> No.269258

I promise I only did it once because I was trying to compensate for overspending the previous weekend. Learned my lesson and haven't done it since.

>> No.269260

Eh that's not too bad.

>> No.269264

The only reason I feel bad is because I knew what I was doing and deliberately ripped the guy off so hard I am sure I left him scared about touching his computer.

>> No.269277

Yea it happens. You just gotta be on your toes. Don't even try to figure what is going on. The moment you get curious is the moment they can push you into buying. Some guys are so good that they can sell you empty boxes. Now here's the pitch, most of these guys are always carrying electronics in their vans/SUV's and claim they got them dirt cheap and just want their money back. People do this with clothes too. Some people will stand outside popular stores and say the store doesn't want to refund their money so they will sell it to you for half the price. It's either fake or bought at a thrift shop for $5 with tags attached. Like I said though, they are selling crap. The only people who are selling something outside of a store that you can trust is people who are selling food. You might get food poisoning, but they are usually much more honest than other people. I've even seen people buy diamond rings, completely fake, and they know nothing about. The key is to pressure to you. Remove all pressure, say no. They might have a deal, they might have not, it's not a 50/50 thing, they've got the upperhand. They can leave and never see you, that alone makes it 90/10

>> No.269292

Damn right. It's the pressure tactics that get to you in the end.

My father bought a leather jacket like that over 30 years ago.

He paid like $200 for it.

It's still going strong to this day. Who knows if its a fake or if it was the real deal but it was about 1200 in the store at the time.

The meat however, I heard and read some funny things about that type of scam.


the review section is rather funny

>> No.269373

>Idk what was going through my head when I agreed.
It's called greed. It's the reason why you see high intellectual people falling for ponzi scams and such.

>> No.269386
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>tfw greedy

>> No.269391

those reviews are pretty good!

>> No.269407

if this happened in based melbourne i think know who your talking about they came up to me as well except im less retarded than you and declined the offer

>> No.270160

Yes. Melb.

Where abouts was this?

>> No.270167

Free armor trimming.

Just kidding, I wasn't that stupid.

>> No.270233

Free diamond cutting

>> No.270300

dude, even if you find him you won't do shit because you got pushed/intimidated into buying in the first place. you're a pussy.
but if you go and look for him, bring extra money, you and your buddies wl end up buying more shit

>> No.270311

>9th grade or someshit
>I was the only person in my school smart enough to realize lockerz is a scam

>> No.270313
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Not exactly. One time bought a $300 fly rod on ebay for xmas, custom made. Seller with 100% feedback.

January rolls around, no rod, check feedback and a dozens of negatives.

Contact ebay, paypal etc to get money back. Find out week later can't get money back, seller had heart attack and on xmas.

Never saw my $300 ever again.

>> No.270315


died on xmas*

>> No.270355

Either this is copypasta or I saw you posting on /tv/ a little while ago asking for movie recommendations with this exact story

>> No.270369

Jesus christ Runescape, I played from 05-07 roughly and its the only online game I've ever played where at least a third of people you saw in a city were constantly trying to scam people

>> No.270788
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>> No.271040

I remember Lockerz. It wasn't actually a scam, since it was easy to rack up points everything went out of stock faster than your 2Mbps connection finished loading the website.

>> No.271062

a prostitute robbed me once. here's the green text:

>decide to go out for NYE even though i wasn't really feeling up to it
>start drinking around 8:30 to soften the blow on the wallet once i get out
>count down the new year in a bar with bro
>go to another bar with bar to meet up with sis and her bf
>at this point i'm stumbling mumbling drunk
>step outside for cigarette
>end up talking to some girl with big tits and high heels
>she recommends we go to a motel and that i buy condoms
>along the way i grow suspicious of her, figure she's a hooker
>vomit in the taxi due to how much i drank, taxi driver demands $65 to clean it up, i give it to him
>check into hotel without any regard to its price, turns out it's $325 per night
>get to room, whore wants $200 for a suck and fuck, only have $120, she takes it
>tells me to shower, i do
>i start grabbing her she tells me to slow down
>says she's going out to buy soda and asks me which kind i want
>i say gingerale
>15 minutes pass, realize she's not coming back, pass out
>sleep for a mere three hours and then check out, having spent $325 to sleep for three hours

tl;dr whore robbed me because i was drunk of $125, ended up spending $325 on a hotel room for nothing

she even stole the condoms we didn't use

>> No.271076

mfw OP meet the guy and came home with an additional sound system and knockoff ipad for the low low price of $200.

>> No.271077

>be filling up at gas station just got back from bank with $200.
>dude in land rover pulls up.
>'where is airport? Oh and I'm Italian fashion designer going back to Italy and i can't take these precious watches back with me unless i pay lots of tax.'
>ask to see his ID, shows me passport real quick.
>shows off a watch or two.
>i feel really nervous and i feel its a scam but i end up buying.

