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File: 1.29 MB, 1077x864, On-the-Doorstep-Smaug-the-Golden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27700238 No.27700238 [Reply] [Original]

smaug edition


Gold: $PHYS > $GLD
Silver: $PSLV >>> $SLV

>Why Gold?
>Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)


>Bullion tax info by state:


Nitric Acid

>EU/ENGLAND sources

>Russian/European coins

Previous threads:

>> No.27700374
File: 434 KB, 1920x1681, :pmg:.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing this correctly?

>> No.27700497

Thought Silver would pump, so I hopped on the bandwagon and bought my first coins. Bought 4 ounces of .9999 silver, feels good. Thanks pmg for showing me the wae

>> No.27700501
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x3024, D4229B46-57B5-441C-A73E-9002F17819E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks baker

>> No.27700553
File: 2.00 MB, 2736x3886, _20210203_222952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your Stacks.
Just started with 38 ounces

>> No.27700617
File: 57 KB, 945x740, silver_hodler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good man

>> No.27700641
File: 2.69 MB, 1899x1646, full weeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am become weeb. destroyer of normies.

>> No.27700766

I’m waiting on my 10 oz to get here, I finally graduated from my 5 oz it feels great man.

>> No.27700854
File: 76 KB, 710x678, just fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

short term speculators, trenders and redditors gtfo

>> No.27700858
File: 2.03 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's moar of a storage of wealth than an investment idk how anyone could meme it as a pump and dump scheme but I'm glad you're satisfied to own it. Hold it. Try to understand its value but not in dollars
^This pic was Friday night 9pm commiefornia time
>picrel is just now

>> No.27700883
File: 8 KB, 450x275, au0182nyb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like gold might dip into the $1,700s soon, a 6 month low.
Anyone else see that as a buying opportunity?

>> No.27700968
File: 791 B, 20x20, 1603526232343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redditfags and retail scum need to be wiped from the face of the earth

>> No.27700972
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Spot price is tanking but I still cannot find anything for less than 31$. And normies still believe that market isn't cabal playing field and we can still beat them by buying stock
We are truly living in a clown world.

>> No.27701033

>listen to /pmg/ hype
>PMs sink like an anchor
Never again

>> No.27701092

Cool, now we can buy more.

>> No.27701186

>listen to /pmg/ hype
see >>27700854

>> No.27701287

I fucking hate women

>> No.27701364

it’s not a get a rich scheme. it’s a medium to long term satire of value strategy and hedge against extreme volatility which is more likely than not gonna happen. we literally just had coup here in the us lol things gonna get weirder

>> No.27701379
File: 138 KB, 900x1600, 4B3C25C8-02A7-4A53-A689-A96984F2F0D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link me to anything that's under $30/ oz right now
^here I illustrated the price rise in under one week for physical you can take delivery on the difference is $2800
Nobody will sell you physical when the spot price is being pushed down by silver cert sales. Thus the premium hike
We want to have a full divorce of paper receipts from the physical silver
If the GSR goes down to under 40:1 I may consider getting into gold by letting a couple big bars go if my LCS is willing

>> No.27701452
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>> No.27701458

I think the COMEX, like a slick villain from a James Bond movie, has just narrowly avoided collapse yet again. With spot price dropping, and seeing that the negative sentiment from new PM buyers in these threads is probably representative of the whole of new PM buyers, I think we can say that “a retail silver squeeze will break the COMEX” idea may be looking like wishful thinking at this point.

>> No.27701464

>we literally just had coup here in the us
Go back to plebbit nigger

>> No.27701466

how big of a percentage of my holdings should be in PMs?
I'm 35 and I've got about 150k (mostly in stocks and ETFs, approx 30k in cash right now, I wanna move some of that to metal).

>> No.27701467

Ouch. At $25, that'd peg gold at $1K

>> No.27701694


>> No.27701701

>On a computer
>with fucking /biz/ tabs open
>takes a picture of said computer to post on said /biz/ tab
Are you fucking retarde…
Oh, some of those tabs look like /pol/, oh well, carry on, everything as expected.
Don't you wanna buy some stuff from there?:
That seems like it's more up your alley. I heard they are much more tasty than silver, and cheaper to boot!

>> No.27701706

At 20ozt cutoff grade, they have 1.2Moz Ag. If they lower the cutoff grade, meaning they mine lower-grade parts of the mine, they have more ounces. The cutoffs are there because mining costs money, so the management can consider whether it's worth it to mine lower grade areas or whether that costs too much in relation to the possible return

>> No.27701772

I've heard the standard is about 10% of your portfolio.

>> No.27701914

for 15k I could get my toddler the coolest building blocks ever! That's like more than 100 100g bars!
Brb, going shopping.
But seriously though, I would put that number lower at my not-boomer age.

>> No.27701956

based gatariCHAD

>> No.27702056

Am I missing something, or is Blue Lagoon really undervalued?

They have no debt, permit in place and new pajeet CEO yet their shares have tumbled since november. Checking with you guys if there's a catch before I buy in

Latest drilling: https://ceo.ca/@accesswire/blue-lagoon-adds-second-drill-rig-releases-first-rock

>> No.27702069
File: 1.95 MB, 4032x3024, 10FD813B-FC66-46A9-9F8C-A04B83A5000F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything the silver will run up to close on gold but idk gold may fall but in March we had a GSR of 125:1 I think...?
Now it's maybe 65:1 so almost half
Yes I'm the mayor of /pol/ and a resident lurker here, on /k/ and /diy/
Get over it faggot

>> No.27702072

It's up to you anon. People have their own ratios and stuff. Maybe throw 5-20k to gold, silver & single malt whiskey to store your wealth since they all do that better than your bank account's IOUs anyway.

>> No.27702181

Ok so why are you here? Post portfolio
We're stacking and you can't stop us
Stay poor and angry it's fucking delicious

>> No.27702362

Should I buy calls for some mining companies? I am talking about LEAPS.
Suggest some please
LEAPS for when?

>> No.27702548

Very undervalued.

>> No.27702601

I haven't done my DD on Blue Lagoon yet but the question you have to ask yourself is: was it overvalued in November? And what would a fair value be? I have heard that many here believe it to be undervalued though.

>> No.27702615

i've been scratching my head at this for hours. i cant figure it out. what am i missing? im honestly about to drop $10k into BLLG tonight because it seems like an absolute steal.

