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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27675390 No.27675390 [Reply] [Original]

Do you people have any idea what the Gamestop fiasco has done to the economy? It's already fragile as it is without this shit going down. Look at how Wallstreebets doubled its membership up to 8 million. Look at all the people who took out loans, maxed out their credit, delved into savings and their retirement funds... LOOK.
Right now millions of people have been baited into losing everything. Where is the money to be spent to keep this whole game afloat? What will happen when millions default on their loans? What will happen when their businesses close because they bought into stupid media hype? Where will these people find jobs? This feels like 2008 all over again.
I really don't have a good feeling about this.
We will all suffer.

>> No.27675446

When stocks collapse cryptos will rise. When that happens I will cash out and convert to tech index funds and ride up the recovery

>> No.27675510

Dumb money doesn't matter. Never has, never will.

>> No.27675536

You have to leave with your concern trolling you stupid nigger. Nobody is falling for this shit.

Are you that fucking retarded that you are not aware where you are?

>> No.27675568

If it collapses I’m buy the dip.

>> No.27675590


>> No.27675601

when the stocks dip crypto goes up baby bring it on

>> No.27675620

It's literally the Pareto principle at play here. 80% of consequences come from the 20% of actions.

>> No.27675627

>Reddit and retarded normies lose money
>bad for the economy

>> No.27675667


>> No.27675687
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>Right now millions of people have been baited into losing everything

Only the retards who don't know when to sell lmao. I made money.

>> No.27675695

Apocalypticly based

>> No.27675697

clockwork. Stupid reddit fucks

>> No.27675705

IT IS BAD for the economy, man. These people are the worker ants. You take the sugar away from the worker ants, and they shrivel up and die.

>> No.27675707

>market crashes and people are worried they will have to foreclose on their home
>yea honey we should just put our money in crypto! That will save us!

>> No.27675729

you don't get it do you,

idiots can afford to lose, always have been always will be.

it's our turn, we will be the ones to absorb this wealth in the effect of whale pumps.

>> No.27675732

OP says he eats chalk.

>> No.27675741


>> No.27675778

Fucking retard. They're not all American, they sure as hell aren't business owners either.

>> No.27675796

imagine being this new

>> No.27675818

Imgaine being scared of muh collapse and not realising capitalism is indestructible and any alternative is short lived

>> No.27675905

Normies blowing all their money is something that is expected of them. Look at how many autists here lose everything on some shitcoin that’s pushed by pajeets.

>> No.27675937

Scary things is, they are...
Think of the median IQ, and think about how half of them are even dumber than that. Think of all the Woke-themed businesses that have propped up in major cities.

>> No.27675984
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you will suffer, we will make it

>> No.27675987

Somebody get the dangerously based department on the line ASAP

>> No.27676011

SENT SENT SENT SENT SENT. SNEED Op, This is now a /SENT thread.

>> No.27676075
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it's another pol vs shareblue tards discussion thread

>> No.27676096

No they aren't. Business owners are not that retarded, my dad is a business owner and he didn't even think of touching this shit. As someone else said dumb money doesn't matter. They are like that for a reason.

>> No.27676157

This is bullish for crypto, DeFi in particular.

>> No.27676386

I've been thinking about this since Monday. Yes, it was nice seeing normies suffer for a bit, to see them eat their arrogant, uneducated shit. But FUCK! This whole things is gonna bring regulation to the market. The term "pump and dump" is gonna be thrown around a lot in the media, with particular interest paid to the crypto market. Normies who bought GME last week over $250 and held will screech, lick their wounds, and resort to taking gambles on crypto to make it back. They'll lose even more. They'll screech. There will be a moral panic. The evil elected officials will be more than happy to begin regulating crypto "pump and dump" schemes under the veil of "morality," to "protect" people from these dangerous scams that originate from everyone's favorite Alt-Right den 4chan. They'll roll out a tax on unrealized capital gains. Of course, the big banks will use their loopholes and influence to dodge all of this.
We were a threat to them. They don't want this transfer of wealth to the common man. This was all planned.
This is all so easy to see. I really hope I'm wrong. I really do.