Ended up with 6 fake watches that only a nigger would wear. I called the cops and gave then his license plate but they essentially called me a moron and since he wasn't selling true counterfeit, just unlabeled ones, there was nothing they could do.

I will never fall for something like that again and if i could now i would have slashed his tires.

>> No.271088
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i was a young faggot. sketchy ass hoodlums sold me oregano instead of weed. never again.

>> No.271090

Once, on ragnarok online.
Was trying to buy a rare cookbook, but all of the fucking cookbooks in that game have the same god damn sprite. He put the book in the trade window I wanted, I hovered over it and clicked accept, but he closed it.
opened the trade again and being in a hurry i just put my money up again and hit accept without checking the book.
As soon as the trade cleared and I saw him warp away I knew I got scammed, and it was the wrong book, a shitty low level one.

I've hated all pinoys ever since. Fucking scum of the earth. Asia's mexicans.

>> No.271098
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Seriously? I didn't think that ever actually happened to anyone.

>> No.271101

yup. was handed the bag in the dark. i was like 15

>> No.271105

Went to visit my Grandparents in their small town. Nigger outside a gas station asked for money in return for gift cards he received from Christmas. Said fine. Handed me giant paper money you can buy at the dollar tree. Continued to tell me he's a hustler and showed me at least 50 $100 bills in a rubber band. Was in a state of how does this nigger have so much money to ask for my $5 back. He walks away and another nigger approaches me wanting to buy a DVD player. The cashier at the gas station came out and told me to leave. I got in the car and my phone fell between the seat and the door. She was still yelling at me and I got out to get my phone. I assumed she thought I was reaching for a gun and pressed the alarm button. I had to wait for the police to get there to explain I was just reaching for my phone and how a nigger ripped me off and another tried to sell me a stolen DVD player. I got a ticket and they didn't give a fuck about the niggers.

>> No.271126


Not scam, I got a free t shirt from lockerz and I wear it when I go to the gym

>> No.271128

Some guy scammed me in Guild Wars once. Was looking to buy like 40 steel ingots for armor, some guy says he'll sell it to me, but it wasn't until I completed the trade that I realized he put iron ingots in the trade window instead of steel ingots. Steel was like 200 silver per ingot at the time while iron was less than 100 copper per ingot. Bought 40 cheapass iron ingots for 8 gold pieces.

>> No.271135

I have no fucking idea what you're trying to say.

>> No.271169

No. You can't con an honest John.

>> No.271171

m8 ur iq must really be in the ditch for that whole situation to have happened

>> No.271197

Lost $1,000 for Cashgifting. That combined with a few other bad "investments" is the reason I don't own a car today.

>> No.271237
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a few stories of close calls to being scammed - they were pro's:
Columbia, South Carolina

Answer an ad for a sales job... told to come down for group interview.. walk into a room of like 80 people.

They start their welcoming speech and start explaining about the wonderful world of selling nutritional supplements. Nearly bored to tears.

Then this fat lady gets up and she is addressed as "And this is Sue our INTERNATIONAL Marketing Manager... she takes care of South Carolina, North Carolina and Georgia..." omfg.. I heard enough...
Then they try and wow us with "our president via satelite TV connections has a nationwide meeting with everyone once a month from his mansion in Belize."

then the shills in the audience start whispering "oh I cant wait to sign up $300 isn't much to get in this business honey! let's do it."
and other encouraging whispers.

Finally she says these educated words clearly pandering to us idiots who showed up for this in her best made up southern accent out of thin air:

"if y'all ain't gots the same vision as us and dont want to be a millionaire.. there's the door."

at that moment I got up and left.

story 1 of 3

>> No.271240

i used to buy gold jewellery, coins and the occasional gold bar off eBay.

the amount of times people attempted to scam me?

i would say around 200 or so times.
sometimes it would be easy to sort out because the seller didn't want a drama, other times it had to go to paypal claims and that meant
a portion (usually a significant amount) of my money i trade with was not in my pocket for anywhere up to a month.

anything from less than specified weight, fake items or just not turning up at all.

the first time it happened i paid via bank deposit, the only time i ever did.. took me 2 weeks to get the money back..
the seller did a postal insurance fraud. purchased pre-paid registered post packages, insured them... sent off a heap of $2 items which all arrived to their buyers, but the other 5 customers who bought jewellery.. never received anything. basically i just told them, give me the money or you are going to be in a lot of shit i see what you are doing..

>> No.271241

I applied for a job, off craigslist, to be a travel agent. I never met them (just had a phone "interview" and then sent them some scanned signed documents and (ugh) a photocopy of my passport). I then transferred 800 bucks from someone's account into mine, and then sent it to the scammers via western union. I got home, realized it was a scam, and was lucky that they didn't pick up the wired funds from western union. I put the money back into my account and no one claimed it since (was maybe 4 years ago). So I got 800 bucks out of it (at least). Still, it was really, really stupid. Plus, I had an actual job interview that I walked out of because of this scam because it "paid better" and I had to go transfer the money for them by a certain time. I actually left the interview saying "sorry I have an important appointment". Ugh.