>> No.27702687

He's not wrong

>> No.27702714
File: 94 KB, 750x233, 5C485720-BBAF-4964-9B5A-FB2E6A6BB850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


$AUY or Yamana gold has 56mm ounces of proven and profitable silver, the stock is under $5 and has been manipulated to shit by algos. Someone also shorted the stock 9000 contracts 4.5p 7/16

It’d be a shame if someone pulled a GME on that bitch

>> No.27702804

Market cap / EV? $5 doesn't mean anything

>> No.27702964
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>waiting for shipments to arrive

>> No.27703052

>Maybe throw 5-20k to gold, silver & single malt whiskey to store your wealth since they all do that better than your bank account's IOUs anyway.
I see where you're coming from, but the IOUs in my bank account can be used to buy stuff immidiately, without any significant fees, wheres trying to go grocery shopping or buying a car with silver or single malts is going to be quite the ordeal.
I'm neither poor, nor angry (what about you on those two accounts?) and I'm stacking anyways, I'm just not some
>Hurr durr, muh world collapse!!!!
fag that's preparing for an apocalypse that won't happen. It's all about diversity!
(Just like in real life ;^) )

>> No.27703057

At your discretion. Anything you here from the professionals is no longer applicable. Every class of real assets has gone so insane you can not attempt to reason with this market. Whatever they recommend you hold in precious metals the correct answer is "More". We're closer to an economic collapse/depression/unprecedented system so the safer you can play it the better. You know how bonds are the safest investment? That's a lie, Precious Metals are.

>> No.27703070


>> No.27703107
File: 79 KB, 390x605, Sainte Foy de Conques.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too anon, me too

>> No.27703147

>PM sink like an anchor
you have not seen anything yet

>> No.27703280

>>Hurr durr, muh world collapse!!!!
Oh, and on that point:
If you're buying online to stack, you've lost anyways.
Guess what the evil communists are going to do when they outlaw the possession of PM's? They're going ask all the sellers if they might wanna hand over their customer lists, pretty please…
>Anything you here from the professionals is no longer applicable. Every class of real assets has gone so insane you can not attempt to reason with this market.
That's why I'm trying to get some opionions from this side of the market too.
On the one hand, it would be stupid to not partake (yay, free moneyz!!!), but on the other hand, you gotta be prepared, because shit just can't go up forever, and while I'm no believer in the end of times, I doubt it will just be a slow and boring stabilization on some higher level.

>> No.27703348
File: 39 KB, 428x438, scythian gold demiurge (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make no mistake frens, the project we have embark on here, namely to make gold and silver currency again, is no less than a spiritual surgical operation to restore a living beating heart to our dead and decayed society.

What does our culture value above all else right now? We value green pieces of paper; Greenbacks, Benjamins, dollars, whatever you want to call them, they are still ultimately pieces of paper, printed into existence by a man or group of men. Even worse, these dollars papers have been digitized and made even less real.

What do we propose to make the most valuable resource instead of printed papers? Gold and silver; Gold derived from the sun, silver from the moon. Immaculately concepted and infused into the earth when it was formed. However you believe the universe began, precious metals are precious precisely because they were formed by the same process or being that created us. That is why we should value them as our currency. That is why gold and silver are real money.

>> No.27703502

help here please

>> No.27703531

Listen, if you are worried about money in your bank account to buy daily shit then maybe stacking isn't the route for you just now with the premiums etc. it's a store of wealth and not a get rich quick investment
>where are you?
I grow weed so I can afford to stack although I'm not rich and not too happy just now mostly cuz I just totaled my new work truck that I paid for in cash and had five oil changes on

>> No.27703570

yooo they really have mercs for $2.58? That's better than anywhere else I can find right now no one else has them for less than $3

>> No.27703577

Based. Money should be printed by God, not man.

>> No.27703613

>Satire of value
big think

>> No.27703840

It also has 2:1 silver in the ground with gold. If you own Blue Lagoon and a couple of other good little undervalued silver near-producing microcaps like Bayhorse and Vangold you're pretty much set for life.

>> No.27703887

Lads my silver is really cold, will it be okay or will it die?

>> No.27703918

>the project we have embark on here, namely to make gold and silver currency again
what? But /pmg/ told me that there's only enough silver in the world to give every person 1.5 ounces or so. That would be very impractical to use if it's the sole currency.
Silver is also way too precious to be used mainly as currency, the industry needs it.

>> No.27703931
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>> No.27703958

Quality post here deserves digits
>silver from the moon
Uh, wat?

>> No.27703979


Fuck no
Might buy back into Aurcana though

>> No.27703984

you're supposed to keep it in the freezer in ziploc bags you fucktard

>> No.27704043
File: 25 KB, 274x253, ted kaczynski mugshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global population above 1 billion
>implying no slave castes

>> No.27704087

Just put an amount of money you want to save "for good" into stores of value obviously. As I said, everybody has their ratios and amounts. My net worth is maybe $30k total when you just look at investments & cash (excl. apartment + mortgage, car, furniture) and I have about $3k in silver. Obviosly have usable cash on hand!

>> No.27704139


Silver will be the new gold and more valuable than gold. If we went back to a 2:1 GSR like ancient Egypt it wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.27704181

>deflation which increases purchasing power and encourages savings is bad
Where did you study finance?

>> No.27704185
File: 621 KB, 989x992, 10% silver mexico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Composition of coins can be an alloy containing silver aka junk silver

>> No.27704285

Huge market cap. They obviously produce silver as a byproduct or something. Judging by the name only they are a gold producer. The silver they have is just a side dish. I guess if I want to invest in a gold major I have an extra company in the list but for now not interested very much

>> No.27704363


>Company funded by its own CEO for 6 years to keep it alive? No thanks

>Company which dilutes its shareholders at every opportunity and cut the stock price by 70%? More please.

This boy's a genius.

>> No.27704464

The former also involves dilution though

>> No.27704479

Since silver isn't easy or profitable to recycle (gold is) I could see this being the case unless they come up with a new metal to use in gadgets or a new way to recycle silver it is and will remain a consumable resource
Way before /pmg/ I saw an anon predict that in the future people would be scouring trash dump sites to find old phones etc to salvage enough silver to eat that day. Not sure if that will come to pass but I don't wanna be one of those people. I see hobos with mountains of beer cans doing it for aluminum so it's a possibility

>> No.27704491

It depends on the amount you've invested in each company. A few hundred in each is probably not going to cut it. Remember that the USD is being diluted and we're approaching a hyperinflationary environment. $1m is not that much in this environment and certainly not enough to retire on if you're in your 30's.

