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27708971 No.27708971 [Reply] [Original]

This kills the impermanent lossie. Move to Bancor or forever be a cucked liquidity provider.

>> No.27709423

thanks for the tip

>> No.27710520

Thanks just bought 100k $NATE

>> No.27710876

I have been staking in various bancor pools for a month and a half now, I must say I am loving the IL protection, that coupled with the insane gains from the farming they have going on now is making me really comfortable holding my liquidity there I hope this continues to be the case, I had lost quite a bit lping in other protocols, people seem to miss the fact that we can withdraw more USD price than we put up but it’s less than the damn tokens we put in!! That’s insane to me I am never going to LP anywhere without protection from that again otherwise I would just hold the damn asset

>> No.27711284
File: 26 KB, 445x496, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag here hopped on bancor train 5 days ago making about the same as waging 40 hrs a week from rewards

>> No.27711583

It's almost as if they deliberately chose the side of the pool that appreciated against the other. BNT holders are so fixed to muh single sided liquidity they don't realize how skewed stat in OP is. Take link/eth pool. If eth goes up you'll be buying more link and missing out on gains if you compare it to holding only eth, but if you compare it to holding link only you'd actually be making making more money by being in a pool. This means if you provided link "single sided" you would have actually lost money in comparison to being in a 50/50 pool. If you provided eth you would have "made" money like in OP.

>> No.27711789

How/where do I do this

>> No.27711810

What the fuck kind of pool did a poorfag put in to get that much?

>> No.27711834

>impermanent loss insurance
this can never work. You can't get insurance against having sold a coin that mooned for a coin that dumped. Once the disparity becomes too great it will just grind to a halt.

>> No.27711907

So it's just cherry picked stats, but I guess it's also a good thing if more people use bancor and stay away from diluting our gains from other platforms

>> No.27712058

That is only true if you knew Link would depreciate in value compared to ETH, which if you knew you should sell Link and buy ETH.
AND you also have to leave the pool at the bottom, which if you also knew you should have bought Link here instead of all the way down here.

>> No.27712083

Most likely on the BNT side of ETH or LINK.

>> No.27712414

What is probability theory? Having a large enough buffer pool and IL only kicking in after XX days works.

>> No.27712507

Literally any stable coin pool

Now don't forget after 4 weeks apparently any bnt you got from staking doubles lmao
Its kinda retarded how much free money this shit gives

>> No.27712790

I’m in the SNX/BNT pool with 5k BNT making $18/day. Did I cuck myself by not pooling in a higher volume pool? I don’t understand how the rewards are paid out

>> No.27713821

I second this question
Is it better to go into a higher or lower volume pool?

>> No.27715594

Just go to the pool with most apy atm, more volume means more fees tough, but could attract more liquidity which will lower the rewards a bit, all of them are insanely lucrative at the moment, I have made 90k usd in a month

>> No.27715865

How much do you have staked and in what pool?

>> No.27716130

no it doesn't
just wait, one of these days someone's gonna do a big-ass flash loan attack
>keep some worthless shitcoin in a bancor pool long enough to accrue full IL insurance
>take out a big-ass flashloan to pump the token (on the bancor pool only)
>withdraw in the same block
>since you just withdrew a worthless token that just pumped 100000%, you get a lot of payout from the IL insurance
>dump the bnc you got as insurance to repay the flash loan
should be fun

>> No.27716412

You do realize you get protection only with time right? It takes 100 days for full protection and 30 days for any protection, what kind of flash loan would help here? Don’t talk smack just because you are feeling dumb with your IL

>> No.27716456

>take out a big-ass flashloan to pump the token (on the bancor pool only)
how exactly are you pumping the token only in the pool? pool sizes are capped.

>dump the bnc you got as insurance to repay the flash loan
and how exactly is that going to work? aren't flash loans limited to the same block?

>> No.27716505

you can just wait 100 days to accrue protection, after that you can do the rest of the attack in a single block

>> No.27716556

Serious question, what's stopping Uniswap or similar from just copying Bancor and leaving bancor in the dust for the 1000th time?