>> No.27676462

>my dad, bro
Seriously, how many fucking IPA beer and hotsauce bullshit start ups have you seen? It's a remarkable amount in my city.

>> No.27676821


>> No.27677074

I don't think an unrealized capital gains tax is realistic with the current composition of Congress. I'm pretty liberal myself but I only think the AOC/Sanders type Dems would support something like that.

>> No.27677245
File: 28 KB, 400x400, klaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think it's Congress pulling the fucking strings? Do you really think the decisions they make come from their free, uncaptured minds?
>You will own nothing, and you will be happy.

>> No.27677364

I put as much stock into that World Economic Forum as I do Ted Talk larpers.

>> No.27677519
File: 22 KB, 345x507, matthew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't be this dim, can you? What you just typed out is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read. How painfully new are you? Did you get here last week?
Yeah... yeah.... fuck... the bubble's bursting soon.
This feels like that scene in The Big Short when the guy finds out the stripper has 5 houses.

>> No.27677930

Whatever. You're just being an ass now.

>> No.27678338
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>> No.27678389

This. The whole GME ordeal was probably a wake-up call for a lot of "eat the rich" normies

>> No.27678610
File: 1.99 MB, 2100x1500, ah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another economic collapse would not affect me in the slightest. I work for the government and I have union thats made me basically unfireable. My mediocre wagie job will continue to put food on the table indefinitely.
In fact my best case scenario is that this does collapse the markets and that wall street gets a bailout before Joe Public gets his stimmy. Peopled go ballistic, it'd make last summer look like a picnic.

>> No.27678770

During the apocalypse I'll use my silver to buy BJ's off your baby mama's.

>> No.27679318

I hope you remember your words here a year from now, anon...

>> No.27680160

We're all fucked.

>> No.27680348


>> No.27680517

They didn’t care when they shut down the country for a half year for COVID or major metropolitan areas burn for months because orange man bad.

>> No.27680716

Well that was before the largest and most reported on pump and dump fucked tons of people out of their savings, pushing them further into the lockdown despair hole.

>> No.27680828

This guy’s ID is literally ‘C.UCK’ please come ridicule him: >>27671702 # # #

He needs many (YOU)’s. This is literally history guys. Biz has found the ultimate KEKold of the board. Come drop a (you) to mark yourself in the archive history books.... let’s get this to a record number of you’s don’t give the cu ck a break... This is a legendary screen cap.

Spread the news and ask the mods to pin the thread so everyone may see!!!!!!!!!

>> No.27680845

Yeah, I'm sure Bezos cashed out $11B in amazon stock because Gamestop is what is fucking up the economy

>> No.27680918

>wall street gets a bailout
This. I’m mostly hoping the retards on reddit chimp out as badly as MIGAtards over it even though they did it to themselves kek. Serves them right for settling for Joe.

>> No.27681079

> What will happen when millions default on their loans? What will happen when their businesses close because they bought into stupid media hype?
Crypto will moon

>> No.27681488

good. amerifag should have been put to rest long ago and only lives on as a thorn on my side I'm itching to get rid of

>> No.27681614

It's a vast, endlessly complex thing. One bad day for a vast amount of people can have an exponential effect on their local economies. Tons of businesses are already on the brink. We can't keep printing money to help everyone stay afloat.

>> No.27681701

Heiled and checked

>> No.27682215


I seriously doubt a significant no of people used their rent money / took out a mortgage on GME.

>> No.27682478

I think it's more than you think.
Most people are completely illiterate when it comes to finances and investing. The media dangled a carrot in front of them. They published stories about literal teenagers making life changing money and LARPing as robinhood. Normies thought "hey, if this literal child can do that, so can I!"
That blind arrogance, hope, and lockdown desperation blinded a lot of their judgement.

>> No.27683068

Economic warfare is the norm now