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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2759858 No.2759858 [Reply] [Original]


Open up the catalog. 99% of this shit is crypto trash.

Are any of you suckers gonna stop getting shilled and actually invest in a BUSINESS?

Option A)
risk all your savings at any point
Option B)
risk no savings and in 5-10 years of hard work retire you and your family

Do you even want control of your life? Let alone freedom/beautiful cars/fancy gadgets/sexy girls (most likely boys for some of you)/stress free debt free?
Probably not many of you..
but for the few


>> No.2759870


I'm building a computer. Does that count?

>> No.2760184
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Started my own car dealership company
massive gains
looking into real estate
laughing @ coinfags with -70% portofolio

actually made it to lamboland

>> No.2760209
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A cryptocurrency. ICOs are free money rn.

Don't play in the system. BUILD the system

>> No.2760286
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you can play systems and make $$$...
but certain systems have no control

congrats my friend.

currently running a few companies.
it's an amazing feeling to read how many are INTENTIONALLY failing instead of getting these sexy rides

>> No.2760331
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Taylor let me on the team you fuck I can get some serious fucking cash behind us

>> No.2760372

BTC is the only crypto worth holding anyway..

>> No.2760444

Can't start a business. Too stupid and not driven enough.

>> No.2760454

I'm making an android app. Does that count?

>> No.2760456

the first honest post on /biz/ in the history of the board

congrats anon an hero and real human bean

>> No.2760467

Buy ETH.

>> No.2760475
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What are some successful ways you've advertised your services?

I just started a website and logo company and all my cold emails are dead. I'm thinking that walking into stores and businesses is my best bet. I havn't got the cash currently do do fb ads /adwords

>> No.2760492

Fb ads do wonders for small biz, and freelance work. Cause you know, everyone clicks whatever shit appears on their Fb home, but not everyone dedicates time to pay attention to common ads, like magazines, or big displays. Nowadays is all digital

>> No.2760503


Is it expensive? I'm literally poor but I can borrow money from my brother if you think I can actually get leads from it.

>> No.2760512

>Open up the catalog.
Implying people are not by default.

>> No.2760523
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>> No.2760526

>using an hero wrong

Ffs, go away noob

>> No.2760527

played the crypto game just long enough to pad my savings and get a new laptop. right now I have an iPhone game I developed with microtransactions and such but no way to make it go viral or whatever and I'm working on a gamified receipt service that we have one client for.

soooo, where da money at?

>> No.2760549

i'm building something... i can't tell you yet but i'm going to announce it in a week + - and give you faggots a chance to really invest in something

>> No.2760562
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wow invest in a /biz/ project.....im fuckin stoked

>> No.2760567

what your website faggot

>> No.2760582

it's a serious business and i'm willing to give /biz/ the first opportunity to invest before any "serious" investors, better appreciate it could make you good money

>> No.2760598

I'm building a chicken tractor today for exotic chickens & quail that should hatch soon in my incubator. Am I gonna be rich?

>> No.2760608

keep >us informed

>> No.2760612
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>Started my own car dealership company
Could I actually have some constructive discussion on /biz/ in July of 2017 with you?

My younger brother really wants to start a car dealership company
I keep telling him I really think he should because cars are absolutely his raison d'etre and he's got qualifications in car maintenance and repair
He wants to but he's got a cushy number in the family business and I don't think he's got any confidence that he won't just throw away cash and fuck his shit up... or any idea of where to start at all really

Have you got anything I can tell him? Any startup tips?

>> No.2760659

>he's got a cushy number in the family business and I don't think he's got any confidence that he won't just throw away cash and fuck his shit up
If his dealership ended up going south, couldn't he just crawl back to the family on hands and knees to get his job back?

>> No.2760709
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He could, I'm sure, unless he got into some stupid fucking debt

I think the main problem is a confidence hurdle. He's probably more afraid of being a failure than the failing itself.
That and just the unknowns of starting a business with no experience itself.

>> No.2760741

If he's like that, he's doomed from the beginning desu.

>> No.2760742

nice safe space SNOWFLAK!!! think u cn hide form the real warold, then spewing you're hate and oinions on the rest of the world. So sick! Shameful! Cowardly! I don't like it...

>> No.2760752

That is a really Nice ass but that shit looks like balls

>> No.2760776

isn't the auto industry on the verge of collapse bc no one is buying.

