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276362 No.276362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>not getting into the healthcare industry

It's like you don't even want to make bank while simultaneously contributing to society.

>> No.276367

Make something cheap and suitable for children. Children's hospitals will give you millions in sales if it is edgy enough to get public attention so they get more donations.

>> No.276371

too fucking long of a process

by the time you're making bank you're already 30-35yo considering you started before age 20.

>> No.276375

Or become a foot doctor (podiatrist)

>Can take pre reqs at community college in <2 yrs and finish program in ~3 years
>No MCAT, no 6 hours of studying every night, no six figure debt
>Any toe I want
>$300k starting

For real though, America is getting fatter and diabetes is becoming more and more common. Cut off feet and toes all day and profit off that shit.

>> No.276376

Not everything requires you to be an MD.

Healthcare administrators make more than doctors after they reach a certain level (they're the doctor's bosses, the guys running the business and insurance side of things) and it only requires a bachelors or masters degree in HCA.

>> No.276381


In what country? Here in the US, you need a doctorate in medicine plus a three year residency. And the mean wage is $116,440. I could go through nursing school, get 2 years of experience, then get into a FNP program and end up making that much, only paying tuition for nursing school.

>> No.276383

Not to mention there's several things that don't require even a 4 year degree that also make a decent amount.

>respiratory therapist
>medical coder
>nuclear medicine technologist
>surgical technologist
>medical laboratory technician

>> No.276392


Only 90 hours required for entry into podiatry school.

>> No.276415


>Can take pre reqs at community college in <2 yrs and finish program in ~3 years
Podiatrists must have a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) degree from an accredited college of podiatric medicine. A DPM degree program takes 4 years to complete. Admission to podiatric medicine programs requires at least 3 years of undergraduate education, including specific courses in laboratory sciences such as biology, chemistry, and physics, as well as general coursework in subjects such as English. In practice, nearly all prospective podiatrists earn a bachelor’s degree before attending a college of podiatric medicine. After earning a DPM, podiatrists must apply to and complete a podiatric medical and surgical residency (PMSR) program, which lasts 3 years.

Admission to DPM programs usually requires taking the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).

>no six figure debt
Being at least 7 years of tuition likely out of state since there are only 9 accredited schools, you will be taking out loans well worth six figures unless daddy pays for it

>$300k starting
Find me 1 opening offering $300K, Every position I'm finding on job search engines are offering $90-120K.

>> No.276414


>thinks red tape contributes to society
>thinks leeching medicare contributes to society
>thinks peddling pills contributes to society

we dont need more doctors and other money suckers we need less sickness

>> No.276416

Next time you need to have a major surgery or medical procedure done, think back to this post you made

>> No.276420

It's an epic meme, bro

*tips fedora*

>> No.276425
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coming from the foot doctor

>> No.276429

Don't tell me not to swim in sewerage, tell disease not to spread.

>> No.276433

Also, that isn't bad at all for becoming a full blown MD at all. Compare it to any other MD specialty and it seems piss easy.

>usually requires taking

Most schools accept other tests.

As for the six figure loans, like I said you can get all of the pre reqs at a junior college. The only hefty loans you'd need would be those for the graduate education, and it should be easy to pay off considering they average six figure salaries.

>Every position I'm finding on job search engines
>trusting monster and indeed for legit salary info

>> No.276434



>> No.276435

I'm not a foot doctor, but a close friend of mine just finished his residency. I'm currently a medical coder going for my Master's in Healthcare Administration on the dime of the university hospital who employs me. Feels good man.

>> No.276437

Dude, that's a government job. Federal employment tends to pay a lot less to make up for the benefits and incentives they give you, i.e. early retirement and shit like that.

>> No.276438


If you're going through with medical school, you might as well go for Radiology or a field in surgery. Every general care position will soon be taken over by PA and FNPs as they cost half of what it costs to hire a licensed doctor. I work at a Hospital and we hire FNPs and PAs for any non-specialist position. Saves us millions every year.

>> No.276445

>Every general care position will soon be taken over by PA and FNPs as they cost half of what it costs to hire a licensed doctor

I used to work in a clinic where the owner only hired a few doctors and got NPs to everything else so he wouldn't have to pay them as much, but specialists that are graduate qualified will always be needed. If they do manage to get replaced by their lesser counterparts, it won't be for at least another century when technology has advanced further to negate the need for certain clerical and administrative positions as well.

