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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2762760 No.2762760[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys, what the fuck do I do with my Ark? Do I sell it all for BTC or just HODL

>> No.2762763


>> No.2762769
File: 15 KB, 207x207, 1458958298300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fell for the Ark meme

>> No.2762779

Just hold, sick of these weak hands

>> No.2762833

I feel completely duped buying into the /biz hype on this shitcoin. Absolutely nothing going for this project save for a sleek wallet. God damn I was hoodwinked

>> No.2762957

Can anyone give me the instructions for how to get into the /biz/ delegate for Ark? Right now I just bought in and have my Ark on the exchange.

>> No.2762965

>i bought in






Arkies got to you

>> No.2762968

you're an idiot, like the idiots talking about ETH June, 2016.

Legit developers, 100% dedication. You will be sorry June 2018 and beyond.

Go read about how Buffet became rich holding long. If anything, buy more at the bottom of this crash.

>> No.2762987


It's at a discount sale right now and this shit is gonna be a much higher price in a year or two from now, whether it's a scam or not.

>> No.2762996

Do the delegates still check the Ark threads on /biz/? I joined biz_classic and am grandfathered, but I haven't gotten a payout for like 2 weeks. I have a small stake and it'd be 0.17ish per week.

I registered on the delegate website and it's been set to a weekly payout.
Is 1 Ark minimum still the threshhold to recieve anything?

>> No.2762998

It's getting really cheap, and it keeps getting cheaper.

>> No.2763041

Has anyone eaten dog food yet? What brands do you recommedn? Thinking about getting a value pack at Costco

>> No.2763061

I'm trying to figure how long I should wait

Everyday my patience becomes less and less, but it keeps fucking going down.

I might just place a big buy order at 13k sats and see what happens.

>> No.2763218

Please tell me how legit this dev is? Barely any real info on him online...what else has he developed created? He was at Lisk for a few months before he got fired. Failing to see the great experience of the dev team. I mean, cmon, look at the community outreach hippie. Please...

>> No.2763222

i made a thread about not getting anything and uncle chang replied to me yesterday

so they still check

>> No.2763244


>> No.2763251

Ark was the most obvious scam

some of you really would fall for anything

>> No.2763273


>> No.2763304

One of the devs was anticipating that the ETH listener should be ready in about 2-3 Weeks. Stay strong and ignore the FUD. Buy more if you're able to.

>> No.2763312

You have 100 ARK. You're a small fish. You have will have roughly 0.14 ARK pending after tonight's payout calculations. You need 0.2 to get paid (-0.1 tx fee)

>> No.2763358

Was the first 2 weeks of the delegate using arky not counted?

Old delegate I got 0.17 weekly. The first week the new delegate came up, it was using arky -> understandably nothing, second week was waiting for the new script.

Assuming the delegate pool is at 1.5 million ark

>> No.2763361

I just added about 900 ark to my wallet (from ~1100). I haven't received a July 11th payment.
I assume I'd get whatever I missed on the next round of payments, but I'm an impatient boy who doesn't want to be forgotten.

>> No.2763373

Thanks <3

>> No.2763386

Just sent you a payout manually. Also the automatic payouts just happened 2 minutes ago so you should see 2 transactions in your wallet now.

Some people's transactions didn't go through for some reason on monday. The ark node just dropped them for whatever reason.

During the 2 weeks with arky they were not counted. The per-block payout script Moon Man is working on should theoretically pay you for those missing weeks once it's ready though. If you don't want to wait I can pay you manually now.

>> No.2763413

>The per-block payout script Moon Man is working on should theoretically pay you for those missing weeks once it's ready though.
Ok. I see what the issue is then.
I assumed this script was complete and already running at the end of last week. What's the current ETA?

(I can wait until the next cycle if the two weeks are accounted for.)

>> No.2763415

It seems transactions are still being dropped. It might be a bug in the ark-api.

Regardless, I wrote a script that checks all transaction IDs 30 minutes after payout and resends txs if they didn't go through.