>> No.27716745

Made 90k? How much $$ do you have invested in the pools though?

>> No.27716816

>how exactly are you pumping the token only in the pool?
buying the token from the pool, of course
>and how exactly is that going to work? aren't flash loans limited to the same block?
Yes but since I can't find anything about flash loan protection in bancor, I assume there's no limitation on withdrawing your liquidity in the same block as a swap was made

>> No.27716853

Nothing. Except they would have already cloned the feature if it was that easy. Bancor devs are good.

>> No.27716863

You have triggered my paranoia. What are safe investment methods then?

>> No.27717063

>Yes but since I can't find anything about flash loan protection in bancor, I assume there's no limitation on withdrawing your liquidity in the same block as a swap was made
Actually there is a 24h holding period for asset withdrawal.

>> No.27717073

I'm beginning to think IL is just a fact of life. It's not nefarious or unexpected or a technical limitation of anything, it literally just results from the fact that you are selling a rising token in exchange for a falling token. What else did you expect to happen?

>> No.27717168

But Bancor is open-source, correct? So it should theoretically be easier to clone.

>> No.27717274

I thought for a second you were serious, but now it's obvious you're just shilling for DEXes that haven't solved IL. It's not a fact of life. It's a solved issue and in production for half a year.

>> No.27717325

oh ok that's good then

>> No.27717354

what does it mean?
yellow line is ROI on BNT, and teal is ROI on UNI?

>> No.27717553

What I expect is a few things
A) stake only the token I already own and not 2 tokens
B) get back my initial investment to the last decimal digit of each token
C) claim rewards for providing my liquidity

If we go by your logic and IL is a fact, why would anyone LP? Seriously why do that? Keep the damn tokens in your wallet and you will have earned more than if you put it as LP

I locked 140k a month ago in a few pools (link / wbtc / dai and usdc)

>> No.27717714

Uniswap or sushi could fork some of it as they have before, they are both literally bancor copy cats, they forked original bancor and went on with it, it will be harder to clone the protection since it relies on BNT being in every pool and not ETH

>> No.27717724

as is probably clear by now I haven't looked at bancor in-depth but it seems obvious that IL protection will stop working at some point once a token moons enough relative to its counterpart
there's just no way to insure against missing out on fundamentally unlimited gains
so if it seems like there is full IL protection in a narrow local price range, that has to be counterbalanced by a loss once you get outside that price range
by the way isn't the bancor token itself the counter-asset in all their pools? I see a possibility for a death spiral there...

>> No.27717884

Yeah it is. What makes you think they haven't been trying for half a year? It's not trivial.

Here's why Uniswap is mooning:
>Brilliant shilling on social media
>Retard proof website
>Baiting LPs with high APYs while at the same time shitting on them when they lose 20% of their coins on withdrawal due to IL
>Infinite number of trade pairs available

>> No.27717901

>If we go by your logic and IL is a fact, why would anyone LP? Seriously why do that? Keep the damn tokens in your wallet and you will have earned more than if you put it as LP
Implicit in providing liquidity is that you expect that the tokens won't diverge too much. If that's a bet you're willing to make, then LP is a good deal.
Of course this is exactly why nobody wants to LP for low-mc shitcoins and consequently they have to do insane incentives.

>> No.27717904

Have a look at the upcoming bancor vortex to offset any bnt minted also, it will drive BNT to be locked up in the protocol without ever being released again crazy stuff, the community is insane and really friendly I would suggest joining the telegram groups and learning more

>> No.27717995

I don't think you understand BNT.
basically same video but second one is more detailed.

>> No.27718137

IL can hurt even high liquidity pools, divergence happens whenever the price swings and usually the swings won’t correlate between 2 tokens, take a look at the link pools, or is 40+ million liquidity low? That would put 90% of uniswap pools at that place and that would mean by your words they are shitcoins that aren’t worth being LP’d?

>> No.27718283

>Infinite number of trade pairs available
that why bancor is shit.