>> No.276450


>make bank
>contributing to society

you are doing none of these things. you are wasting the hospitals resources by having them pay for a BS masters to be the fat nigger bitch behind a desk using the most simple unix to store information

>> No.276454

Because I don't care about contributing to society and I would hate working as a doctor.

>> No.276455

I wish coding were that simple.

It's not a waste though because I'm going to remain with the entity for whom I currently work after graduation, and I want to help make it more efficient.

>> No.276464
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>Agency: Indian Health Service

>> No.276470

lol this.

>> No.277000

>Have to touch people's feet
>Will have to intern at a hospital that will be ground zero for whichever superbug sweeps the country next

>> No.277041

>I wish coding were that simple.
>20-something script kiddie
Just fuck off.

>> No.277070

>healthcare admin
>get paid more than doctors
>don't have to cure people or touch their dicks

How do I get in entry UK? Do I need a business specific degree?

>> No.277098

someone used this exact same picture for the opposite op
> why do I, as a nurse with experience, get paid less than the janitors?

>> No.278798

>script kiddie

You don't know what medical coding is, clearly.

Protip: It's nothing like computer programming. It's all about insurance and diagnosis. Each aspect of the diagnosis has a numerical code assigned to it, which you add to the billing/reimbursement paperwork to be sent to insurance companies after a case arrives.

In the USA we have specific degrees for it that require interviews and applications to get in. Not sure about the UK. Some people do it with an MBA, but you have to learn how clinics and hospitals operate on your own if you do that.

That's where I saved it, I think.

>> No.278819

>Be developer
>Any industry I want
>$100k starting

Yup OP, it's a good time to get into [industry]. It's a shitty time to make your skills specific to [industry], though.

>> No.279018

It was cna not nurse

>> No.279173

Since you don't know what the hell medical coding is, I'll give you an example.

It's the coder's job to assign varous numerical codes to diagnoses and procedures so insurance companies know what to charge for and we can have the right things on record.

It's the medical coder's job to turn

>Indication: John Q. Dickfaggot needed pigmented mole causing discomfort removed from back right waist area.
>Procedure: Area around mole was prepped with betadine solution and injected with 1 cc of lidocaine mixed with epinephrine. Proceeded to apply liquid nitrogent to mole down to cutaneous level for adequate destruction of lesion. Placed dressing on area.


>CPT code: 17110
>ICD-9-CM code: 216.5

>> No.279191


very interesting, can i learn this without college? like easier codes than the ones i'm seeing on google, just want the knowledge, could get a hospital it job real easy imc

>> No.279198

Find a community college program accredited by the AHIMA or AAPC and pass the exam to become certified. It only takes a couple of years. Even less if you do expedited summer programs.

After you get some work experience, you can even do this job from home.

>> No.279205

Why are you shilling your industry so hard, OP?

>> No.279227

>implying there won't be a single payer system in the US in 20 years

I'll be paid pennies on the dollar of what doctors are making now.

>> No.279293
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Some faggot came on here whining about how he got less than people in trades. Why would I work in shit conditions, risking my health and doing more work for less pay? Because of muh good feelings?

>> No.280686

Kek, that's basic supply and demand.

My hospital's maintenance guys make almost as much as I do, but they have a hard as fuck job. CNAs don't do shit.

>> No.280738

>Each aspect of the diagnosis has a numerical code assigned to it, which you add to the billing/reimbursement paperwork to be sent to insurance companies after a case arrives.
That only makes what you do all the more pathetic. You're a paper pusher.
>Hurr its h-hard!

>> No.280846

You've never done it so you can't really gauge the difficulty yourself.

You're just putting down other things to reinforce how you feel about what you do.

I'm willing to bet you wouldn't know where to begin with a diagnosis report, so don't even bother with your neckbeard "durr if it aint math its easy shit" argument.

You're probably a first year "engineering" undergrad anyway.

>> No.280958

I would have liked to get into healthcare, but there's no way I'm going to school for 12 years and spending $300k + just to start money in my 30's.
>tfw you'll never be an alpha surgeon