>> No.271243
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Story 2 of 3
Northern NJ.. some where around Fort Lee.
Another Salesman ad I respond to. I am told the address... and told to just come on down for an interview.

I am not given a name of a contact to ask for.

I show up... and there are 3 older guys in Armani Suits dressed super wealthy... sipping coffee and talking loud.

I am looking around for which door do I go in? none have any numbers on them or anything... no receptionist.

They see me and ask "Can I help you chief?"
" I am here for an job interview... "
"oh well who are you here to see?" Embarassed " I said I dont know..they -" he cut me off..

"well do you know which conference room?" a meek "No." I replied.

The second guy.. "So you dont know who...and dont know where.. and you still showed up....I love it. Where do they find these people."

I was only 19 at the time... "yea."

The third guy.. "its that door over there."

I open the door... 80 people in a room...sitting.. and stage. I take a seat....

>> No.271246

i once went to a 'free seminar' with a 'free dinner' for how to start a business on the internet..
the host was a total scammer, came from oversea's and held 'workshops' for like $5000.

as soon as he finished his speech that went on for maybe an hour.. i stood up and said 'this is a scam'... and challenged him to get back up there, and debate his lack of logic with me.

i have never seen an international 'star personality' look so scared in my life.

>> No.271251

So the lights go out.. amped up music.. and in walks those 3 guys... and they give us a speech about making money that would make glenn gary bust a nut.

The second guy.. starts leaking what we are going to be selling.... water filters. da fuk?

The third guy... the best speech guy of them all.. shows us all these multi-level charts for this multi-level pyramid scheme via powerpoint.

The conference ends... and they ask if you are interested to pay $300 to get your start-up kit.
Ofcourse a few shills are like "yea dawg, sign me up for dat shit."

I start heading for the door. The ringleader guy who showed me which door to enter.. says
"hey chief lets chat."

He brings me into this corner office.. and the other two eventually follow in.

They start giving me a speech how "I must be a real go-getter to show up without knowing who and where." they all are laughing and trying to be hospitable to me.

He says I got something to show you: He shows me a checkbook of like $1000's paychecks to random people.

These are our top producers. They sell these water-filters everywhere. They make $20 a pop... ( a long rambling speech about how this multi-level shit works.)

I am not interested.. and I want to leave.

The third guy.. I guess was tired of hearing this and can see I am not interested.... says 'Yea kid you can sell them anywhere - skies the limit - gas stations, restaurants"

I stopped him there "did you say gas stations? Why would a gas station need a water filter?"

They all got quiet... the lead guy was now pissed as hell - he says here's my personal business card will talk soon. Richard may I have a word with you! NOWWW!
I left.
I think Richard is dead now.

>> No.271252

How was the food?
I'm considering going to these things literally just for the foods.

>> No.271257

Fucking cunts.

Did you report?

is there anything they can do

>> No.271260
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I am in Barnes & Noble magazine rack... reading Import Tuner. Russian guy says in a deep accent "You like cars eh?" it goes on from there.. he points at some fancy looking BMW M5... "thats my car over there.. you want to know what business I am in?" I say sure... he invites me over to the coffee area to chat...
he starts talking to me about phonecards, vitamins, and some other generic items that are the usual prop for a multi-level marketing scheme. So I sit there sipping my free coffee he bought for me. I start getting to the bottom of my cup... all along I am smiling and agreeing with all of his business plan and keen marketing hype about how I can get my friends involved and make money off them and do nothing all day. Ok, last drop of coffee.. I slam it.. and put the cup down and look him dead in the eye " So at what point are you going to ask me to invest MY money into this business?"
He stares at me blank.. worst poker face ever.. tells all over... I got him and he knows it.
"It was nice chatting with you..."
I say "by the way... your beemer drove off about 10 minutes ago." the lady next to us started laughing ... he ran for the door.

>> No.271263

No I just left... lesson learned about multi level marketing bullshit. These guys really had wonderful speeches and could play the game well.. except for Richard... he was the cocky prick who is probably dead now.

>> No.271265

Yeah that's how the cunt in the van got me :(

They are fucking good chatters. Imagine the really professional ones.

What's the chances the dudes in OP will get caught?

Im op btww

>> No.271268
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>"by the way... your beemer drove off about 10 minutes ago." t


>> No.271270
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The biggest scam I ever witnessed in my life - was a sold out arena in Charlotte, NC.

This was the equivalent to having the illuminati itself asking for you to give them your money.