>> No.27704587
File: 585 KB, 720x1644, Ascencion des élus Bosch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does an anon have the pepe version of this painting ?

>> No.27704672

never buy calls or puts anon
buy the real thing

>> No.27704682

>silver as a byproduct
As far as I know it's not worth it to operate a "silver mine" the other mining is the bread and butter but silver is there so they process it since they already extracted the ore
Maybe I'm wrong tho please correct me if so

>> No.27704822

Then you should look at First Majestic! Some 70% of their product is silver. Another big silver focused producer is Impact Silver, survived the decade-long bear market and is making profits at current prices

>> No.27704946

>namely to make gold and silver currency again
What exactly do you think will happen? Will people haul their silver coins to their local supermarket to buy produce?

>> No.27704956

that makes it even harder to recuperate the silver for actually beneficial uses like in electronics.

After the Versaille treaty had bled Germany's PM reserves dry, Hitler took Germany off the gold standard. He then gave German workers paper money as payment for them to build the Autobahn. The workers were able to trade their paper Reichsmark against food from farmers and goods from craftsmen. The farmers and craftsmen and their children's children profit to this day from the Autobahn system. Thus generational wealth was created without need for a single ounce of PM currency.

The problem was never fiat currency in itself. The problem is that our current monetary system is debt-based, and operates with the goal of making profits for a small group of oligarchs, who will screw us over as long as we let them, no matter what we use as money.

>> No.27705022

Can I get a comfy feeling from frens?

>> No.27705043

I have also gathered this in my short time here, that there really aren't any "new" silver mines starting, been wondering how much demand would need to increase to change that.

>> No.27705077
File: 161 KB, 1006x562, Comfy pagode Shwedagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon

>> No.27705109
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>> No.27705127

Or, well, Impact has a pretty small market cap tbqh. But they operate a big mining district.

>> No.27705227

it will be deposited at the bank for a new currency

>> No.27705305

Guys how do you report PSLV for taxes if you hold it for less than a year? I am afraid I fucked myself buying this and made my taxes more complicated than they should be.

>> No.27705326

Recently bought some physical from them. Waiting for delivery. I will have to put aside some time to look at the stonks I'm at zero stonks I'm all silver and ammo just now and scared to sell
Fiat is debt based by its very nature so it is the problem

>> No.27705347

When/if the price of silver is not manipulated by kikes, a couple merc dimes is all you will need for a few days of groceries for one adult.

>> No.27705355

Stockpile lipstick lads

You'll make an absolute fortune if shtf

>> No.27705409
File: 2.01 MB, 3724x2096, 83ACB534-4EAB-4DAB-A88D-3C66E734858F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27705419

Now you can spend your earnings on an accountant to do them for you.
Shampoo also. Imagine the power.

>> No.27705479

Get an accountant if you have enough investments you should already have one

>> No.27705567

Correct but I think they might shift production, their 2020 silver output was 10mm and their 2021 projected output is 10mm

>> No.27705627
File: 302 KB, 828x1403, Rare Pepe He Comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27705640

>I have also gathered this in my short time here, that there really aren't any "new" silver mines starting
Aurcana & Bayhorse instantly spring to mind. Though most silver is mined as a byproduct so "pure" silver mines are fairly uncommon. At current silver prices silver mines can be profitable if the AISC is low like under $17 or something
You'd do well to invest in gold & base metals miners too. Producers are the least risky but provide less gains (might have a dividend though); developers are relatively safe but can be a little boring if they don't do any drilling though they may spike when they begin production; explorers are the riskiest and can result in big pumps or dumps upon news release. I'm sure you know that but felt like saying that anyways because it seems you focus on majors rather than juniors

>> No.27705656

>Fiat is debt based by its very nature so it is the problem
let's not get caught up in semantics.
When the US President wants to print money, the US government goes in debt to the Federal Reserve system.

After Hitler nationalized the Reichsbank and kicked the international bankers from its board of directors, he could print as much money as he wanted without the German state accruing debt to anyone.

>> No.27705682

>They're going ask all the sellers if they might wanna hand over their customer lists, pretty please…
They might do that, but sadly i lost it all without a trace while out on the ocean blue. It was a dark day for me and my family, but such is life, officer.

>> No.27705699
File: 1.81 MB, 1789x4088, SaintEricShowsTheWay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27705758 [DELETED] 
File: 787 KB, 1242x1832, 3DD9DA5F-939F-4106-97C9-0D74B9009FC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need Based memes for my WallStreetSilver account. Going strong 4k in one day


>> No.27705830

Fuck off namefag

>> No.27706086
File: 287 KB, 900x600, moreminers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27706126

For me, it's junk silver. I still remember my first junk silver purchase like it was yesterday. My eyes were popping out, staring at all the marvelous coins and the history that they carried with them. I got a couple of Morgan dollars and Kennedy half dollars and when I added three Roosevelt dimes, the dealer threw them in for free.
'Three for free!' I exclaimed, 'Are you trying to make me into a silver junkie?' The whole store laughed and the dealer said, 'that's funny kid, I'm going to call you the silver junkie.'
So now every time I go to my dealer the staff greets me with 'hey, it's the silver junkie!' and everybody laughs. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local coin shop. I go there at least twice a week to look at the new inventory that came in and have a fun conversation with the employees and occasionally a customer.
Junk silver is just the best, it gives you the best value for money, you dont have to worry about wear and tear and it is in constantly dwindling supply.
I don't drink or do drugs, but I never come down from my junk silver high.

>> No.27706202 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 1440x1280, 1611602571828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i get trips i'll be spending 50% of my income on silver for the rest of my life

>> No.27706217
File: 1.16 MB, 1075x1075, 1600118100973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post this report back how they react

>> No.27706283

Sorry for Offtopic, but i know /PMG/ has its fair share off Uraniumchads, so i wanted to share this Company once again, i think it was brought up here a few times before. Peninusla Energy (PEN) is the only Junior Uranium Miner in the West that is allowed to mine via In Situ Leach Mining (the process Kazatomprom also uses), has cash in the bank and is ready to go, when we finally see higher Uranium prices. Also Desogames really likes them.


