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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 594x341, 1612397546318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27656544 No.27656544 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27656625


>> No.27656655

I prefer him being president to this Biden Nigga. Now all they will do is drain his good ideas and twist them into shit that fucks us over forever.

>> No.27656865

We? I'm not getting fucked, kid. I hold bitcoins.

>> No.27656893

Politicians have no power. Being "Chairman" just means that he will be the guy who receives the most bribes from the oligarchs

>> No.27656949


>> No.27656951

He's based. Fuck you faggot.

>> No.27657075

it's mittens for you

>> No.27657084
File: 143 KB, 388x475, Niggers and Jews equal bad news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers + Jews = You lose.

>> No.27657096

fine, way more based than biden cuck

>> No.27657095

even if you dont like his policies, the man is based

>> No.27657105

Can't wait to watch your mental breakdown when he sends you to the gulag.
>I'm no longer ASKING for your financial support

>> No.27657169

Not an americuck retard. Go take your schziod pills.

>> No.27657178

Chairman has no power really. Honestly this is good if you're anti-regulations, will pacify the AOC left and keep them focused on social justice bullshit

>> No.27657195
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>> No.27657261


>> No.27657293

If you had any doubts of a reddit invasion just look at this thread.

>> No.27657307

dont care, still putting all my trash usd into crypto

>> No.27657417
File: 53 KB, 600x600, download (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Wanting the government to tax citizens 50% is BASED as fuck yo.

>> No.27657418

based. abandoning fiat is never the wrong move

>> No.27657439

4chan actually allows any opinions you /pol/ expat virgin

>> No.27657461

okay bootlicker enjoy your economic decline and hyperinflation

>> No.27657472
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>> No.27657495

He's a spineless weakling that gets shit on by his own party daily. I wish he'd learn to stand up for himself for once.

>> No.27657507

Maybe focus on the absolute state of your own shithole gigafag

>> No.27657529

Lmao seethe harder trump cucks. Remember he still can win!!!

>> No.27657608

shut up, you're not even American
opinions discarded

>> No.27657612

I live in Singapore pussy. America is 3rd world shit hole.

>> No.27657665

>Disneyland with the death penaly

>> No.27657677
File: 20 KB, 340x254, MartinCrane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The u.s is going to decline economically no matter what.
>build your entire economy around consoom
>crash your birthrates so the total amount of consoomers drops harder than a pajeet shitcoin during a rugpull

>> No.27657685

um ACTUALLY he is an independent

>> No.27657702

Go back to pol and post blacked threads and cry about your pathetic life. Don't forget to watch based NICK FUENTES and styx!!!

>> No.27657749

Go chew some gum

oh wait.

you cant


>> No.27657755

I honestly prefer Bernie to Biden. He has had the exact same policies for years, and used to be laughed at more for them. except he embraced pro open borders in 2016 to appease progressives. He used to actually be against them. He isn’t even far left compared to European politics. I guess the point I’m making is I’m convinced he isn’t the swamp but just a looney socialist with a basedboy audience. He isn’t dangerous like the people behind Biden and Hillary.

>> No.27657816

Budget Committee chair is a nothingburger/powerless position you fucking cretin. Go back to /pol/

>> No.27657822
File: 938 KB, 1217x1751, Hans-Hermann_Hoppe_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernouts are so retarded they think anyone who hates bernie also likes trump

Again, enjoy your economic decline and hyperinflation.

>> No.27657849

>Bernie Spenders head of the budger
clown world

>> No.27657851

gonna piss your pants maybe?

>> No.27657864


Based. Hopefully he can help push through some reforms.

>> No.27657946

Eh, if you get it most of it back it is.

>> No.27657950

>He isn’t even far left compared to European politics.
He's currently further left than ALL european nations. You'd know this if you have been paying attention.
Why are the most free market euro countries doing the best like Switzerland, Lichtenstein etc?

>> No.27657956
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wew lad. IT'S OVER!

>> No.27657961


The irony of a petite bourgeois calling someone else a bitlocker

>> No.27658043

I can't wait for the inflation. I'm going to be so rich with silver stocks lmao

>> No.27658050

I don't want them to be pacified you fucking retard, and keeping them focused on social justice bullshit only means that they get more empowered because of it. Its basically giving them a victory.

