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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27624589 No.27624589 [Reply] [Original]

I have extreme RAGE issues.
I live completely isolated and don’t want to talk to anyone. Making 120k+ remotely.

Today I took a nice glass, prepared yummy coffee with with a bit of milk. Then I got so angry I threw it at the fucking wall...
What’s going on, anybody else?
I’m 25, for the reference

>> No.27624764

I’ll take some money from you nigger. Never go broke because you wouldn’t be able to handle survival

>> No.27624952

Go see a doctor fren

>> No.27624974

It's actually a normal response. The world tells you it's acting out but they decide ignorance is the best medicine. Be angry anon, and it's smart you isolate so you prevent hurting someone you may love.

It'll pass soon enough and maybe you'll find some task that'll calm you down. Being angry is natural.

>> No.27625078

What made you angry that caused you to do that?

>> No.27625148

How do you make 120k a yr?

>> No.27625407

This is my current position as well
Nothing really. It’s like an internal rage. Introspection tells me i feel like time is slipping through my fingers, like I’m missing out on something. But I don’t really feel that way on a rational level, it’s just where the anger stems from. Like I’ve wasted my life and a generic failure or something.
Codemonkey (but really 1 hour of work per day)

>> No.27625532

Get therapy

>> No.27625536

you answered your question with your second sentence. Work on your isolation issues. Do more stuff with people even if its online. Don't let trading absorb your life. Adopt a pet. You'll descend slowly into madness if avoid any contact the rest of your life

>> No.27625685

Are you Irish? If yes, this is normal behavior

>> No.27626219

You got raped when you were a kid, that's why you're always angry, sorry anon.

>> No.27626542

buy a punching bag
best way to relief this angry tension
plus youll be making strength gains and learning how to fight

>> No.27626727

What education do you have? And job title?

>> No.27626867

The only coffee Irish drink out of a glass has whiskey in it.

>> No.27627029

Senior Software monkey

>> No.27627085

Do you workout? Do you shoot guns? Do you hunt? I was once like you anon. I actually started a major change in my life when I turned your age. I bought a gun and a gym membership and started learning how to hunt. Those 3 very masculine things helped me channel my rage in a very healthy and natural way. Try it out.

>> No.27627140

Ive been getting angry lately but I make more money than I need, have a gf I'm not super into, have a son I take care of. I have no immediate concerns but I get angry thinking Im not getting far enough in my business though my business is more profitable than ever. Im going to start meditating, cut down on caffeine, I need to work out also.

>> No.27627523
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>> No.27627758

Thanks. Yes I workout quite a bit, it actually helps me with rage but no cardio
I do insane reps think 2 plates OHP x 21 until my joints break, I’m very angry when I’m doing this too, usually in my beanie and only socks on (home gym)
Seems like my sanity is about to slip desu

>> No.27627775
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I once went full rage mode and tore a door off it's hinges

>> No.27628024

>Nothing really. It’s like an internal rage. Introspection tells me i feel like time is slipping through my fingers, like I’m missing out on something. But I don’t really feel that way on a rational level, it’s just where the anger stems from. Like I’ve wasted my life and a generic failure or something
Holy fuck are you me?

>> No.27628072

You may be 25 but emotionally you are a 9yr old who cannot manage themselves as an adult. Pretty simple kid.

>> No.27628203

Lift weights you low test pussy.

>> No.27628293

hormonally imbalanced tranny. NGMI.
You will never succeed in any investing you attempt because you won't be able to stick it out.

>> No.27628388

rage is so dangerous. don't let it become a habit bro there will be a time where your rage will control you and after u ruin your life with some insane decision u make in a incredible rage u will just get angrier and angrier meditate and remember that anger is literal insanity it will make u do psychotic shit. u don't want to go in a blind rage and realize u are now going to jail for a very long time or something equally shitty. it's not helpful at all anger clouds the mind but u already know all of this don't u butter bean

>> No.27628656

soooo real talk id bring your same issues to /fit/ and ask
also id suggest honest real therapy worse that can happen is its worthless.
never mention violence toward others.

>> No.27628813

learn about stoicism

>> No.27628991

> never mention violence toward others.
Curious .. Why?

@OP .. are you by any chance doing the nofap meme?

>> No.27630743


>> No.27631876

cardio is essential bro, it lines up with our natural urges as endurance hunters and gives us a nice mental boost.
we spread all over the earth by being nomadic, embrace that and it should help out a lot.