>> No.27718326
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>as is probably clear by now I haven't looked at bancor in-depth

yeah, we know

>> No.27718354

Another question. Bancor has IL protection, but what if the asset you stake goes down in price? Say I stake 100 link @ $25/link and I withdraw when link goes down to $20/link. Do I gain link since my original stake was $2500 in value or do I only get my 100 link back (now worth $2000)? I know how liquidity mining works on other platforms but wasn’t sure if there’s a difference in bancor since they’re offering protection from IL.

>> No.27718391

Not as an LP.

>> No.27718519

You're only getting your tokens back.

>> No.27718805

You are saying bancor is shit because they have infinite pools? Because uniswap currently has way more pools, if anything I think having more pools is good and healthy, also not all pools get protection as far as I know, only those deemed right by the bancor DAO which is the best example of a functional dao I have seen so far

>> No.27719981

I see. Part of why I'm interested in BNT is the lack of shilling I've seen and the tech seems really promising. But my fear is still that one of the forks will incorporate Bancor tech and BNT will be left in the dust just like in the past, due to their superior market dominance/presence.

>> No.27720517

That is always the concern in these markets but rest assured that if anyone will leave someone behind tech wise it will be bancor leaving others behind, they literally invented AMMs they were the first, they focused on the wrong aspects of it at the start I admit but look at how much they grew in the last months, also forking is not something that happens over night, it needs careful planning / testing / auditing / marketing, if it were to happen you would have enough time to “jump ship” if you wanted to, I would advise tough that you should never be loyal here to someone you are used to, go to where the tech / rewards are always, you are here to make money not friends. As it stands at this time bancor has the superior tech and reward system, why lock your mone where you lose it and not where it earns insane apy? Even if you are not content with bnt, just unstake and leave when you feel you can do better, that’s what I love in crypto, you are free

>> No.27720644

Superior tech always wins. Shilling only gets you this far. Just give it 6 months and 2/3 of all DEXes and yield farming clones out there will have rugged. I agree, Bancor needs more memes and shilling, but I'd rather park my hard earned internet money in a place that doesn't suffer a potential 90% loss on withdrawal thank you.

>> No.27720846
File: 169 KB, 1024x537, bnc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bancor needs more memes
I have one

>> No.27720977

ahahahahahahahaa i remember this. do you have the thread screencap?

>> No.27721074

I hope you just have a really dark humor otherwise that’s just straight up the most racist thing you could have posted

>> No.27722094

There are protections against this. Have tried.

>> No.27722259

Yellow is equivalent pool on Bancor.

Teal is the providers return on Sushiswap.

>> No.27723695

I’m scared frens. I want to ape into BNT and stake, but rewards end after 78 days while it takes 100 days to have 100% IL protection. What if no one is using Bancor anymore after rewards end and the price of BNT crashes?

>> No.27723945

brainlet here
could someone please help me to understand what do these lines mean?

>> No.27723979

Thanks anons. Is buying and holding BNT worthless at the moment, given the staking benefits? And if I wanted to take a small position to minimize risk, what's the minimum worthwhile that I can stake as well? Gas fees are ~$60+ each way, which are the killer for low-vol staking, correct?

Otherwise buy&hold makes more sense?
UNI has mkt cap ~$6b @ ~$20
BNT mkt cap ~$250m @ ~$2

Even a 10x has a smaller mkt cap, with clearly superior tech. Between this and the staking benefits, BNT is seeming like a sure-bet, but from previous experience that means I'm definitely missing something crucial.

>> No.27723999

The bancor liquidity mining reward program will last 72 weeks fren. It's still early days.

>> No.27724242

Checked and where can find this info?

>> No.27724430

>Between this and the staking benefits, BNT is seeming like a sure-bet, but from previous experience that means I'm definitely missing something crucial.

The only thing Bancor is missing right now is deeper liquidity in pools to attract more volume and lower gas fees. Gas fees will be solved on L2 and liquidity will come with time in the next months. Once ETH/BNT and LINK/BNT pools hit critical mass, all DEX routes will go through Bancor due to superior pricing. Do what you want anon, I loaded my bags at $1.3 end of December.