>> No.27658054

No he isn’t. The socdems and labor parties in Europe are way stronger than this one old jew. Historically and now.

>> No.27658078
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>> No.27658114
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>petite bourgeois

>> No.27658125

It's meaningless because nothing is decided by these people they just follow a script.

>> No.27658153

There will be no refunds lol

>> No.27658184

>petite bourgeois

>using made up marxist meme terms
LMAO what's it like being in an economically illiterate religious cult that worships the state?

dumb phoneposter

>> No.27658230

Who cares lmao everybody not retarded already knows it's over, right now you should be focused on extracting as much gibs from the government to convert into BTC before the hyperbitcoinization event

>> No.27658249

Boinie Sandahs will save us from the ruined economy your ancestors created goyim I-I mean guys

>> No.27658256


>> No.27658272

Okay but his policies are far to the left of any of these countries currently.

>> No.27658322
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>tfw retard economic policies will cause crypto to moon even more
imagine caring about the usd LMAO

>> No.27658347

why when I can unzip and piss all over these commie threads whenever I want?

>> No.27658371


wat dis?

>> No.27658423

styx is actually a good commentator.

>> No.27658467

China is mocking the U.S. now. Ass swabs. Total retards installed into positions of power. They don't have to go to war to win. They just install a bunch of failures and make it so obvious the United States will just fall apart.

>> No.27658493

Well but europe still isn't as kiked as this fuxking kike. He would probably gladly give nigger-trans-faggots a fucking 100$ just to appeal us leftist and then say it's because proletariat is as strong as strong are nigger-trans-faggots. Europe is pretty kiked and awful; however america not only caught up, it also became a bigger shithole loving marxism

>> No.27658496

based schizo

>> No.27658519

And even those countries still have socialized healthcare and government safety nets. It's weird watching burgers cry that this guy trying to push stuff that is the most basic shit everywhere else is somehow trying to turn the country into commie vuvuzela.

>> No.27658523

No they arent. Are you a fucking zoomer? Do you know how gay and extensive the welfare state and taxation is in most of the EU? Or how many regulations there are? He is literally just left wing in Europe.

>> No.27658565


Imagine being fucking retarded and defending Sanders. What the fuck is wrong with you? His behavior in the 80s has already exposed his psychopathic and totalitarianism personality that its disturbing that you treat him like some feeble pathetic man. He is a Jewish man who hates white people and happily acted like a puppet for the USSR in the 80s and you think he has your interests at heart, because you take what he says at face value. Jesus fuck.

I mean, all it does is expose that the Democrat party is doomed, that the far left and the communists will win, and that a Sanders presidency will quickly destroy the USA. On one hand, its good because it will really fuck over the globalists/neoliberal America, but at the same time, it can also put the average citizen in a worse position. He's the type of guy that should be thrown in jail.

>> No.27658597


It's already happening, companies are now holding BTC on their balance sheets, the Ukrainian government announced they are going to start mining using nuclear power, nobody wants to be left behind so it will stampede soon

>> No.27658622

Dont get me wrong fuck this retard but it alwayd makes me laugh seeing faggot zoomers or uneducated Ameriplebs actually thinking that Bernie is Fidel Castro

>> No.27658649

thanks op, just bought 100k silver

>> No.27658713
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>> No.27658775

>Ukrainian government announced they are going to start mining using nuclear power
damn, hohols based af

>> No.27658781

All of this shit and nothing of substance. He never supported the USSR as a nation. Most commie faggots ostracize and bully Tankies, which are unironically the more based commies (because theyre closer to NatSoc)

>> No.27658792

Kinda i wish he was castro, maybe he would try to implement communism (and fail as commies love to, lmao), but at least he would kill some negroes and homos in the process

>> No.27658873

at least castro put homos in camps true kek

>> No.27658914


So, what I'm seeing is I should take that peasly 1k I have saved and buy bitcoin?

>> No.27658931

>socialized healthcare
Who gives a single fuck about this? It's such a small part of the economy, just because a country has this doesn't make them "socialist".
Also most of these countries have a public private mix.

>most basic shit everywhere else
Most countries used to have slavery. This doesn't make it good.

>commie vuvuzela.
State control of the economy is what destroyed venezeula though.

>Do you know how gay and extensive the welfare state and taxation is in most of the EU?
A lot of these countries have less government spending as a %of GDP than USA. A lot of these countries have freer markets than USA.

