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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.27608251
File: 38 KB, 189x209, 1609095427488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reaching a SNDL breakout point in about 20 minutes. The general trend is bullish

>> No.27609989

For the guy who asked why it's a bad idea to have 20-25 stocks in your portfolio, it's a bad idea because you could never follow that many stocks at once, and therefor you will lose money, or at least be leaving money on the table, not entering or exiting at the right time, etc. Better to diversify by just buying ETFs, and only focus on 3-5 stocks to trade.

>> No.27610088

Is there an app similar to Coingecko where I can set up a portfolio of prospective stocks I might buy?
What's the recommended one?
I'd rather avoid some bloated/anti-privacy shit.

>> No.27610244

I wouldn't say you'd lose money you just may as well invest in an ETF if you're going to be a pussy and diversify.

>> No.27610300

What do you mean by portfolio of prospective stocks? I use Marketwatch and Yahoo finance apps for watchlists. But idk if you mean like paper trading.

>> No.27610367


>> No.27610409

What I mean is, if you own 20 stocks, and one of them has terrible news come out, you will probably miss it and not realize why you are losing money until you sift through everything, and by then you will already have lost some. You just can't move quickly when you're that bloated.

>> No.27610501

nice dubs.

I'm here.
Bought at their non-IPO IPO, so I'm good anyways, but WTF is reddit trying to do with SPCE?
I wnated to HODL them for the long term like >>27605987
>i'm literally never selling and I think that this will be my first x10
but now I'm getting nervous. Maybe offload my intitial investment and then some.

>> No.27610615

Speaking of blacks and kikes, I think I might have figured out when the next housing bubble and collapse might happen. Another 2008

>> No.27610702

When will BB recover. Thought about buying in after the reddimania at around 7, or is 11 its new floor?

>> No.27610734

Blacks had nothing to do with 2008

>> No.27610764

Yeah a watchlist type app basically
Thanks anon

>> No.27610803
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finally aped in ark calls and it crashed

>> No.27610809
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AQB on sale boys don't miss out. Fish are friends not food

>> No.27610869

>AMD down again

>> No.27610892

AQB depends on fish being food

>> No.27610917

Who do you think was taking out those shit loans they couldn't pay for

>> No.27611065
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> He actually looks at the company he invests in


>> No.27611170
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Payoneer going public VIA FTOC SPAC

just FYI gents, and I sold some HOL to get in on this, research and decide bc this is breaking


>> No.27611253

Can't buy QQQ with 212 trading

Holy fuck let me spend my fucking money

>> No.27611371


>> No.27611376

>Can't buy QQQ with 212 trading
Oi mate, you got a loicense to buy that ETF?

>> No.27611412 [DELETED] 


Are we buying CLF here or waiting on 14

>> No.27611498

Can AMC realistically get anywhere close to 13? It's my break even

>> No.27611523

>getting raped by CCIV
The fuck did it dump so fast?

>> No.27611608

>go all in meme etfs

ok i miss the fucking wild swings and crazy shit checking charts moving hundreds of dollars every day up and down and posting red wojaks. when will this gme and jew shit fuck off

>> No.27611638
File: 71 KB, 887x560, E0A4B396-6225-409B-A48D-859B5DA87294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re trying to bring back those commercial loans to “support black businesses” or businesses destined to fail. It’ll be a matter of time before they start rewarding DACA students housing loans similar to CDO loans. All of that will accumulate to a bond and then become part of a bigger bond until it crashes

>> No.27611706

I have a friend that talks about how he expects a stock will go up, then says "we MOONING"
Then I check the stock later that day and it went up 5 percent then back down 4%

>> No.27611794

I was so close to dropping 3k into GEVO this morning
and I didn't do it

>> No.27611804

Hey lads I’m new ,I have aqb & cassava.anything else?

Please be gentle

>> No.27611831

You want to see something really "mooning" check out LIZI

>> No.27611878

sony killed eps

retard who told me I was dumb blown the fuck out

>> No.27611883
File: 193 KB, 750x1059, C2D9918F-440F-41C4-AF9D-630E034AD832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m never going to make it.

>> No.27611956
File: 235 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210203-083939_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying GEVO hahaha..

>> No.27611984
File: 36 KB, 654x239, atos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any of you niggers on the ATOS train?, I don't know shit about the company but the forecasts look juicy, what is /biz/ consensus on it?

>> No.27612054

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH im the only fucking person that shilled sony here but i sold because i was afraid of gme raping the entire market

>> No.27612098
File: 96 KB, 415x405, Duvb5Gz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sorry anon

>> No.27612139

What's the explanation for today's dump?

