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27678548 No.27678548 [Reply] [Original]

>DFV asked to testify infront of congress

>> No.27678670
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>Whale gets outed after he makes millions by literally scamming people
My work here is done. I hope he likes the company of sexually starved inmates.

>> No.27679021

>Making 50m+
>But only realizing around 12m
>then losing that 12m and going to jail
Poor guy, hate to see it honestly

>> No.27679087

> based trader having to explain stonks to minime waters

>> No.27679804

He'll just be asked a bunch of retarded questions about how there's systemic racism in the investment community

>> No.27679869

if i recall its to testify AGAINST robinhood

>> No.27679897

He hasn't scammed anyone, you nigger. Take some responsibility for your own stupid trades and decisions.

>> No.27679940

I can see it, maxine waters is one of the dumbest people to ever hold the title of con(i)gressman

>> No.27680061

Sure thats how it always starts, then some congress dudes gonna say
>but how did you KNOW it was gonna moon
"I didnt sir, I just used Technical analysis combined with my past knowledge of-
>AH what is this technical analysis you speak of? Sounds like cheating to me
"No sir its just a term to explain looking at various markers and making assumptions about--
>AH! How did you know to make assumptions?Were definitely going to call you back here next week

>> No.27680091
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You're not fooling anyone DFV.

>> No.27680120
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I wish I got called up to testify during a memestock short squeeze congressional hearing, and then they'd have to enter ""niggers tongue my anus" into the official records

>> No.27680222
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>you are not allowed to use your brain goy

>> No.27680328

Is he some autist who's going to spill his spaghetti with Reddit memes that nobody will understand or is he actually coherent?

>> No.27680460

Quite a feat, if you consider the challengers for that title

>> No.27680745

I'm absolutely convinced Congress is simply a money laundering scheme at this point.

>> No.27680793

He's the guy who made 13million

>> No.27680800
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Buy $CLF under 18


BlackRock upped stake to 15% and ArcelorMittal owns 17%... Together both these superb companies own 1/3rd of Cliffs

>Price Targets: $30 PT Short Term.. $50 PT if Biden does Infrastructure..

We called $CCIV to 30, $PLTR to 40 and $WKHS to 40

>Credit Suisse remains Neutral on Cleveland-Cliffs (NYSE:CLF) on valuation but acknowledges strong medium-term free cash flow yield.
>KeyCorp upgrades forward earnings estimates to $3.25 for CLF; meaning $32.50 is a PE ratio of 10 in an industry where standard is 17
>B. Riley lifted their target price on Cleveland-Cliffs from $16.00 to $20.00 and gave the stock a "buy" rating in a report on Tuesday, January 12th.
>BNP Paribas upgraded Cleveland-Cliffs from a "neutral" rating to an "outperform" rating and set a $22.30 price

$CLF is next in line

- /r/vitards & #SteelGang

>> No.27681287

Dude's going to testify against a company that just raised billions. He's fucked.

>> No.27681389

No, they're wagies. Underpaid, overworked, understaffed, and as obtuse as you can imagine. You know those "laws" , 9000 volumes each, they vote on ? They didn't write them, fuck, most of the time, they haven't even read them. Lobbysits come over with the thing and say "if you push this through, i'll drop a nice tip on your reelection fund." That's it. In Yuroland, that's corruption, in burgerland, it's legal, because the criminals make it legal.

>> No.27681661

He's the guy that lost 40 million for reddit memes.

>> No.27681773

>buy stock in a dead video game retailer
>after it spiked
what exactly did people expect

>> No.27681948

Fuck you we like the stock
$gme was artificially cheap
you are just salty you missed the train /biz/cuck

>> No.27682140

i don't really have a horse in the race i just question the logic
this is also the first time someone has actually attacked me and outed themselves as a redditor here which is interesting

>> No.27682162


This guy’s ID is literally ‘C.UCK’ please come ridicule him: >>27671702 # # #

He needs many (YOU)’s. This is literally history guys. Biz has found the ultimate KEKold of the board. Come drop a (you) to mark yourself in the archive history books.... let’s get this to a record number of you’s don’t give the cu ck a break... This is a legendary screen cap.