How does Switzerland manage to have the highest living standards in Europe while having the freest markets?

>> No.27658987

If the global buying power goes down then what will happen to that glorified ponzi scheme? Pink wojaks everywhere it's what I guess.

>> No.27658995
File: 89 KB, 1125x839, leftistsgeneticdisorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernie Sanders is 100x worse then Fidel Castro and Stalin on many levels At least Castro is cool and has balls. Bernie Sanders is like that Venezuelan bus driver or Trotsky. A weak but insane psychopath who could easily make life incredibly miserable.

The jew already expresses his hatred of the middle class, and his love of being a traitorous puppet during the 80s.There are already a bunch of people like Sanders who are in power in positions of Portland and Seattle government, that will give you a taste of their special brand of psychosis.

>> No.27659006

Europe is way more pozzed

>> No.27659087

>Who gives a single fuck about this? It's such a small part of the economy, just because a country has this doesn't make them "socialist".
So why do you call Bernie a socialist when he promotes socialized medicine in the US?

>> No.27659154


Bernie is also a massive warmongerer and sucks the federal reserve's cock.
He destroyed Ron Paul's audit the fed bill.

>> No.27659165
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>> No.27659262
File: 2.65 MB, 2575x2786, healthcare libertarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So why do you call Bernie a socialist
I don't. He's just further left than anyone in the USA

Honestly I just want to go back to the free market healthcare system we had in the 50s and 60s when it was incredibly cheap and everyone was covered.

>> No.27659294

When will redditfags leave?

>> No.27659313

>It's weird watching burgers cry that this guy trying to push stuff that is the most basic shit everywhere else is somehow trying to turn the country into commie vuvuzela.

Maybe burgers say it because Sanders is a fucking Democratic Socialist and plans to go further then that. A socialists. He even acted like a spokesperson for the USSR and went on paid trips where the USSR used him as a special puppet for their propaganda.

Not only that, but trying to implement social policies that only work in racially homogenous white countries is a 100% impossibility in the US. Its why Canadian health care is accelerating towards collapse as it gets less white.

>> No.27659341

I already pulled out of USD and stocks.
Shit makes pumping and dumping shitcoins look respectable.

>> No.27659356

Why are you using Switzerland as an example? It’s a paradise. What is Bernie calling for to make the market less free? His radical ideas are legit universal healthcare, student loan forgiveness, etc. Only the UK and Ireland are above us. You know your argument is retarded. Europe is way more towards social democratic principles than the US. You can have a free market in a social democracy, albeit a less free one. Point is, Bernie is not a radical and the EU is further left socially and politically than the US

>> No.27659568
File: 16 KB, 326x183, grug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the second one to say that fiat should be left behind.

So, should I pull out all the money I have in various spots (maybe about 2k) and buy crypto?

>> No.27659572

Bernie Sanders is a fucking socialists you retard. A Marxist socialists. Don't give me your bullshit propaganda. That is radical, to be part of the far left.

>Bernie is not a radical

What moderate takes free trips to the USSR and then comes back to peddle their propaganda like a useful idiot in a country that are involved in a ideological and political struggle?

>> No.27659575

>ooo socialist buzzword

He’s literally just left wing and you Ameriburgers are fucking retarded. A huge chunk of left wing intellectuals went to the USSR back then and studied their social programs, which are still used as a model worldwide. Some came back pro ML, some came back anti ML. Your fucking mutt education is terrible

>> No.27659755

>Who gives a single fuck about this? It's such a small part of the economy, just because a country has this doesn't make them "socialist".
Also most of these countries have a public private mix.
Am I calling these countries socialist? It's only americans that think having universal healthcare and stopping pharmaceutical companies from robbing sick people is socialism.
>Most countries used to have slavery. This doesn't make it good.

>> No.27659765
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>It’s a paradise.
Because it has the freest markets.

>What is Bernie calling for to make the market less free?
Are you insane?
Massive increases in taxes, spending, regulation etc. Those by definition make the market less free and result in less production and lower wages.

>His radical ideas are legit universal healthcare, student loan forgiveness, etc.
Why don't you fix the underlying causes of this problems instead? Government intervention made these things expensive, why don't we abolish that and go back to when these things were cheap?

