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File: 20 KB, 664x268, elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27696084 No.27696084 [Reply] [Original]

is this guy retarded or what?
he just caused the entire market to shit itself

>> No.27696125

He can't handle the power..

>> No.27696155

>when the autism hits

>> No.27696188

his power level is increasing.

>> No.27696194

ameriniggershits aren't "the market"

>> No.27696236

>pumps to liquidate faggots
>dumps to bait them
>pumps to liquidate them again
ummm based

>> No.27696244

long everything, number only go up now

>> No.27696279
File: 76 KB, 718x714, 1604013858068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People start to realize crypto can be moved by one deranged man's drugged ramblings.
Crypto might not be the storage of value we were hoping for.

>> No.27696297
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 45641620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he just prefers pants?

>> No.27696322

the more deranged drugged-out billionaires that get into crypto, the better. I want to see these faggots claw at each other

>> No.27696354

you mean liberal onions chugging nigger loving amerishits

>> No.27696370

based god king fucking with Chinese super short

ww3 is awesome

>> No.27696374

We are 60% of it

>> No.27696384

Fucking hell imagine doing lines of coke at 2am, dropping memes, all while making the markets go schizo for a laugh. What a mad lad.

>> No.27696424

This means, with one tweet, Elon can crash MSTR if he wants to, and buy it up for pennies.

>> No.27696441

Heh nothing personal bobo

>> No.27696443

No one who cares about temp pumps is going to make it in crypto. All pump chases and swing traders will eventually lose it all. You buy and hold until the singularity.

>> No.27696486

my point is you shouldn't be, niggers

>> No.27696500

he's hacked

>> No.27696584

yup most people couldn't.

>> No.27696601

he's twacked*

my man's is hooked up to a neuralink with a DMT attachment right now

>> No.27696675

>Destroyer of shorts

No shorts has been destroyed.

>> No.27696774

>has the power to finally destroy the XRP scam project

>> No.27697258
File: 51 KB, 1034x174, Screen Shot 2021-02-04 at 4.37.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>declared he was going to try to avoid Twitter
>now awake at the ungodly hour of 4:30 AM (Austin time) posting insane schizo shit
Elon is currently tripping balls with Grimes. When you do LSD it keeps you awake for over 24 hours with fantastic visions and thoughts uncontrollably racing through your mind. Elon anticipated this and knew he'd be tempted to post weird shit which is why he tried to block himself from Twitter during the trip. He failed.

>> No.27697354


Fairly sure he's been hacked. He's never posted using twitter for web, literally ever.

>> No.27697456

>$0.01 bounce
whoa guys don't fuck with elon!!!

>> No.27697463

The last time I did LSD I could barely type a coherent search into youtube so he's handling it quite well.

>> No.27697572


>> No.27697594

Smarter than you will ever be, even if you realize the potential you think you have.

>> No.27697596

He's saying that he shidded his pants and now his shorts are ruined. Because of the shit. In his short. Which are short pants. Which is a short version of pantaloons.

>> No.27697681

not everyone is a retard
i could play and win in Dota 2 doing LSD
it was fun playing carry axe and seeing all colors altered

>> No.27697879
File: 44 KB, 818x172, Screen Shot 2021-02-04 at 4.42.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just more proof Elon is tripping balls. He hid his phone to be extra safe to prevent himself from tweeting, but at 1:12 AM he was 12+ hours into his LSD trip at which point all reason and discernment had been obliterated and so he bypassed his prior decision and logged into Twitter on his computer for the first time.

>> No.27697895
File: 1.26 MB, 695x757, 1608854327326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not taking enough to basically incapacitate yourself and have a chat with God I don't think it's worth doing, personally. Most of the people I knew into it just did it to be social and have fun though so I guess I'm probably the weird one.

>> No.27698014
File: 71 KB, 814x394, Screen Shot 2021-02-04 at 4.50.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alone in silence or just with one other person is the way to go, any more stimulation and it completely distracts from the trip itself.
Also, trance music sounds great on LSD. Mediocre trance songs from 21 years ago will suddenly sound like masterpieces

>> No.27698057


>> No.27698159

I know it's boomercore but I have a go at Dark Side of The Moon every time I trip on anything psychedelic, it's just god damn comfy. I had a trip while my back was hurting once though and it was like time dilated torture and it kinda scared me off from ever messing with them again. Gotta get my ass into decent shape and feeling fit before I ever take another dive into the aether.

>> No.27698910

i took it and became interested in cleaning up my house. everything just became filthy and it was my need to clean all the dirt and debris.

>> No.27700094

Who wants storage of value? I just want moonshots

>> No.27700126

that isn't even his final form

>> No.27700139

This dude is such a cringy faggot. I honestly hope SEC fucks him over market manipulation

>> No.27700201

He's either high or drunk, and LORD help us all.

>> No.27700229


>> No.27700241

He's not wrong ayyyyy OHHHH hehe ayyyy

>> No.27700263


>> No.27700334

Its too much, he is ruining people.

Idk which one is worse doing this for the lulz or because he owns 1 billion doge, ready to dump on you

>> No.27700347
File: 157 KB, 564x752, 1597731811518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shorts actually slow crashes by buying back during big red candles
>destroy shorts
>pure freefall without any nets
>biggest crypto crash in crypto history
bravo elon

>> No.27700459

Elon doesn't fail

>> No.27700463
File: 72 KB, 1200x630, d4199815d9d80a367abf57d25e8b6761.jpg_1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace clown world anons. Im taking these gains

>> No.27700471
File: 53 KB, 1107x400, 1243546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He really needs to calm down with the relatability and thinking he's funny shit...it's really cringe. I respected him a lot more when he didn't always post gay shit on whatever that is. Retard tier humor.

