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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2767509 No.2767509 [Reply] [Original]

I know how much you all love BNT, so here's another article to enjoy :>)


“One year from now the Bancor Network will encompass a wide plethora of smart tokens, both user-generated and created by us and other companies…our network of token-changers will be the most efficient and low-cost method of exchanging cryptocurrencies directly with each other, independent of exchanges,”

>> No.2767516

Who actually wants that service though?

Nobody fucking uses cryptocurrency except for bitcoin to buy drugs

>> No.2767517

wtf i love bancor now

>> No.2767542

Would never use cryptocurrency services from an Israeli company.

>> No.2767661
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>worst performing ICO in the history of ICOs
really makes you think

>> No.2767673

look at their previous service, a heart token for israeli mothers. many did use it and thats just one use.


>> No.2767689

kys retard

>> No.2767695

indeed. makes me think how its already doomed to fail by many and has literally been out only a month.

>> No.2767704


>> No.2767716
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>150m for shit couple of autists can do in a basement

>> No.2767748

it'll pump hard once it gets going, might be a while though. It's really predictable desu. Buy some and forget about it for a year.

>> No.2767758 [DELETED] 
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These Rothschild satanic child sacrificing ADRENOCHROME PRODUCING fuckers EXPOSED

>> No.2767819

elaborate on your estimation, pajkeet. just because you're phone posting from the shitting streets of mumbai doesn't mean you don't know how to use the potty.

>> No.2767843
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Yes buying 100k now

>> No.2767852

every fucking thread. 1 post
also, Adrenochrome?
t- H. S. Thompson.

>> No.2767921

problem is who's going to use their token?

its already been debunked that their tech is useful. the best case scenario is that they perform slightly worse than the market, but it still means the underlying capital will be sucked away with every trade as people exploit the inefficiency. this is ignoring all the mining related attacks that are impossible to defend against, and become incredibly easy under something like proof of stake.

so why would anyone build their reserves under a token that just acts like a middleman without adding any value and increasing the risk surface area?

its just another hype token with an interesting idea that simply isn't possible in ethereum.

>> No.2767930

oh pajkeet, you're so silly.

>> No.2767990

sorry about your bags.

>> No.2768541

17% up today.

>> No.2768583
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oh wait you cant read

>> No.2768601

time to change emin anon, hes on the banc train now

>> No.2768610

oh shit

>> No.2768615

oh no i fully understand what it's trying to do, i just know that it isnt possible to do what they want with the isolation that you have in blockchains and ethereum's way of handling contract transactions.

it might trick a few speculators but once the first couple of tokens start implementing it they'll quickly realize they're just losing money whenever there's any volatility.

>> No.2768641

30$ by end of the year 300 next summer

>> No.2768649

Stop my dick can't get any harder.
>t. 2000 bancs

>> No.2768656

>makes statement
>provides no evidence
never change /biz/

>> No.2768681

what evidence do you need? miners or stakers can front run / arbitrage / manipulate the price with no cost whatsoever. its mathematically impossible for it to be completely efficient given it can only use the previous trades it knows about and no external information or context, so anything hosted on it is going to be slowly bleeding money due to that inefficiency, and it's going to be taken advantage of.

its something like a 30 line contact, you can read it and find out it's limitations in a few minutes.

>> No.2768713

>Also, even if some frontrunning does take place, we expected it to be drastically less exploitable compared to the current exchange-based financial ecosystem, where it is basically the market maker’s job to front-run the market based on proprietary information.

try again

>> No.2768743

Wishful thinking: the thread.

>> No.2768775

it might be less exploitable, but its 100% free compared to exchange fees for miners.

the whole point of bancor is that it's subsidized liquidity. the tokens running through it and being run through it inefficiently to ensure there's liquidity. sure you can add a fee/spread on top to ensure you don't lose money, but that's only in a vacuum, and when you add arbitrage a naive contract is always going to lose, and if you force it to not lose by adding a spread greater than can be arbitraged, your volume is going to drop to basically nothing.

and if you did want to use a naive marketmaker contract after all, you have no reason to even use their token. large tokens where the volume would have been for bancor have no reason to use bancor's token, and would just skip the middleman completely.