>Europe is way more towards social democratic principles than the US.
A lot of europe has freer markets than USA. Socdem policies don't make countries better off.

I want to be like Switzerland not fail like Greece.

>> No.27659768

Lol sure I’m done. Your politics are fucking poison and are so retarded because your population is retarded, including your white people. Truly a lost and stupid nation

>> No.27659797
File: 93 KB, 499x499, glowie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USSR Social programs


Yeah, those compassionate communists, making everything better for everyone. Why do people hate them so much?

>> No.27659840

>Europe is way more towards social democratic principles than the US.

During the 1930s, the left wing of Europe actively began to violently attack "social democratic party" like the German Social Democratic party seeing it and the welfare state as a form of "fascism" that actively opposes the goal of the left wing. This attack on moderates is one of many things that led to the rise of the NSDAP by the way.


To Trotsky, social democracy was an impediment to socialism and that any vanguard with it must be subverted by revolutionary forces to bring about socialism. Guess which guy Sanders see himself more ideologically similar too?


Don't bring up this shit you brainwashed leftists.

>> No.27659885

Personally I get paid in Bitcoin and a lot of places around here take pay in crypto.
Even if that’s not and option I wouldn’t keep any in fiat either than needed for bills.
A lot of time I convert my pay directly into other crypto then back again without ever touching fiat

>> No.27659890

>Also most of these countries have a public private mix.
yeah but the "public" is the drain on their economies and making them worse off
Just privatize all that shit and free the market so the price comes down.

>stopping pharmaceutical companies
LMAO Bernie still supports fucking patents and IP and the FDA. His government control is why drugs are so expensive in the first place. Drugs in a free market would cost pennies.

>> No.27659908

Might aswell have linked stormfront as a source.

>> No.27659940


>> No.27660034
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>He's based. Fuck you faggot.

>> No.27660060

Maybe the NTY is more acceptable?


>> No.27660092

What does this have to do with anything? The ComIntern supported this because they were MLs and MLs hated SocDems. It’s like how fascists detest cuckservatives. These retards are all dead or on bunkerchan.

>> No.27660123

please name one country not consumed by rampant consumerism.

>> No.27660134

That image is fucking retarded, anon. Do you have any actual econ experience?

>> No.27660157

No they don't lmao.

Some countries do, some countries don't.
Switzerland DEFINITELY doesn't and they are thriving.
Stop confusing correlation with causation.
Please read something for once in your life.

>> No.27660192

What about LTC? I have heard that Lite is basically silver to Btc's gold? Any truth to that?

>> No.27660202

this is what happens when you let jews control your country

>> No.27660207

Why is communism the subject now? Burgers wonder why their youth becomes unironic socialists when you call every attempt at improving people's conditions in the country socialism.

>> No.27660246

>That image is fucking retarded, anon.
Nice, I'm glad it's utter truth has made you seethe. I bet you didn't even read the left side, you bootlicking cultist.

>> No.27660251

Did you look at your own list?

>> No.27660305

Because Lenin himself declared that socialism is the road to communism.

And before you say it, Marx himself backpedaled and said that Russia didn't need a capitalist stage, and was ripe for revolution.

>> No.27660356

Ching chong ping pong

>> No.27660385

>except when GOP in power then money printer go brrrrrr

>> No.27660432
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>very attempt at improving people's conditions in the country socialism.
>he thinks increased government intervention improves living conditions for the working class

>> No.27660457

>GB in the top 10
Definitely a garbage list

>> No.27660517

Quantify the left side arguments, and maybe we can have a discussion. Your theories mean nothing if they can't be mapped onto a graph. Fact is, healthcare in the US is fucked because any law written is to the benefit of capital holders and to the detriment of those being treated. Your healthcare outcomes are significantly worse than any other developed country despite your spending being the highest in the world.

>> No.27660571

Only sensible answer.
Anyone with actual economic or financial education understands how fucking bad sanders and AOC are to policy. It’s like appointing someone who doesn’t believe in fucking gravity to NASA.
Anyone who spouts off about “well but he seems nice” is a redditor and needs to go back

>> No.27660633

Do you really think that every retard or politician that believes in social democracy OR even universal healthcare wants communism? Why do you view the world through such a rigid ideological lense? By that logic banning abortion is the slow start of the culmination of fascism.