It was 12 of the best goddamn motivational speakers ever... former governor Gullinai was there giving a speech, George fucking Foreman was giving (well not so good) speech, that blonde lady ( Ortman?) who gives investing advice on tv was giving speeches.

Then slowly they each started explaining a software package that could make stock investing so easy. By following the red, green and yellow lines on a page.

5 minutes into that.. and I started walking out.

I am 100% positive they definitely caught a few 100 idiots in the audience to buy this $400 software package. The seminar was free... they had the entire arena in Charlotte sold out.

>> No.271271

You will never see your money again.
I had the van assholes test me... I said no thanks before they even got out of the van and they said fuck you to me and rode off... laugh.

>> No.271274

let me add... the address is a dead-end.
They are not that stupid.. you go down there.. either A. Get your ass handed to you by some way tougher people than you. B. Get laughed at and a door slammed in your face. Lesson learned kid. No Free Lunches.

>> No.271276

food was supposedly '5 star'... was a very tiny portion of steak and vegetables with a cheesecake desert. nice but you'd get a bigger meal on an airplane.

>> No.271277

I actually found the address of the guy in charge of it all.

He's 26 and lives with his mother.

He scammed 100's of others and they found his address.

Going over his house tomorrow again, he wasn't home today.

>> No.271283

I 100% guarantee he will deny everything. Even if you took him to court you aint got shit on him. Unnless you are dealing with a rank amateur of this scam - no scammer is going to give you the address to his front door, nobody is that stupid especially a confidence man. 3/10 I responded again. Let me take a guess the speakers are some strange ass ohm rating like 6 ohms each.

>> No.271285



They found him. Over 4 years old but he answered his phone and confirmed it was him when I asked.

Didn't mention anything about the scam though.

And he's already been to court.

Guess he scammed the wrong people who knew some people etc.

>> No.271287

oh wait its less than 2 years old

>> No.271292
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Drunk friend of mine - waiting in traffic at the lincoln tunnel. Dude walking around tapping on peoples windows showing them a IBM thinkpad. Dumbass asks how much... and the guy automatically starts acting like a crackhead.. $200... they finally agree on $80.
Hands over the money... crack head hands him a box.

A box with a brick in it. Runs off. Sucker.

Kanye West... look at that shit... he scams people on every tour with that full mask shit.

>> No.271295
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Just look at this image... every cruise ship if you stay at their port is this in Alaska.

>> No.271321

what are you saying it's a body double miming? and real kanye is in his hotel room smoking a fatty?

>> No.271328

i sold a kid wet grass from my backyard once told him it was weed for $50 he came back the next day and asked if i had anymore

>> No.271428

Some nigger came up to him and was like, "Yo, white bitch, wanna buy a gift card?" He hands him $5 because he's afraid he'll get shot and raped, and the nigger hands him play money, then tells him he just ripped him off. Some other nigger, realizing this guy's a ripe target, tries to sell him a stolen DVD player. The owner of the store he's in front of, realizing he's attracting niggers that will hassle her customers, yells at him to get the fuck out of there. As he's getting back in his car, crying and convulsing, he drops his cell phone between the door and the seat. He reaches for it, and, thinking he's getting a gun for some reason, the store owner activates an alarm. Not wanting to look even more suspicious when the police arrive, he waits there so he can explain to the police what a huge bitch he is. He does, and the cops give him a ticket for being beta.

>> No.271450

I look for spare change in vending machine and take money from public fountains.

A guy dropped his wallet in front of me once. I took all the money in it and threw the rest in a dumpster

Sometimes I go into costco just for the free samples and don't buy anything.

When I go shopping at department stores I take an assload of bags from the self checkouts.

I abuse those trial deposit verification systems used in banks by linking dozens of accounts to each other.

That's all I can remember for now, I'm sure I've done more petty shit.

>> No.271456

life is tough in the ghetto

>> No.271464

>at that moment I got up and left.
lel, you should have snooped round their office and stuff and coaxed them into thinking you're an FBI informant, then be all "we see things like this all the time and it never does any real harm, maybe I can let it slide, for a price"

>> No.272060

>I then transferred 800 bucks from someone's account into mine, and then sent it to the scammers via western union.
Who's account, and why would you think you had to pay your employers?

>> No.272075

i actually went to the yeezus tour in chicago...

it was pretty fucking amazing and my qt agrees...

So happy we got vip floor

>yfw the 6'8" black gentleman standing next to me was wearing at least 2 lb diamond encrusted gold chain

>> No.272079

>$400 in charting software

thats fucking cheap

>> No.272103

A friend of mine sold some girls washing powder as cocaine once and they came back for more that same night. I'm surprised they were still alive really, nobody expected them to actually snort it.

>> No.272120
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MF DOOM did that for a while


I can't hate him though since he's awesome

>> No.272148

Learned my lesson playing Runescape and Eve Online bro.

>> No.272161

>worshiping niggers and their brainless extravagances.

