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2767975 No.2767975 [Reply] [Original]

Is it good time to purchase the ARK?

I am right now all in on XEM, as peoples have told me about catapult which is coming and will make it highly priced like 0,3$. However, i do not understand it's idea..

Actually, i understand only IOTA's idea as it got none fees. Why anyone uses anything else than IOTA ?

And please tell me what's the best coin to purchase right now. I do not trust to XEM anymore as i have hodled it for 3months and only lost 30% when every other coins have increased.

I had a 20 eths at $55 but my friend told me to purchase XEM. I could now only purchase 8 eths


>> No.2767997

Please answear, #LOOL

>> No.2768001

YES. buy as much as you can.
Aaaaand then…


>> No.2768015
File: 73 KB, 565x843, Arkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you trust a project with this kind of manager.

Isabella is a Lisk Dev. Mike is the founder of Ark.

Ark is vapourware and has stolen code from LISK and Blocknet without proper credit. You won't see this anywhere on /biz/ because no-one researches coins and any criticism results in being called a Fudder.

>> No.2768052

Please tell me where I should invest?
Should i stay on XEM.. or.... what.

I'm poor as fuck and would like to get some money as money is way to more money

Got only 2k$ right now, started at 4,2k$, REEEE

>> No.2768075


wow so convincing, here's a (you)

>> No.2768095

Never trust someone that can't find the print screen button.

>> No.2768155

Where did you lose your money . If you tell me you sold at a loss you deserve the ass raping you got .

>> No.2768164

So the ark fudder has been workin for lisk all this time... never saw that coming

>> No.2768216

Kek, you Fudders are pretty desperate. Why do you fear Arks success so much? Also are you that retarded that you couldn't use the print screen button?

Also even if your fake FUD was real, you do realise that Lisk is a fork of Crypti and Mike was one of the founders right?

>> No.2769405

I knew it was lisk behind this shit.
There was noway random anons would give a fuck enough to post 5+ times in every ark thread spreading FUD and bullshit.

I guess it hurts when you lose your lead developer to a side project that begins to rapidly overtake your 3 years of progress in just a few months.

>> No.2770519

>Isobella is not a dev, she's a plumber
>Issue closed 10th of February
Get outta here you PC faggot...

>> No.2770600
File: 254 KB, 2413x1639, Heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2016-2017 since your fork started in 2017
>Nah the last push was in December so fuck off

I don't know why but that lady really irks the shit out of me.

>> No.2770645

I'm at 3k Ark now

>mfw almost 1 Ark daily payout

>> No.2770732
File: 138 KB, 1253x1253, h2aSMSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's jealous. Buy some Ark and ride the thunder, baby.

>> No.2770871

I think imma sell my ARK to buy more ANS because of
>muh conference on the 15th
and because ANS has been significantly more stable this week.
Good move? I'm definitely gonna rebuy.

>> No.2771005


Yeah, I'm sure some rando conference will catapult ANS. I can't wait until that scamcoin dies.

>> No.2771008

I don't know but I gained 3k Ark by trading ANS the day before the last big conference. I'm honestly a little burned out on trading so I'm probably just going to hold right now but I hope you are successful in gaining more Ark.

>> No.2771055
File: 33 KB, 500x333, an manuls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not? The crypto market is driven by self-fulfilling prophecies.

>> No.2771189
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just read about smartbridges here:


holy christ why would any of you buy this? Its literally like swapping one coin for another via an exchange, only now it requires this (((middleman))) coin taking a chunk of profits and making things way more complex than just buying the damn thing in the first place.

Plus now every single network has to implement code that will empower their competitors (ark) and weaken themselves. This code listens for outside ark requests constantly. Computers cant just "listen" passively. They have to constantly recheck databases to see if anything changed. This will consume processing power, and cost gas (or whatever the equivalent of eth gas is for your faggotcoin) just for the privilege of your altcoin shooting itself in the foot to make itself poorer and ark richer.