>> No.27660666

Tankie here. I take advantage of your stocks and crypto currency. I have several million dollars.

>> No.27660709

And, of course, the laws written are written by people in the pocket of companies that you seem to think can create maximum economic freedom, but given freedom they use it to control.

>> No.27660762
File: 157 KB, 960x960, hca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, look at all the countries higher than USA.

Also on top of that, USA is a special position due to it's world reserve currency and specific types of economic intervention. It technically should be lower on the list.

GOP are big government leftists, what else is new

Cry more about it.

What do you mean quantify? This topic is much to complex to quantify.
>Your theories mean nothing if they can't be mapped onto a graph.
Not every theory needs a graph.

>healthcare in the US is fucked because any law written is to the benefit of capital holders and to the detriment of those being treated.
Yes, which is caused by government intervention. Get it now?
Why don't you read the image so you actually understand.
Why did free market healthcare work in the past in the USA?

>Your healthcare outcomes are significantly worse than any other developed country despite your spending being the highest in the world.
No shit you fucking moron.

>> No.27660764

>no but I saw a picture of him looking goofy with mittens at Biden’s inauguration!
Only redditors and twitterfags are retarded enough to vote for someone based on quirky memes

>> No.27660880

>Tankie here.
top kek, enjoy your jonestown tier cult and believing in theories that have been refuted ages ago.
Fucking bootlicker hahahahahah

Whens that rate of profit going to fall? Any day now amirite?

>> No.27660901
File: 10 KB, 180x216, 180px-Pietro_Nenni_speech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bernie Sanders actively campaigned for a violent Marxist revolutionary group
>Bernie Sanders took trips to the USSR, paid for by the USSR
>Bernie Sanders is the one who initiated the "sister city" program between his city and a USSR city

>lol why do you assume he wants communism lol

>> No.27660980

>And even those countries still have socialized healthcare and government safety nets.

Yeah because they're 98%+ white.

>> No.27661031
File: 4 KB, 800x130, WS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you expect?

every time a power structure collapses things desync more and more and more till no one can make sense of anything.
These things are symptoms of a failing system. The blackpill is that there is no "answer" or "solution" or a way to "work out the kinks".

Look at the state of the Papacy during the Western Schism. When the Church was finally dying off to be replaced by laws, courts, and kings.

200 years from now when they're digging up the ruins of our government buildings who these people are, what they stood for will be about a relevant as me asking which of the three popes and their policies to you support now.

And NO I will not take my meds.

>> No.27661067

>Why did free market healthcare work in the past in the USA?
Because every citizen was more economically healthy, but once that drops off you're left with a system that can only accommodate very few of its people. That is not a sustainable system, and healthcare is built to be sustainable.

>> No.27661117

>muh democratic socialism! god grandpa you are so silly it’s not the same thing >>27660901
Millennials are so braindead that despite their parents growing up with the USSR they’ll fall for it again.

>> No.27661147

Ur gay

>> No.27661252

>Because every citizen was more economically healthy
Yes before the federal reserve destroyed everything and we got off the gold standard in 1971

>> No.27661261

>amount of seethe this comment provoked

>> No.27661268

We're fucked either way, but let's not pretend that comrade Bernie isn't going to get bossed around and cucked by the corporate lobbyists into doing whatever they want. The man is spineless and all talk.

>> No.27661299

the elephant in the room^. high IQ homogeneous western/northern european societies can do socialism. inject shitskins and it fails instantly.

>> No.27661344
File: 36 KB, 600x600, ERfW-10VAAA8brZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based or Commie. You can only choose one.

>> No.27661351

There is no sustainable healthcare system when 70% of the population is fat as fuck. Europe doesn’t have this problem and therefore they have their system working (albeit it costs the taxpayers a shit ton of money and is inefficient as hell.)
You want affordable healthcare, go to the gym.

>> No.27661477

>western/northern european societies can do socialism. inject shitskins and it fails instantly.
>what is the USSR
And don’t tell me that Russians aren’t white, there is almost no genetic difference between a Slav and a German. Believing in anything else tells me you don’t understand race realism and are just spouting off nonsense from the Nazi period, where they had little information about actual genetic differentiation.