>> No.27700495

What time zone is he in?

>> No.27700519
File: 9 KB, 251x201, Grug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27700530

Gotta be west coast. He goes back and forth from california to texas

>> No.27700546

more like 100%, no one gives a shit about the europoor markets.

t. europoor whose who is all in on American stocks.

>> No.27700581

No one gives a fuck who you respect. Just buy doge faggot

>> No.27700750

I did LSD once and had that ego death thing which was nice but coming down and feeling the ego come back was absolutely horrible. I just wanted to sleep. Can’t imagine doing it with all the shit he has on his plate

>> No.27700792

The dude is making experiments on monkeys. Literally hooking up neurolinks to monkeys and see them become slaves.

This is the future he wants for humanity.

>> No.27700841

He actually does very little work, has a bunch of trannies working under him worshipping him.

>> No.27700881

Buy a gun with your doge gains then you cunt

>> No.27700904
File: 14 KB, 263x145, cuckieboixrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back before I raw dog you in front of everyone

>> No.27701161


I'd rather the niggers and pajeets stay priced out so i dont want this to happen

>> No.27701251

salty nigger

>> No.27701347

risk/reward clearly isn't worth it, this is a mistake

>> No.27701355

The shit he has on his plate are pretty much getting drugged out of his mind while Grimes snorts coke off his balls. Stop being a moron who thinks he's out there Iron Manning the solution to engineering problems, that's all on his teams. His companies are managed by managers too, all Elon does is keep his "quirky genius just like me" boy brand up on twitter so that normies can keep giving them money.

>> No.27701366

This man is rich enough for his whole bloodline to never be poor for all perpetuity.

>> No.27701428

Elon is a strange man.
he's a fucking genius but also lacks the self-awareness to not look a complete twat on social media

>> No.27701494

Who is telling you to put your entire stack into doge? If you have a BTC or a few ETH you don't mind losing there's no risk at all. That's math

>> No.27701615
File: 281 KB, 750x1206, 9D3458B0-C340-451E-992D-A4CAACE6649B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doge is on sale, take out another loan!

>> No.27701691

you did buy the dip I hope

>> No.27701713

I think that means you’re gay

>> No.27701794

>getting drugged out of his mind while Grimes snorts coke off his balls
Sounds kinda based anon ngl

>> No.27701937


Dude, the madman has been pumping the stockmarket for years already with his tweets. He plays them like a fiddle.

>> No.27701940

>he's a fucking genius
is he though?

>> No.27702044

He is a mixture of a druggie and a troll. Fun.

>> No.27702115

If you really want to buy into a big green candle, there's other coins pumping right now with better fundamentals and economics

>> No.27702207


He always posted gay cringy shit, newfag.

>> No.27702382


You need to be some kind of a genius in order to become the worlds richest person.

>> No.27702473

maybe. but why is that?

>> No.27702614

This has been long disproven by Theranos lmao.
You just need to know how to sell your "genius" to morons
>inb4 le heh so he's a marketing/scamming genius!!
Yeah I guess you can say that

>> No.27703105


That just means you're genius at selling shit to morons. Is it so hard to admit that the richest person in the world is a genius?

>> No.27703190


>> No.27703343

I just asked you to elaborate on your claim that one must necessarily be a genius to become the world's richest person. You can't just quit and ask me to concede to your point immediately, friend.

>> No.27703419

Elon actually built something. Multiple things actually
>inb4 le reddit argument of "he literally just got lucky 10 times in a row and stole other people's work each time and basically did nothing at all to get Tesla and SpaceX to where they are now"

>> No.27703677


>A competition between billions of people
>Win it

A genius, extraordinary, superior. You can pick whatever you want.

>> No.27703977

Okay, thanks. I personally think he's a bit of a dipshit based on the traits of intelligence that matter to me but I understand your rationale and your dubs. Go with God, friend.

>> No.27704164
File: 54 KB, 640x630, axe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27705023

>Crypto might not be the storage of value we were hoping for.
Bitcoin would be stable in the sense that one bitcoin is always one bitcoin.
The idea hinges that you can actually use it as exchange medium.

>> No.27705111

The sex they have is transcendental, I heard

>> No.27705181

His autistic ass needs to figure it out.
The only way jews lose is if humanity goes to space.

>> No.27705213

I hope this stupid nigger gets charged by the SEC

>> No.27705215
File: 20 KB, 700x350, 1599254543446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Day #299482
>Those 4channel fuckers still don't believe I browse their boards

>> No.27705333
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x720, Stridin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That smile, that damned smile.

>> No.27705362

>j-just buy my my bags, I'm down 90%
kys faggot

>> No.27705605

anon Elon literally posted that "Tesla stock price is too high lmao" and crashed the stock that very moment

>> No.27706552

lmao LSD lasts like 12-14h max you hypothyroid bitch. check your temperature

>> No.27706708

Elon is re-distributing plebbitors money to us

>> No.27707010

Its honestly pathetic

>> No.27707069

>DOGE bagholders
almost sadder than GME's

>> No.27707278

It's his autistic revenge on hedge funds and jews who shorted Tesla.