>> No.2763436

Instead of worrying about your poverty .1 Ark delegate payouts you should worry about the fact that this entire project is a total scam and has absolutely nothing going for it besides some buzzwords like Smartbridge, etc which will never be implemented anyways. Sad!

>> No.2763439


only idiots in this board

see you on 2018 when all legit coins are >$1

>> No.2763440

We originally planned to use his per-block script but he ran into unexpected delays due to personal stuff. I pinged him on discord to give you an ETA.

For now, I wrote my own script that supports custom payouts as a sort of band-aid until he's finished.

>> No.2763520

i have 964 ark on bittrex and 199 ark in wallet

how much would i get if i put that 964 in my wallet that i planned to sell immediately after a pump

>> No.2763530

Do the math yourself. 422 forged ark a day. Pool size is on the site.

>> No.2763545

i dont know the site to find the pool size which is why i'm asking

>> No.2763549


>> No.2763564
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Just hopping in to confirm. Working on the script as we speak Calculating the "true block weight" and arbitrary payments is mostly ready, I'm building the service to track the tx chain in realtime and that's what's taking so long due to how garbage ark-api is combined with time management issues (totally my fault).

I can't give an exact ETA. It'll be ready when it's ready but I can't see it taking longer than the end of this week. Once I get the tx chain built properly from the ark-api we should be just about ready to launch it.

Chang's wrote a wonderful "bandaid" payout script for the time being that should cover most use cases for now. Once my script is complete everyone will be covered and will be able to see their balance at all times.

Sorry for the long wait guys. I promise it's worth it. No other pool has anything close to what we have.

In the meantime, all the praise should go to Chang as he's been insanely productive with the site and any donations we receive for the time being will go to him.

>> No.2763568

is total votes the pool size?

>> No.2763578


Nice post, have a (you)

>> No.2763674
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Anyone else been buying the dip?

>> No.2763995


Yes senpai, went from 0 to 670 the past couple days. Hope to break 1.5k or so before the dip's over.

>> No.2764146

My hope is restored. Gonna buy the dip.

Here's my address in case we have any benevolent whales in the thread.

>> No.2764214

Bought some BTC. Still considering converting it to ARK...

>> No.2764265

The supporters behind ark and all the fudders reminds me exactly the way eth was talked about back here in 2016.
I sold my eth after listening to the FUD and after the price did nothing and barely moved for months, I have regretted that ever since.

ARK is just months old and getting in now is an opportunity I personally dont want to miss out on, ark could very well be the last chance of eth level gains in cryptocurrency I've never seen a coin gain so much popularity and get so many people talking so early in its life cycle and before really proving anything.

If you are on the fence about ark i would strongly suggest just downloading the wallet and playing around with it and then compare that to any other crypto wallet you've used (its honestly sleeker than even eths) If the rest of the projects released by ark are anywhere near this level of quality we see in the wallet today then any ark holders right now are going to be millionaires in 2 years time.

It could also crash to 0 and fade out completely to nothing like many coins have done and will do but y'know thats the risk you take investing into crypto :^)

Instead of listening to other peoples opinions just do some research by yourself and use the wallet ect like i said and make your own decision if you think its worth your investment

>> No.2764297

Can someone post step by step instructions for joining the biz_classic thing? Right now I have Ark in my Bittrex wallet and no idea what to do with it.

>> No.2764311

>click "votes"
>click "add delegate"
>type "biz_classic"
>click "add delegate" below the text box
>click "vote" (in the red box this time)
>proceed to send one ark to biz_classic

>go to classicdelegate.biz
>make an account
>follow the on screen instructions (enter address, send .1000001 ark, etc.)
>set payout time to daily, or whatever you choose
>press save

Send ark if this helped :^)


>> No.2764314

>>click "votes"
>>click "add delegate"
>>type "biz_classic"
>>click "add delegate" below the text box
>>click "vote" (in the red box this time)
>>proceed to send one ark to biz_classic
this shit is all done in the ark client by the way

>> No.2764319

>this shit is all done in the ark client by the way
Which you should download and send all your ark to if you haven't done so already.