>> No.27661573

Irrelevant, honestly. We're talking about long term economies here, so because infinite growth is a myth, that means in times there are going to be recessions. These recessions mean fewer people can access healthcare in your system (because conforming to free market ideals means people have to die) and that makes the outcomes worse. Whatever the cause of your financial recession, it still was going to happen. How can you call an outcome where in recessions you have great loss and in expansion times of neutrality (ie system working as intended) a win?

>> No.27661606
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Oh and another thing you fucking subhuman

Politics is objective. What you say is objectively wrong. The science even highlights how your views are nothing more then a genetic disorder. You are bad genetics. This is not an opinion. This is a fact. And I hope more people start to understand the threat you pose to civilization.

>> No.27661822

I’m really fucking blackpilled at this point, literal delusional leftists have near absolute power in our society. Seeing unironic commies smug as they destroy everything in their path just makes me want to leave this country

>> No.27662100
File: 339 KB, 399x433, DEVALUATION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Irrelevant, honestly.
Now THIS is some fucking cope.
The actual underlying cause of our economic stagnation is right in front of your face and you just deny it.

>so because infinite growth is a myth
This argument is retarded.
>dude you can't grow forever so lets not grow at all and suffer in poverty

> that means in times there are going to be recessions.
Recessions are caused by central banks and government intervening in markets causing distortions.

>(because conforming to free market ideals means people have to die)
lmao free market ideals mean people get to live
in state run systems people die due to increased scarcity or higher wait times

America had the best healthcare system in the world in the 50s and 60s. You have no idea what you're talking about.
I honestly consider those who support state monopolized healthcare to be actual sociopaths.

>> No.27662108

He's in charge of passing the tax plan. Crypto investors are fucked.

>> No.27662198

It's going to be funny when the world drops the dollar and the inflation kicks in. these leftists are going to be screaming

>> No.27662308

I unironically think america can afford to have a couple of more social programs IF AND ONLY IF they significantly lessen their foreign military involvment.
But thats never gonna happen.

>> No.27662345

A. Wyatt Mann giving the truth

>> No.27662363

its the same story told over and over and over again.

If you wanna know just how long and how many times this has played out before read Plato's Republic, book 8.

Those guys could have called everything going on.

>> No.27662379

Not for long, white devil

>> No.27662385

LOL they can't afford these even if they abolished their military. They have the highest amount of debt in the history of the world.

>> No.27662498

Maybe if we got rid of a lot of niggers and spics

>> No.27662508
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>> No.27662579

>the governor of small town vermont was a russian asset

>> No.27662594

That's the feminized version of the word anon. Stop watching porn.

>> No.27662621

>so because infinite growth is a myth
>This argument is retarded.
It's not retarded, because of this-
>Recessions are caused by central banks and government intervening in markets causing distortions.
If these government interventions didn't happen, you would have to be claiming that growth has to be infinite. That is your argument. If ONLY banks and governmental interference can bring prices down, then you are arguing that all economic growth is infinite. This is a bad argument.
>lmao free market ideals mean people get to live
>in state run systems people die due to increased scarcity or higher wait times
I could be an annoying cunt and ask for a source, but I know that anything you could provide would be too low IQ to consider.

>> No.27662645

dumbest post ive seen all week and thats saying something

>> No.27662659
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pretty sure they only allow this retard to have power is to false flag. All commies will be killed if any revolution takes place

>> No.27662773

miss the old biz with people like this.

>> No.27662856

bullish af

>> No.27662978


oj vey, look the samefagging paid shill is here to throw some shade.
its funny you'd use suggestion to throw this out even though everyone in the world can see what a mere economic policy can do to a country when we watched "the brick" destroy South America using exactly this sort of method. Growing from grassroots local politicians to a national policy that disappeared something like 100,000 people because a fucking fruit company wanted a slice of the market.

Oh no lets not bring that up

>> No.27662998

>you would have to be claiming that growth has to be infinite.
Why would I never claim that? Nothing is every infinite. It's just REALLY high.
It's like you're saying we shouldn't explore outer space because space isn't infinite.
> If ONLY banks and governmental interference can bring prices down,
When did I make this argument ever?
What are you talking about?
>I could be an annoying cunt and ask for a source, but I know that anything you could provide would be too low IQ to consider.
Everyone has heard stories of people being restricted care in countries with state run medical care.
If something is "free" there is going to be scarcity. Making something free doesn't make it less scarce.

