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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27671073 No.27671073 [Reply] [Original]

It would be wise of you to get out of any Crypto or stocks before tomorrow morning, word on the street is that there is a huge selloff about to happen throughout crypto and wallstreet. shit is finally about to hit the fan.
You have been warned

>> No.27671186
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>> No.27671300

Most low effort FUD I've ever seen.
Apply yourself!

>> No.27671456
File: 182 KB, 1124x1492, IMG_20210202_225622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice larp retard

>> No.27671746

Stfu you stupid ass dumb fuckin idiot

>> No.27671822

Oldfag faggot going to murder you for stealing his shit

>> No.27671836

Even if that was true why wouldn’t I just by more when it dumps?

>> No.27672055

any more?

>> No.27672138
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>> No.27672326

No one see these pedo-status cards anymore. You swipe your card through a scanner. Also, the 5 star hotel clerk doesn't give a singe shit. Only kike marketers and boomers think this is some great acomplishment.

>> No.27672389

Good. Been waiting for a dippity do. Perhaps even two.

>> No.27672448


>> No.27672522

The silver market is about to be revealed through the recent "semiconductor shortage"

>> No.27672687
File: 5 KB, 195x110, holdontoyourbutts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27672808
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>> No.27674472

Fud harder figgit

>> No.27676026

source for this info?

>> No.27676082

That's a man

>> No.27676226

I sure hope so

>> No.27676349

at this point in my life it wouldn't even bother me. a man would be preferable company to some of the psychotic loony bin bitches I've met over the last few years

>> No.27677325

word on what street bobo? Go into hibernation already

>> No.27678460

OP, what in the fuck were you thinking? Terrible writing style, my guess is poo out of loo

>> No.27678799

based uncle as always, how you doing brother?
knew it wasn't you as the OP instantly, can't believe this deluded pajeets are trying to false flasg as you kek, not much to do when LINK is dead in the water though so I don't blame them

>> No.27678831

Shut the fuck up bro the market aint gonna do shit