>> No.2764346
File: 89 KB, 622x622, Monochrome (46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it.

You are risking losing just a few hundred/thousand now to potentially earn hundreds of thousands and possibly even millions if you manage to buy enough now and are patient enough to HODL for a few years.

Ark is one of the most legitimate projects that I've seen in this space, these guys are committed. Anyone who spends enough time in the Slack channel will see it.

Ignore FUD, look at fundamentals & DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

>> No.2764652

Why would you throw it in BTC, too volatile especially come the end of July.
I was thinking about going cheap for a few months to buy more ark monthly. I'm not using the AC this summer and eating poorfg food, the few hundred I save per month will be spent on accumulating ARK. Is dog food that much cheaper? I don't know if I'd be able to stomach it.
I got in at .00016000 I want to accumulate at least 2,000ark in under a month, halfway there.
The opportunity here if this takes off is huge. Just buy whatever you feel comfortable or can afford to lose and sleep at night.

>> No.2764705

Ark has been testing me I wanted to sell but if you go look at the coins website they are very active devs. It's being added to the ledger wallet . Something only 10 coins are on . This will make you 500% gains min by q4 2019

>> No.2764893

If you take it off the exchange and keep it in your wallet to grow (vote biz_classic), it helps a great deal with wanting to panic sell.

>> No.2764916

>It's being added to the ledger wallet . Something only 10 coins are on .

Is this true?

The Bancor, Aragon, BAT and other coin teams doing AMAs in the Ark slack is a good sign too.

>> No.2764950

Yes it was announced a few days ago.
The coolest thing about it is that you still get your DPoS rewards even when your coins are safely stored on it.

>> No.2765015

That's fucking awesome.

>> No.2765023

Nice! Just bought 100k!

>> No.2765031
File: 79 KB, 518x514, IMG_0489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw literally bought 100k when it was $.01/Ark

>> No.2765039

I'm jelly as fuck, if I had of known about it back then I would have 1m and be running a 1 man delegate.

>> No.2765071

Post proof or didn't happen.
>I have 1mil ark git gud

>> No.2765283

ark still above what i bought it for kekkk

>> No.2765351

Reminder to ignore all the FUD, Ark is 3 months old.

>> No.2765668

>ARK is just months old and getting in now is an opportunity I personally dont want to miss out on, ark could very well be the last chance of eth level gains in cryptocurrency I've never seen a coin gain so much popularity and get so many people talking so early in its life cycle and before really proving anything.
>If you are on the fence about ark i would strongly suggest just downloading the wallet and playing around with it and then compare that to any other crypto wallet you've used (its honestly sleeker than even eths) If the rest of the projects released by ark are anywhere near this level of quality we see in the wallet today then any ark holders right now are going to be millionaires in 2 years time.
So much popularity? The only place it's shilled on is here and by posters with less than 100 post count on bitcointalk. The real knowledgeable people know its a scamcoin. Sucks for you room temperature IQ imbeciles that were duped

>> No.2765682

>Ark has been testing me I wanted to sell but if you go look at the coins website they are very active devs. It's being added to the ledger wallet . Something only 10 coins are on . This will make you 500% gains min by q4 2019
LMAOOOO!!!!! Oh wow, 500% gains in 2.5 years. Give me a fucking break, pal! So it'll go up to $2 hahahaahah. Obvious vaporware coin is obvious - rip any money you throw into this coin

>> No.2765805

>postcount means something
I see lots of people believe this but still fail to understand it. Wouldn't the earliest members to join that have remained active generally be more knowledgeable than some faggot that has been around 2 months and posts 5 times a day?

Genuinely curious as all forums I'm on I make around 1 post a month tops and often less.

>> No.2765877

if I have 100 ark, its not worth doing this biz delegate thing right?

