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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 417x336, Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 7.33.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27657873 No.27657873 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah this is the future.........................

>> No.27657965

I don’t understand why people complain about gas? Why do you need gas? What exchange is this?

>t. Coinbase pro user

>> No.27658113

Stop being poor, faggot.
Pajeets getting priced out of ETH is a great thing, I hope gas fees will never get cheaper than this again.

>> No.27658198

It’s going to kill the platform eventually

>> No.27658341

Binance Smart Chain is literally where its at. Even some of the shitcoins like alliance block and mirror protocol have started to develop on both

>> No.27658368
File: 127 KB, 323x356, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just seeing if GAS prices went down. 131 GAS FEE. This is uniswap.

>> No.27658515

Who cares about the platform? None of this faggot technology works for anything other than making me money

>> No.27658527

literally how are you guys getting these absurd gas fees? i have never personally seen one more than 20 bucks

>> No.27658543
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So, if i want AAVE buy on Uniswap or Coinbase?

>> No.27658637


>> No.27658646

>mirror Protocol

eat a dick faggot

>> No.27658699
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Yeah, holy fuck, never seen fees this high.

>> No.27658945

No it isn't, gas fees being this high means people are willing to pay for them. Like I said, stop being poor.

>> No.27658979

>Everyone trying to buy BAO Finance
Store of Value. Top kek meme token

>> No.27659043

never gonna make it.
have you researched crypto at fucking all?

>> No.27659055

UNI will be the new ETH imo

>> No.27659067

No, it's the decentralized exchanges won't make it, and the centralized exchanges will. AKA defeating the entire purpose of Crypto in the first place. Stop being a dumb faggot

>> No.27659106

Just edit the max gwei yourself you fucking retard. Crypto is really a smooth brain filter.

>> No.27659188
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>> No.27659220

hmmm... I think there is a new upcoming token that takes care of this.
I think I saw a few posts about it? what is a token, or cube rather, that would help eliminate gas fees?

>> No.27659261

>likes paying more
Fuck off retard

>> No.27659287

My village can not afford the fees to swap our kleros on uniswap to sell for rice. We are starving, sirs. Kindly lower the gas fees.

>> No.27659344
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Yeah, that will work. I'll never get the tokens.

>> No.27659378
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Unironically, this is why I'm going balls deep in on L2.

If you know, you know. Techemy Capital (and 3 other funds involved) sure as fuck know.


>> No.27659427

>None of this faggot technology works for anything other than making me money

>> No.27659548

I don't understand how Proof of Stake is supposed to be safe. Proof of work.makes sense mathematically, it's probabilistically robust. At least assuming no one manages to break hash functions.

Proof of Stake just seems to be super anti decentralization and just a failed idea.
The fact is that ETH has a shit mining valuation system, and they grasping at straws with this proof of stake bullshit, it's never going to work properly.

>> No.27659603

uniswap fees are insane. buy on an exchange

>> No.27659612


>> No.27659654

>why does the product i'm invested in even need to function for less than 2 trillion USD worth of eth

>> No.27659677

no government would decentralize their currency in your fucking lifetime, its where all their power comes from

>> No.27659681

Vitalik fix this shit now you cunt

>> No.27659690

>Proof of Stake just seems to be super anti how is it a failed idea? you are just brainwashed by bitcoin maxis

>> No.27659695

If it means pajeets and poorfags are out I'm more than willing to pay 0.5% of my transactions in gas fees, instead of 0.1%.

>> No.27659769
File: 408 KB, 1179x766, 1612394066609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA is building a bridge to ETH so existing DeFi projects can migrate to the feeless Tangle

>> No.27659832

>stop being poor
>wants to stop poorfags from not being poor
what did he mean by this?
also the more poorfags there are, the more people to buy your bags and increase the value of your coins. You shouldn't want people to be turned away.

>> No.27659833
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>ETH is programmable mo-

>> No.27659851

>have you researched crypto at fucking all?
relax bro
Basically, a lot of new coins are not accessible on any of the major exchanges. These coins are found often on Uniswap, which uses the ethereum network directly to swap coins. Thus, they need to do eth transactions in order to swap to these new coins.

>> No.27659857
File: 38 KB, 306x306, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you need gas?
Gotta pay the Braphog toll

>> No.27659861

>>27659690 -> fucking green texted fail

how is it a failed idea? you are just brainwashed by bitcoin maxis

>> No.27659932


>> No.27659965

post yfw when you realize gas fees are just another name for taxation. Effiriumz ngmi

>> No.27660008

No, I hold no bitcoin. Bitcoin's limited theoretical supply due to the geometrical progression on mining rewards might be weird but at least it keeps mining costs under control.
Why do you even think PoS is going tk be viable? Why the fuck should "OLD = GOOD" ever be a good idea? It goes complety against the core idea of decentralization.

>> No.27660033

Buy Zilliqa now.

>> No.27660075
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those two things will save ethereum

>> No.27660215


>> No.27660248

Someone redpill me on coming alternatives to ETH gas price or where I can get more info. I heard Chainlink is good for this

>> No.27660250
File: 459 KB, 1242x971, 1607201990472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I've spent nearly $3000 on gas fees today alone

>> No.27660253

>is going tk be viable?
it's already viable. tezos has been running on PoS just fine. all those new smart contract layers are fine and dapps are being built on them.

>> No.27660414

>Platform fails
>Shitcoins move out of eth
>Price dumps hard
How are you gonna profit on that, retarded?