>> No.2760963
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Sort of, yeah
The auto industry is doing badly because the used car business is doing too well

People who actually have the money to buy new cars aren't anymore because they've realised Chad McManagement buys them factory new then sells top spec cars after a year or two for like 50% of the price

>> No.2761008

not every person can be an entrepreneur business owner.
true. especially hard nowadays with idiots pushing this idea that ANYONE can be an entrepreneur.
expensive? depends.
I've run successful campaigns for my recruiting business that brought in 650 leads a week but although I hired professionals to do so it looks a little like this
-learn facebook advertising models that work best
-read CA$HVERTISING and learn copy
-put them together aimed at your service
-target a specific audience

and with that formula I believe we went from 5k to 35k monthly

>> No.2761020

if you want to make a F*CKload of $$ on apps, you need to get your app viral on facebook. literally trash games with proper marketing (targeting specific Facebook influencers to promote your app for a %) is WILDLY profitable

a good idea with no marketing is a 0-5-figure earner
a bad idea with great marketing can easily be 6/7/8 figurer

>> No.2761046

you need to talk to him to find out the real truth.

unknowns and failure ring one specific bell for me - and especially because he is in the family business -

"What if I try this and I fail?"

It usually boils down to what your business family would think of him that is stopping him.
Ask him this
And If I'm right
Then explain the solution as this:
It's a win-win.
If you fail, you LEARNED A FUCK TON.
If you win, you get the accolades the money the bitches

>> No.2761072

I'm not familiar with the industry, I'm just a client.
Owned an Audi R8 for past 3 years then an AMG for 2
but I have an anecdote you might appreciate-
a really interesting way a buddy of mine just got into the car business is by financing a lamborghini in CA, then renting it for $1200 a day. He has it booked from now until January

>> No.2761077

renting it with companies like Turo****

>> No.2761283

>learn facebook advertising models

I'm researching this atm, but could you elaborate further?

>> No.2761363
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Haha, I like the Lambo idea
Insurance and fuel must be a fucking bomb though

I think I'll try the win-win line on him. He's got drive and big fucking hopes but the big fucking insecurity that comes with it, especially when his Dad is a self-made man

>> No.2761523


I'm in three at the moment.

>social media management
>building websites
>also working on mobile app/web client that I'd rather not disclose till it's done

I also work landscaping every single day. Not really for the money as I'm only 18 and need to get in shape for college in the fall.

Any other hustles I could get in to? I have just over 1.5k saved now and I'm trying to buy a new car before college in the fall.

>> No.2761573

you're already doing more than 99.99999% of /biz/. you're going to make it - keep it up just dont get some bitch pregnant in college.

>> No.2761577

anybody home

>> No.2761594

Good call. My stepdad lost his foot in Afghanistan so luckily between that and my own government scholarship(I'd rather not give out, it's hella competitive) and other scholarships they'll be paying me to go there.

The scholarship game is also a great way to make or save a lot of money. Just pull any kind of shit sob story.

>> No.2761623
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When you wake up think about money
nothing else , think about the green you're going to earn

Buy second hand cars with SMALL problems and fix em up , sell for 20-30% profit

Just start small and get to know your mechanic that fixes your car for a discount!

>> No.2761635
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Write a ebook , sell it
sell weekly lessons on how to "invest" or make an app charge 20bucks /hr for lessons
thats what i do , just tell people motivational shit

>> No.2761663


How do I do that without looking the part? I'm a fat teenager who drives a 2000 Camry and comes from a poor family. Only reason I went to private high school was because I had a scholarship.

Would anyone actually take me seriously?

>> No.2761715
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That's what i tought when i was a beginner
fake it till you make it bro
Read free books about investments and motivational books to put you in the right mindset
Develop a skill that people want to learn
Find a forum and sell lessons via skype , charge 20-30 bucks for weekly 1hr lessons
Don't forget , know your shit and don't sound like a fool that's about it!

>> No.2761724

How do you do what?
I started my first company at 17 looking/sounding like a 15 year old.
the market doesn't give a FUCK what you look like.
Can you solve problems and produce results?
That is the question.

>> No.2761757

Almost this.
Write an ebook on what?
Money, women, anxiety/issues
Except for $50-100 you can have a professional on fiverr do it.
Then you can sell this ebook for $50-300.
People pay a premium for information.

