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27706767 No.27706767 [Reply] [Original]

I don't have much but I unwisely put 200 last week I had into Nokia hoping it was gonna get better and it clearly has been shit.

Should i sell it and move into into Doge?

I can't get it out of RH easily so choices.... sit on Nok or sell for Doge?

>> No.27706878

Sell and put it in SPY until you come up with an actual plan.

>> No.27706888

Stop buying meme stocks and meme coins you fucking newfags. This is how you lose all your money in your first month of trading.

>> No.27706926

I hope this is a larp.

>> No.27706950

I know it wasn't wise, trying to get a cheap vehicle and had 200 in extra cash and thought I could double it unwisely but I learned a shit ton.

SPY eh, I'll go look into that rn.

>> No.27706990
File: 63 KB, 900x1200, EodPRojUYAA6F-k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on man

>> No.27707025
File: 37 KB, 756x713, addadadas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its legit not...

>> No.27707303

stay away from shitcoins and don't jump on meme hypetrains you'll just waste your money, go btc or eth, grt

>> No.27707363

Dogecoin is a sure way to lose the rest of your fortune. Stick to BTC and ETH if you're gonna buy crypto or you're gonna lose your fucking money

>> No.27707387

>leddit meme stock into P&D meme crypto
You will lose it all, and deservedly so.

>> No.27707490

Look into CCOEY (capcom) and sne (Sony) those bois are going to be on fire this year

>> No.27707518

Alright jeez I get it lol no Doge.

I mean I'd rather hold the NOK and get my money back if it goes back up a bit but meh.

>> No.27707691

is it possible for you to spend the money on fixing your insufferable personality instead of dumping it into stocks?

>> No.27707795

Don't think 139 would do a whole lot pal.

>> No.27707910

go ask for a book recommendation. It will change your life for the better more than any memestock shitcoin you can buy with that.

>> No.27708010

Good morning to you to pal, you can find another dog to kick.

>> No.27708579

You know on a side note of personalities, I find people who spend too much time reading books specifically fantasy tend to embody the true psychopathic traits.

Hear me out, no serial killer in history has ever been based in reality they all tend to live and absorb fantasy and gain a superiority complex over others.

also they build fantasy relationships with people and expect the other people to reciprocate that same feeling and when it isn't they usually become violent because it shatters their narrative.

Have a good day.

>> No.27708887

ooh a booook! what a great investment! not like you can acquire knowledge for freee! oooh! change your life! with a booook! ooooh! how wiiise you are anon! i bet you buy soo many booooks!
scientific literature is all you need and is easy to find for free, most books are written by retards for retards so that those retards feel less retarded and even so scientific literature is hardly going to change your life if youre a poor faggot
better spend that 137 on an ounce of weed, sell it and buy some more

>> No.27708982

>Tfw put 1k on doge and made like 6k overnight. I have no trading experience

>> No.27709101

Hah I already got that, kinda sick of smoking and I'm sick so it doesn't help much with that anymore.

and thank you, I can't stand "brainlets" I've always been able to run circles around them mentally but they are always so fucking smug.

>> No.27709144

>buy at the top
>get dumpstered
>buy at the top
What do you think will happen?

>> No.27709230

Nothing good, but also slight chance it goes to .10 cents and I double it, pull out and repeat cause this shits been doing this all week.

>> No.27709290
File: 92 KB, 960x960, IMG_20210204_111401_594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell and buy ASKO were still on the launchpad 10x next week

>> No.27709417

I was being dumb when I made this post and thought the market had opened, gonna wait to see if how it starts off and if its just see-sawing like it has been gonna cut my losses with Nok or give it to my nephew.

>> No.27709501

no no i didnt say smoke it! i mean feel free, but honestly selling weed is an easy way for a poor fag to accumulate a bit of cash, thereby enabling them to invest their non-cash into things and make more money
and aye brianlets suck, and itll only get worse as we pump more hormones and plastic and whatever into the biosphere only to slurp it back up
good luck to you anon

>> No.27709715

think of it this way
youve lost some money, if you pull out do you know that youre going to make more money with something else? or are you being led astray somehow and going to lose again? do you know that it will go down? if so why did you buy in the first place? re assess your original position, if you did some research that made you think it was a good idea, just set and forget - put a reasonable take profit, and if you still believe in the stock after that point, set a buy order in a reasonable dip
when you get nervous, close the charts and everything, do some press ups, drink some water and do a lap around the block or something, come back and do some basic valuation of the company instead of trying to synthesize knowledge from a chart

>> No.27709967

I actually have a trade that makes way more than anything like selling, grew up in a bodyshop and can clear easily 800 a day profit by 3pm.

Sickly though so I'm trying not to expose myself to chemicals again and I need to buy some tools again to get going.

Long story but my partner basically fell off the map mentally.

I do want to get back into it though because it's insanely good money and I can invest now with a little time spent learning.

>> No.27710495

i hope you wear proper respirators anon, if not get a proper half face respirator with the double filters
thats a tough break, my partners got a rocky mental health too- its tough supporting someone like that
think you could ever get to a point of running your own shop? what sorta shit you learning about?

>> No.27710676

Oh well more about cryptos and stocks in general, I actually do it outside my state doesn't have regulations for outdoor body work somehow so I found a safer and cheaper way to do bodywork.

Although you gotta work with nature it keeps my overhead low and allows to to go to the customer and work usually on their property.

I'd like to get a small shop someday for winter work and full restoration jobs, I grew up restoring classics and really do miss doing it.

>> No.27710829

Trick is using a tac-rag and waiting for the first coat to dry wipe it off and quickly get the clear on there.

If any debris falls into the clear after its laid down can literally wetsand and polish it right out making it as good as inside a booth.

Just can't do a whole vehicle outside.