>> No.27724548


>> No.27724703

Blue is the amount of fees the pool collected. If you could ignore the market making risk, this is what you would have earned.
Red is the impermanent loss. That is a representation of the pool making bad trades on your behalf.
Teal, Uniswap return is the return a liquidity provider would get from providing liquidity in the pool compared to not providing liquidity to the pool. (With a 50% Link and 50% Ether portfolio).
It is essentially fees*il.
Yellow is the liquidity provider if this was a pool on Bancor.

The lines represent your position if you deposited at 2020-09-10 04:23 and every point represents the stats at that time. (as if you withdrew at that point in time)

>> No.27725054

Thanks anon, I’m aping in

>> No.27725427 [DELETED] 

This is the site Nate references here: https://twitter.com/NateHindman/status/1350793702613143553

>> No.27725714

Thank you for your honesty anon it is giving me confidence that this is the right move.

Couple previous threads floated that under $2-3k USD in BNT, the gas fees are too high to justify staking. I wanted to put in $1k tops this month as most of my paycheck has gone towards normie investments. But if this continues to look promising I wanted to DCA my way in for the next couple months.

Without Arbitrum/L2, the gas fees alone would eat the majority of my contributions, right? So anything under $3k USD is worth keeping as BNT until you're past the threshold to justify staking?

Are you single-side staking BNT only? Ideally in LINK pools I'd assume to open up space for the LINK whales?

>> No.27725991

Anyone whos done more research than me knows when Arbitrum comes out? I want to stake more but gas fees are too high right now

>> No.27726687

>Without Arbitrum/L2, the gas fees alone would eat the majority of my contributions, right? So anything under $3k USD is worth keeping as BNT until you're past the threshold to justify staking?
Gas fees are obscene atm, but I managed to squeeze in a re-stake at 80 Gwei or so in the last couple of days. Just keep trying for a good window to go in. Returns on BNT are so good, it pays off to be in the pool asap.

>Are you single-side staking BNT only? Ideally in LINK pools I'd assume to open up space for the LINK whales?
I'm staking BNT, ETH and LINK.

Nobody knows. Could be hopium, but it's been in test for some time, so it MIGHT get rolled out soon.

Every shrimp is getting fucked by high gas fees atm. Just keep looking for a good window to ape in.

>> No.27727587

Do you know what site you’re on?

>> No.27728284

Anon, thanks for that second video. I'm someone who made some gains back in 2017 just before bitcoin hit mainstream news and I'm back here after gamestock. This provided a lot of useful info for me, I'm genuinely sold on Bancor as a system right now.

>> No.27728292

I heard there was a multiplier if you do not withdraw the staked rewards, can someone explain how that works?

really interested

>> No.27728858


>> No.27729293

Won't work because worthless shitcoins DO NOT GET IL INSURANCE. IL insurance has to pass governance approval.

>> No.27729628
File: 432 KB, 1500x1000, fat City.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, did you just BTFO out his theory with one comment.

literally bought 10k more BNT. Every single piece of FUD Shot down, just like that.

We're sitting on the next link here.

>> No.27729711

kike team out of israel. no matter how much i can make off them, i would rather they burn in hell.

>> No.27730026

How long will the link rewards be this juicy?
The more lp stakes, the lesser the rewards?

>> No.27730325

What happens at the end of the reward program?
All the LPS rush to pull out and the last ones out of the door get fucked over?

>> No.27730368

>IL insurance has to pass governance approval.
Oh ok. That's good I guess although it limits the potential in case of low mcap shitcoins that need it most.
Anyway it's probably about the best they can do so all in all my verdict is "decent".