Get out and stay out.

>> No.272293

A friend of mine was part of a group of kids that got in a van and were taken places to sell candy. No idea what happened but he never wants to talk about what happened and why he stopped going.

>> No.272303
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>candy van sales
I did that shit once when I was a kid. It was terrible, you essentially sell candy for hours door to door in neighborhoods where you can guilt the locals into buying overpriced and almost expired confections.

They do the exact same thing with magazine subscriptions or vacuum cleaner sales. These motherfuckers ride packed vans all over the country, stay in double occupancy rooms with a dozen people and pull some of the most vile or nasty sales tricks to turn their product.

The managers (a.k.a. drivers) will abandon you out of state in a neighborhood you never seen before if your attitude or sales are shit. You are expected to work all day, dawn to dusk with minimal training and sometimes with a partner. Nothing like randomly knocking on apartment doors at 10pm.

There is also sexual assault, kidnapping and a couple other things that can happen in this business.

>mfw selling cult of Poseidon magazine subscriptions door to door at night, when it is cold and in a landlocked state.

>> No.272315

I would feel bad if they did drop him off that far, unlike him though I know how to get around South California using transit only to avoid hitch-hiking.

>> No.272352

>thats when the rape happens

>> No.272355

dat guy is you

>> No.272449

i've had people try to rob me buying weed on the streets. some dude tried to knock me out when i insisted on seeing what i was buying before handing over the money, another passed me the weed then ran like hell, it was less than i'd paid for.
i've also been robbed by a hooker. i went over to her place, she took me up to the bedroom, i take a swig of scotch and ram my hand up her crotch, and all of a sudden there's someone coming through the front door, and it's her skinhead husband. or accomplice, whatever. she pretend-panics and tells me to gtfo asap, tells him i'm only there to fix a window, and rushes me out.
still, none of these things have been as big a con as some of the used cars i've bought. i bought a car in which 4th gear didn't work, which explains why he wouldn't allow motorway test drives, and which had a hole in the fuel tank, so i could only fill it halfway or it'd just piss out all over the road. i could have died every time i flicked a smoke outta the window.
oh and some guy pretended to be a girl online and i drunkenly paid a tenner for her to get her kit off on cam. she turned out to be a he, who fucked off with the money... but it took all of 2 minutes to find the idiot's name and home address from his email ad alone, so i got it back 10 minutes later.
apparently there's also a scam on darknet. dropshipping. s'all i'm saying about that one.

>> No.272497 [DELETED] 

I've never been scammed IRL, because playing MMOs has taught me so much about being scammed. I get scammers all day in Steam, too, because I'm one of those guys who's made a lot of money doing so, and I catch them each and every time.

Just the other day, I managed to bargain some Indians down from $100 to $30 on some shitty Timex watch, and then I walked out on them with them begging to sell to me at $30. It's easy to deal with this shit in real life.

I always think I could easily be a con artist if I didn't like being a good, honest person so much...but then I think about all the times I steal from big box stores.

>> No.272503

I've never been scammed IRL, because playing MMOs has taught me so much about being scammed. I get scammers all day in Steam, too, because I'm one of those guys who's made a lot of money buying and selling items in Steam, and I catch them each and every time.

Just the other day, I managed to bargain some Indians down from $100 to $30 on some shitty Timex watch, and then I walked out on them with them begging to sell to me at $30. It's easy to deal with this shit in real life, most of the time a good, firm "No thanks." will send them on their way.

I always think I could easily be a con artist if I didn't like being a good, honest person so much...but then I think about all the times I steal from big box stores. Maybe I'll get into ethical social engineering.

>> No.272514
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I lost $8,000 by buying a car that was previously in a car accident but the car salesman straight up told me it never was in an accident

Also bough the car on an impulse purchase with a "friend" who egged me on

I was kind of a loser back then so I deserved it, I ended up spending upwards of $20k over the course of a year to pay off for my stupid mistake

Which is why I don't have many friends, took an NRA pistol and rifle training course, and don't fuck around anymore. That and another time soon after was a major low point in my life.

>> No.272531

The secret to not getting scammed is to never believe anyone for a second.

When I go into a place where I can bargain, I set a lower limit well below what they initially say. In this case, it was a $100 watch, and I said I would pay $60. So I stood there, ooh'd and ah'd, made it seem like I wanted it, then said, "Nah, I'm gonna walk out." That's when they dropped the price to $50. I said, "make it $30 and we have a deal," so they did, and then I said, "Nah, I don't want it. Thanks anyway."

I've never heard so many Indians yelling at me at the same time.

In buying a used car, do the same thing: tell them a number well below their asking price. If they even TRY to bargain with you, there's a reason: because it's worth nowhere near what they were asking you for originally, mostly due to defects.