>> No.27632579

>2 plates OHP 21 reps
“2 plates” means 2 on each side dipshit. Maybe you’re so mad because you’re a fucking moron

>> No.27632695
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I have very serious rage problems too. I take it out on various people I dislike by insulting them. This works for two reasons.

1. Their families and friends are reading

2. They don't/ didn't have the attention that I do so there is essentially no way to fight back except saying "yeah, you're right."

It is like reverse-bullying to me where I insult the people I dislike while their families sit there and watch. It calms me down a bit. It's why I insult Kenny boy and that guy's nephew so often.

Richard, many of the girls here look like actual film actresses or models. They would not even want to be in the same room as someone like your nephew. That angers you because you know it is true. You are a fat bitch tits loser to me. Not a single girl here would have sat there and listened to those geeks and their inane geek ramblings. I do not like you very much.

>> No.27632767

You need a gf

>> No.27632829

based schizo

>> No.27633199

Maybe you're a faggot, OP? Or maybe youre a nigger?

>> No.27634287

Most people would be far worse than I ever was. I would literally pay for your worthless family to spend the day with Talaska, Abordo or Madchen. I would literally pay to see them listen about dilations and cartoons. You think they would keep quiet? You think they wouldn't say anything to you? Clueless fat retard. That's what you are. That's what you will always be.

>> No.27634621

reply to me again and ill knock your fuckin teeth out Kid

>> No.27634724

>Nothing really. It’s like an internal rage. Introspection tells me i feel like time is slipping through my fingers, like I’m missing out on something. But I don’t really feel that way on a rational level, it’s just where the anger stems from. Like I’ve wasted my life and a generic failure or something.

You are a social retard with extrovert tendencies. Since you "rationally" isolate yourself the chemicals in your brain lash out as they yearn for social contact.

>> No.27634732

I know, 80 kg

>> No.27634799

what was your childhood like?
my father was very rage-filled and generally crazy

>> No.27634843
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I know right. I'm looking through my posts like am I OP?

>> No.27635238

My father is/was a great father but meek husband. If a woman threw some shit like I’ve seen my mother do, I would literally throw her through glass table and made her lick my boot, period.

>> No.27635326

Sounds like you need to get constructive. Grow plants, pick up wood working or painting, whatever since you have the physical exertion avenue taken care of. If anything else pick up meditation and breathing exercises. Maybe you want to travel and explore shit, not touristy consoomerism but climbing fuck off dangerous mountains or something.

>> No.27635452

People are faggots and need their asses beat. Don’t feel bad for being angry all the time. This clown world is trash and the people in it are all selfish, murderous degenerate scumbags. Including myself.

>> No.27636959

maybe the lack of action from your Father and the fact that your Mother took advantage of that make you a little angry?
might just be projection though, my Mother is atrocious to be around and it's I know it's instilled some trust issues in me.

>> No.27637274

Have you tried therapy?

>> No.27637331

Have sex.

>> No.27637362

Sounds like video game addiction unironically.

>> No.27637379


The internet is very harmful to our mental health. It re-wires our neuro circuitry to prefer quick bursts of dopamine and endorphins. Add in the fact that most news and social media posts are rage bait, and you have the perfect recipe for a shallow human being who walks around angry at the world. Turn off your computer for a month. Throw your phone off a bridge. Pick up some books and calm your mind.

>> No.27637705

Women are whores. That's the issue.

>> No.27637873

what kind of coffee? folgerS?

>> No.27637993

Nah man I don’t even talk to them, maybe once a month. Got over that long time ago
Women fill me with rage in general more often than not
I had a girlfriend previously and I unironically was whole only after choking, slapping her ass until it was blue, slapping her tits and face etc..
Then it comes again a couple days after

>> No.27638402

Nespresso two capsules of Starbucks Blond Roast.
Going to make another one right now actually

>> No.27638497

This 100%
Last year my internet was out for 2 weeks and that was ironically the most I’ve ever felt connected to the actual world

>> No.27638839

Surprisingly solid advice

>> No.27639044

When I was younger, I remember sitting down and feeling so angry that the only thing I could do was cry, because the alternative was going over the edge. You need to talk to someone, and I don't just mean any old therapist the doctor shoos you to, you should seek a Person Centered Psychotherapist, with a Rogerian approach. You'll never be angry again, anon. It just needs to be let out, you need to self actualize. You'll be okay, don't hold it in.