>> No.27730433

Fuck niggers and fuck kikes

>> No.27730540

I don't understand how this will be sustainable after the 72 weeks reward program
And if it's 72 weeks why the dashboard shows like 35 days etc for most pools

>> No.27730805


>> No.27730837

and the IL insurance pays out in TKN not BNT

>> No.27731157

Lol ok mate., I forgot this is 4chan... :) but I would strongly recommend trying bancor out of you are into money and a solid project which have so far stood the test of time

>> No.27731340

You're clearly a idf shill, all I can say to you is that it didn't happen but it should have

>> No.27731601

only if there's enough TKN available which is kind of the whole issue in the first place

>> No.27731654


Funny how LINK actually solved impermanent loss problem with bancor and their dynamic automated market making. Thanks zergy you fat fuck

>> No.27732007

What’s idf shill?

>> No.27732235


Also a V2 pool for shitcoin can only be created if theres reliable price oracle (LINK) for the token.

>> No.27732479

That’s a very narrow view. Professional MM will start moving into this space once protocols are more mature and on faster cross-chain compatible platform. AMM will start getting hammered left right and centre.

>> No.27733778

I made 6.9k usd on 11k bnt,nut was 49% roi, so extrpolate from there, the other anon has a few hundred k value staked.

>> No.27734040

LM is 72 weeks.
The reward multipliers are voted on and subject to renewal. I can not imagine any waybthe rewards will not contiuoisly get renewed unless inflation goes crazy or something.

>> No.27734114

>that why bancor is shit.

>> No.27734276

>Bancor has IL protection
only after 30 days

>> No.27734419

Over how long of a period, and what pool? Single-side BNT or BNT/LINK?

>> No.27734953

Banco has 2x more TX fees than uni. Apy is also not better (but it is nice I don't need a pair) . Redpill me please

>> No.27735365

jews ought to be gassed

>> No.27736246

APY with LM rewards is better.
Arbitrum powered by Chainlink is the L2 solution Bancor is implementing. Will launch mainnet very soon which will cut gas costs.
Link pool on bancor has ~100M liquidity and rising. IYKYK

>> No.27736394

Arbritum offchain labs
Both LINK and BNT will moon

>> No.27736567

APY is better. Gas fees are getting fixed. Single sided pooling. IL protection. How is this even a question? It’s just not shilled enough here, otherwise it’d be on par with Uniswap.

>> No.27737068

>>Infinite number of trade pairs available

This is why uni is no 1 and remain so for now, there are several layer 2 dex right now with fees a tiny fraction of uni fees , but they only list 30-50 tokens .

Uniswap is a degenerates paradise

>> No.27737522


When this shitcoin bingo mania ends just like in 2017. Well see the result. Choose wisely

>> No.27738291

So if I pool only eth on banco, my eth amount can't drop under the initial amount and I get an 6.79%apy paid in Eth and bnt??

+ rewards?

>> No.27738294

Poor Jews they don’t like gas tough from
What I hear

>> No.27738405

Usdc on bnt side, like 52 days

>> No.27738448

this sounds juicy I've just been sitting on my LINK doing nothing and wanna try it out. Should I just do single sided liquidity and add LINK to various pools or do I need to buy some BNT? Basically wondering how you are getting 90k a month off 140k staked.

>> No.27738691


You should wait until kike fees drop. Its really expensive to stake rn. If you have 25k stack of ETH its easily worth it even now.

>> No.27738820


Link is like 15% apy and BNT is 100%+ right now. But if youre literally sitting on link doing nothing you could just as easily stake it

>> No.27738932

if quads you have to ape in with 50% of ur entire portfolio

>> No.27738936

You get better rewwrds for BNT locked but then you are taking the “risk” of holding BNT, I would lock both maybe, to offset that, or if you like a bit more risk only lock BNT for maximum profit, I don’t view BNT as a risk btw but since you are not holding it currently it probably means you believe in LINK far more than BNT, I deposited about 80k BNT initially and got 40k after a month and a few days (~36 days)

>> No.27739735

ah damn yeah I just saw this. You can only add like 150 link to the pool right now too. I was already looking into leveraging my link on AAVE to borrow some ETH for liquidity mining on UNI with some coins I have offering very high yields. That way I don't have to sell my LINK because as you said I believe in it and it's my biggest source of capital.