Remember, you can ALWAYS walk away from a sale, and walking away from a sale actually shows the true nature of the item and the people you're buying from. Maybe not with some niggers in the ghetto because they'll shank you, but if that's the case you shouldn't have been there anyway.

>> No.272547

copypasta. saw the exact same thread multiple times this week.

>> No.272673
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Thanks, you're awesome

>> No.272699

Paris is full of niggers selling cheap ass golden Eiffel Tower knick-knacks which are also being sold in hundreds of tourist shops that also sell cheap ass golden Pyramid shit which is also probably being sold in thousands of gift shops around the world.

There are a bunch of Paki women who hang out around the Notre Dame with little note cards that have sob stories written on them in English, I often wonder who actually profits from that scam. Also in Paris the streets are paved with cigarette butts.

>> No.272784


I've made it on a few boards I frequent just to vent

>> No.272904


time to grow up

>> No.272937

I'm not implying rape only happens during one specific event in this scenario. It could happen if he's the last person they drop off at home.

>> No.272947

So you make what, 50 cents an hour doing that?

>> No.273053

man in high school I used to buy an ounce of weed trim for $10 from my buddy, and I would roll it up into fat joints and sell em for like $5 each. I made $70-$100 per day. good times.

>> No.273089

I did that once, sold chocolate bars. it was some fat lady who had a bunch of kids working for her, bars were $3, we only got to keep $1 per bar. she'd drop us off on a corner and pick you up later. one day while trying to sell my bars, it was cold as fuck, at night, and I realized this is basically slave labor and a fucking waste of my time. So I sold all my bars, got in the van, when they dropped me off at home I told her to fuck off and pocketed my money.

>> No.273093
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not exactly a scam... but the guy should have asked:
Sold my used honda accord ( on its 3rd rebuilt transmission)... even went on a test ride and the engine bay was smoking and the kid still wanted the car because it came with the car stero system. Asked him if he had any final questions about the car, said nope... never asked anything about the trans, never brought the car to a mechanic... had him sign an "sold as is" document... 3rd transmission and it was starting to slip again. So glad I was able to get BB excellent $$ for it.

>> No.273109


I scammed a SHITLOAD of people on Runescape in my younger years

man those were some good times

>> No.273136
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the best mechanic scam happened to this girl I worked with: She had a POS Fiero - that micro tiny car... and the car would smoke terribly from the engine.

The mechanic charged her $400 and installed duct tape and pieces of cardboard to funnel the smoke from the hood to the bottom of the car.

I shit you not.. she would never pop the hood "she was scared to look. The mechanic warned her the engine might catch fire but this will work." her father finally did... literally blew a fuse in his brain cavity when he saw this. Got his money back I think.

>> No.273171
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Playing EVE Online will teach you how to avoid scams. Truth be told I only let a scammer have my money once and that was to prove it was a scam. It was only like 50,000,000 isk which is like $0.50 of real money.

In real life....The trick to avoiding scams is to avoid unnecessary human contact. If someone you do not know approaches you with any type of deal refuse it immediately and tell the person have a good day. The same goes for vagrants with sob stories about how bad their life is. The same goes for telemarketers. The same goes for salespeople.

Unless you want something, never ever accept human interaction that isn't initiated by you unless you know them.

Even if you know them, still be suspect. Say your boss or coworker offers you a financial deal. Be highly suspect.

Determine what you want for yourself. Do not let others even get the chance to offer you something.

Even when you initiate the deal be wary of scams as well. If the deal is too good to be true compared to other deals, its a scam.

>> No.273185

>I guess you do learn from your mistakes.

The trouble is that scammers, at least the good ones, get by on ingenuity.

Scammers profit by finding mistakes people make that not enough people have made before.

>> No.273335

Bought a miku hatsune figure on amazon, turned out to be a cheap chinese knockoff. Filed a claim, had to pay $10 shipping to send it back to get my refund, which I never saw. Spent like $50 on wow it's nothing

Fucking chinks.

>> No.273350


>> No.273565
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Scamming the return policy at the computerzone type stores in NJ/NYC area.

Everytime I wanted to upgrade something, buy the item... install it.

clean up the old device.. place it back in the box... get my refund... house nigga dont know the difference between a 14.4 modem and 56k... or a Soundblaster Gold vrs a Soundblaster generic... goood times.

Or exchanging software and keeping the free games... etc.

>> No.273586

a good way to get shot

>> No.273593

I came really close to buying my own shrink wrapping system, when they changed their policies about open item. But didnt want to go full criminal since I was a whiteboy from the burbs.

>> No.273609

I got scammed of my bond when i moved out of my first place. Lost $350. I was ignorant of anything involving real estate and some cunt took advantage of me.

Probably would have been able to get it back but i just said fuck it and washed my hands of the situation as i did not want to have to deal with all the bullshit that would have went along with it.

