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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27710289 No.27710289 [Reply] [Original]

should I buy a 250k mclaren?

>> No.27710317

yeah knock yourself out

>> No.27710366

no idiot

>> No.27710380

how much longer will we run now, so many people r becomming rich. are we topping soon?

>> No.27710387


>> No.27710392

Yes and send me some, white man struggling

>> No.27710394

im finding it really hard to justify, im only 23 and the insurance would be insane, but its something I've been wanting my entire life.

>> No.27710432

youre a retard. only look to be buying a car like that when you're at $4-5m you're spending 25% of your entire networth for a car

>> No.27710459

You will never make it with this mindset.

>> No.27710523

lmao no

>> No.27710546

>he's in the 7 figure hell
come back once you have 8 figures

>> No.27710548

Retarded. Buy a $10k car MAX.

>> No.27710550

What did you invest in?

>> No.27710553

>entire life

Congratulations though. I’m proud of you. You definitely made it.

>> No.27710615

>should I buy a 250k mclaren?

>> No.27710710

The associated costs with any high-end car will quickly chop that capital down
You should honestly wait until you at least 2.5x that amount

>> No.27710733

Buy a supra

>> No.27710826

>Buying a depreciating asset

Oh anon

>> No.27710875

absolutely not anon. buy a 50k bmw or benz and use the 200k difference you just saved to keep growing

>> No.27710915


>> No.27711064

Buy land.

Also how did you hit 1 million? Old money? Show portfolio.

>> No.27711072

Yes buy it and a PS5 and a sick new PC gaming rig.

>> No.27711090

Buy an european shitbox for commuting and classic cars maybe as investments. A modern sportscar will depreciate like a rock and maintenance will cost a fortune.

>> No.27711147

What do you drive now pal ?

>> No.27711157

lucky retard

>> No.27711179


>> No.27711280

Its a tremendous money sink, depreciates, upkeep is ungodly expensive.


>> No.27711282

If you want a sports car get a classic one, they are much better investments.

>> No.27711285
File: 285 KB, 550x771, lil-wayne-films-car-test-episode-elliott-wilson4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nouveau riche nigger mentality.

>> No.27711444

this. you should get a meme car like an old 86 or something instead

>> No.27711519

Try to get a 20 or ‘21 Corvette, very exotics looks and it has a 0-60 of like 2.8. Just shop smart, lots of boomers scalping. You can find very high optioned ones for good deals like 80k

>> No.27711721

Just buy a cheap car, or classic car. Either way, if you made $1m and want to dump 250k on a fucking car, you’re retarded and just got lucky.

>> No.27711879

buy 4

>> No.27712120

Just buy the new corvette C8. It's made in America and a fantastic mid engine car to fulfill your car desires.

>am millionaire and this is what I did.

>> No.27712354

And go back to 6 figure hell? Anon please

>> No.27712529

Buy a house

>> No.27712549

Just get a bmw m2

>> No.27712651

Are you a nigger or a woman? Be honest.

>> No.27712798
File: 93 KB, 385x390, 1612278263989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am wealthy now
>Should I become poor again?
Yeah go for it retard

>> No.27712821

I am a woman lol

To all those who asked how, been in link since 17

>> No.27712946
File: 291 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210204-095119_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes put a quarter of your net worth in a vehicle that will depreciate

Good job

>> No.27713082

>hey guys should I invest 25% of my net worth in a depreciating asset that drops 10% in value the moment I drive it out of the dealership


>> No.27713174

tits or gtfo

>> No.27713279

Buy a house in the country and an 89 NSX instead

>> No.27713298

Trust me bro. That car is going to sit around losing value most of the time you own it. You’ll get speeding tickets from cops even if you’re not speeding. And the maintenance and insurance will be very costly to keep up with.
Buy a used sports car like a Corvette or Mustang.
I personally bought a used Honda Civic Type R with my gains and I’m happy I didn’t get something more expensive.

>> No.27713340

Why would you do that? Keep getting more money. 1 mil is hardly enough money ans you want to turn that 1 mil into 750k?

>> No.27713338

>tits/proof of trades
>staying itt

Blowing money on dumb shit sounds right up your alley though, why stop at a mclaren

T block 478

>> No.27713391

Just take one for a test drive. It will never be a practical car for your daily life and you're just a millionaire, so flexing that hard would just be stupid.