Spread the news and ask the mods to pin the thread so everyone may see

>> No.27682277

I post in both places but reddit has done more than /pol/ /biz/ and /v/ combined in bringing down Wall Street

>> No.27682292

>$gme was artificially cheap
you redditors sure live in bizzaro world lol

>> No.27682307

Yea, same way Gen. Flynn was just invited up for a few questions and ended up with a prison sentence.

>> No.27682407
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did I just actually read this fucking sentence?

>> No.27682500
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>The fluoride and conditioning didn't work! We need to take direct action!

>> No.27682509

it was being shorted to 120% of the stock you faggot shill

how do you think that affects the prize?

>> No.27682520
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>> No.27682632
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>> No.27682682
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>Take down wall street

>> No.27682754
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>> No.27682832

>we like the stock
He said the fucking meme lmao. Go back faggot.

>> No.27682946

Maxine Waters is a fucking clown. Someone should be investigating how retards like her hold any position of power.

>> No.27683007

That's not how court cases work.
You can't charge a completely different party in the middle of a court case, you have to file a different case entirely.

>> No.27683064

Retard should have sold when he was up 50 mil... I have no sympathy for losers.

>> No.27683067

Buy the dip, bastard
>they told again and again
Then shill this trash on /biz/
>fine I have bot ocean subscription and use algorithms for trading and less risks on DEX

>> No.27683165

i hope so, fuck redditors.

>> No.27683360
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>reddit has done more than /pol/ /biz/ and /v/ combined in bringing down Wall Street

>> No.27683379

Unfortunately, it's not a court case. What happens if they hit him with the tried and true "lying to congress"

>> No.27683533

it was valued at what it was worth, then you fags got manipulated into pumping it and got caught bagholding

>> No.27683855

t. hedgie wagie

It's a profitable company faggot
No amount of shilling will make me sell

>> No.27684038

But not the manager of the hedge fund...interesting. I wonder why that is? I want out of this fuckin 1984 banana republic Brazil 2.0 ASAP

>> No.27684148

He's so stupid. Why would he come out in the open? I wonder if he was doxxed previously. Only a reddit fucker would want fame and to be recognized as some og. Attention whores disgust me.

>> No.27684173

>Sir, why have you encouraged thousands of inexperienced new retail investors to gamble with their money?

What will his answer be?

>> No.27684310


its not a meme
we say it to protect him
because we knew the SEC and the shills were trying to come after us.

we fucking like the stock hedgies
get it through your heads
we do whatever the fuck we want with out fucking money!!!

>> No.27684329

>I like the stock

>> No.27684481

>bringing down Wall Street
>by walling their pockets with billions
>of previously uninvested money

>> No.27684894

you seem too concerned about what i do with MY fucking money, Moshe

>> No.27684990


>> No.27685028

I was concerned at first, now it's just funny

>> No.27685169

No. The answer is no.
Also plead the fifth.

>> No.27685626

just meme it up

>> No.27685698

>go up against the big boys
>Democrats make you testify in front of Congress

they're so fucking pathetic lol

>> No.27685734

Plead the 5th
And just don't say anything stupid.

>> No.27685891

He should call them all out, this is his greatest chance at pointing out what fucking retards they all are!!! HE'LL NEVER GET THIS CHANCE AGAIN

>> No.27685902
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>Maxine Waters
LMFAO, she's one of the dumbest niggers in the house.

>> No.27685979

Kek, she almost looks like a TV show character where she puts on the dumb person act while she's secretly a genius manipulator, except in real life she just really is a dumb retard propped up by a rotting system.

>> No.27686140
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GME is a complete fucking ponzi scheme but I don't think DFV has done anything wrong, you could argue that the entire /r/wallstreetbets is scamming people by actively deleting anything negative about GME and constantly running threads promoting it but so far all DFV has done is post his wins/losses

>> No.27686185

What did Robinhood actually do wrong? I saw people crying that they restricted GME sales but wasn't that literally just liquidity issues with the clearing house?

