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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27685645 No.27685645 [Reply] [Original]

All going according to plan, how do I profit from this?


>> No.27686083

omg goys just wait till covid 28, now thats the one thats gonna kill you!!

look goys, we just keep renaming the common cold to try and fearmonger force chip you and take all your freedoms away in the name of public safety!!!

look goys, we paid people to write studies that prove covid is real and viruses actually existt!!!

>> No.27686238

Yes we know, covid is a hoax to enslave the human race and figure out who has critical thinking skills.
We can't let the lemmings hold us back from mars anon.

>> No.27686296

Well, OK, but how do I profit from this?

>> No.27686400

Idk make t-shirts that show the corona virus drinking a beer with confetti around the 21. I bet some retard will buy that.

>> No.27686417

one thing I'm investing in for long term gains is petfood, veterinary, and general domestic pet care
lots of people are getting pets and this number will only increase in the coming decades of lonely isolated people
it's not going to be crazy gains, but it will be steady growth
maybe consider investing in biomedical/tech companies too

>> No.27686713

I hear having pets and rearing animals in general is going to be banned, cause it is bad for the planet. You know, eating bugs and all isn't just a memeline.

>> No.27686813

Short media companies.

>> No.27686889

>I hear having pets and rearing animals in general is going to be banned
where u hear this?

>> No.27687036
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Srsly tho, this shit will never end.
>Had cushy job in the entertainment industry, insuring concerts/sporting events/conventions
>made $65k+ a year at 21 with no college
>boss was making $125k with 0 college
>Events end in march, made it till august before getting sacked
>35 years of my bosses, 6 years of my work/clients down the drain because of 0.03%death rate.
Our world elites wont let us be maskless freefolk till 2025 at the earliest. Last I heard that was when Loyds of britbong was comfortable with allowing large maskless events.

>> No.27687127
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I too am curious. No one will take my kitties or based DDR doggo.

>> No.27687134

LGND. You're welcome.

>> No.27687395
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>> No.27687467
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>> No.27687529
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>> No.27687659
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anyone NOT tongue your anus, anon?

>> No.27687712

I hear Amazon warehouse is hiring

>> No.27687776 [DELETED] 

I would be a guy if someone were to pay Bill Gates a visit in Minecraft

>> No.27687825

Make custom masks and other gay pandemic shit for feggot millennials and boomers. you can literally contract a manufacturer to make and ship that shit directly from the source to the customer so you dont have to fuck around with inventory. All you have to do is build a website, market on social media and figure out the other logistical and financial details

>> No.27687845

I would be a happy guy if someone were to pay Bill Gates a visit in Minecraft

>> No.27687918

this is a good idea for a more active way to profit off of any "crisis" or chaos
just give the idiots what they want
hell, pull a madmen move and make them think they want it

>> No.27688834
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>Havent worked in 6 months
>Could do more insurance work
>dont wana
>still cumfy
The funny thing is I know a few chicks that work at a prime warehouse near me. But they're hot thots so guaranteed bubba & ramirez push all the boxes.

>> No.27689212
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>Clean water
>Pile of cocaine
>beautiful 100lb live at home alcoholic jew/ital GF
>firearm collection is worth more than average continental European home or punjeet city
>Multiple cars, some I destroy for fun
Danesh is mad