>> No.27706292
File: 630 KB, 2612x920, favorite coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here for the long haul

>> No.27706302
File: 2.22 MB, 640x360, VID_20210129_235924.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mucho basado
Junk is for historical and cultural value & art

>> No.27706309
File: 8 KB, 225x225, classy pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren

>> No.27706310

Kek excellent modification to an ancient pasta

>> No.27706340
File: 105 KB, 600x600, 1612017371051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should do that anyway.

>> No.27706362

Dude I wish we need an alt account for that stuff hahaha

>> No.27706382

I know almost nothing of miners or stonks I'm a humble indoor silver farmer so any guidance is appreciated I'm gunshy after my family lost a bunch in some biotech start up I just wanna hold it in my hand but I could put a couple k into it as a speculation and not be devastated if it disappears
I get that it's one less entity in the chain but printing money is stealing from the owners of the money down the line
This is why the us must keep lockdowns to prevent the M2 velocity low. Historically anything above 2.5% inflation per year is risking revolt. I would cite my claims but it's 530 am and I didn't sleep again have to work in two hours. I'm all habbeninged out after this last week and need a break from this place

>> No.27706421
File: 1.08 MB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200411_165205_5295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>On a computer
>>with fucking /biz/ tabs open
>>takes a picture of said computer to post on said /biz/ tab

big yes. because its comfy

>> No.27706424
File: 71 KB, 246x244, 1612365493848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Problemo

>> No.27706430

Well, then you surely won't mind if the peoples police does a thorough search of your pod, right?
After all, you own nothing, you have no privacy and you're happy, so why do we even ask you?
Move aside!

>> No.27706461

>Need Based memes for my WallStreetSilver account. Going strong 4k in one day
Help us out

>> No.27706464
File: 437 KB, 500x281, 1611719939492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doing just 25% drop every time i get paid so far. i'm just contemplating whether or not i should increase my holdings.

>> No.27706500

My dude, the way isn't to short squeeze $SLV, which is pretty much impossible. The angle of attack is defaulting the COMEX, and the way to do that is buying $PSLV or even better physical silver. You're in a position to do some good, don't fuck up on the $SLV distraction.

>> No.27706511

do you guys stack physical?

>> No.27706553
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>> No.27706556
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>> No.27706608


Every single person buying paper ponzi scheme SLV is going to get wiped out.

>> No.27706626

Posted this lol

>> No.27706654

>Stockpiling all kinds of women makeup, PMs and guns to run your own prostitution ring in SHTF
Sounds based.

>> No.27706685






grow and save your own seed stock so you will not be reliant on the people who grow see

>> No.27706703


I don't think I'd even describe SLV as a ponzi scheme, more like a black hole for money. Just a place to throw money down the drain.

>> No.27706793

I hope you didn't make this. If so, the high IQ end guy is supposed to be speaking intelligently with the same message as the low IQ guy.

>> No.27706863

Try not to pay more than a dollar over spot per oz I'm going to wait until the WSB idiots give up and hope it dips again

>> No.27706910

Not really practical, though i think you can buy U-238 on ebay, which is for research purpose only

>> No.27706933


>> No.27707002

How long do y'all think this dip is gonna last? A week? Month? Year? When will we start seeing the effects of the money printing?

>> No.27707009
File: 34 KB, 430x270, 1frtv7v-ikn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked them out the last time you shared the company, Pacifico anon my man. I wasn't too impressed though ad their offtake agreements have prices set in stone for a few years. If I remember right, the deals are good for the company at current prices (they wouldn't turn a profit at current prices) but if uranium started climbing they could lose out in comparison to peers due to the agreements. Just my two cents based on some very light research
For mining companies there is a lot of things to understand. Especially if you want to get in on juniors, read the links in the miner pastebin (https://pastebin.pl/view/fddd4572).).
For stonks you should really understand some basic financial stuff. Learn to read financial reports and earnings reports and learn some basic ratios like P/E (for producers ONLY), current ratio & equity ratio.

There's always more stuff you can learn but start off with these basics and learn more at your own discretion. If any questions arise ask away, we know the answers most likely

>> No.27707086

sorry guys but if you bought silver this week instead of rubic dont kill yourself

>> No.27707111
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x2268, 1587991856377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are correct and whats strange is that I was honestly just thinking about bringing up seedstacking here. I am interested in how long they will stay good for though or what you need to do to preserve them. They could be worth tons in certain situations.

>> No.27707132

I never see deals like that in Canada. Gold is usually 80-100 over, silver at least 5.

>> No.27707149

Can I hold rubic in my hand? If not, then I don't want it. Have fun when the power grid shits itself.

>> No.27707179

what if you got both

>> No.27707197

>so easy to understand yet incredibly complex that it doesn't register with the midwits
Sounds like most jewish tricks

>> No.27707207

also if i buy silver with crypto and dont tell my goverment i dont pay right?
And when i want to buy a porsche or house i just pay them in silver

>> No.27707216

>dont kill yourself

>> No.27707228
File: 1.62 MB, 1925x3094, 467BD227-08AC-430D-9B0B-D40EBDF50DFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27707261

Keep them cool, sealed in some kind of plastic container with silica gel packets to keep them dry too. viability will decrease over the years, depending on what kind of seed it is, but you'll get something even after 5-7 or 10 years.

>> No.27707274

IKR imagine waking up to a grid failure and all your precious internet money is gone.
It's a meme you dip.

>> No.27707293

The only lipstick that will be available is muh dick!

But to be serious hoarding cosmetic is an interesting idea. I’ve been lurking >>>/out/ to learn what gardening equipment to stockpile

>> No.27707315

i payed out the ass for BU 2021 ASEs like a mongoloid, can i crack the seal on them?

>> No.27707334
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>> No.27707356

How much did you pay, out of curiosity?

>> No.27707367

I feel sorry for you man, my 1k euro is 4k euro and its not stopping, for real read about it. rubic is a game changer it will delete gas fees from swapping currrencys

>> No.27707420
File: 133 KB, 300x296, 1612144881304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gods speed

>> No.27707437

FM has still not shipped my order and its been 8 days. Also all the places i order from stopped shipping to me the past 3 weeks, I live in japan so paying the extra shipping is worth it then local dealers. Never had a problem in 2 years but not its becoming difficult. Hopefully temporilary

>> No.27707469

I don't want to say

>> No.27707479

you need to go bavk to plennit

>> No.27707509

Will you buy yourself a dozen maids when fiat collapses?