>> No.27686205

LMFAO they work like 3 days a week at most and get 2 fucking months off.

>> No.27686279

this dude is posting cringe

>> No.27686297

damn this fake shit moves fast
people better get their wallets packed asap
I’m rather go for xsn with their Layer2 DEX, best staking system and tpos consensus rather go for this trash

>> No.27686308

DFV has been posting his wins/losses since 2019 when his holdings were in the red. And he explained his reasoning as well. He literally dindu nuffin. If he incited the mob during the run up, then yes. But he didn't.

>> No.27686315

>Someone should be investigating how retards like her hold any position of power.

Literally niggers.

>> No.27686418

He will testify against RH you absolute fucking retards. this fucking shithole

>> No.27686555

I honestly think AOC is smarter than her, AOC is dumb my Maxine Waters has a proven track record of 30 years of being fucking stupid.

>> No.27687068

holy shit go home

>> No.27687137


Good thing he made his entire process transparent via Reddit and YT.

Congress about to get BTFO

>> No.27687328
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>Fuck you we like the stock
>$gme was artificially cheap
>you are just salty you missed the train /biz/cuck

>> No.27687499

>Maxine waters speaks for anyone, ever
>Maxine waters is rich
>Maxine waters can’t pass a 6th grade spelling, geography, math, or science equivalency
>AGAIN : Maxine waters is an elected official in the United States

Wew wew

>> No.27687589

Literally literally
Absolutely disgusting and inexcusable

>> No.27687645

Good job Ira. You read the news appropriately

>> No.27687714

Literally the stupidest people in America are also congressmen/people/xirs/niggers

>> No.27687738

Then what did RH do that was so bad? Isn't clearing house issues out of their control?

>> No.27687755

predictions for what happens
i think when deep value walks into the court room he will suddenly feel a type of magnetism towards vlad tenev gaining strength with each second untill they merge into one being

>> No.27687798

(((stein))) have summoned u

>> No.27687816

Wasted double dubs on this cringe.

Go back

>> No.27687882

Tenev and his jeet partner both donated to Waters.

>> No.27687890

It's a congressional hearing, not a trial you retards. He's not testifying against Robinhood, what the fuck does this dude have anything to do with Robinhood? Congress will ask this dude some questions, congress will also ask the CEO of Robinhood some questions. This is no different than an interview, except he's under oath. The absolute state of /biz/.

>> No.27688003
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Gamestop being manipulated on both sides of the coin gets a congressional hearing but stealing the presidential election dosent get the time of day? If dfv dosen't call out congress on their insider trading I'll be deeply disappointed.

>> No.27688041

They needed a different excuse for freezing people out of a run than "technical difficulties" like they used multiple times in March 2020 since they're close to IPO. Should have had their brokerage license revoked back then.

>> No.27688053

>meanwhile elon musk is tweeting doge with a rocketship launching in the air and will probably be untouched


>> No.27688058

> The absolute state of /biz/

It's shills being paid by Wall Street to fud GME that are shitting up the board these last few days. Hopefully they all kill themselves once the squeeze occurs.

>> No.27688126

It wasn't technical difficulties though, it was liquidity problems. They literally didn't have enough money which is why they were literally raising billions right?

>> No.27688322

> it's real
Based elon

>> No.27688441


>> No.27688505

Sorry retard, seems like you're just as deluded. You enjoy today's 2% dead cat bounce that went negative during after hours? Hopefully YOU kill yourself when you ending up financially ruined because you fell for the largest circle-jerk of confirmation bias of all time. I'll cover your funeral costs with the profit I make from my $30 puts expiring Friday, deposited into your chequings or savings?

>> No.27688554

creepy and Cronenberg pilled

>> No.27688575

> No amount of shilling will make me sell
> No amount of reality will make me sell

>> No.27688646


>> No.27688731

>making 50m and committing anything resembling a crime
>not fleeing to Costa Rica immediately
He deserves whatever happens.