>> No.27639106

>Turn off your computer for a month. Throw your phone off a bridge.
my job literally requires me to have internet access. i have to check emails and answer phone calls. good luck even landing a job without a computer now. the days of walking straight into the manager's office and giving him a firm handshake are over. ted was right. what used to be a convenience has become a necessity.

>> No.27639210

Lol I have no life outside internet. I literally get paid via internet work,but I don’t read any fucking news at all except biz
Outside is fucking freezing, there is literally nothing to do

>> No.27639303

go do some exercise every day.

Every other evening, go to a nearby field and jog with intermittent sprinting for 30 mins to an hour. On the off days, do push ups and pull ups and shit.

If you can't maintain this, get angry at yourself and force yourself to do it. If you do maintain this, well, you'll find that things improve.

>> No.27640046


I work an IT job remotely, so I'm almost always in front of a screen. I restrict my internet activities to strictly work related, or I read on some down time. As a recovered avid-scroller (Facebook, twitter, reddit), I recognize a tremendous difference in my mental health and baseline happiness when I stopped using this stuff. I'm not perfect by any means (I'm here right now) but I no longer sit in front of my phone scrolling twitter for 2-4 hours once I lay down for bed.

I invested in a nice book light and bought some used fantasy books (LOTR, Wizard of Earthsea) and I'm eyeing tons of other books I want to read. I unironically look forward to laying down at night and throwing myself back into which ever universe I'm reading about.

I suspect video games also cause some sort of "man child" syndrome. I can't quite place my finger on it, but all my friends who never got out of gaming 24/7 to fill their time still seem very immature.. Like their adolescence has been permanently ingrained or something.

>> No.27640083

Buy a leather punch bag and release stress


>> No.27640267


I work IT. But I set limits on my screen time. I don't mindlessly scroll Reddit, Facebook, or any other "infinite scrolling" model website. Hell, I've even been staying away from the news once Covid hit. We can't escape computers entirely, but we can take measures to reduce the detrimental effects they have on our mental health, relationships, and livelihood.

>> No.27640293
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I channeled my anger in to racism and never looked back. It has changed my life like you wouldn't believe. Don't listen to these faggot liberals telling you to see a doctor, you're fine anon, just love your people and fight for them against the mongrels. White power by the way, I really mean that.

>> No.27640569

You sound like a cuck sorry

Do you lift? How tall are you?

If you wish we can meet up for a bare knuckle fight asap

>> No.27641031

>Introspection tells me i feel like time is slipping through my fingers, like I’m missing out on something
well it's probably that then

>> No.27641997

>Post id: why


>> No.27641999

You should really do cardio. Jump rope or get a rowing machine if you don’t want to leave your house.

>> No.27642292

try adding a few pinches salt, it tastes so good: sweet and salty

>> No.27642376

anon kun you need pussy it sounds like

>> No.27642651

buy a dog

>> No.27642700

listen here kiddo i’m 29
i used to have guilt for doing nothing and “missing out”
i now feel zero0 guilt for doing nothing
and i know i’m not missing out on anything
kings, pharaohs, lords, and cats have one thing in common
they do mostly nothing and sleep all day on massive stacks
it’s the plebs who must go go go all the time and must always be doing something
we have this guilt installed in us from birth and it’s fed every day by media and adverts sex sex party don’t waste best years must do do do
it’s all a lie just fucking nap all day and buy btc
go rent a room by the beach and surf every day that’ll fix you right up

>> No.27642863

You may have hemochromatosis. Get a full iron panel and a genetic test.

>> No.27642929

Take it out on niggers and chinks

>> No.27643637
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go to therapy anon. Even if you dont feel like you need it or will help. What you get at the very least will be someone who isnt emotionally compelled to listen to you because of bonds of friendship or family or w/e, and the dynamic free from any guilt, baggage, or relationship power dynamics will be freeing in a way that will allow you to be honest with yourself and your feelings with a professional who is trained in treating you.

>> No.27643677

You might be on to something here...

>> No.27643823

>Nothing really. It’s like an internal rage. Introspection tells me i feel like time is slipping through my fingers, like I’m missing out on something. But I don’t really feel that way on a rational level, it’s just where the anger stems from. Like I’ve wasted my life and a generic failure or something.
Holy shit, you're a young male in modern society

>> No.27644354
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>This is how I eat Cheerios.