>> No.27707548

Sweet lord I feel for you m8 I bust your chops on /pol/ but honestly I have loved every Canadian I've met so far >>27707009
I will do my homework thank you

>> No.27707573

you should be fudding reddit you absolute newfaggot PLEASE GO BACK

>> No.27707590
File: 2.77 MB, 3024x3024, 20210202_225632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this ring bowl at a garage sale for 5 bucks

>> No.27707667

Uh that's the point of memes
You should go back

>> No.27707687
File: 3.03 MB, 3024x3024, 20210202_225549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its from birks too

>> No.27707715

Cool engraving! Foes it have any markings for silver?

>> No.27707733
File: 244 KB, 640x604, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spot price: £19.39/oz
>Physical delivery: £40.10/oz

>> No.27707756

Im above average looking with a good job and workout i dont need to pay shit i just come from a mining family and like things that shine, also i want to move to commie canada

>> No.27707786
File: 386 KB, 537x326, 282728731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big ups to Pacifico Anon, though i am not him. What i really like about PEN is their financial structure (and the safety, that they can stay liquid in the next few months) and that the In Situ Mining is relativley environment friendly (so no fear for the green boogeyman). Also the way i understand it, is that they are not locked up in contracts, so they could immediately cash in on higher spot prices.

>> No.27707823



Over $50/Oz for physical delivery

>> No.27707891


>> No.27707929
File: 108 KB, 1080x721, 1593106790372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. I mean you'll probably never get what you paid, and they're still just bullion so you might as well.
The other acceptable alternative is identical message from both ends that is simple, the one I am screeching about in here intentionally makes both ends sound like retards, which detracts from the message.

>> No.27708036

yeah I'm not really expecting to get what I paid for them though I really bought them for a shtf scenario, I don't want federal reserve notes for a precious metal anyway

>> No.27708065

Niggers tongue my bullion

>> No.27708080

Oh there we go, "STERLING". Can't miss that. How on earth did you get this for 5 bucks, total steal.
>i just come from a mining family
Tell me more please!
Seems like a very safe bet all in all. Great if they can just cut their offtake agreements in favor of better ones too. Whenever I begin looking at U miners I'll have to give PEN a lot of thought, thanks for sharing anon

>> No.27708278
File: 1.96 MB, 4160x2340, KIMG0584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you guys stack physical?

a few of us are GammaChads

>> No.27708302

Post them in their packages before opening at least you'll have a pic to remember, then start fondling them.

>> No.27708328

The majority of people fall in hat middle section the left end has common sense and the right end has years of study. Midwits can't do either and lay claim to both. You are trying to get these midwits to understand a concept that's moar than 140 characters and doesn't have any explosions so you are trying to herd cats
Best of luck with your faggot board over at plebbit I'm sure you'll find a new fad to leap onto and it will die when those same retards don't make millions in a weekend.
Remember if the ROI is longer than 96 hours it's fucking worthless

>> No.27708502

Sorry bro I am just here to talk metal not sure what you're implying. I don't quite give a fuck what plebbit posts for memes or how many of them stack or not. I just want a comfy thread here and cheapies.

>> No.27708503

I will never open these bad boys, I can't even see them, all I can see is the pure glistening white silver

>> No.27708515

Thanks. I have a good “vibe” from Pacifico. The grade of their silver is pretty low, which is a detriment, but they claim to have up to 55m oz silver, and presumably will uncover more during exploratory efforts, for a small market cap. I like the exposure to Australia, the offtake agreement in place, the financials aren’t bad, management seems very shareholder-focused evidenced by their frequent communication, and they are one of the largest lead resources in Australia, as well. Pacifico (now Boab) is worthy of a mining stock watch list if your
portfolio is already set with better options, but if you’re looking for jurisdictional diversification in Australia for silver mining, they’re a top pick.

>> No.27708648
File: 99 KB, 468x380, 1612097499032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandfathers family owned a canadian mine southern ontario, my father went to oxford for law and now works downtown in toronto for private mining companies. He used to be one of the best working for cassels brock as a senior partner but switched because they are to big man and profit, my father a mennonite took less pay to represent the smaller mines but says he loves waking up to work everyday for them like his grandfather. Hes giving me everything and anything i ask, the least i can do is buy his boomer rocks (which i like too)

>> No.27708675

How many? Are they in a sealed tube?

>> No.27708776

yeah they are mint sealed i got 100oz

>> No.27708835

Damn dude post a pic at least

>> No.27708859

>Hope you guys didn't make this
>you guys
>I'm an outsider
>Not here for memes
Then why are bitching about it

>> No.27708921

>Accepting a lower pay to work for the little guys
Your father sounds like a principled man. I imagine it's much more fun to have juniors as customers than fuckhuge companies anyways. Your grandpa better teach you some prospecting or something

>> No.27708958
File: 11 KB, 375x375, fetchimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one arrived so far, it's just a generic tube, I didn't even open it, it just looks like this kek

>> No.27708970

Only commenting on the quality or lack thereof of that meme. As its posted here. Like I said, don't give a fuck if it ends up on plebbit or black twitter or whatever the fuck, as everything there is garbage viewed by npc's anyway. It's a shit meme that's all.

>> No.27709018

Is it worth it to collect ancient coins?

Was surprised to see how many 1-2,000 year old coins on APMEX going for so cheap

>> No.27709053

its out of stock everywhere so no

>> No.27709067

if you're getting multiple you could probably open one

>> No.27709089

some leaf posters deserve your ire though, so don't feel too bad about it. Least we don't have to pay 20% upfront like the bongs

>> No.27709125
File: 986 KB, 1242x2207, 684D7787-2E56-48D8-9641-655269971AF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27709158

my grandpapy died when i was like 7 and he only spoke german, i never understood him but always pray for him.

>> No.27709226
File: 133 KB, 953x541, 1604397404054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the odds these little fuckers end up slowly filling the void as bj dimes disappear?

>> No.27709285
File: 962 KB, 2260x2022, KIMG0538~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it worth it to collect ancient coins?

Only if you know what you're doing, most everything Ancient on apmex is either overpriced or not collector-tier.

>> No.27709323
File: 134 KB, 683x916, a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27709336

Those aren’t actually “ancient” coins, they’re modern reproductions of ancient coins

>> No.27709351

Lmao no

>> No.27709369

There's probably so many of them because they don't hold real value just collector value.