And this is all assuming it can somehow distribute the load between a thousand different cryptos that each have millions of nodes so that two different nodes can't each receive the same command independently and execute the same smartbridge command twice and double-execute it on accident. So now every node in existence has to be in perfect communication with every other node at all times or all hell breaks lose. Or I guess you could add the command to the blockchain itself which means you are now paying out the nose for fees which would have been cheaper if you just did it without a smartbridge.

Whyyyyyyyyyyyy would anyone buy this? Do you boners not understand how computers work? You really need to understand these things before you give scam artists all your money.

>> No.2771243

This is basically ethereum and everything like it or based on it in a nutshell: why the fuck do we need this?

It's a solution looking for a problem.

>> No.2771247

you are clearly ignorant in the field of network/blockchain communications.

Please, educate yourself before spouting off some random bullshit that sounds illogical in your head, but is actually a relatively easy problem to approach.

>> No.2771264

im trying to "educate myself" but everything I read about ark just seems more scammy than the last thing. Here is a really good example:

>Example 3: I want to send 10 ARK to my ETH wallet. This would require an encoded listener with a back-end ability to exchange currencies. (ie: Shapeshift, Changelly, or Coinbase) Once I send my 10 ARK to my ETH wallet, the encoded listener sees this TX (transaction) as an exchange function and acts accordingly. The encoded listener automatically picks up that this TX needs a conversion, so it acts as a relay node picking up the TX, converting it, and rebroadcasting the TX on its way to the ETH wallet. The encoded listener collects a small fee for processing the TX.

So now instead of coinbase as my middleman, now I have both Ark AND coinbase as my middlemen! How is this better? How is this different than bancor for that matter?

>> No.2771265

people are dumb and like to be tricked

people also like financial bubbles and gambling

crypto summed up

>> No.2771301

Wtf I hate money now

>> No.2771302

I could throw some words like convenience and back-end communication but I really don't know or care. I just think it's going to hit 80 cents again around the Ledger Wallet release so i'm buying up for the flip in a week.

>> No.2771303

Ark's trying to be the like the central point of entry into blockchain technology for normies.
If Ark is a success you'll only need one coin to use blockchain services. They also want to make the coin accessible to normies without bank transfers (i.e. selling it via gift cards and shit) and their marketing team is pushing for partnerships aimed at getting ARK to be used in point of sale technology.
It's filling an important niche (consumer adoption) that no other coin is targeting at this moment.
At this point there's a confusing array of platforms and tokens and it's still hard for a lot of people to buy and use crypto. Ark is trying to change that. It's not gonna be some malevolent parasitic ponzicoin like some of you spergs say either. It should add to the value of every other coin that has a real use case because it'll make it easy for people to actually use those technologies.

>> No.2771350

Well, for one: It's not just about transferring/"shapeshifting" funds. This is a hypothetical case. Smartbridge allows you to execute ANY command within ANY blockchain and communicate that information ACROSS blockchains.

So, yes, transferring from coin x to coin y might be an inefficient, but probably easier, task to accomplish with ARK- might as well just use an exchange.

But assume you want to execute a smart contract on, but don't want to use ETH. You can execute the smart contract without ever touching the Ethereum Blockchain.

Or say you want to create a create a smart contract on UBQ and use it for Steem. Ark allows you to do that.

The possibilities are endless. It's the interoperability that is appealing for Ark, not the first case-scenario "exchange" hypothetical.

>> No.2771367

You mean now I can pay some guy in ETH without having to transfer from my wallet to the exchange wallet to the ETH wallet and then finally i can move it to that guys wallet.

Or I can send him ARK, have Bittrex's ETH Listener (Or whatever has the best rate) handle everything and not worry. Consumers will pay for convenience

>> No.2771385

Also why am I even shilling ark right now? I just sold my bags ffs.

>> No.2771725

>selling a coin that's guaranteed to moon
Now, this is a man committed to the /biz/ philosophy: buy high and sell low

>> No.2771781

>This is basically ethereum and everything like it or based on it in a nutshell: why the fuck do we need this?
>It's a solution looking for a problem.
Nice rebuttal. Offering absolute no facts to dispute his claims at all. Typical double digit IQ Ark holder

>> No.2772472


buy high sell low !