>> No.27612181

>/biz/ - /smg/ - Sealife Mating General - Business & Finance - 4chan

>> No.27612184
File: 71 KB, 1219x472, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yesterday, BABA presents record earnings
>giga dumps
buy in
>today pumps
What is this pattern?

>> No.27612195

Should I buy AAPL after the dividend payment day? Does it usually drop after?

>> No.27612200

>buy SAVA
>sell SAVA at "fuck this" levels
>SAVA goes up

>> No.27612214

Hello astrologists, any dips that I can buy with my GME pump money?

>> No.27612224 [DELETED] 
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>No niggers

Based. Buy CLF

>> No.27612231

What exactly is FLES and why does it moon and dump out of nowhere constantly?

>> No.27612238

When is it time to sell GNOG?

>> No.27612277

is it safe to buy square? i think its a solid company but god damn theyre up so much already

>> No.27612275

Yes it drops, I am planning on adding to my apple stack.

>> No.27612288


>> No.27612311


>> No.27612332

Why would it go down? Adoption is only going to increase IMO.

>> No.27612341

$WHEN for a cheeky moonshot play

>> No.27612362
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>> No.27612364

Am I going to regret not having a girlfriend and kids later on in life? I fucking love doing adderall (2-3x the normal dose) and browsing stocks all day long. If I had some bitch living with me, or god forbid, a kid ruining my high, I'd probably punch them in the face and yell at them.

Should I give up my obsession for stocks in return for a normal family life?

>> No.27612368

youre the biggest piece of shit ive met you literally listen to our music and are racist at the same time. die fat fuck

>> No.27612388

Eggnog is usually sold around Christmas.

>> No.27612394

what dump? lol

>> No.27612416

Why sell? The market cap is peanuts compared to the worth of the drug.

>> No.27612419

>not buying CCIV during its dip

>> No.27612436

KHC. May go lower but should bounce up to $34 within a reasonable timeframe.

>> No.27612458

I worked as a loan officer back then it was blacks and latinos. Huge million plus loans with 40k income and poor credit. We were told to sell sell sell. Crash happened and those loans were instantly 100% upside down. It was fucked.

>> No.27612464

$YUM calls it is

>> No.27612467

its up like 1500% in 3 years im afraid its going to fucking plummet after i buy or some shit

>> No.27612480
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>Gevo, Amtx
Janet yellen was talking about the weather

>> No.27612495

Ford is still probably undervalued.
Rolls Royce is a gamble on long-term recovery

>> No.27612526

only after you've made it, no child deserves to be raised by a poorfag

>> No.27612544

Probably. It’s hard to know. I’ve met men who are happy with a family and some are broken. Find a genuinely good woman and give a shit about your kids. Don’t let them fall in with our current popular culture type shit.

>> No.27612557

Where the dump.
I’m looking for cheapies
And no. I’m not buying no fucking salmon or cciv with no contract

>> No.27612578

i am so used to living with myself that i find it hard to think how would i handle it mentally to live with someone else

>> No.27612583

quit the drugs your dopamine system is trashed and it will take a few years to fully recover and get joy from the things that normally drive people. think of the long term upside of both paths.

>> No.27612619

Do you guys use the avaliabe margin your broker offers to buy more stocks?

>> No.27612621
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what was that company that was doing airport covid testing
spa something

>> No.27612636

>GEVO pumping
this have to do with an ETF or something?

>> No.27612657

People who wanted to buy nice houses and all of a sudden could with no problem, mainly new immigrants and young suburban families. Blacks rarely buy homes, either living in generational domiciles, renting, using government housing, or other non-equituous forms of accomodation. I'm not an >antiracist!!!!!!!z!!! but it's simply ill-informed to assume that blacks dissproportionately took subprime mortgages

>> No.27612683

Stop thinking emotionally
I've just put like 50 quid in to rolls-royce, won't miss it if it goes and if it takes off then happy days.

>> No.27612686

What the fuck do I go long in? Feels like everything I’ve learned, all the fundamentals, mean nothing anymore in this clown market. The volatility has me shook lads

>> No.27612690
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>> No.27612701
File: 353 KB, 1242x2688, 043BB5D2-65CE-40BB-82D4-38691A18395E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow me into the green lands friends

>> No.27612706


>> No.27612777

When it dips to 10$ sure!

>> No.27612818

if you think the market is fake and gay look into telecom stocks they are cheap and pay good dividends

>> No.27612822

*This RH account was at like negative $150 on Monday, I can’t loose

>> No.27612835

I wouldn't call ranting about criminal activity, and having sex music, but what do I know.

I got some WHEN with my OPTI gains, but I'm still bagholding on this shit. You said the real shit is going to happen this summer right?