>> No.27660470

Reef, actually

>> No.27660477

Fantom is the way.

>> No.27660632

I am skeptical of any system where antiquity gives you more authority. I will personally not use PoS based services unless I see a valid mathematical argument for the reasoning, not just because some pajeets built some shit around the idea.

>> No.27660682

Turned a few grand into 10 on that shitcoin. Letting the rest ride. Unfortunately recommended it to a friend and he’s convinced it will go to 10 dollars. Told him to exit majority in December.

>> No.27661190

>I am skeptical of any system where antiquity gives you more authority.
that's bullshit. those who were aware of bitcoin in 2009-2012 got all the supply.
those who have the capital + knowledge come out on top, that's how the world works.

>> No.27661316

Gas is the collateral that incentivizes the miners to process the millions of transactions in the first place. Gas is so high because the demand for transactions is high. This incentives more miners to enter the network to process transactions, this system is infinitely smarter than you.

>> No.27661478

this anon knows

>> No.27662286

Fantom will be the standard

>> No.27662676

Holy shit.

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.27663117

What makes you think fantom is the one and not the half a dozen other teams working on the same thing?

>> No.27663807

Felcher save us all

>> No.27663903

ethereum 2.0

>> No.27664058

Zilliqa. And no, I’m not spending 5 minutes educating you.

>> No.27665417

Only smart itt
What's your bank on who will prevail?

>> No.27665596

you are a literal retarded person great bait though

>> No.27665664
File: 335 KB, 1315x492, Daily_Block_Reward_Estimate-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enter - Stakenet DEX

>> No.27665717

like a clockwork

>> No.27665787
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Looks fine to me

>> No.27666085


>> No.27666086

Great now I'm gonna have to read this shill forever

>> No.27666277

I don't really know enough about the tech to make an educated claim on who will actually make it. They all make a good case for their own products and for all I know they're all equally legit, and the one that makes it may just come down to luck/hype. Tempted to just accumulate whichever ones offer the best staking rewards. Whatever platform manages to actually replace eth/uni is going to massively moon.

>> No.27666337
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>> No.27666896

shitcoin #2674

>> No.27666929

is that from sending eth, swapping, or staking? (staking always costs like 5x what it costs to send, swapping maybe 2-3x)

>> No.27667078

use xdai, matic or loopring

>> No.27667099

I have a really good feeling about etherium 3.0

>> No.27667167

I thought eth 2.0 was going to solve this.

>> No.27667406

its not deployed yet retard

>> No.27667808

Stop swapping your ETH for shitcoins. Problem solved. Gas fees are like 5 bucks atm

>> No.27667837

Metamask airdrop is out isn't it? So why are you still using metamask? From what I know uniswap fees are one of the cheapest on the market, haven't looked into Rubic exchange yet

>> No.27668084

Ha! And before that, the "difficulty bomb"

The miners are making a killing off this rally and is why Eth 2.0 will have to spin off

>> No.27668435

Yeah fuck ETH. Went through the entire process to stake 3 AAVE. 1200 dollars. Guess how much the fucking gas fee was. 1200 fucking dollars. ETH is garbage. Fuck ETH. AAVE and UNIswap could change the world but this is just fucking retarded. Lost the 16 dollar fee also. FUCK ETH.

>> No.27668505

So instead of spending a bit of money on banks to process transactions, people can spend fuckloads of money on gas to process transactions, just because its decentralized? Nearly everyone will just accept centralized finance instead.

>> No.27668764

ETH 2.0 can't because the staking isn't economically sound with the price of ETH, I can buy/sell ETH for a higher profit then staking 32ETH and waiting X time

Thus there is no great dive into ETH 2.0 and so a more efficient network isn't possible and thus gas fees will remain high and miners will make a killing.

If the Devs of ETH make a big change they'll liable to make the market even worse and cause more funneling of new dApps into other Blockchains.

There really needs to be a decoupling of ETH with gas prices. Such as a one/two-way conversion of some ETH into "GAS" for a fee which would allow people to build up GAS at low "gas" prices to be used in future transactions when ETH is more expensive.

>> No.27668792

So...why arent more people mining then?

>> No.27669127

I'm not well versed in it, but isn't that what the Chi token is supposed to do?

>> No.27669223

Unironically bullish for PRQ

>> No.27669351
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>what is shorting

>> No.27669398

Any ERC-20 token trying to solve this problem will just become a new "Token" unable to solve the problem.

Instead a GAS conversion needs to be implemented directly in the protocol where its economics can be most optimized everyone.

>> No.27669486
File: 387 KB, 981x1295, 1612392207692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what cardano is for

>> No.27670057

>how to price out normies and limit the market cap of your shitcoins
Great play, brainlet.

>> No.27670234

>just because its decentralized

If the GME fiasco hasn't shown you the benefit of defi and the massive growth in the defi market just alludes you in significance then I can't help you.
Maybe stick with Robinhood.

>> No.27670256

>pricing out the early majority until EIP-1559 and ETH2.0 to accoomulate

wgmi, stfu

>> No.27670479

seethe, cope and dilate

>> No.27670563

go back

>> No.27670730

>will willingly accept getting fucked over just so brown people get fucked over too
The eternal wh*te male

>> No.27670850

because 0.5% instead of 0.1% is getting fucked, you are not very bright, are you?

>> No.27670898

>white male justifying being a cuck
Why is that so common?

>> No.27672400

This guy’s ID is literally ‘CUCk’ please come ridicule him: >>27671702

>> No.27673302
