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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27666800 No.27666800 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't invest based on tarot card readings
This is you

>> No.27666921

I use the I-Ching

>> No.27667060
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>he can't read stars and telepathically communicate with the gods on his own
This is you

>> No.27667147
File: 472 KB, 876x1412, 8 of Pentacles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read tarot for 5 years.
That's not how tarot works.

Because you think tarot is for fortune telling rather than a tool allowing you to better visualize the processes of your internal worlds

>> No.27667202

Hijacking this thread, give me your coin and I will give you a tarot reading. Give me three random numbers 1-22

>> No.27667246

Interesting. Where do you guys read about this?

>> No.27667327
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>Because you think tarot is for fortune telling rather than a tool allowing you to better visualize the processes of your internal worlds
Why do women and faggots believe this shit?

>> No.27667369

Because the occultists and monks who designed the cards knew what they were talking about even if no one now does.

>> No.27667500
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>Because the occultists and monks who designed the cards knew what they were talking about even if no one now does.

>A bunch of larpers try to play Yu Gi Oh 500 years ago
>It can totally read your inner worlds

>> No.27667590

yeah you figured it out man

>> No.27667600
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I invested because of this

>> No.27667668

fuck off we're not some cute girl you're trying to bang.

>> No.27667694

my gf did a tarot reading with the question being if gamestop was gonna make me rich lol, it said yes but expect a delay, gme bros we're gonna make it

>> No.27667798
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Unironically based

>> No.27667815

lol ok, enjoy hell.

>> No.27667857

There's something to tarot. It's hard to explain.

>> No.27667991
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Schizos in /x/ told me I would fuck my crush and never happened

>> No.27668035

this, i was kind of skeptic but me and my gf took turns doing 4 card readings and we both got 2 of swords 3 of cups, the clock was 2:22 which was even weirder

>> No.27668101

what fucking card signifies a delay? you're girlfriend was lying.
i bet you pulled a moon and a tower, fag

>> No.27668314

I once guessed I was going to pull an Ace of spaces from a deck of cards and freaked myself out. lol I'm not messing with card magic

>> No.27668441

my reading a month ago said the fruits of my labor will be ready soon but also be careful of losing it all

>> No.27668469
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Wehl melan avage Bune Tasa

>> No.27668564 [DELETED] 

You will suffer for eternity in Kenoma.

>> No.27669103
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I am joining the Only One True God, Jesus Christ in Heaven for eternity

>> No.27670238

You are going to make it. No matter what.

>> No.27670265

i dont fucking know man, thats what the jew book said

>> No.27670572

>he doesn't invest based on reading goat entrails

>> No.27671293
File: 65 KB, 636x600, 20210117_084917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using star charts and moon phases and guessing what happens based on what full moon is coming and the celestial bodies close to it. I've been able to accurately predict certain world events most of the time. I'd say 80% of the time. Btw something big will happen to the market around the end of February. I'm going to guess it's bad based off where mars is.

>> No.27671480

im investing in whatever 3 or 4 capital letter ticket name i get in my ID

>> No.27671589

5, 20, 16

>> No.27671860

5 8 17

>> No.27671875

I consort with demons and earth elementals. They had nothing to say on GME. Last one mentioned was RBC a few weeks ago around 4c. Communicated during a dream. But I didn't listen because the amount of shill threads definitely made it too sketchy.

>> No.27673383
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>> No.27673509

Gme: the lovers
Amc: the moon reversed

>> No.27673885
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>Not predicting the market through haruspicy
There's some Indian peacocks that roam around nearby, I'm gonna catch one and get a 30 day forecast.
>PROTIP: If the intestines look like pic related market is gonna crab hard. Hedge ur riskier stack with some ETFs