>> No.27644571

lift weights, humble yourself go climb a mountain or go on a 10km-20km hike with 4L of water.

>> No.27644762

>generic failure or something
make it genetic failure and you're spot on

>> No.27644867

chill out man

>> No.27644921

This is literally me

>> No.27645104

Uh, why the fuck are you asking here? All investing is wont to do is make someone like you put your fist through a wall, so idk, go take some anger management classes and keep your stuff in a mutual fund

>> No.27645394

Excercise go to the gym

Lifting weights literally takes all the anger and frustration i have and turns it into something productive

>> No.27645634

21 reps of 135 is still bretty good

>> No.27646011

you're just gonna throw it at the wall again you fucking faggot

>> No.27646118

>Codemonkey (but really 1 hour of work per day)
thought this would be a freelance portal. can you elaborate?

>> No.27646183

You don't know what angry is buddy, get a grip.

>> No.27646661

>I do insane reps think 2 plates OHP x 21 until my joints break
yeah either you are a fucking monster or you use different plates. My 1RM was 2 plates a few years ago and I was stronger than 95% of the natty guys in my gym

>> No.27646672

Use weed, travel, spend time outside, stop being a fag who spends every waking hour in front of a computer

>> No.27646698

Do some jiujitsu man, it'll get your rage in check

>> No.27647014


This, but unironically.

>> No.27647301

OP is a manchild. Probably never had a strong father figure.

>> No.27647388

this shit make me cackle, wtf has my humor gotten into

>> No.27647391

Do you actually fight against the mongrels or do you just say mean things to them on the internet?

>> No.27647443

Have you considered taking a chill pill?

>> No.27647539

>You are a social retard with extrovert tendencies
Woah, do you like, know me or something?

>> No.27647598

Meant 11 reps obviously
No, 2 plates
I do OHP religiously, it’s the only exercise I like and been doing it for 5 years every other day. To think of it, it’s the only exercise along with pull-ups that I ever been doing regularly

>> No.27647672

Unironically lift

I can get tense as fuck if I don't do a good workout at least once a week

>> No.27647698

Get your adrenal levels checked. For real

>> No.27647904

Yeah retard you are not OHPing 100KG for 21 reps unless you’re an elite tier powerlifter. Stop fucking lying you little faggot, go have another sperg out and smash your face against a wall. If this thread has told me anything it’s that you are straight up retarded and infantile.

>> No.27647910

Sometimes, but not very often, I feel that sort of rage. Not like yours though where it manifests itself physically but more a feeling like I want to scream

>> No.27648095

Sounds like autism

>> No.27648162

Welcome to clown world. Maybe you feel upset and like there is no opportunity because in a way, there is no opportunity. You can most definitely go out and start a business or do really whatever you want, but there are many obstacles, such as rules and taxes and clown world.

Not sure what to tell you other than spend your time looking for or doing something you love doing, anything else will lead to a bleak outlook.

>> No.27648234

This. Zoomers/Millennials are pussy ass bitches who thought the world was gonna coddle them.
The rope is coming for all of you.
T. GenX. I remember the way it will be again. Fuck your feelings.

>> No.27648384

2 plates are 80 kilos retard
I can show you a pic of my fucking chest
If you wish we can meet up somewhere to have a proper dialogue

>> No.27648535

you need to go do some physical activity

rage issues will go down as your testostorone goes down with aging.

>> No.27648606

You’re either using babby bar or babby plates

>> No.27648746

2 plate is the 20KG bar + two 20KG plates on either side of the bar. You are fucking retarded. Let’s see a pic of that faggy little girl chest then.

“Proper discussion” haha bro I know you think you’re intimidating and everyone else ITT is taking what you’re saying seriously but in reality you’re just a little gay boy who can’t keep a lid on his shit.

>> No.27648885

Stats? Height? Weight? Body fat? Dick size?

