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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2764623 No.2764623 [Reply] [Original]

How does /biz/ force themselves out of bed in the morning before going to work or college? Alarms or sleeping earlier never work for me.

>> No.2764627

I've conditioned myself to wake up 2 minute before the alarm no matter what time I set it. It's kinda amazing actually.

>> No.2764647

get a job or class schedule that requires you to come in later in the day.

>> No.2764655

Dont set an alarm at all.

Your body will know there is no safetey net.

Other tips:
Drink lots of water before going to bed (wake by needing to pee in morning).

Dont blind the windows. Let the sun wake you naturally in the morning.

>> No.2764659

It helps to have a ritual and one you like, and to drink coffee. Coffee will put your ass to work.

>> No.2764663

how did you do it anon

>> No.2764691

blue light

thyroid gland


exercise and fresh air
adrenal fatigue

sleeping in cool room
no light

run fast and eat vitamins

increased heart rate

>> No.2765089

Well dude it's a lot different when you actually are in danger of starving or losing your house or car if you don't.

Obviously if you are a little baby who lives with mommy and daddy who are there to feed you and pay your bills and make everything okay then of course you are going to be a lazy shit and sleep all day because other people are making it safe for you. Be sure to thank them for enabling you.

>> No.2765128

Take a shit next to your pillow. When you wake it the morning rub it all over your face, or if your really tired, eat it for an extra pick-me-up.

>> No.2765178

pls explain

>> No.2765195

At first I thought wow what cuntanon.

Then I realized you're absolutely right. I'm actually in the situation you described, and it really is just enabling me to be a lazy blob.

Thanks for the reminder, I need to figure a way to become independent now. So far saving money and investing in seems a good safety net. However I think some actual unsheltered life experience will help me get more friends and find some motivation to get shit done.

>> No.2765247

Same kinda thing here, except I usually wake up 15-20 minutes before my alarm goes off.
Then I just lay in bed waiting for the alarm to go off before I get up.

But, before I could do this I also had trouble getting up.
The only thing that worked for me was setting the alarm at a time where I literally had to rush as fast as possible to get to work on time. Which may seem bad, but when the alarm went off and I saw the clock I was like OH FUCK I GOTTA GET TO WORK so I rushed and always got out of bed straight away.
I slowly made the alarm go off 1 minute earlier every few days until I no longer have to rush and actually have some free time in the morning to check e-mails and such.

Also, don't put your alarm right next to your bed.... put it somewhere where you must get up to turn it off.

>> No.2765257


Coffee is my driving factor to get my ass up. This anon speaks truth.

>> No.2765259 [DELETED] 

>danger of starving

This is not really a problem if one is suicidal and welcomes a relatively painless death via starvation

>> No.2765282
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>Obviously if you are a little baby who lives with mommy and daddy who are there to feed you and pay your bills and make everything okay then of course you are going to be a lazy shit and sleep all day because other people are making it safe for you. Be sure to thank them for enabling you.


See, your argument is completely shit and breaks down when you consider rich people. They have everything handed to them on a gold platter, pampered by butlers and servants, and yet they wake up at 6 am in the morning feeling comfy and refreshed enjoying life and ready to tackle the day ahead.

Having trouble waking up in the morning is just a clear sign that you hate your job, plain and simple.

If you really loved your job, sleeping would just get in the way.

>> No.2765378

Hahaha, I'm just giving you a little tough love, man. I figured you were prolly NEET because otherwise you wouldn't make this thread. You aren't alone, there are hundreds of thousands of maladjusted young adults out there who can't seem to make it out of their parents house. The important thing is to realize and admit that you have a problem so that you can take responsibility for it and start improving yourself. You have to overcome the inertia. Dig deep and find your self respect. Do you really need your parents to take care of you? No, you are a fucking grown ass man and you can look after your damn self.

I don't really claim to know much about rich people. In fact, I really only know two people my age who come from legit rich families, and both of them work really hard, a lot harder than most poor people I've known. As long as somebody works and makes their own way then they have my respect. Obviously, some people get a better head start then others, but it's a person's right to give his offspring every advantage they can afford to give.

Also, I had a good laugh at your image. The left side in real life would look more like a skinnyfat neckbeard waking up at noon, watching anime in his room all day, eating whatever flavor of ramen noodles his mom buys him and jerking off to deviant porn until he goes to bed at 3AM, which is I guess what makes the meme funny in the first place.

>> No.2765386
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Hardcore insomniac here, challenge yourself to this for a week without cheat days.
>8am wakeup, no matter what
>ideally no snooze button, hit it once max
>sleep (lights off, no checking your phone one more time, no laptop in bed) at midnight
>melatonin ~2-5mg at 11pm
>strict screen ban at 10pm and start reading (kindle or other e-ink okay) or meditating
>drink 16-32 Oz of water in the 90 min leading up to midnight
>no caffine or adhd drugs after 12 noon
This will suck and you will toss and turn for the first few nights bit then you'll start to feel better. Don't cheat your wake-up time since the whole point is consistency, use coffee if you need to. Good luck.

>> No.2765403
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>> No.2765524

If you have an important project don't finish it until it 5:30 on the morning that it is due. You'll get out of bed if it means your scholarship, at least I did.

The thing is waking up to an alarm sucks just as much no matter how much you sleep. Just don't think and throw yourself out of bed. Also if you wake up at 5:30 every day it won't seem like it's early after a few weeks.

>> No.2765531

>tfw have to be at work in 13 minutes.
>tfw still naked in bed
>tfw have to be at work in 12 minutes

>> No.2765740

Jokes on you i work night shifts

>> No.2766136

Get a girlfriend who's diligent and disciplined. Mine is a sweet little thing who wakes me up with coffee in the mornings. On Mondays we drink Redbulls because Mondays are usually hard to wake up on, and coffee makes us sick if we didn't get enough sleep.

>> No.2766466

t. scared wagecuck

>> No.2766585

>Drink lots of water before going to bed
Quality of sleep wil be significantly worse