>> No.2765885

Nope, you really need 1k+ for it to be worth it.

>> No.2765924

alright thanks

>> No.2765961

5 posts by this ID

If you hate ark so much don't invest, simple. Why you so obsessed with attempting to FUD?

>> No.2766012

Because he is a scared competitor who's doing his best to FUD or a bastard whale who wants to accumulate more from weak hands because he knows that Ark will be going places. Nobody puts so much time and effort to FUD without an agenda.

>> No.2766062


Well, I mean some of us have already made 1000% ROI. Regardless, 500% in 2.5 Years is a very conservative estimate.

>> No.2766165

My thoughts exactly.
People just don't see long term.
Come back in one years time you fucking assholes when this coin is $5 I will be here.

>> No.2766405

Ark going places? Muahahaha. Wtf have they done besides release a wallet? The fucking dev hasn't released any word on github aside from the Ledger since June 1 you fucking imbecile. Wake up to reality, please. Do you Arkies research at all before investing your lunch money in a project?

>> No.2766422

Look at all that development!!


>> No.2766495

They've gained exposure securing a friendly ear with anyone involved. I can appreciate their absolutely optimistic roadmap, I'm kinda the same in my overpromising and ultimately delivering

>> No.2766567

>Actually thinks they would push anything important to github before it's officially released.
Your FUD is getting really shitty.

>> No.2766641

It's actually getting quite pathetic now quite honestly. I used to find his shitposting funny at first, but now it's just sad.

>> No.2766653

I actually think its still the same guy too judging by the way he types, just changed his ID after being called out.
When certain individuals are putting this much effort into fudding a coin it really does make you think

>> No.2766667

It's malarkie, he's our court jester

>> No.2767332

I read this exact speech for burst coin too

pretty sure its spaghetti

>> No.2767344 [DELETED] 

I have 650 coins. Should I just go on in and break that 1000 mark?

>> No.2767366

I have 650 coins. Should I just go on in and break that 1000 mark?

>> No.2767414

And don't worry about buying at the perfect time. You're not gonna care when 1 ARK is >=$100.

>> No.2767418

Alright, anon. I'm just gonna go ahead and do it

>> No.2767434

is Ark ever gonna get on Polo.....volume is always super low on bittrex...like less than 100 btc....that's shit.

>> No.2767905

Bahahaha lemme know what kind of drugs you're on, I need some of that

>> No.2768107

Same. At work ATM tho, so I haven't checked today.

>> No.2768122

Thats due to the wallet actually

>> No.2768134

>wallet is so good nobody keeps coins on market
That is a fucking great thing. Buy more at low price while you can

>> No.2768148


so how is the price actually supposed to appreciate with so few ark available to trade on exchanges....help me understand, i'm a noob.

>> No.2768259

People buying is what drives the prices up.
If the people who have ARK are all hoarding it in their sexy ass wallets the supply won't match demand which will actually cause the price to increase at a rate higher than it otherwise would.

>> No.2768276

This is true. More staked coins = less circulating supply = artificially inflated value

>> No.2768319

Going to buy up some Ark. Now or wait another week?

Just in case:


>> No.2768333

How is that artificially inflated? That's natural price growth... If Demand > Supply, the price goes up. That's basic economics.

>> No.2768338
File: 73 KB, 565x843, Arkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that the ARK founder is a thief and stole LISK code. Don't waste your money on this shit

>> No.2768342

Hi uncle chang, I havent been paid since monday, is it because the weekly payouts are activated now?

>> No.2768347

Daily reminder that Lisk is a fork of Crypti founded by Mike, so Lisk is "stolen code"

>> No.2768356

This. Hold anon. You won't become a millionaire overnight.

>> No.2768358


My address is ATpCFDJrUapKioN1v5nwxGsvaNFW2fqASC btw.

>> No.2768376

Never once touched burst in my life anon, no pasta here.

>> No.2768726

If you aren't able to get your money back already, just hold until it goes up a bit. Ark's foundation is too big to just be outright dumped.