>> No.2761780
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Oh fuck bro you actually replied, thanks

I'm guessing determination is a big thing here. Did you start on <$1000-tier cars and work your way up to more expensive ones? Did you purchase a Lot or just flip them from your driveway or something? Based in the US?

My brother actually has some experience in mechanics so he should be able to do an awful lot of stuff himself

>> No.2761791

Nice my friend.

How are these 3 doing?
If I were you I'd look at just one that you're good at then go ALL IN on that one business.
Keep the other two for later when you become successful.

I spent a few years in the Energy game, now I'm currently CEO/co-founder of a construction company and an affiliate marketing company both doing 7-figures

good job so far my friend.
one question though.
if you want to run a business why are you going to college?

>> No.2761803

Not gonna lie , i wanted to give up alot but i pushed through it!
It's all a mind game and you just have to keep going man.

Started with +3k-5k tier cars , located outside US

>> No.2761809

you could go on craigslist and find cars near you that need little fixes to result in high value or are just undervalued.
you could start flipping for $400-1000 each.
do that a few times a week and suddenly you have enough $ to buy space and scale.
then with some capital pursue the dream

>> No.2761820
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+ beware of scammers selling broken cars.
Inspect the cars REALLY good , the smallest bit of rust can lead to major problems.

It will take a couple of months to flips cars but you'll make it , trust.

>> No.2761831

im building a 10,000 sq ft building that will placed on the market for 300 per SQ FT. is that exciting enough for you senpai?

>> No.2761837

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.2761876

About to start my own tire shop. Just leased a 3 bay shop and going to hire 2 tire installers and an apprentice mechanic to do brakes. I'm competing with alot of big franchise shops tho and I need an edge. I was thinking of renting out tires to customers, which no one else in my area does. Pretty excited.

>> No.2761901


Sounds cool, any idea how your gonna advertise? I would put up lawn signs near your competitors

>> No.2761922

>plebbit teen awakens

>> No.2761928


I assume you've never seen a vagina irl anon

>> No.2762098

Have so many ideas but im too pussy to hire a developer to create them for me. Always dreamt of having my own biz. Im a designer wagecuck myself. The ride never ends cos im too scared to lose my earned money i guess :/

>> No.2762107

I'm not making a whole lot. Once I've moved out, it won't be enough to support myself. Cybersecurity is what I'm going for

>> No.2762119

Nice, I have just purchased one hundred thousand units of an unspecified thing, likely cryptocurrency

>> No.2763016

don't dream.
one day you'll be 80 and that "dream" feeling - will turn to regret.
spend some time in a retirement home and study their behavior.
ask them about their life.
a lot of the conversations you'll have will begin with "I WISH"
understand that REGRET is the WORST.
that might motivate you.

Honestly I might bring some biz people into my next company. I hate seeing so many without any clue and in pain.

>> No.2763161

mfw this became a car thread.

You see this is why you faggots are broke. Single minds.

>> No.2763186
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nobody is posting about cars except you..

agreed that focus is aloof but

Are you making $$?

>> No.2763191

the car is just a metaphor

>> No.2763337

Wow, this thread is refreshing.

>Currently run a commercial photography studio
>Freelance web design

Trying to optimize Google Adwords, and working on my Facebook ad campaign, any tips?

>> No.2763811
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I like this thread however I'm not building anything yet but I wanted to ask for some ideas because I want to do something I just have no clue where to start

>> No.2764006

anyone do notary work? thinking of starting a mobile notary service

>> No.2764209

How to start?
There's many ways so I'll just tell you how I did it.
I make the commitment to HUSTLE.
I went on craigslist and went to garage sales bought anything undervalued (certain vintage antiques, toys, cards, actual vehicles, watches, posters, anything)
Then flipping them on ebay for a premium price, making $5-10 per item.

Do this right and you can have an extra 2k per WEEKEND very quickly.
You can verify what is worth reselling by going to ebays sold items search and look for the item you're gonna buy.
This is the formula I used to make my first 5-figures

>> No.2764229

For both of my companies, even starting out I just saved up the money to hire a professional to do these things.
If you are computer savy, stay on this course and just really fine tune whatever you are targeting.

Freelance web design can be extremely lucrative.
I think I easily cleared 6-figures my first year from freelancing websites.