>> No.27648892

You are a huge faggot who can’t even lie properly
2 pl8 is 100kilo which I know after your all your gay posting is more than you will ever bench for a 1rm

>> No.27648908

You should do something about that temper friend :^)

>> No.27649127
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oh cool we're talking about fitness and weights and shit, here's a somewhat recent pic of me, I have pectus, but my lifts are 1 (5reps)/2 (4 reps)/3/4, lagging on legs but making huge improvements, on a bulk currently. Keep lifting bros we're all gonna make it (except blacks, fucking kys if you're black)

>> No.27649212

You’re so ready to fight someone irl because you have nothing to live for and you’re looking for a chance to throw your life away. Get a grip and set some goals.

>> No.27649298

Stop taking him seriously

His mental retardation does not warrant serious consideration

>> No.27649455
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>you’re looking for a chance to throw your life away.

>> No.27649523
File: 1.53 MB, 3088x2316, E742C155-73AF-4D68-942E-96096A5CBEAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s what’s up nigger

>> No.27649577

Why that pose?

>> No.27649678

I don't know, didn't give any thought to it, is there one you'd recommend that I can google and try out? I've put on ~10-12 pounds since then, have been doing a 1k calorie surplus since Christmas which is around when I took that

>> No.27649706

I also have extreme volatile rage. And unfaggily. Some casual weed actually helps.

I’m type of dude u say one thing even if your my son or wife. I’ll have and will stomp you out. Idk. Been a long time though

>> No.27649805

>he counts the bar

Massive faggot detected
Do you count your haircut too nigger?

>> No.27649853

Do combat sports to vent that anger

>> No.27649925

Fucking kek, this cant be real

>> No.27650007

Get therapy or maybe try taking some mushrooms

>> No.27650115

You’re fucked in the head. ThTs why you’re here.

>> No.27650166
File: 94 KB, 640x1136, 64EDA9AE-F7BC-4F3C-99A9-54DF2701229A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha you look like trash bro I mog you any day of the year. You’re straight up lying about your lifts too.

>> No.27650250

>I have extreme RAGE issues
just grow up

>> No.27650302

checked and butter bean pilled

>> No.27650480


>cuck shed
>poverty phone
>left foot doesn’t even reach the floor

The only person you mog is your grandma and she wants her watch back

2 plates is not even fucking impressive at all btw

>> No.27650646

Im 6’0 and most roiders don’t even OHP 100KG. Quit lying you massive cock sucker. Anyway, I’m out. Have fun smashing your face against the wall like a braindead freak because of your le epic anger issues >:(((

Get some pussy and maybe you’ll grow up you manchild

>> No.27650777

I filled that hole recently with new life goals. Didn't get fits of rage, but could turn anxious and restless.
Now I'm working on financial freedom and with it I'll build race cars, do woodworking and go backpacking around the world.

>> No.27650814

post your lifts and body anon-kun

>> No.27651105


>> No.27651158

G-guys stop it. Im getting /fit/ flashbacks

>> No.27651183

>yes goyim, ask the jews what to do about the anger they've caused you, surely their pills will help things

>> No.27651446

Holy shit you are actually insecure.
From your 18 replies ive gathered that you repress your own feelings. It seems you have issues with your parents. Perhaps some type of mommy issue? Either way work on it and read some karl jung about the anima

>> No.27651450

get some rx lithium

>> No.27651557

jeez uncle, lay off the coke

>> No.27651662

Buy a dry herb vape and get some high quality CBD flower. Vape it 3x daily. If that's not enough, get some high THC flower and vape that along with your CBD. If that doesn't work, go see a doctor.

>> No.27651795

>Karl Jewng
I’m good

>> No.27651894

bruh u retarded. he is an aryan.
Also work more on your chest

>> No.27651939

reminder for all the stupid shills in this thread:
therapy, psychiatry, medication for mental things, are all an enormous psyop. the whole point of them is to convince you that post modern dystopia we are stuck in isnt the problem, but that you are the problem.

No, you're not an animal straining against an unnatural cage of simulated existence through technology, forced to step on concerete and never grass, sit under lights instead of the sun, wage instead of live, no! you have a misconfigured brain! Life is great, Anon, just take the pills...

>> No.27651952

>am le mad am le dangerous
People with actual anger issues end up in jail, or have been there to begin with. You just a bitchboi larper

>> No.27651992

I think you're confusing me with another guy anon, I just dislike doctors or any supposed expert, I only follow Christ Our Lord and that which I can see, I don't like the idea of people going to school for 10 years to tell me how to live my life or how it's bad that I eat 7 eggs a day

>> No.27652102

Legit he’s just a shut in sperg. Real angry bois are serving life.

