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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27671471 No.27671471 [Reply] [Original]

A couple of nights ago I told you all to sell because my sources said GME would drop below $100 overnight and YOU all laughed at me and called me a SHILL. Learn to listen next time.

>> No.27671504


>> No.27671525

the hero we need :)

>> No.27671558

i laugh at everyone on here, dont take it personal

>> No.27671816

Did you tell everyone that there’s still shorts (more now actually because they shorted it AGAIN) and billions in interest to pay? Because there’s more shorts and the interest is still in the billions and we just need the momentum of last week to put the real squeeze on them.

>> No.27671833

Who is your source, or did you just get lucky?

>> No.27671842

Dude we listened, half of already knre the peak last week. This board was just experiences a massive wave of reddit wsb fags pumping their stock like a boss babe pumps her shit products to her family.

>> No.27672080

Are we in a Bear Trap right now? Or was the Bear Trap the huge dip on January 28th?

>> No.27672190

I'm done being nice and trying to help you all, especially after so many users here said nasty things about me.

>> No.27672253

My sources are telling me you're a faggot

>> No.27672264

>2 posts by this ID
It wasnt you

>> No.27672279

>I told you so
>being nice
Pick one.

>> No.27672316
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Buy $CLF

>> No.27672466

Yea I was thinking about you when it tanked kek

Good thing I only had amc. You’re still a bitch for not saying exactly what they were going to do to rig it

>> No.27672501

Keep buying gme or this was all for nothing, that piddly $400 payout all the paper hands took was a joke.

>> No.27672528
File: 287 KB, 1280x1188, KEEP_HOLDING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27672602
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YOU are a LIAR. I made that post, as I made THIS Peepee.

>> No.27672683

I can't give away secret sources. But the price a couple of nights ago was around $170 in the after hours and I was told it would drop below $100 and I told people on FB, Reddit, Twitter, and 4chan /biz/ and the amount of hate I received on this platform was disgusting.

I haven't heard anything new. I just know that I will not be reporting here anymore.

I appreciate the few intellectuals here. Thank you.

Yes, it was.

You lost my respect. Respect is earned, not given.

>> No.27672702

why do niggers keep falling for this literal meme?
It's over. The squeeze was never squoze because the stock was not allowed to be traded on thursday
Cash out while you can
DO not look at the man behind the curtian

>> No.27672716

Maybe I should buy one more share...I mean what's the worst that can happen?

>> No.27672756

Oh sweet baby jesus.

>> No.27672774


>> No.27672782

>You lost my respect. Respect is earned, not given.
See you gotta give respect to get respect. That's called respectonomics 1$1

>> No.27672809

How do you guys feel about GME puts?

>> No.27672889

shut up you larping faggot. there's no such thing as a "source" who knows what the price is going to be a day in advance.

>> No.27672946
File: 100 KB, 1092x342, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Textbook double top pattern
Ok retard. Anyone with eyes could see it was going down by "a couple of nights ago"

>> No.27673009

Retard doesn't know new shorts were opened at 300 and they got to take a sweet 200 paycheck off stubbornness

>> No.27673141

>>> i predicted days ago

Stop reading here

OP is a fag and will never be a woman

>> No.27673165

It didn't drop below $100 overnight. It dropped to $120 then went down throughout the day

>> No.27673167

>A couple of nights ago I told you all to sell because my sources said
oh ok next time some anonymous faggot on here says he has a source i'll do what he says. retard

>> No.27673204

I'd like to see the ol' hedge funds wriggle their way out of THIS jam!
>The hedge funds wriggle their way out of the jam easily
Ah! Well, nevertheless.

>> No.27673293

>He Doesn't know

>> No.27673329
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>the amount of hate I received on this platform was disgusting.

wow, shill detected, do you even know what fucking website this is? Holy Fuck, take your source, flush it down the toilet and then fuck you mother.

>> No.27673413

When do you think its price will stop going down?

>> No.27673644

Protip: I neither want nor need the respect of an idiot that makes “I told you so” /threads. And pretty much everything you’ve posted is random bullshit pulled out of your ass or delusional smoothbrain.

Opinion discarded.

>> No.27673799

>not allowed
There’s more than just RH out there, try doing your DD and not just jumping on the bandwagon trading app.

>> No.27673843

No, I don't know much about this site. And I never hid this fact. So many user accounts here got so upset because I accidentally responded to myself and they thought I didn't know there are I.D. codes here to identify accounts. I had a hard time figuring out how it works but I tried anyway because I wanted to help you all.

>> No.27673898


> Goes up
> Goes down
50% either way

Wow, you're a prophet

>> No.27674055

>t. Plebbit fag acting dumb
Your account is too new and your karma is too low, you’re not allowed to post here.

>> No.27674090

Wrong. If you join our discord "Asset Entities" then you will find over 1k of us who have made so much money because we smartly buy stocks. In fact, the leader of our discord appeared on a stream for Paul Denino, a streamer who is in the stock business. We're right all of the time. He and I get inside information and we try to help out younger people in order to stick it corporations and billionaire assholes. I made a mistake coming here, cause many of you were very nasty.

>> No.27674212
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>user accounts
hoe leee fug

where are you an intern at?

>> No.27674236

>they thought I didn't know there are I.D. codes here to identify accounts. I had a hard time figuring out how it works
>So many user accounts here got so upset because I accidentally responded to myself
>OH JEEZ I didn’t know how the site works so I responded to my own sentences that I typed minutes before without knowing they’re mine OH JEEZ DUDE HONEST MISTAKE

>> No.27674242
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What a useless fucking thread.

Stupid LARPER OP faggot with no credibility sniffing his own farts.

Fuck off Pajeet, no one cares about your Discord.

>> No.27674421

He’s a plebbit faggot being intentionally obtuse, it’s their version of b8 act like a retard and get (yous) from angry/edgy replies.

>> No.27674467

I should join this. I'm trading on my own and it gets quite stressful.

>> No.27674641

>Google Asset Entities
>Join our discord and pay for VIP membership :)
Fuck off

>> No.27674809


>> No.27674813

Nothing good is free. Welcome to the free market and capitalism. We have knowledge and you're lucky we only ask for a small membership fee

>> No.27674940

it's more about:

>> No.27675071

Next time say Hold/by the dip

>> No.27675114

There’s no lack of free info out there for people not afraid to put in the work and the DD, it’s just a hive of jews trying to build $$ to invest.

>> No.27675201

More likely you are just part of a faggy discord fishing for retards to sing up

>> No.27675244

GME will hit $10k EOM you kike shillbot
Fuck you, trust in the plan
Q will save us

>> No.27675281
File: 63 KB, 400x400, 1385482427294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw your mother gets hit and killed by a drunk driver on tChristmas eve

>> No.27675650

Seek help.

>> No.27675740

>concern troll (this thread falls into this category)
Thanks, buying more.

>> No.27675753


Biz also said RBC wasn't going over .15 cents