>> No.27688854

>What did Robinhood actually do wrong? I saw people crying that they restricted GME sales but wasn't that literally just liquidity issues with the clearing house?

They allowed hedge funds including their angel investor to trade freely, and only limited retail traders from buying, creating the wedge the hedge funds needed to drive the price down and profit off the poor guy.

Robinhood will be seized, liquidated, divided amongst the bagholders for compensation, and "Vlad" will be charged with market manipulation.

t. Congressional Paige for FinanceDems

>> No.27688873

Sorry but after all these years I have to say, telling people to kys even in jest is unacceptable. At the eod it hurts people and especially you fren

>> No.27688883

Wouldnt it be funny if they forced him to split his earnings with wsb holders haha

>> No.27688938

>They allowed hedge funds including their angel investor to trade freely
Source on this? I find it pretty hard to believe that massive multi-billion dollar hedge funds are using fucking Robinhood to trade.

>> No.27688987

I agree. I also think bagholders should get off 4chan for a month for their own mental health.

>> No.27689030

Tell AOCZ that she’s neither smart enough nor hot enough to justify hearing her horrible voice

>> No.27689099

Yes. I agree

>> No.27689158

He is rich white male. He is fucked.

>> No.27689379
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>Source on this? I find it pretty hard to believe that massive multi-billion dollar hedge funds are using fucking Robinhood to trade.
Tenev stated on national television "There is no liquidity problem and to be clear this was done preemptively."

So there was no liquidity problem.

Citadel uses RobinHood to trade.

>> No.27689488
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Anon I,...

>> No.27689529

AOC doesn't care about internet trolls.

And you're not qualified to polish her heels.

>> No.27689718

>He is rich white male. He is fucked.
As of right now there is very little negative sentiment for Reddit or DFV.

RobinHood and WeBull are extremely fucked.

RobinHood for allowing Hedges to trade while shutting off retails, and WeBull for forcibly selling 20% of many of their customers' stock in GME and claiming that it was a "mistake" and the balance would be credited to their account.

Both moves stopped upward squeeze momentum and created the wedge the Hedge Funds needed to steal massive amounts of money from poor retail investors through blatant market manipulation.

At this point the only thing in question is WHO made the call to manipulate the market in favor of the hedges, not whether or not it was made. We know it was made, and we know why.

We will find out who very soon, and they will go to prison.

>> No.27689730

Yeah bc this is a crypto board your literally making the comparison that a motorcycle makes a shit boat

>> No.27689808

They said there were no liquidity issues but it was just covering their asses, the issue was that their clearing houses started asking for more collateral because of the volatility of the meme stocks and they literally didn't have enough money. Which is them having liquidity issues.

>Citadel uses RobinHood to trade.
Do they? I know Citadel and RH have a deal but weren't they selling trading data to them, not literally using them to trade? Also, unless Citadel were buying any of the meme stocks what's the issue?

>> No.27689838

Must be nice having the upward mobility to become a house nig

>> No.27690135

>there were no liquidity issues
>their clearing houses started asking for more collateral because of the volatility of the meme stocks and they literally didn't have enough money.

choose one.

Tenev will be one of a handful of sacrificial lambs who fall for this, especially since he continued restrictions for MANY DAYS to stop the squeeze, forcibly sold stock of some retail investors, and claimed he never had an actual liquidity problem. Then he made NO EFFORT to recompense the customers he stole from, and actually offered his disgruntled employees GIFT CARDS to appease them for betraying their moral sensitivities, and asking them to lie about it (many of whom initially actually believed he was for the average investor but got rudely awakened, many of whom have already provided private whistleblower testimony to DoJ).

This is blatant monopolistic market manipulation, and Tenev and his co-founder will do at least 20 years in prison, possibly LIFE if they lie in any way to Congress, or attempt to whitewash what they did. They are already under massive antitrust investigation, along with all the American intelligence dragnet entails. They've been reading his mail since last Thursday.

