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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 22 KB, 400x400, UNI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27705821 No.27705821 [Reply] [Original]

2021 Will be filled with failed Uniswap killers

>> No.27705936

youre not wrong. UNI will be a top 5 coin this year

>> No.27706062


>> No.27706229

uni is the only coin outside of the usual btc/eth/link/xmr that I'd consider a safe investment ngl

>> No.27706856

I spit on any portfolio without UNI

>> No.27706922

ITT: Dunning-Kruger regurgitating buffoons.

>> No.27707545

this, there's no smart money in UNI. just airdropped poorfags who don't understand opportunity cost

>> No.27707621
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>> No.27707657

This and any DEX that's decent (1inch, DEXG, etc..) Will be great investments. Buying 100 of each now will make you a illioaire in a few yyrs. Prolly not even that long lol

>> No.27707700

>just airdropped poorfags who don't understand opportunity cost
That crowd sold at $2,5 for a PS5.

>> No.27707805
File: 39 KB, 598x369, E685A23F-AC3C-48CC-95FC-A4D206D5C490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2017 was the initiation of serious ETH killer projects
>2021 is when they all wake up and slaughter ETH

>> No.27707880
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>naive summer child
I remember my first year in crypto. You'll learn soon enough.

>> No.27707885

that's because you're an idiot. ngl

>> No.27707990

>summer child
Sit this meme has not been relevant for at least two years now

>> No.27708391


>> No.27708655

The sentiment behind the meme still stands true.

>> No.27708711

I'm highly disappointed with the price action

>> No.27708965

token not needed

>> No.27709663

I don't think there will necessarily be a UNI killer, but there will be other platforms with more to offer. UNI will remain as a basic swap exchange.

>> No.27709862

but sushiswap is better?

>> No.27709908

Is it? How so?

>> No.27709923
File: 234 KB, 886x950, 1611822315263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting nervous are we?

>> No.27709945

first mover advantage and v3 soon

>> No.27710042

Dont developers never deliver on their promises though? Look at chainlink for example

>> No.27710084

Sushiswap is gaining ground. A lot of it because of 1INCH routing through them automatically.

>> No.27710222
File: 141 KB, 968x964, Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 14.22.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Uniswap survives womxn revolution

>> No.27710759


Imagine being this insecure about your genitals

>> No.27711327

Next step KFC coupons for niggerx?

>> No.27711464

The key is to use the killers as fuel for more ETH.

>> No.27711675

Why would anyone trust Sushiswap after the dev exit scammed?

>> No.27711858

My bao will eat your uni gains and you will beg to suck my dick for 1,000 virtual dumplings

>> No.27711950
File: 68 KB, 1001x751, 65479865456326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally swapped my stack for 1inch as soon as I saw that tweet, best sell signal ever

>> No.27711991

yeah uniswap is fucking dead now

>> No.27712382

What is this and what does it do,
can it be used t to pay my landlord a tip.?....

>> No.27713143
File: 157 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210204-142926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





Uniswap has already hit peak valuation and will do nothing except bleed from here

The next wave of DEXs such as injective will make uni obsolete

>just a governance token
>dependent on eth
>only erc20 tokens tradeable

>holders get a cut of trading fees
>runs on cosmos
>can trade any token, derivative, forex, even stocks

>> No.27713488

Collected my airdrop last night and immediately traded it in.
I’m not holding something that they are willing to give away for free

>> No.27713533

Can someone tell me why there's an x? It makes sense, yet is albeit pointless in latinx. It doesn't seem to serve any purpose than to censor the words man and men

>> No.27713681
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>> No.27713825

>you should have kept 50 UNI incase it moons to 100 a UNI. that way you win because it was free

>> No.27713965
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>> No.27714042


>> No.27714332
File: 94 KB, 252x234, se.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It means that we should stop giving genders to ALL words. Saying "women" and "men" hurts the people who are not either a man or a vagina.

t. spic

>> No.27714657

WHy not start your own thing like the co-founder of UMA?

>> No.27714995

theres a moat as big as cryptocurrency itself around bitcoin, there's a moat as big as stablecoins and defi is around ethereum, but wheres the moat around uni? we've already seen with sushi how quickly capital can move overnight to a new platform when fees/returns aren't attractive anymore.

>> No.27715211

This is literally why I sold

>> No.27715266

>60$ gas fee


>> No.27715340
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>> No.27715803

is this a stealth shill for UMA?
t. software engineering student.

>> No.27716243

No. I'm just a guy with some UMA tokens who studied up on the project.

>> No.27717053

How much longer till the gas fees dip a bit? Is EU going to sleep soon?