>> No.27709453

Yup, the bull run has been delayed for at least another 5 years

>> No.27709530
File: 234 KB, 1024x681, 9CD87274-C10E-4B7E-8389-D726A297A8B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. Idk how long you've been here but nobody here cares about what other people think and it's certainly not advantageous to attract midwits with the attention span of a housefly as they expect exactly what the meme suggests
The last week we were flooded with them wanting a get rick quick memestonk like gme. Those types don't deserve financial freedom. Fuck them if they don't get the meme if they don't get it like you don't get it then that's fine
Fuck em

>> No.27709628
File: 64 KB, 963x475, 912am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9am slam down

>> No.27709673

Its interest rates you absolute morons. The 30y is about to break 2%. The amazing thing is that the stock market isn't even looking.
Take advantage and buy stock index puts

>> No.27709753

Wow Gold in the 1700s CHEAPIES

>> No.27709778
File: 66 KB, 675x601, 1612393977510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine my shock

>> No.27709782
File: 43 KB, 466x466, C69D16A1-436D-478B-BE2B-E39C13CF2C45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27709877

Yeah what the hell is going on with that. I thought the euro was showing a decent amount of weakness

>> No.27709884

Me on the left scoping out the milf on the right

>> No.27709885

Hey coin guys. Found these in the garage yesterday. Not worth much. Should I add to a silver pour I’m going to do? I’m getting super interested in the ingot process. I have a degree in glass casting so, the process is not foreign to me. Is it worth keeping these in package or melt?!? Thanks!

>> No.27709887

I must be the only idiot overexposed to miners right now. Definitely going to be in the red today. Hard to hold.

>> No.27709897
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>> No.27709924

No to which part? Don't point out obvious sarcasm

>> No.27709947

You’re full of shit

>> No.27709952

you can never use fundamentals on short term.... but long term, fundamentals will be king. hold frend, future generations of your family will thank you

>> No.27710016

i swear they are doing everything in their power to stop the 'silver short squeeze' from gaining any more traction, now and in the future.

>> No.27710023
File: 1.91 MB, 4032x3024, D1359B2D-20D3-477F-A008-088C7F398A66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.27710036

Looks like I'll be buying gold again.
Say what you want about how shit the us is, but if traders are gonna sell off bonds and you can make 2% dollars vs -2% euros, there's a lot of ways to hedge yourself while still making money on that spread.

>> No.27710048

Oh yeah bb

>> No.27710080

Thanks, anon. I know the right play is to buy dips like these, but powder is running low. Probably best to just close the charts for a while.

>> No.27710111

>the negative sentiment from new PM buyers in these threads
Indicates little to nothing, tbqh.

>> No.27710116

>Looks like I'll be buying gold again.
from fucking where, this market is such bs, paper gold gets slammed whilst all physical is sold out or trading at 3x the usual premium

>> No.27710121

>Troy Ounces of AG ID

you're GMI

>> No.27710130

i wouldnt melt them

>> No.27710140

This is pretty "rational" trader and algo behavior based off the rising treasury yields. The stock market just hasn't even fucking looked. Just remember the bond and commodity markets are where the big brains hang out and exploit the stock market with their info

>> No.27710203

if it makes you feel better, that exact action is my personal lesson Ive learned the past year. to win, you have to be early. when you're early, you need to accept that you'll be looked at as "wrong" for a certain period of time. best lesson I've ever learned.

>> No.27710208

oof meant for >>27709952

>> No.27710236

Kinesis or sprott. I already have enough physical

>> No.27710255

Those look great
I only see men in the pic the one behind the child is in a hoodie

>> No.27710284

the universe knows

>> No.27710288
File: 299 KB, 736x960, 4E0708D8-740E-45DA-A60A-787DA7C464E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andddddddddd here comes the daily 9:15am rug pull courtesy of J.P. Morgan. Thank God I hedged my mining positions with puts yesterday

>> No.27710311

What are the hot mining stocks to buy?

>> No.27710318

That's a cool display pls no melt. Look on craigshit for sterling and melt that instead.

>> No.27710381

>new pajeet CEO
massive accounting scam in 5 years max, stay away from this one

>> No.27710460
File: 713 KB, 1332x1214, 1611759664082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold below 1800

>> No.27710471
File: 933 KB, 1299x2309, x0uh9xwgr7lj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bars > coins

>> No.27710524
File: 18 KB, 434x532, 1582091411269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought GOLD at 1864 when SILVER was 30$, because WSB was going to short squeeze silver and carry GOLD up with it also

I have never felt more just'd in my life, usually I do my own trading, but thought I'd jump on this one for the fun, fuck me

>> No.27710563
File: 6 KB, 47x272, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked - ENHANCE

>> No.27710580

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK i wanna buy gold but none of the products i want are in stock

>> No.27710585

Yes only that knuckle draggers came over from WSB hoping to make millions overnight with zero effort which means that temporarily the threads are less than organic. Do you read the threads? Notice the doubling of posters in these threads in the last week me all of the new additions want easy money spoonfeeding?

>> No.27710590

As long as JPM wants it too. It’s their world we’re just living in it

>> No.27710640
File: 777 KB, 640x857, 1612378549425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not a pump and dump man

>> No.27710661


>> No.27710738
File: 13 KB, 175x143, pepe ébahi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The premium is falling too. Cheapies cheapies, come to me

>> No.27710773

Right. Im just superuser it's at 2% when I would have assumed they're would be more demand. Even with the new press, the rate is higher than I expected.

>> No.27710790

lol are u an idiot?
wat a’fuck ur shilling here?
I am not a nigger who follows shitcoins that they talk about here
longing for bot ocean private sale and their release
wanna trade with top bot like an expert

>> No.27710798

I feel even worse, because I knew EURUSD is getting stronger, but I got the timing completely fucking wrong

as said, I was profitable gold trader always, but recently chimed into crypto and did well as well..

but this one fucked me right in the ass, a good lesson

>> No.27710805


>> No.27710888

First Majestic I would say is pretty hot.

>> No.27710982

buy the d i p s

>> No.27711049

>Guys how do you report PSLV for taxes if you hold it for less than a year?

short term capital gains are taxed at your regular tax bracket

>> No.27711112

The old saying, and lesson here is, and will always be...
“Buy when there is blood on the streets.”
If enough of you who buy during a mania feel bloodied right now,... that is my buy signal.