>> No.2768778

You don't think a 3b market cap is possible? LOL

>> No.2768794

no. galia pimped her brother to peter thiel to make sure he pumps it

>> No.2768798

implying I wouldnt do bad bad things to Galia in bed.

>> No.2768850

lol, you are in denial but bancbros will have a nice laugh soon

>> No.2768954

How is it inefficient? *The whole point* is that you don't need to ensure liquidity; it is perpetually liquid via the price discovery algorithms. Also you think volume matters, when *the whole point* is that volume is irrelevant given perpetual liquidity

>> No.2768977

THE NOSE NEVER LOSES. Have a nice little bag of BNT. Almost every Bittrex-listed coin has it's really big pump about a month after ICO launch. BNT hits it's 1 month anniversary in about a week.

>> No.2768992

If liquidity and reach isn't important, there's no reason to build upon a middleman like Bancor. Might as well copy their contract and deploy your own to manage your own token. What exactly then do holders of this coin expect in return?

>> No.2769010

How do you buy BNT ?

Is it traded somwhere or do you have to go via ETH scam coin ?

>> No.2769021

It's probably too hard for you sweetie. Try again when the app comes out ok?

>> No.2769042


>> No.2769058

Network effect and first mover advantage. Smart tokens can hold both ETH and BNT in reserve, so tokens on the Bancor network can be purchasable directly with ETH while arbitrage balances the reserves. In this scenario, the token benefits not only from ETH's valuation, but also from gains that BNT makes in relation to ETH, given it's network effect. Therefore they have incentive to use BNT as a reserve and not just ETH. Also Bancor already has partnerships with some of the top erc20s

>> No.2769065

You can buy with ETH directly via the contract, or with BTC via Bittrex

>> No.2769075

just stop

>> No.2769089

But that's all relying on large tokens adopting Bancor in the first place, and it's the large tokens that simply have no need for it and can bypass it entirely for operational simplicity and security. Partnerships are only going to exist as long as there's an illusion of advantage to using the token, or money exchanging hands. I wouldn't count on middlemen/parasites being able to hold much ground when decentralizecd currencies were created to remove middlemen. If all the token offers is extra liquidity, well there's thousands times more liquidity in the ETH token itself than Bancor.

>> No.2769106
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I want cross blockchain etf now!

>> No.2769116

Thats a good point about liquidity, but if BNT gains on ETH then they would be missing out. I guess only time will tell, but I think it's worth owning some

>> No.2769121
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oh shit my trip

>> No.2769178

Thats the point, it's people just speculating on the value of Bancor, yet as far as what Bancor is actually trying to do, the token doesn't actually help in any way, it was nothing more than a funding mechanism and I expect the vast majority of liquidity to any contracts like these to be in ether.

>> No.2769496

>t. retard who cant into economics

You have no idea how markets work and thats fine but dont act like you know what you are talking about its just laughable.

>> No.2769498

Just imagine the gains.

>> No.2769530

you dumbass everything he said is completely true

>> No.2769555

This coming from the clueless gambler predicting $300 in a year? Yeah, laughable. Hope you're diversified.

>> No.2769578
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>Hope you're diversified.
He will be when the etfs come out :D

>> No.2769583
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Was Emin secretly /our guy/ all along and his "criticism" was just him trying to get a high-level advisor job?

>> No.2769593

3-4 etfs already exist tho, why wouldnt he hold those now

>> No.2769597
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>> No.2769602

no its not.
I have a master in finance/IT management and you wanna teach me? Gtfo you fucking kid learn how modern internet markets work instead of advertising your pnd groups here faggot.

>> No.2769616

how about posting some arguments instead of credentials and appeals to authority

>> No.2769617

Bancor idiots are going to reply to you it's for "security reasons" ^^

>> No.2769620

clueless gambler haha
dude, 300 is lowballing.

>> No.2769658

The arguments are present everywhere but you are just to lazy to pick them up and understand them without discrediting them with MUH JOWS and spamming the same 2 retarded fud articles over and over again.
Bancor is essentially what facebook was to social media or wordpress to bloggers. Nobody says those things cant be done without them. But it will become a standart since they offer a service to make this shit available to brainlets like your mom who doesnt know how anything of this shit works at all.