>> No.273621

Keysborough 7-11 and then a while later at Parkmore. both times offering the same excuse even though the encounters were months apart. i think theres also a facebook page about but i forgot what it was called.
did their sandnigger accent not tip you and if not, have you ever considered sending your bank details to a nigerian prince in need of asylum?

>> No.273659


Time to get back to reddit

>> No.273667

Funny how they are no where to be found when you are trying to find them

Do you think they all know eachother? So if I catch some other cunt doing it and say where does Alex live (fag who scammed) me, he would know what I'm talking about?

>> No.273672

>impulse buy

>> No.273786

Hah, reminds me of the time I went to my first "interview" and was presented with a poorly made "experienced" based person to person marketing pyramid scheme. Turns out they were graduates from some christian university, they probably majored in something utterly useless. They were complete amateurs, only one shill existed, they used a office space that was under construction and piled these shitty scratched up plastic trophies to pretend like their shitty product was award winning They then proudly displayed this old yellowed little article that supposedly come from the wall street journal about them. They expected me to sell knives to my friends and family and do some "demonstrations" on the people to sell them... whatever that meant.
Same area as you, it was some good looking dude in casual clothes, a kebab and some ugly mexican cunt

>> No.273805


Wow, you do realize those shitty Chinese systems the white van guys sell are worth maybe $30 after labour and materials?

Did you NEED such a system?

Lel, petty greed.

>> No.273807

I was like 12 years old playing the original Everquest. My older brother let me play on his account. Saw some guy saying he had a Fungi for trade and I knew my bro always wanted one. I messaged him and we met up in Kelethin and I showed him what I had to trade (some real nice breastplate/1h sword). He said he would come back on an alt with his Fungi but needed the items on that toon.

I waited for at least an hour, ansolutely confused. Then it hit me, my first experience ever with a scammer.

I was devastated. My bro was like wtf.

>> No.273832

I studied filma king

>> No.273833

I've scammed 600b on eve and like 100m RS before the massive inflation
never scammed anyone in person

>> No.273853

A 7/10 hooker in Singapore stole my fake Tag watch ( I told her it was real in the bar I picked her up in) I also haggled her down from $50 to $15 for the suck and fuck and the cherry on top? Dumb bitch left her iPhone in my room.

The downside is she was really good at her job and now always bang at least a couple of hookers when I'm in town, it costs less than a movie ticket for fucks sake.

My advice for the first time hooker fucker.

Make them come to you, don't follow them to a dingy place where you will get robbed and murdered.

Lock all your shit in the hotel safe, phone, tablet, passport, money, watch etc

Use a condom.

>> No.273858

I went to Hawaii with a couple friends and had to physically take one out of a timeshare meeting and he almost fought me for doing it.

>> No.274549
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>mfw I scammed 1.5bil on Runescape in 1 month

>mfw i sold it all for 1200$

God damn it, it was the last month before gambling got banned too. People where hosting gambling games for like 3 years straight before that.

Apparently, Dragon Dyce Clan Leader made like 600k in two years selling in game currency

>> No.275288

Why were you tearing through transmissions like that?

>> No.275312

>seller dies and obviously can't refund money or send out item
I was scammed!

Not exactly... shitty circumstance

>> No.275315

Who buys a computer without thoroughly checking the OS, specs, looking at the chassis, take the battery out, etc.?

>> No.275320

It didn't say anything about the guy dying

>> No.275321

I think the story teller would include that seller didn't die from a heart attack, as they are typically fatal without intervention.

>> No.275338

Did that unid herb scam for rares
Usually got a Santa or mask a day

>> No.275438

They're not pakis they're gypsies, just get the fuck away from them as fast as possible and report to any nearby police.

>> No.275443

The best i remember around here is people selling shitty 2-4gb flash drives that's been rigged to show that they're 64-128-254gb drives.

>> No.275452

Ya, I got scammed by the federal guberment. Lost about $2k in stock so jp morgan could get a firesale.

>> No.275480

I worked in Shanghai for a year in compliance and audit.

There were so many food scams that it was hard to tell what was safe. I hope I avoided most of the contaminated food oil/meat/milk while I was there. It's hard to say.

I spent a lot of time when I wasn't working buying stuff cheaply with my Chinese appearance and selling it to other expats or people at home for a reasonable margin. I was thinking of staying on and developing it into a business, but family called back home.

I hustled American tourists for money with a story about a lost passport and wallet, and an urgent flight home. That was beer money for a week or two over the year.

I definitely got scammed in the markets when my wife came over to visit - she bought junk for five times the price, and I had to spring for it. But at least it was only a $5 item being sold for $25. It helped that no clothes or shoes fit her, so we always had an out to avoid everyone losing face.

There were quite a lot of cons going on in drugs and prostitution, but I avoided these thankfully. Only time I ever really got stung was at a New Year's party in a club meant for the mega-wealthy. A round of drinks cost a the average monthly wage!