>> No.27711169

Your broker sends you a letter and you turn it in to your accountant/type it into quickbooks?

>> No.27711187

/pmg/ made me a fucking jew, i feel the need to hoard gold and silver now and I just ordered my first 5 oz of silver

>> No.27711238

What are you using as an indicator to buy gold? Or silver? Physical I mean?
Why would gold rise when the GSR was at an all time high nearly one year ago?

>> No.27711240

I imagine they purchased slv. If they have physical metals I really wonder how they'll sell

>> No.27711244
File: 197 KB, 900x722, 66597928902353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they keep slamming it down or does one buy now

>> No.27711271
File: 49 KB, 530x304, business.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 ct bullion eagle roll doesn't ship until March

>> No.27711406
File: 39 KB, 584x269, greg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it gonna be

>> No.27711413
File: 51 KB, 720x903, 1578314398022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't buying it, I was shorting it. I basically jump into trends, then trade corrections according to volume profiles that occurred during those run ups. It's nothing special, just something I figured on my own observing correction phases over time with different assets, they usually trade in the same fashion, just different time cycles.

>> No.27711477

Gold is out of stock too?? Bullish

>> No.27711480

There really isn’t any Ag or Au to buy rn that isn’t massively over priced

>> No.27711559
File: 44 KB, 1468x377, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1730$ area is where the most buying occurred and is probably gonna be bottom.

>> No.27711584

is JPM exiting their short position this week with artificially low prices? Will the semiconductor shortage be blamed for the price spike in the silver? All this and more coming your way

>> No.27711596

You're hooked to the shiny now. One of us.

>> No.27711730


>> No.27711782
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 1612204220624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome in man, shiny stuff best stuff

>> No.27711785

i'm happy for the cheapies though premiums aren't falling as quickly but... why is gold/silver dumping while bond yields are rising

>> No.27711798

You do realise metal coins was the standard of currency for millennia before the printing press was even invented?

>> No.27711827


For people who want to avoid premiums this is a good time to start looking at allocated bullion. Everybody is already familiar with PSLV but you also have GoldMoney, BullionVault etc. You also have Kinesis Money which I was just explaining to someone. "As for why you haven't heard of Kinesis, it's because the bankers are terrified of it. Kinesis is 1000x more efficient than Bitcoin _and_ it's allocated like PSLV and 1:1 with silver and gold backing it. It's run by whistleblower Andrew Maguire who is responsible for getting JP Morgan fined a billion dollars for precious metals manipulation. He was nearly killed in a car-crash in London as a consequence and some people suspect it to have been an attempted assassination.




>> No.27711918

i'd believe that. once we touch the 1700s i'll probably buy another oz of gold

>> No.27711953

I can't believe I trusted you fuckers with these damn fucking rocks. Like wtf was I thinking. Now I'm going to have to hold for 10 years to break even.

>> No.27712018

I like it. Have you applied this to PMs or just stonks ?
What metric do you use to establish your bottom other than the trading numbers in your time cycle ... Has to be a steady reference point yeah?

>> No.27712049

>He was nearly killed in a car-crash in London as a consequence and some people suspect it to have been an attempted assassination.

going to need a source on that ASAP.

also can highly recommend perthmint's allocated silver program as well, for anyone with a SMSF down under.

>> No.27712114

>Kinesis Money
Is this resilient to cryptos "network" risk?

>> No.27712129

I'm still focused on silver but if we get another stimulus that's going straight towards an oz of au

>> No.27712153

i can take them off your hands for you, i'll even pay spot

>> No.27712165
File: 325 KB, 757x527, 1612375966912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itll go back up man, it is money, paper is garbage

>> No.27712171

>Now I'm going to have to hold for 10 years
That was supposed to be your plan from the start you moron.

>> No.27712192

Post em with time stamp

>> No.27712200

I'm so glad I didn't fomo completely on Monday. I've got plenty of dry powder for this dip. Gonna wait through Monday though.

>> No.27712231

Seems like I came in time for the next bread. I got PMG's back.

>> No.27712237
File: 60 KB, 1441x535, maguire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's commonly talked about in the PM community, e. g. you can see it in the Youtube comments section for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKLQGJ_GGZk&ab_channel=ArcadiaEconomics.. Sprott has said before that the reason why he doesn't take delivery on the COMEX like the Hunt Brothers is because he doesn't want to have worry about his car exploding every time he gets into it.

>> No.27712302

you watch how trend climbs up on weekly moving average(9), then the more it deviates from weekly, then from daily, then from 4h,.. the more unsure situation gets and price discovery is something I don't like trading, since you get fucked most of the time.

Then when the trend reverses it usually first bounces off back from 4h MA, then goes back up to 15min MA or volumes that were generated at top and starts going down from there on..until the initial plunge, then according to other corrections.

>> No.27712360

>65:1 GSR
Whew lad

>> No.27712397

Hey be positive about it. Obviously you didn't get your meme moonshot but you now own a good hedge and learned a lesson too. Great return for investment in my opinion.

>> No.27712408

You can probably still cancel your order unless you fell for the paper shinies meme

>> No.27712542

>There really isn’t any Ag or Au to buy rn that isn’t massively over priced

gold isnt overpriced if you get 1oz bars. cheaper than its been in a couple months

>> No.27712571

we pay 20% VAT and the EU loophole closed when we left at the start of this year. The Royal Mint 25-coin tube of Britannias was decent value last time I checked

>> No.27712641
File: 193 KB, 586x440, born_to_chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy land
Get gun n ammo
Hoard Silver
Hoard seeds
Simple as

>> No.27712648

>price discovery
You aren't using this for PM are you? We are praying for a price discovery it's not gonna happen

>> No.27712659
File: 14 KB, 530x444, Pepe the trumpettist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooooo I was already baking it

>> No.27712695

I must mention a lot of you fuckers don't understand this is completely correlated with EURUSD bouncing from 1.234 level, since few years back large volumes bought a lot of dollars from there and are now defending their positions, moving GOLD further down.. but bottom for dollar is around 1.18, then the moonshoot will begin and inflation.

>> No.27712706

i really wish someone wealthy would come along and bust the COMEX a new asshole. i bet the arabs, russians or chinks could do it in a month.

>> No.27712728

I'll take his stack for 5% /below/ spot!