Dude my system WORKED and there was a lot more medical innovation too. Why can't we just try freedom?

>> No.27663073

I bet you think AOC is intelligent lmao

>> No.27663084


get fucked you greedy hedonist retards

>> No.27663094

Im talking about trade offs. Ofc itll be ideal to not waste money at all but getting rid of most of the bloated military spending will be a huge improvment.
Its a pointless argument though since no one wants to slow down the machine at this point.

>> No.27663128

>implying that wasnt absolute peak capitalism
look Im on your end of things but how the hell did that have anything to do with lefties

>> No.27663233

oh please do elaborate. tell us why you are such a fucking partisan imbecile that you think "taxing the rich" will do squat and why taxing regular citizens even more will help (((society))).

fucking imbecile.

>> No.27663280

The machine being importing infinite numbers of illegal spics and African niggers?

>> No.27663291


I'm all for it. Welfare for me, the bagholder

>> No.27663430


>> No.27663445

dems stole the nom from him twice
hes a puppet

>> No.27663670

That and the endless wars for israel.

>> No.27663678
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the low iq seethe in this thread just makes it that much better

>> No.27663682

ism this, ism that,
capitalism exists independent of other polices and is still at the mercy of policy, politicians, and corruption.
I take issue with that sort of pure black and white thinking on it because throwing it back onto a "this or that" take is as far as I'm concerned, a false dilemma. We have other things to talk about like corruption, policy, individuals. But those are complicated. Those don't let people rehash a dead obsolete belief system(s) that're pointless to pigeon hole into yet another conversation because its they keyhole and foothold to """win the argument"""

We had two world wars and dozens of people way smarter then any of us will ever be argue these things. I'd rather not keep beating a dead horse.

>> No.27663817

It's over guys, time to help the poor before they forcefully do it.

Least we can pull ourselves up before the crash.

>BTC: 3GrXN6dJMPK44QduFaMD69d7GkJ3aUbHDz
>ETH: 0x5e331Ef624a84E3f8F6DE0ffFCEd31a7Ff14C5c0

>> No.27664102

>trump is bad so bernie is good
literal socialist tier IQ
go back to jonestown

>> No.27664103

>rid of most of the bloated military spending will be a huge improvment.
that's not happening

>> No.27665122

as a Russian who immigrated to the us and spent their childhood in the us education system, I agree. US schools didn't teach me shit besides math. school was the biggest waste of time in my life. if God forbid I have children in this country I'm gonna home school them.

>> No.27665493

How is farther left when all he does is advocate for European policies? Wouldn't be considered left if he was a politician over there.

>> No.27665537

Great points. Imagine wanting a president who wants universal healthcare and raising the minimum wage. Fucking libs

>> No.27665556

>getting rid of most of the bloated military spending
You really believe that don't you? They'll increase spending on as many useless projects as you can imagine. How do Space Force Transgender Human Relations officers sound?
Liberal talking points from the Bush administration =/= the actual democrat platform

>> No.27665599

i would be more sympathetic to bernie if he didn't incorporate a bunch of anti-white tranny cuck shit into his policies.

>> No.27665767

universal healthcare i'm open to if rolled out correctly. unfortunately so many retirement accounts are currently tied into private healthcare stocks. minimum wage increases hurt every single person who makes above minimum wage so there's no reason for anyone here to support it unless theyre a complete fuckup

>> No.27665853
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>He's based. Fuck you faggot.

>> No.27665869
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Based, but I wish he was president.

>> No.27665923

This fag posts BBC spam

>> No.27666300

>minimum wage increases hurt every single person who makes above minimum wage
How? By making low payed wagies able to live a decent life and not fall into radical groups that just want to burn Targets? If you want poors so stay poor, don't be surprised when they kill you for a penny.

>> No.27666411
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>that the far left and the communists will win

>> No.27666435

Neither of those things are necessarily good. I think that both will eventually be implemented here. If you think it will be done well, you haven't been paying attention.

>> No.27666484

subhumans can easily be pacified by vidya and netflix. the only reason people chimped out was because the mainstream media incited riots to make trump look bad. trump is gone now so no one cares anymore

>> No.27666837

>Only redditors and twitterfags are retarded enough to vote for someone based on quirky memes
That’s 70% of the electorate

>> No.27666980

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