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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 682x503, productivity vs wages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27642525 No.27642525 [Reply] [Original]

Why have wages stopped increasing with productivity?
Who is benefitting from the surplus productivity???

>> No.27642690

-money printing

>> No.27642773

>Who is benefitting from the surplus productivity???
Anon I...

>> No.27642790

Poor people unironicallly.
You just don't see it, because the poor people don't live in your country.

>> No.27642826

>what are machines
>what are computers
>what are automated systems

>> No.27642836

Look up the gold standard. By crashing the economy with no survivors over 100 years, the bankers can transfer great wealth to themselves at the expense of the working man

>> No.27642857

Jews. You are a faggot if you disagree,

>> No.27642902


>> No.27643052

Unironically the Jewish mafia

>> No.27643062

>Who is benefitting from the surplus productivity???
>we literally have hundreds of billionares.

>> No.27643171


>> No.27643224

Women, the international poor, and billionaires.

>> No.27643234

probably because retards like you flooded the labor market with low IQ shitcunts in the name of diversity.

>> No.27643388

The free market got butchered because it can't defend itself from subversion despite what ancaps and lolberts would have you believe. The entire world is headed for state capitalism AKA bananna republic AKA the country is run to profit the ruling class. Buy LINK

>> No.27643518
File: 85 KB, 866x900, EUsNI_uUcAAsmDs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*defends billionaires on facebook*

>> No.27643532

>Why have wages stopped increasing with productivity?
The dollar lost all intrinsic value in 1971, when it was depegged from Gold.
>Who is benefitting from the surplus productivity???
Bankers and CEOs mostly.

>> No.27644888

Billionaires are the ones importing millions of cheap workers. Doesn't mean we should tax them

>> No.27645184

If that were true than the Industrial revolution would have created a greater schism than what we have been witnessing for the past 40 years. It's not related to technology, anon.

>> No.27645400

you're the type of guy whos great great great great great grandfather probably let the nobles fuck his wife on the daily. Pure serfcuck mentality

>> No.27645647

Bretton Woods agreement ended early 70s. This meant Jews could now siphon off all the wealth of that productivity into their own pockets

>> No.27645924

Automatisation and Tech anon. Check how many employees Netflix/Google/Uber have and how much profit they make.

>> No.27646148
File: 21 KB, 590x418, income-1960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27646364

(((who))) indeed.

>> No.27646412

>my department at work has increased in sales by 13% per week in the last year
>this is an increase around 8k of profit
>we're still understaffed
Whoever is benefiting from this, it sure isn't anyone local to me.

>> No.27646457

Unironically this.

>> No.27646481

>Who is benefitting from the surplus productivity???
The rich get richer the poor stay poor.

>> No.27646889

>technology improves
>need less workers
>more workers in labor market
>allow women to work
>more workers in labor market
>import millions of shitskins
>more workers in labor market
Honestly surprised wages haven’t been depressed even further. Also, jews :^)

>> No.27646963

>Gold standard

>> No.27647075

/thread, its literally a chart of when we got off the gold standard

>> No.27647186

you will never be a woman

>> No.27647327

>It's not related to technology
actually what?

>> No.27647566

Many things, for one: labor market refused to adjust based on inflation once the dollar was removed from the gold standard. Just look at the chart where the flat line started.

>> No.27647874


This. Zoomers forget that people used to have to use typewriters, punch holes into scantrons and feed them into a machine, organize rolodexes, etc.

But even ignoring that, algorithms get more sophisticated, there are people who specialize entirely into productivity, workflows get refined after decades of trial and error. Employees haven't magically gotten better and harder working over a 40 year period

>> No.27648142

Actually what, what? Like I said, industrial revolution did not decrease wages/compensation - productivity was matched because magnates understood it was necessary. T

his whole bullshit spews from jewish pratices, like the other anon who replied to me said (women enter the labour market, globalization, etc).

Technology would actually improve your life - less time to build houses, less time to produce essencial stuff, etc, allowing you to keep more while working less.

>> No.27648691

>Why have wages stopped increasing with productivity?
>Who is benefitting from the surplus productivity???

>> No.27649115

Gold standard btfo
That's a fat redpill

>> No.27649119

Bootlicker mentality

>> No.27649191


>> No.27649264

unironically bootstraps

>> No.27649404

preventing importing of cheap labor while also providing some other incentive (probably some tax shit) for companies to stay would just as well no?

>> No.27649512

Let this thread once again remind you:

JOOOOS conspiracy is just class consciousness for retards

>> No.27649832

You're both dumb and the answer is currency debasement by divorcing it from a stable value item.

>> No.27650172

would it be possible to re-couple USD with gold? i wonder what the effects of that would be

>> No.27650305

Imagine being a boomer in the 80s absolute dumbshit 79 IQ but willing to move boxes around for 8 hours straight. Overseas manufacturing hasn't picked up yet and currently no robots move boxes very well. So they have to pay you $25 an hour inflation adjusted just for being able bodied human

>> No.27650519
File: 339 KB, 399x433, DEVALUATION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is because we got off the gold standard in 1971.


Literally all of this is the fault of central banks and government intervention.

>> No.27650791

It's possible but the effect is massive deflation. With serious consequence
Problem is once we couple it again we need to deal with all this shit we can only handle because we control the currency. Like $23 Tn of debt, inflated CPI, inflated asset prices, balance of trade. It would shock the shit out of everything and probably cause a depression
Then moving forward from that we wouldn't be able to manipulate the economy as well anymore and would experience actual booms and busts

>> No.27650902

I don't mean to sound like a Nazi, but...

>> No.27650964

the same people with jobs who also don't have to pay higher and higher prices for all the garbage ass stuff they want

>> No.27651089
File: 1.99 MB, 2560x2048, RonPaulPainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Ron Paul pilled

>> No.27651281

>machines do all the work
>reeeee where's my money
I actually agree though

>> No.27651415

>class consciousness

Ok, and what is the racial/ethnic composition of the "elite" class?

"Class warfare" conspiracy is just Jew consciousness for atheists and de-racinated goyim.

>> No.27651725

>machines do all the work
That's a funny way to spell chink.

>> No.27651980

not WAGIES, as clearly seen on the graph
who did profit? NEETs, bums, niggers, mental patients, investors and multi billionaires. everyone who is not a WAGIE.

>> No.27652084

Capitalists. Not the dirty peasant wannabe millionaires on /biz/ and wsb, but the top hat wearing, cigar smoking billionaires who make their living off the backs of others.

>> No.27652171

>he doesn't (((KNOW)))

>> No.27652681

Ted Kazcynski knew

>> No.27652764

Mostly Jews and the welfare shitskins

>> No.27652796
File: 350 KB, 368x450, 1612257639967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mathematically retarded /pol/faggot detected. Would you rather swap your bank account with a randomly selected Jew or a randomly selected rich person?

>> No.27653028

I've never met a poor Jew

>> No.27653059

Rich people don't keep their money in bank accounts. Most Jews probably don't either.

>> No.27653094

>Look up the gold standard
so why was the gold standard dropped off?

>> No.27653352


>> No.27653360

Because chaining your currency to a commodity is dumb

>> No.27653457

Stop falling victim to jewish ideologies

>> No.27653645

>Because chaining your currency to a commodity is dumb
will it be reintroduced in your opinion? When and why?

>> No.27653978

>Rich people don't keep their money in bank accounts.
Then what... real estate, equities, bonds, other?

>> No.27654050

this guy looks peak inbred anglo

>> No.27654060

Because globalization meant that workers had to compete with workers from poorer countries that can do the same job for a fraction of the pay.

>> No.27654664

he looks alright, fucking brownie