>> No.27712768
File: 140 KB, 951x500, 1611970789349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baking at 280

>> No.27712777
File: 163 KB, 680x453, tumblr_inline_pih7cyDc7R1uqjdw8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mining stocks are crashing again bros, what to do?

>> No.27712799

damn that's a fair offer, i don't think i can beat that

>> No.27712803

Spotted the Nazi

>> No.27712874

Average in and hedge for broad market risks if needed

>> No.27712877

hold for five years, maybe we can hangout while we wait :)

>> No.27712889
File: 18 KB, 746x507, Screenshot_2021-02-04_15-49-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is buying silver the same as consooming?
Get ready for the dip.

>> No.27712894
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this is our punishishment for our little revolution last week, $1500 gold and $14 silver incoming and 200% increases in premiums so no one can buy any cheapies

>> No.27712926

spotted the faggot

>> No.27712935

Didn't know Sherlock Holmes was gonna show up in the /pmg/ thread

>> No.27713007
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>> No.27713049

Buying silver is the opposite of consooming

>> No.27713089
File: 8 KB, 393x235, 10y bold yield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else here watching bond yields?

>> No.27713189

No because they are shit

>> No.27713193
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>> No.27713204
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just went YOLO on 20,000 shares of BAYHORSE WOOOOOOO

>> No.27713233

>Is buying silver the same as consooming?
depends on the silver
non-numismatic .999 bullion and junk silver is being your own bank

>> No.27713259

>he doesn't buy and go on celebratory boat rides

>> No.27713260
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I hear what you're saying, but it's almost as if the ratio of gold that we're consuming and pulling out of the ground might not be directly proportional to our use and mining of silver.

>> No.27713265

i am financially ruined

>> No.27713335
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>10 year bond
>percentage yield changes every 10 seconds
shouldnt it just be called a 10 second bond?

>> No.27713339

if you don't understand why bond yields matter please don't reply to any of my posts ever again

>> No.27713380

More about this please

>> No.27713381

That’s the point???

>> No.27713429
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>> No.27713431

Gold is easier and more profitable to recycle. Take that for what it's worth

>> No.27713495
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>> No.27713515
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>>10 year bond
>>percentage yield changes every 10 seconds
>shouldnt it just be called a 10 second bond?

>> No.27713524

Just saw/had a bit of discussion about it over on /pol/'s silver/gold thread about Kinesis.

Does /biz/ see any potential issues with crypto-backed silver? The vaults are audited to check it's 1 to 1, and physical redemption of your digital silver is possible. If 4chan, and some plebbitors are truly interested in using silver like the TRUE commodity it, is there anything stopping everyone here adopting Kinesis for internet silver & gold trading purpose where use of physical is inconvenient or impossible?

The website/service in question: https://kinesis.money/

>> No.27713604


When the next thread gets baked I'll repeat what I said on /pol/ and we should be able to get a good discussion about it.

>> No.27713741
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bump for this

>> No.27713747

/pol/ derangement syndrome is so strange

>> No.27713751

Countries who accepted us fiat will be forced to defend that foreign fiat now so in the future it will be a no-holds-barred fight to stand up for dollars even if they are technically debt from the US. Who else is gonna defend your debts?

>> No.27713762

It's getting a bit late where I am so I have to head to sleep for the wage cage tomorrow, but I'm definitely interested in seeing it discussed more if everyone is actually serious about moving away from fiat

>> No.27713802

>Does /biz/ see any potential issues with crypto-backed silver?
Yes, overheads, network risk, and counterparty risk.

>> No.27713906

>crypto backed silver
Uh you mean silver backed crypto ?

>> No.27713937

And greater regulatory risk >>27713802

>> No.27713988

>Does /biz/ see any potential issues with crypto-backed silver? The vaults are audited to check it's 1 to 1, and physical redemption of your digital silver is possible.
There will be no audits, or there will be falsified reports. Once that happens and word gets out it triggers a silver run, and (((they))) will stop allowing you to redeem silver.

It's a backdoor to cashless fiat. A slow boil for the frogs.

>> No.27714000

Most people are already paying premiums

As for the other 2, those are understandable. Though I could see it being extremely useful for international transactions using silver.

Yeah, that's what I meant kek

>> No.27714013

Hopefully I can snatch up a 1toz golden Buffalo for less than 1,500 euroonies soon.

>> No.27714100

crypto "value", compared to USD for example, dips and moons on the whims on 1s and 0s
how can it be the backing for anything?

>> No.27714117


Not a problem because you can have multiple cryptos, multiple vaults and multiple countries, and if one crypto/vault/country fails that entity will be shunned like the plague.

>> No.27714227


Same reason why PSLV is essentially as good as silver. Imagine PSLV except you can send it to people for a 0.22% fee instead of being limited to buying and selling it on the stock market. That's what Kinesis is, or any other PM-backed crypto.

>> No.27714252

It seems like we are at an inflection point to the time before the dot com bubble and the 2008 crisis. The market is in limbo.

>> No.27714340

I would post but I'm bullied every time...
I have roughly 400 oz

>> No.27714380
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>he took the PM meme for a reality
You still have a chance to take bitcoin pill before its too late. FAST BUYBUYBUY

>> No.27714472

New bread


>> No.27714691

Uh oh... Should I take it easy with investing for a while I wonder

>> No.27714694
File: 55 KB, 1430x420, eurusd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all you have to know really, no matter what hundreds of analysts say is fundamental cause for this

this are institutional volumes gathered over weeks to push price into certain direction then

>> No.27714767
File: 101 KB, 640x480, IMG_20201211_200024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does /biz/ see any potential issues with crypto-backed silver?

Only spooky outlier black swan political/disaster scenarios, I don't have any digital tokenized PMs because the notion still hurts my boomerllenial brain but Andrew Maguire is trustworthy so if I ever diversify the stack kinesis is the first pick.

Anyone save spent brass? Not sure if it's worthwhile with all powder and primers cleaned out indefinitely but I can't help picking it up.

>> No.27714933
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MIDNIGHT RAAAPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.27715100

Based JPM giving us all their silver at below clearance prices :)

>> No.27715149

I tried to start a thread earlier and no one replied :(

>> No.27715156

You can always show up their vault and take delivery if the network goes down.

Wasn't some twitter goldbug going to a video on how to take delivery from comex?

>> No.27715411

morning all shall i make a new thread?

>> No.27715446

Why not buy PSLV and covert into physical when premiums are low ?