What is your photography audience?
In terms of demographic

>> No.2764234

don't do drugs kids.
I kind of automatically get into defensive mode when dealing with /biz/.

Thanks for bringing that to my attention so I can work on it

>> No.2764327
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Thank you for the reply. I believe the message you want me to take away is to just get started and keep trying different things and if they don't work move on and if they do Hustle hard in it. I will take this to heart. Also thanks for the idea. God-speed anon!

>> No.2764390

the main idea here is to take a step back and gain perspective.
what are you good at?
can you cook?
Can you play an instrument?
Are you good at talking to people?
All of these can be used in short term to HUSTLE.

Another big thing I wish I learned earlier -- was to find someone in your life, anyone, and ask them if they need help with anything. Then -
Learning this concept will creates unbelievable karma in the form of humility, connections, and eventually $$$...

>> No.2764415

OP this is good I commend you.
Any other book recs apart from CASHVERTISING? Someone recommended robert cialdinis psychology book

Things Im doing right now
>Looking for a job- found a marketing job but it starts in august (im an engineering student kek I kinda lied on resume but I actuall know my shit. They even wanted me to advice them on their website) Also applied for tutoring gigs which pay well.
>Learning android programming- Expanding on Java which I knew in high school so its a good side project

After I make some money after I get a job, I'mma reinvest some of it into making my own blog

Also what exactly do you mean freelancing websites? Did you code them from scratch?

>> No.2764563

which country are you based in?

>> No.2765270

Hey Millie can you post your email? I've really enjoyed your posts across several threads and I can be of value!

>> No.2766094

I had an idea of buying really cheap, used cars and repairing them then reselling them.
I can get a fucked up car for around 400$, repair it for 300-400$ and sell it at 1500$. Thoughts?

>> No.2766129


Find a job at the scrap yard, they get broken cars all the time that need a minor fix like replacing an easy part. My buddy got $400 for the car to be scrapped and they fixed it and sold it back for $700. I'm pretty sure they just googled the car or knew there was a super minor fix and made $300

>> No.2766133

Hey I make software wanna team up? I'm willing to take time to get liscenced in real estate

>> No.2766139

Got some good apps will you point me in a good marketing direction?

>> No.2766379

Remember, when looking at a car to flip make sure it has only one problem. Inside, outside, under the hood. You want it to be one of these. Also If you flip too many they will fine you for not having a dealership licence

>> No.2766529

yeah I'm in Ohio here in the states.
I spend half of the year in Puerto Rico --- which I'll be making a thread about too.
Insane tax benefits for most guys that do computer type business work.

yes. when you email tell me how you think you can be of value my friend.

I've really been considering starting an actual business with some of the guys here.
Not everyone is clueless.
It is important to recognize what it real and it seems you have paid attention.
looking forward to hearing from you.

>> No.2766676

Not knowing anything about you, and just reading the way you wrote this - it sounds like your vision needs clarity..

I wouldn't recommend either of those books for you.
The first one is a copywriting book.
The second is psychology.
Neither of which you need.
And before I give you marketing/engineering/programming books I think you need to read books that will define your vision first.

I recommend ---

The Millionaire Fastlane by M.J. Demarco
and 4-hour work week by Tim Ferriss.

These two books changed my life and dreams.

If neither of these sound interested I think you should read these marketing books

Crush it! by Gary Vaynerchuk
Blue Ocean Strategy

I used websites like fiverr/upwork which you can google. I built from scratch on those platforms before I KNEW I could build my own platform (which was not a freelance website).I simply used the current platforms to make some money while I figured out which direction to go.

There's literally thousands of ways to make money on these sites.
Remember this one thing.
People don't pay for services (think Mcdonalds, or if someone watches your kid)

People pay for TIME.
If you always come from this point --- how can I save someone time??

This is the best and easiest way to get rich on your idea. As long as you take action.
If you liked what I have said, you can email me it's in the thread and I can probably answer any other questions.

>> No.2766906
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I already have people making sites ,managing social media etc.

>> No.2767311

Hey, man. Located in Ohio as well. Making a good living in the asset management field right now and looking to get involved in some side projects to hopefully replace my main gig. Been taking a crack at affiliate marketing recently.

Have some specialized knowledge in managing client investment portfolios and sales/marketing experience. I've also worked for a large tech company in biz operations.