Would it be too risky to leverage a significant portion of my link to borrow a bunch more to then trade for BNT and stake that in various pools on bancor? The biggest risk I see is the market taking a nosedive and then my loan risking liquidation because my locked LINK is worth so much less, but honestly if I don't borrow too much then the biggest risk is just the smart contracts right?

Last question how much in gas fees do you pay to interact with these bancor smart contracts? thanks anon this has been one of the most insightful threads on biz today

>> No.27740334

You can wait a for someone to add bnt to the pool and maybe lock more than 150, leveraging sounds smart as long as you leave plenty of room for a bull / bear run that might tip the leverage position, I would consider this and maybe swap some coins to bnt and try and lock bnt side of link and straight away lock the link side, it says 150 because it needs equal amount of bnt to be staked on the bnt side, if you deposit 100 link worth of bnt on the bnt side you can then deposit 100 link as well,
Gas fees are a bitch atm all over the network, around 100 had i think it would be now to stake but I’m not 100% sure

>> No.27741147

I aped 200+ usd on fees today. You can most likely get in on like 100 usd but i was impatient and now poor. Wait until fees cool down a bit or you get window for big link stake

>> No.27741383

sweet I plan on going in soon while the yields are so profitable. The gas fees don't sound much higher than uniswap transactions as you're already paying like $80 a swap these days.

Yeah I will make sure the loan is healthy. I honestly feel like link is going to pop up which would actually give me more borrowing power but in the case of the market tanking I will leave plenty of link available to add as collateral. and if the yields are as profitable as you say I should be able to pay off the loan very quickly

>> No.27741719
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>> No.27742012
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>> No.27742331

I wish you good luck with your trade then :) happy to help

>> No.27742471
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>> No.27742549

Tell me how much could I do on BNT farming with 20k usd please and how

>> No.27742915

40 USD / day which doubles after 4 weeks. So in 4 weeks 2240 usd

>> No.27743127

don't do it man, don't risk your linkies on this stupid shit
here's what's gonna happen:
>staking or whatever finally announced
>link moons
>all LPs in the bancor link pool rushing for the exits
>not nearly enough link in the pool to pay out everyone's IL insurance
>you're left holding a bag of worthless bancor coins

>> No.27743129

For a small investor (1k~) is Bancor even worth it? It seems like it benefits larger investments

>> No.27743470


Yes for me it seems like that too, is 3-5 eth even worth it? Don't want to ape to much in

>> No.27743656

I mean I would but ngl the UX kind of sucks and the rates are just not comparable to what you'd get on 1inch and 1inch has plans to fork Bancor's IL solutions...sooooo...think I'll stick to 1inch anon. Have fun staying poor.

>> No.27743709

Do the maths
2240 / 20
About 112 bucks a month. Not considering bnt will rise so those 100 bucks can easily 3-5x if not 10-20x

>> No.27743907


>> No.27744113

I'm not gonna sell my linkies. I will leverage them to borrow more which I can sell to buy BNT and then stake with. This way I maintain exposure to my link position. Biggest risk is link tanking but once I can pay off the loan I can minimize my risk by borrowing less

>> No.27744394
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>> No.27744532

>using link as collateral to borrow link
you might want to rethink this whole strategy cuz if link moons vs bnc you won't be able to pay it back
better just borrow some usd stable with link as collateral

>> No.27745008

true, although the rate for borrowing dai is like 17% higher but yeah if link moons too much vs bnt i could get rekt smart thinking anon

>> No.27746122

If you are willing to put it in and nit fuck with it for rest of the 72 weeks.
>Buy .5 eth
>Buy bnt with rest
>Put in whatever pool strikes you
Let it earn. Restake at an appropriate time...eg gas does not wipe out gains, for a small stack I would guess this would be several months probably.
Hold till end.

>> No.27746264

Its a risk either way, link could shit bed back to 11 too...

>> No.27746365

Should i stake my vbnt tokens too?

>> No.27747672

your ID iz joan

>> No.27747864

I want to know the same but for $100 worth.