>> No.27690200

>unless Citadel were buying any of the meme stocks what's the issue?
Citadel owns a huge chunk of both Melvin and Robinhood, THAT'S the problem. And the reason why all three will end up like Enron.

>> No.27690300

Did you really think Citadel, Melvin, and RobinHood could collude to defraud millions of lower-middle class Americans out of the little money they had during a pandemic at the same time the government is printing stimulus checks, and survive?

Uncle Sam has made the call.

They're federally fucked.

>> No.27690369

Dude. This is real court. Shit doesn’t go down like a fucking sitcom. Meds

>> No.27690640
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Fuck if I know.
But, you're absolutely right about corruption.

>> No.27690703
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>I know Citadel and RH have a deal but weren't they selling trading data to them, not literally using them to trade?
Robinhood’s regulatory filings show the company charges large investment firms called “market makers” fees to access real-time information about which stocks its users are buying and selling, a practice seen as a conflict of interest.

Robinhood routes more than half of its customer orders to Citadel, by far its largest market-making partner by volume, Robinhood disclosures show.

Finally, Citadel owns a huge chunk of both Melvin and Robinhood.

>> No.27690833

Should’ve focused on anonymity, you think a /g/entooman would’ve been caught?

>> No.27690934

Why did this guy even go public?
After holding this shit for that long, how couldn't he refrain from bragging about his meme stock gains in the media? What a faggot

>> No.27690966

Wrong, pls focus on your own country Nigel.

>> No.27691069

Reddit has actually been fighting corruption since the very beginning. Their founder literally got motors by the CIA for being too based and redpilled. Meanwhile MOOT made a fool of himself for an ugly nasty skank. Who didn’t even fuck him.

>> No.27691506

>I hope he likes the company of sexually starved inmates.

Even if it was somehow proved he did something illegal (he didn't), going to prison would just be a great networking opportunity for him. He wouldn't go to a supermax with murderers and drug dealers. He would be at a white collar summer camp with a bunch of people who have connections to money but are in there for not knowing how to actually make money without cheating (insider traders etc). All of them read the WSJ every day and watch CNBC, they'll all know who he is by now. He would go into prison a folk hero and leave prison as the manager of a family office managing the money of all the friends he met on the inside and their connections.

Tbh if I was Keith Gill I'd love to get hit with like a $500k fine and 3 months jail time right now. Small price to pay to get to network with a bunch of investment bankers and portfolio managers who suck at their jobs but have a ton of money they want to grow in the market.

>> No.27692101

He got doxxed by a bongistani rag.

>> No.27692259

>>Maxine waters can’t pass a 6th grade spelling, geography, math, or science equivalency
Intruiging - show me.

>> No.27692465
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You showed them.

>> No.27692731

They bought at 4$ and you wonder why they keep holding?

>> No.27692760

He did not get doxxed he has a youtube channel and agreed to an interview with a newspaper
Stop using that word when you dont know what it means

>> No.27693861

No idiot, this ISNT A COURT TRIAL. Which is exactly why it's worse. That kind of stuff wouldnt happen in a courtroom, but easily could, likely would, and HAS in "congressional testimonies." Remember the border patrol guy just as one simple example?
Then you magically get hit with "lying to congress" and its all downhill from there

>> No.27693906

First he got doxxed then he agreed with some other newspaper iirc

>> No.27694148

piss people off and internet memes
internet meme money and pink fields
GG, the fappening, and started the chain reaction that would culminate in the 2016 election

>> No.27695135
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both have done 0

>> No.27695265

Yeah man, Wall Street trembles in fear from reddit

>> No.27695417

>bring down Wall Street
Found the underage plebbit fag. Get the fuck back in your modded echo chamber.

>> No.27695920

Goyim are not allowed to make money

>> No.27696027

Imagine being called by a sub human low iq nigger to congress

>> No.27696172

Hedges have been making fucking money off this dumbass! Melvin is probably recouping losses too after making new shorts

>> No.27696439

March 2020 was when they had technical difficulties. Motherfuckers couldn't trade for 20h during the hardest bullrun like ever.