>> No.2768756

I bought some now. Even if it gets just back to where it was a week ago that's profit

>> No.2768853

Check bittrex ARK wallet, it's yuge

>> No.2768857

Are you Isabella?

>> No.2768999
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what kind of faggot says that

>> No.2769097
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that would be AUexKjGtgsSpVzPLs6jNMM6vJ6znEVTQWK

Balance Ѧ17197676.64157536 = 3218 BTC

>> No.2769162

Your account is set to weekly payments and your last payment was 7/10 so your next payment will be on 7/17. You currently have ~0.5 ARK pending.

Hop in discord if you want more timely answers as I won't always be here. https://discord.gg/jUTRx

>> No.2769176

thank you for your service, Uncle Chang, you've become a model delegate for the rest to look up to

>> No.2769195

Absolutely based Chang.

Quick question, do you know how the Ark devs would be able to change the transaction fee to be lower in the future? Would that require work on the delegate's part? Because it definitely needs to happen, .1 per transaction is retarded.

>> No.2769210

Yea it would require a fork. But only the 51 delegates would need to upgrade their nodes since we're the ones "mining" the blocks and collecting the fees.


>> No.2769290

Oh, wise Uncle Chang. What other coins would you say have a somewhat promising future/competent team similar to Ark's? I'm all in for Ark, but you know, all eggs in one basket and all that.

>> No.2769361

based Doty, the one who will bring us wast wealth

>> No.2769366

Not Uncle Chang, but I am balls deep in:
Siacoin (SC) -best out of storage coins IMHO;
Ubiq (UBQ) - wise ethereum with no premine;
Golem (GNT) - wanna get shit done - vote Polish;
iEx.ec (RLC) - just look at their team!

>> No.2769382

Yo I'm having trouble accessing the discord.
I have it on my desktop, but when I accept
the invite it just says "zoot! zoot! looks like no
one's home" or some shit.

>> No.2769461

ARK is the only unproven coin I'm holding.

The rest of my portfolio is BTC and LTC I've been holding since 2013.

>> No.2769523

Discord, bro?

>> No.2769526

SO, I just sent 930 ARK to this biz_classic thing while registering to vote...don't really get what I did. Have I lost those forever?

>> No.2769535

Literally posted it further up

>> No.2769540
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He really did.

>> No.2769554

Dude I know, but like I said it wasn't working...
The invitation expired.

>> No.2769559


>> No.2769562


>> No.2769565

I'm sure chang or moon man will get the funds back to him they are reputable dudes

>> No.2769569

Yup...I'm guessing I just "donated" that amount to the people behind biz_classic, right? The instructions weren't that specific and I thought the amount I had to send them was going to be my voting stake...

>> No.2769572

I'll send it back when I get home and have access to the delegate private key.

You. Fucking. Idiot.

>> No.2769575

I'm sure you'll get it back-0.1 but still
don't be an ignoramus, anon

>> No.2769576

Thank you, sir.

Dude, you're lucky. These guy's are A1, so you
need to learn what you're doing and do it fast.
You'll get your Ark back this time, but next
time you make a massive fuck-up like that
I doubt the individuals involved will be so

>> No.2769585
File: 982 KB, 500x190, theburnedman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lucked the fuck out that this is a tight knit community and not a literal pajeet scam

>> No.2769586

Could somebody teach a bb fish how to change the payout schedule to a week or two weeks?

Also, huge thank you to Uncle Chang and Moon Man for their leadership and all of the work they've done. You guys are great

>> No.2769587

I see, thank you.

lol, you really did.
But you should get them back, moon and chang are cool guys.

>> No.2769591

Damn...I'm such a moron!

I'm fairly new to this whole thing so I'm just learning as I go. I would be beyond grateful, sir.

>> No.2769622

You will get it back, rest assured and don't worry.

Anybody want to donate for my snip job, then
here's my addy:


>> No.2769626

I sure did! I'm laughing at myself for being so stupid.