>> No.2769660
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maybe. he carries out his unpaid study on bancor now, in the future he could get funding from them if successful.
What if it is? If they abuse it then the project can fail. Its a risk we accept.

>> No.2769674

This isn't a real issue because companies would deploy their own contracts for their tokens, and calls like that would simply be edited out. The bigger question is why wouldn't they also edit out the ability to transact with Bancor itself, given that these contracts will have the vast majority of their volume in Ether and not Bancor.

Whatever you say dude. Just remind me again the incentive for any contract to accept and transact with Bancor tokens and why any market maker / trader would go out of his way to first purchase Bancor tokens with his Ether to only then exchange with another token, unless he's doing nothing more than speculating on the value of Bancor itself? The only market for these things is being one side of a trading pair.

>> No.2769697

you dont understand that bancor will be bought with credit cards and you will be buying tokens directly with credit cards. You see x token on the platform and want to buy it. they display a price you pay and in the background yu buy bnt that trades via smartcontract for your token. You still think of this as this super secret cryptomarket only technical people can use. but bancor aims for the facebooknormies.

>> No.2769698

The service of deploying a 30 line contract that stores pricing state and accepts tokens for exchange? There's no service here.

Bancor is someone in the middle of an ocean offering you a swimming pool.

>> No.2769718

If you are using credit cards directly already (which can already send money on pretty much every site) why would you use tokens? why not just cut out the middle man. Visa transfer fees are way lower than anything bancor can ever dream of because of scale and infrastructure

>> No.2769720

you didnt understand this project at all I see.
they are building a whole interface gui webplatform everything the smart contract is literally the smallest part of the product. Its like saying oh why not just build your own facebook its just a bit of code.

>t. google+ lmao

>> No.2769729

I think "instant liquidity" is the appeal of Bancor, really. If Bancor can pull it off, it makes investing in smaller tokens (like, say, a coin that's associated with a small business) far far more appealing because there's no risk of not being able to sell due to lack of volume.

>> No.2769744

just wondering, are you the old, alcholic, tranny that posts stuff like this on the bancor plebbit?

>> No.2769780

because on the network you will be able to exchange every token at all times directly for a guaranteed liquid price for every little shitcoin with 0 volume and the platform will be advertised through this shitcoins since thats the marketing goal...to bring shitcoincreators onboard to pull in the normiefags who just use their cool apps to use the system without even knowing how anything of this works or what happens in the background. you gotta let lose of your technical thinking. The goal is to make a simplified tokencreation and implementation of shitcoins for everyone + etfs + tokenchangers. If you still dont get it just wait and see for yourself. I am out bye.

>> No.2769802

again, why would normies use their visa to buy a shitcoin to then buy a product instead of just using their visa to buy the product?

shitcoins are useless
3-4 etfs already exist and more are in development, without bancor

>> No.2769812

I understand that's what they're sold to people like you, but all of these tokens are exchangeable for Ether also, and there are already established players that let you purchase Ether on credit. They can't bypass AML/KYC, and they certainly won't be if they're using credit, so its going to be as painful as any other exchange.

All the rest of the pie in the sky dreaming is the same kind of shit every other ICO talks about. If you set up the exact same service but used Ether instead of their middleman token you would be able to offer the same service with even less overhead. Why would any contract that can operate with Bancor not also operate with Ether, for which the market is thousands of times larger and a token that everyone on Ethereum has, instead of one locked up inside exchanges?

Are you seriously betting that Bancor is going to end up with more liquidity than Ether?

>> No.2769840

I have no desire to hang out on shitcoin subreddits, no. Apologies if I offended your little token.

That's great but why would these contracts not also use Ether? You would get even more liquidity if you had the same naive market making contract that accepted Ether, so why restrict yourself to some random token only? This is the question nobody can seem to answer. If liquidity is the game Bancor is a crutch, the contract may prove to be useful with some tweaking, but the token? Nope.

>> No.2769932

>That's great but why would these contracts not also use Ether?
The reserve mechanism built into the coin (and its token changers) is what provides the liquidity.

Bancor is the only coin with this reserve-as-liquidity and price discovery mechanism and it's first to market, so.