>> No.27748896

I would say under 2-3k usd it’s not worth it because of gas prices atm, they are working on l2 solutions as well but I’m not sure when it will be up... if you have 3+k I would put it in for a month or so and you would probably get around 1k which is neat, and covers more than the gas would cost... but as all things are in crypto it is risky since if the gas goes even higher somehow you could earn a bit less, also if bnt tanks (I don’t think it’s likely unless the whole market dumps) you would lose some usd

>> No.27749280

1inch is an aggregator so why even compare them? I think you just came to fud bancor here, the team is doing terrific job so far, I don’t see why you bring all this hate, all of them are good teams who want to better the crypto world, uniswap, sushi, bancor each has its own merit... I don’t get why people are so tribal here, when trading, remove all emotion or you’ll find yourself hemmorging money for no reason...

>> No.27749484
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Ok. I'm going be good today

bancor is changing the game as much as aave is on their end. Bancor is the aave of AMM. I would say Bancor is even bigger than aave because lend projects will mitigate differences against each other. You'll see dozens of crypto projects cannibalizing aave short-term but amm is a different beast. You can see how uniswap, which is pretty much the same fucking thing as almost any other dex (besides having more tokens), is able to capture almost 35% of the market. WHy? Because volume brings more volume. More liquidity, means less slippage, means more trading, means more fees which means...more liquidity. It's an endless cycle. There is a change that a couple of dexes are liquidity vortex that capture all the volume.

This is where bancor shows up. Bancor pretty much solved the biggest problem of any dex. Their solution is elegant and not as easy to replicate because it requires massive changes of tokenomics on a lot of projects. They are also always one step ahead of the others. They need to be smarter in making certain choices and clean up the fucking ui but make no mistake, as of now there is Bancor and there is everything else.

The good thing? Bancor is undervalued by almost x10-x20 compared to others. Be smart and bet on innovation. Bancor will end up capturing the dex market. They are the next Aave.

>> No.27749600

1k after a month with 3k worth of starting capital? Are the lm rewards displayed on their site not reflecting the 2x bonus multiplier?

>> No.27749599

>There is a change

>> No.27750409

I may have miss wrote, what I mean is lock 3k bnt and get roughly 1k usd after a month or so but the rewards may vary with time I did t check the multipliers in a few days, could have changed a bit if more people staked money

>> No.27750641

I know for sure that 100 will not be worth it because of gas fees alone.

>> No.27751566

loaded up my bags just under 2 doll hairs and still not feeling late with this one

>> No.27751878

you cant really be late on a token that is basically a stablecoin at this point

>> No.27752625

>40 USD / day
Farming what?

>> No.27752753

>all LPs in the bancor link pool rushing for the exits
for the exit you mean in USDT?

>> No.27753215

>Bancor is undervalued by almost x10-x20 compared to others.

#96 cmc
266m mcap

It is the sleeper in defi. The most obvious 10-20x there is.

>> No.27753280

Getting 1k usd a day doing literally nothing.

Life is good :)

>> No.27754043

i need to grow the balls necessary to start moving funds around and doing this. i have over $300k in link just stagnating in my wallets.

>> No.27755020

You can use LINK as a collateral and leverage 50-75 k pretty comfy to buy bnt and stake or just try to stake some link

>> No.27756016

We are taking off bros

>> No.27756092

start small and learn. that's a lot of dough you can already put into making you passive money

>> No.27757389

>Getting 1k usd a day doing literally nothing.
could you explain to me what do you stake?

>> No.27757607

so take out an aave loan against my link, buy bnt, stake bnt, and pray i earn enough to pay back loan easily-gas fees? ill look into it.
yes, trying to start small enough where its low risk but not so small that the fucking gas fees destroy my profit.

>> No.27758041

im in a really sticky position rn, I need to get an extra 500 LINK that I had sold off earlier for irl stuff, and the only way I can do that is by taking a loan and using my other link for collateral. REEE I'm so tempted and praying for a dip to set in soon

>> No.27758622

chart has been looking extremely bullish