I'd really appreciate chatting and getting some advice on things. anonnedrud(at)gmail.com

>> No.2767762

sure I'll send it now

>> No.2767876

Good book recommendations here.

But you're acting like crypto is some sort of huge timesink.
After putting in the initial research period it should barely take up any of your time, it's just another investment.

Don't tell me you are so focused on your business that you don't invest your extra income into different asset types like stocks/crypto/other businesses etc?

It's all about giving yourself as many chances for success and growth as possible. You need to be careful, you're going to talk one of these people into leaving crypto forever and 10 years from now they are going to shoot themselves in the head for not leaving just a tiny amount of money in one of the coins.

>> No.2768013
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The problem is that the most crypto's just end up being ICO scams , pump n dumps and total failure

Yes there are coins like Eth who were successful but u cant exclude the thousand other failed scam coins , just analyze graphs and hope for the best

>> No.2768032

Finally, entrepreneurialism on /biz/.

planning time right now, highly recommend creating a schedule for you to be as efficient as possible.
Also, Gary Vaynerchuk talks a lot about this and it's true, give people value. Give them more than what you expect from them.
Lastly vision and legacy > $$$
Shall we create a discord for actual business topics?

>> No.2768042

Mate, this is flawed. There is so much money and so much growth in crypto that all you have to do is make 1 right move and be patient. No need to stare at charts all day unless you are a daytrader and that's your thing.

For example, for all the garbage shitcoin shilling that goes on here, I bet all someone had to do was buy ETH 1 year ago and just be patient and they would have made 10X more money then they could make doing anything else.

Basically just don't be an idiot. ETH has been around for a long time, if you haven't invested in it before this huge bubble then you have other things to worry about than looking at some meme charts.

>> No.2768070

>Shall we create a discord for actual business topics?

I mean we could, but there's not really a need
Reason you get better mileage out of crypto discussion in a discord is because when you're anonymous on an imageboard you can hype or fud your own coins of choice for your benefit at anon's expense. There's not such real incentive when you're just discussing business topics at large.

>> No.2768080


Hell yes I'm on board, lets put some moderators together


>> No.2768091

You guys realize that discord is a honeypot right?
Holy fuck are you all highschoolers? Kill me now.

>> No.2768110

How exactly? Actually curious

>> No.2768125

Look it up on google.
Learn how to learn.
Thank me later

>> No.2768144
File: 464 KB, 427x500, van gough jewflowers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys realize that discord is a honeypot right?
Oh shit the FBI will find the coded securities fraud collusion messages hidden in reams of chat about buying kneepads and jacking off over index funds

Did you get here in June?

>> No.2768177

>didn't look it up
>decided to argue based on a meme
that's not working out so well for you right now.


>> No.2768196

Ok I've looked it up
What exactly do you think a honeypot is?

>> No.2768254


I know for a fact that 95% of these people are getting shilled.

The ones that are not getting shilled will have no doubt about what they are doing and won't hop off the train because that 5% is ALREADY WINNING.

I have investments in the USA in the form of multiple businesses.
Absolutely people should invest.
I just think they are doing it on an emotional notion instead of the mathetical/logical.

Would you agree with that?

>> No.2768300

DESU if honeypot or not, personal information and 4chan users shouldn't be combined. Let's just have these threads on the regular, perhaps make it a general

>> No.2768353

Appreciate it man. Didn't receive anything though. Can you give it another try.


>> No.2768388

Does anyone here do reselling/trading?

I live in a city that's flooded by tacos and have to compete with a horde of buyers. The only holy places left are in high end areas but who knows when the tacos will be able to afford gas to get up there.

>> No.2768455

Trying to build a webdev / software business.

I already make good money, but there isn't nearly as much growth in my day job (or its sector) as there is working for a startup.

So, launching my own business has been a great way to continue my professional development, work for myself doing what I'm passionate about (and owning it), and possibly earn money on the side.

I already own a beautiful car and home and don't really care for beautiful women since they're liabilities, so this is all about learning, personal development, contributing to the world, and the fun of playing the game.

>> No.2768517

Knowing your real limits, and learning to get more out of yourself within those constraints is very much a part of entrepreneurship.

If you can learn and ask good questions - even about what you think you already know or believe -
it's a good start.

Of course, if it's truly not for you, that's understandable. But don't sell yourself short.