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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 41 KB, 1238x516, 2017.07.12-19.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2767300 No.2767300 [Reply] [Original]

Newfag here. Bought in when it was 7$ an did a bit of daytrading. Is it the chance to finally make some gains?

>> No.2767330


No. This is you chance to get out of this shitcoin.

>> No.2767349

You really don't think it will hit 400k satoshi like last time?
I mean, don't even know which coin I should transfer it to since every coin is shaky rn

>> No.2767370 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2767384

don't listen to the FUD. will all the events coming this month, that coin is clearly going to moon and beyond.

>> No.2767385
File: 62 KB, 400x400, gotta_wear_shades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haters gonna hate
we'll send you a postcard from lambo land

>> No.2767389

it will hit at least 400k in the night between 14/15, after that sharp drop, then slow grind up till rebrand, sharp decline again, then final direction either down or up I don't know

>> No.2767412

No joke you're like half the reason I want to hurry up and sell my bags the first chance I get. The shilling here has dgb desperation written all over it.

>> No.2767459
File: 14 KB, 275x275, 1499726195854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, faggot. You don't deserve to be on this rocketship. You don't. Fucking. Deserve it.

>> No.2767469
File: 134 KB, 600x879, 1499540186546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you did actual research you'd understand you're holding bags of gold. NEO will be a huge player in China IF the devs follow through. Top 5 coin if all goes well.

>> No.2767473

dunno man it "mooned" once already I just thought it had more potential.
Could have sold at 10,20 which was pretty dumb not to but I can still make some sweet gains

>> No.2767484
File: 582 KB, 985x660, Screen Shot 2017-07-12 at 1.59.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da Hongfei will not let us down.

>> No.2767508

Rocket ship named "challenger"? Take some marshmallows with you

>> No.2767511

If someone has to post the same picture in every thread for hours on end trying to convince me something is good then it's probably not that good.

>> No.2767512

guys, every chart looks the same at the moment, every coin is bond to BTC and ETH.
has nothing to do with ans.
when btc and eth drop again, ans and every other coin will drop too

>> No.2767519
File: 345 KB, 620x483, Screen Shot 2017-07-12 at 2.04.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad you think that. I'm weeding the faggots out.

>> No.2767527

eh, the chart is relative to BTC anyways, doesn't make any sense since the growth would be redundant and you would make a lot of cash

>> No.2767532

No you're not. You're desperately shilling it in every thread. If you were trying to weed anyone out you'd be saying it's going to crash. Fucking cancerous avatarfag stfu

>> No.2767539

sell walls getting obliterated and 10k coin buy set on yunbi, this shits going to the moon

>> No.2767543
File: 410 KB, 611x479, Screen Shot 2017-07-12 at 2.08.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ANS goes down because of whole market crash
>ANS goes up because of market recovery
Well it's just relative to BTC anyways

>> No.2767568

I think you didn't get my point

I mean the relative worth to BTC grew too, so it has less to do with the market recovery than people think

>> No.2767590

this. Also some people should ask themselves why is this coin so manipulated. Look at these charts. and those repeated drops once it start going too much up. it's so obvious it's ridiculous. And it has been going on for weeks now.
There are huge whales at play here who are trying to keep the prices low to demoralize holders and push them into selling their ANS cheap. One of them made a thread a few days ago to scare people into doing exactly that.

Ask yourself why. The answer should be obvious. They have identified the coin's formidable potential and want to gorge themselves on it as much as possible before it takes off.

>> No.2767602
File: 91 KB, 481x501, art of charm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then don't fucking buy it

>> No.2768293

what's your guess at it's peak? I feel compelled to sell immediately in the 20s

>> No.2768312

20 is a good time to sell and wait for a dip, yes.