>> No.2769654


place a sell order at 20k then run for the hills

>> No.2769670

Jesus Christ anon... Could you not spare just a few minutes to search how to vote?

>> No.2769687

Lol that wasn't me, I just proved he did it with the snip. But pics or didn't happen, right? Hell yes, he really did.

>> No.2769692
File: 371 KB, 876x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the shekels goy.

>> No.2769715

Yo dude, could you tell me how to change the payout to weekly or every 2 weeks rather than daily? I'm new to this :3

>> No.2769716

I would like to apologize to moon and Chang. When you guys first proposed biz_classic I called you two pajeet scamming faggots. In the 10 years I've been on 4chan, the hundreds of inane debates and autistic arguements I've had with the people on this website, I can finally say that for the VERY FIRST TIME I was wrong. Keep doing your thing bois.

>> No.2769721

I did search and proceeded to make a huge mistake. Live and learn and make everyone laugh at you in the process.

I'll be forever grateful if I get those back.

>> No.2769723


>> No.2769733

hey you're pretty cute

>> No.2769743

>if I get those back.
You will when I get home. I don't have access to the delegate privkey to send the transaction atm.

>> No.2769761

thanks bro

thanks bro

>> No.2769774


I always heard people saying 4chan was a cesspool but you're really proving them wrong.

You, Sir, are a gentleman and I thank you profusely. Faith in mankind restored.

>> No.2769791

Stop, just stop.

He's a jew. I'm sure there will be a 50 Ark return fee or some shit.

>> No.2769809

this is probably the only scenario I can imagine where one can expect to have their €350 returned
let it be a lesson, no second chances anon

>> No.2769885
File: 34 KB, 714x726, ifunny.co sample (RENAME).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


uhh... my bad but could you guys tell me what username I made by any chance? JimPepeRussels or JimmyPepeRussels or something like that? I pushed create account too fast and should have written it down...

>> No.2769917


>> No.2769956


I tried several usernames that weren't valid and finally got one that was, but it should be something like that. Keep getting incorrect username/pass after verification for some reason though.

>> No.2769965


>> No.2770029

>21 dollar fee for a $400 fuckup

not even that guy but i wouldnt even be mad

>> No.2770085
File: 9 KB, 1373x110, 2017-07-12_194052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sent ;)

>> No.2770124

damn, bro. these dudes are legit!

>> No.2770126

You guys are saints. I love you.

>> No.2770135

<3 no homo

>> No.2770145


I'm without words. Thank you so much!

I wouldn't mind sending you something as a reward since you basically saved my ass out of the kindness of your heart. I hope a lot of people see this!

>> No.2770151

Im with Seatrips, but switching to biz_classic - man of the people...

top lad

>> No.2770170

Don't give up on the hard work you're doing, please. You're appreciated and a valuable part of everyone involved with Ark on /biz/

>> No.2770193

don't laugh you retard. imagine if this was more and chang wasn't so nice.

>> No.2770195


>> No.2770203
File: 17 KB, 255x185, 85ecbb121f28ada16ada5d893d45b4822fa9176b859362512bbcee6b1cf526ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should probably be spending your time working on Lisk instead of fudding Ark

>> No.2770232
File: 4 KB, 280x210, bow2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot man

>> No.2770298

>faith in mankind restored

this isn't reddit you fucking faggot. I hope you don't get your ark back.

>> No.2770356

Be careful with your money next time. You're very lucky that Ark has a good community, any other coin and that would have been gone forever.

>> No.2770402

Are payouts going out weekly if we selected weekly on the website? Cause my last payment was that night it came at midnight.

>> No.2770417

Custom payouts happen after your first payment post-registration.

So if you had an account on Sunday that was set to weekly, you got paid on Monday at midnight. That starts the timer and you will be paid again a week later next monday at midnight.

>> No.2770443

Sweet. Thanks.

Make sure you put an extra special message for us weekly cats. I miss that about the daily payouts.