Another time, I was in a rush to get a haircut, and dived into a salon that fronted for a brothel. I'd expect a haircut to be $2-$3, and didn't agree a price beforehand. So, knowing it's a brothel, I say "no funny stuff, I have no time".

I get a good haircut, but then the madame tries to charge me $30, and pulls back a curtain to show a price list.

I get angry, pull out $2 and say that I didn't get fucked, so why is she trying to fuck me? (better in Chinese). Then I walk out, and skedaddle before the crooked cops show up.

About a year after I came home, a Philipino businessman I was friends with tried to get me onto his MLM plan "at the top" . But I had business already, and played the simple family man to say I had no time for anything else.

>> No.275502

tell us about the food scams

>> No.275505
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>My ex-wife sold me into this pyramid scheme for $10,000
>I'm going to ask these millionaire and billionaires to join

The cringe is so strong. I don't understand how people fall for this stuff, or why they think rich people would ever fall for it.

>> No.275534

Where to start?

Every fortnight, some food scandal about reclaimed oil from grease traps being used would break. Those were only people they caught, who didn't pay their protection money, and who were worth publicizing.

I'd usually see it morning, when I ate breakfast in the canteen.

Then there was the melamine scandal: the protein content of milk was being bumped up using a plastic called melamine that fooled the inspectors. The producers couldn't afford quality cattle feed, and their grazing grounds had been polluted and overgrazed. So their margins were being affected. This was a widespread scam, and a lot of children died.

There was the horse steroids overused on the pigs to make them leaner.

These were just the scams: 80% of the food safety issues are ignorance on behalf of business owners and workers. In our building, they used the wrong epoxy on tiles and carpets, which melted in the summer when the faulty air conditioning failed. Whole floors had to be gutted and rebuilt.

Foreign inspectors are usually banned by law from production or agriculture, which meant that my job when I was on audit site was viewing a showroom of their factory, having a banquet for lunch, and then getting their excel spreadsheets. I didn't really have the means to verify their data, which is why we migrated all sales staff to a centralized control system, so we could get better oversight, and actually help management make long term plans.

>> No.275683

lel at how they immediately disregarded the man and his pyramid scheme - yet let him continue to squirm for several minutes. Top quality tv m8

>> No.275707

A few years ago I got this exact fucking pitch in my company's parking lot. I knew something was fucking rotten about, I was just outside eating lunch. I just kept saying "no" until they fucked off. But OP, can't say I blame you. They were pushy as fuck.

>> No.275765

lol yeah that's pretty much it.

>> No.275797

>nobody expected them to actually snort it.
what the fuck did you expect them to do with it?

>> No.276271

I was in a chat room and a cam girl offered to give me a show and I had to pay via paypal. I gave her the 20 bucks but it was actually a guy and he laughed at me and called me an idiot.

I should have known

>> No.276636

I don't get it. Was would have happened next?

>> No.276640

Didn't read thread, but why didn't OP just tell the guy to get a refund?

It should be common sense that someone would want a full refund rather than a couple hundred.

>> No.277115

No receipt
Can't get ahold of said guy

>> No.277123

I got OWNED hardcore by a nigga at Wendies. I left my wallet on the table to get some ketchup, and that nigga took my visa card out and set my wallet exactly how I left it in under 10 minutes.

He had a spending spree. Even went to QVC to get groceries.It was the most respect for a person of color I had in a long time.

>> No.277125

happened to my friend, but thats because the guy put it in plastic and lit the plastic shut so no smell would come out and it was hard to unwrap. He ran away after and we couldn't catch up .

>> No.277181

I paid for a University degree instead of joining the military.

>> No.277187

Good job avoiding that scam.

>> No.277201

this is a shill thread it is posted across multiple boards to fish for different responses then it reposts the threads and the posts on boards to slide off real shit

>> No.277216

Fuck off asshole, if you don't like the topic being discussed then why are you posting?

>> No.277218

unless its a hot babe that asks if she can taste your cock. wait that might be a scam too...

>> No.277226 [DELETED] 

>instead of joining the military.
Well, at least you didn't scam the US taxpayers.

>> No.277229

>instead of joining the military.
Well, at least you didn't scam the US taxpayers.

>> No.277259

So do they claim that they deliver the game to your house or what? How else would a "video game library" work? By selling you access to the game for a limited amount of time?

>> No.277260

That sounds hilarious, would you kindly share their responses?

>> No.277313

The wallet thing was fucked up, I understand taking the money but you could have taped his id to the outside of the wallet with transparent tape and dropped it off at a post bin.

>> No.277318

If you are serious about the ethical social engineering then I recommend these books


>> No.277327

What did you do with her iPhone? I would have tried to find her and offered to give the iPhone back in exchange for sex, a lot of it.

>> No.277337

The only time my wallet is not in my pants is when it is in my hands.