>> No.27652262

I may have problems but I’m not a nigger
I started the thread to get some decent advice and I got some
Dilate trannies

>> No.27652320

unironically weed

>> No.27652404

You need Jesus Christ

>> No.27652446
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ikr my dick is fucking diamonds right now

>> No.27652451

Yeah that advice is grow up. Your daddy obviously didn’t slap your faggot ass hard enough to be acting this retarded in your mid 20s.

>> No.27652543

noted. 7 eggs a day every really is a bad idea anon.
I keep it at at 3. max 4 and not everyday.
Switch to peanut butter or oatmeal every few days

>> No.27652598

buy gme anon

>> No.27652745

>muh high iq anger issues chad would totally murder you irl but dun want to imao

just stop

>> No.27653274


>your grandma and she wants her watch back

that bit was quite good

>> No.27653492

Anyone who says 2 plates obviously means 100KG.

>> No.27654749


yeah Im fucking raging bad too. nearly killed some workie cunts today.

>live in an apartment block
>woken up at 7.30 by hammering and banging downstairs
>tolerate, cos flat has been empty- they must be repairing it to get someone in
>8.30 passes, still noisy, y cup is rattling on the table every the hammer strikes, wtf are they doing down there?
>9.30 the drilling starts, virating through every wall
>10 AM, before I even know what is happening Im standing outside the lower flat, and I see its been bad becuase the fucking door has been lying open this whole time
>He thinks to challenge me- 'we're working! its my job!'
>red mist intensifies
>hes says- its only a drill!
>baring my teeth now, grimacing, going absolutely berserk
>I step inside and put my hand up to his throat like I'm going to throttle him
>kinda know this is bad, i cant kill him, i cant get the cops involved
>scream in his face- MAKE A FUCKING EFFORT YOU PRICK!!
>stomp away back up the stairs
>They leave shortly afterwards, but will be back tomorrow
>im left brooding about it all day

I know this might be normal behaviour for some blokes, but its not me. I dont know where it came from. Thats not the only incident, but its definitely been etting worse and worse.

>> No.27655183

I get jealous of guys that make lots of money but as soon as any of them mention programming and coding or anything computers a relief washes over me. You couldn't fucking pay me enough to do that shit. Programming is like the most souless drone like job imaginable. No programmer even enjoys life anyway, the money they earn isn't worth it.

>> No.27655492

I'd be surprised if you OHPed the bar with that physique.

>> No.27655596

I’d be furious if I ever caught myself using the word yummy

>> No.27655653

they'll be back tommorow with the cops.

>> No.27655716

Try cross country skiing if you have snow. I was having a shitty day and decided to fuck off from work for the afternoon to skate ski. There was a racing event at the local cross country place so ended up back country skiing for two hours in the serene woods. I didn’t see another person the whole time and I returned home feeling great.

>> No.27655739

youre almost as bad as a woman, did you honestly think the worker is going to abandon his job because the people complain that it is noisy? Think about it, its absolute stupidity. If you're going to complain go to the very top of the food chain because they command those workers not the whiny fag

>> No.27655850

Start channeling your anger better into something productive like a martial art of the gym. Not only will you be able to release that anger, you'll also get humbled and improve yourself.

>> No.27655954

maybe you rage because you're a delusional liar

>> No.27656628

>always had anger issues due to being a sperg
>manage to get it under control once I get my life together
>suddenly my life fall apart
>my mental state deteriorates to the point I feel my sanity slowly slipping and I have to try and avoid people in case I look like a lunatic in front of them

I need to have a safe space and a decent quality of life or I just go crazy. I’m envious that OP’s making money, since at least that would give me the financial freedom to put in more things that give me some kind of comfort.

>> No.27656689

How did your life fall apart

>> No.27657065

Psychological trauma/PTSD.

>> No.27657175


Beta behaviour

>> No.27657233

From what

>> No.27658364

>did you honestly think the worker is going to abandon his job because the people complain that it is noisy?

well they did. but im reporting it to you lads as something thats inexplicable and irrational even to me, i'm not really trying to justify it or say it was the right thing to do. I know it was stupid.

>> No.27658899

>go into a forest
>unearth a bunch of trees
> punch wood with your naked hands
I do this multiple times a week, I don't even know if it helps but it became a habit

>> No.27659092

lel okay zogbot wagie