>> No.27713405

>Makes 1 million dollars
>Wants to blow 1/4 of that on single niggerish item.

>> No.27713490

Go buy a moded GTR for 1/2 the price, it'll probably be faster.

>> No.27713510

how about START A BUSINESS first.
or at least by 2-3 apartments FIRST

and then when you see that you are making money..you can buy yourself a mclaren.

>> No.27713517

Thanks guys, i got it out of my system. Not gonna get it. Really glad i come to this board sometimes.

>> No.27713610

and yeah like the other guys said, speaks volumes that you are not thinking about making businesses, buying aparttments, not getting robbed..but you are immedietly thinking about a mclaren.

>> No.27713888
File: 173 KB, 790x539, 1611813513752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay real talk OP, McLarens are actually very unreliable. You are better off with a Ferrari if you want an exciting car, if you are okay with something boring though a Porsche is always the best choice. t. dealer friends from all of these brands.

However, if you just want to experience the car for a bit, you should absolutely lease a McLaren or Aston Martin. Both of these brands have insane lease deals right now (because they're going broke lol), very little cash for the amount of car.

>> No.27714004

he's 23, we all would have fantasized about buying retarded shit with that kinda money at that age.

>> No.27714269

The only thing that will be depreciating is the amount of pussy you get when he's around.
Lets be real.
Imagine having a McLaren in a small/medium sized town

>> No.27714314

OPs a nigger troll... he's just as bad as Elon Dr Evil.

>> No.27714733

ngmi. You will always be a consoomer

>> No.27714755

Im literally not interested in pussy lol, im unfortunately a dumb roastie

>> No.27715727

please show us your tits

>> No.27715832


Not even proof of trades smdh


>> No.27716331

Better buy 250k worth of LTO.

You'll be able to buy as many McLarens as you want soon enough

>> No.27716742

Why just one? buy four

>> No.27717329

It's almost like people don't buy it to increase their money

>> No.27717396

>yeah bro I'm 23 and made a million and now I'm posting of 4chan ahahahaha totally bro trust
Shut the fuck up retard
Can we ban these larp posts?

>> No.27717564

super niggery, OP.

>> No.27717834

pretty niggery, OP

>> No.27719568

This will be your worst investment so far. But go ahead, indulge yourself you simpleton.

>> No.27719655

buy a lotus 410 sport. it will go up in value if you take care of it. lotus canceled their lineup and will only be building electric garbage in the future, because tasteless chinese bugmen baught the company.

>> No.27720020

Yeah, a McLaren F1 or P1 for $250k is a good investment actually. Anything else - you're a retard unless you buy preowned or something else

>> No.27720724

Never spend more than 1/10 of your total net worth on a car. Also realize that it might not just be costing you 250k but more like a million+ in the long term considering the interest you would likely be making if you decide to keep investing that money. I agree with other anons buy something slightly less expensive or wait a year or two. Then again you are a 23 year old autist

>> No.27720805
File: 22 KB, 300x262, 1612399776893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a house you fucking dipshit

>> No.27721081
File: 43 KB, 512x320, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that bro. Get an el camino. Those things are fucking sweet. It says to the world, "yes, I fuck."

>> No.27721183

No. 25 y/o Japanese shit box is the way to go.

>> No.27721308

33% of that at least will go to taxes young one

>> No.27721451

No, you buy a fucking VW or something and use your money to make more fucking money like always bitch nigger

>> No.27721633

>15$ minimum wage
>You make 15$ with masters degree
>You will never be rich, goyim

>> No.27721637

Can you give me 1k? Just asking

>> No.27721809

In Europe these just say: „I have shitty taste and like 3rd world tier engineering“
This thing looks like it falls apart, if you kick one of the doors lightly

>> No.27721816

Definitely buy it, don't let /biz/ talk you out of your dreams
>(fucking dumbass, I dont mean it guys)

>> No.27722386
File: 6 KB, 170x127, Toyota Tercel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let me tell you about my 250k Toyota Tercel that I'm selling

>> No.27722449

You should buy a house.

>> No.27722468

Bro you have no idea how much adultery and cigarette smoking has transpired in those cars lol