>> No.27612845

They did. Whole lot of the tanked loans were traditional renters. They used to have huge banners advertising the lessened restrictions in the section 8 offices. Blacks don't pay bills it's why their credit is shit.

>> No.27612865
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You should've listened.

>> No.27612989
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>Green stocks will pump

>> No.27612995

Mental illness I guess

It will dip later right?

>> No.27613006

wrong nigger literally retarded this took ONE Google search
3. Subprime Loans are Five Times More Likely in Black Neighborhoods than in White
Neighborhoods - In predominantly black neighborhoods, the high-cost subprime lending
accounted for 51 percent of home loans in 1998 - compared with only 9 percent in predominately
white areas. Comparable 1993 figures were 8 percent in black neighborhoods and 1 percent in
white neighborhoods.
4. Homeowners in High-Income Black Neighborhoods Are Twice as Likely as Homeowners
in Low-Income White Neighborhoods to have Subprime Loans - Only 6 percent of
homeowners in upper-income white neighborhoods have subprime loans while 39 percent of
homeowners in upper-income black neighborhoods have subprime loans, more than twice the rate
for homeowners in low-income white neighborhoods, 18 percent.

>> No.27613105
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You're going to have imageboard brain on steroids and change your brain chemistry forever

>> No.27613117

GEVO makes carbon neutral jet and rocket fuel

lock in for globalist pump

>> No.27613125

sell 13c calls for a month from now. you'll either get out or have a new break even of 11. keep repeating until you're able to exit without a loss?

>> No.27613158

Anyone have thoughts on IPOE? I was bullish on it before the Robinhood fiasco but now I think a moon mission is very likely. Any chance the merger won't go through?

>> No.27613207
File: 17 KB, 246x294, clf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press S to shit on the tranny

>> No.27613286

Chamath is pump and dump pajeet hindu diety avatar

>> No.27613293
File: 328 KB, 2000x2833, 980e5946eb8bed38ecfc9f21f7196027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey clftranny, post your "gains" of the last month HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.27613307

It's easy to feel desire for companionship when you're imagining your perfect companion. That shit rarely holds up in reality. If it actually does, you better put a ring on it.

>> No.27613325

What is that? Discord signals?

>> No.27613336

desu someone in his position should probably not be involved with investing the gambling high will keep his brain from recovering even if he gets off 4chan and the adderall

>> No.27613346
File: 1.22 MB, 1183x4272, The Day Europe’s Power Grid Came Close to a Massive Blackout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.27613398
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Date/Security is the future. SUMO has the biggest potential to 2-5x.

SUMO LOGIC 3B market cap

TELOS 4B market cap

PLTR 66B market cap

I'm holding 25k usd in sumo and 10k in the other 2

Am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.27613422
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Well I didn't lose money on this trade, so looks like I'll be staying here.

>> No.27613450

What do you think about Verizon? 4.6% dividend

>> No.27613467
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>try to trade stocks for years
>constantly stressed
>switch to just scalping SPX using 0dte verticals and turning them into ICs when /ES hits VWAP
>make 5x the money and no over night risk
I wish I figured this out earlier

>> No.27613492

The weak hands have been shook out of $BFARF. The CEO said that they're working on NASDAQ listing. This will be $30+ within the next 8 months

>> No.27613526

True but sofi is a legit business. They're on track for $1b revenue.

>> No.27613534
File: 170 KB, 904x1784, 766724fe985a33e6c01a6cb9fab5be6299e0fee9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always remember I said $12 before $20 HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.27613537

Wasn't Corvus supposed to either pump or dump hard today?

>> No.27613565
File: 1.93 MB, 1816x3758, Snapchat-749702825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it very pleasant that he's lost so much money he doesn't post his portfolio anymore.

>> No.27613586

Random NAK pump this week again...

>> No.27613595

unusual whales

>> No.27613604
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>> No.27613610

whats the play with SAVA?? in from 69

>> No.27613649

I literally have no idea what to do.
At least it's nice to admit that before I lose money though.

>> No.27613667

NOKings....are we gonna make it?

>> No.27613675

im so glad i got out of this shit stock while im up 20% but god damn it i hate this faggot i would of bought more gme if he fucked off

S to spit on fat tranny SSSSSSSSSSSSSS

>> No.27613720
File: 685 KB, 982x1420, 5aacbfafd0af1fa9500c73f1ba15eb1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I would love to see it one more time for the entire month

>> No.27613749

i hate their commercials with the beta males and vapid whores ugh

>> No.27613771

Realistic price for rolls-royce if it does recover?

>> No.27613782

Idk, but its up 69% since I bought so idc

>> No.27613791

>Didn't buy NAKD on the dip

>> No.27613810

nice job retards 4 different threads

>> No.27613837

tootsies :3

>> No.27613845


>> No.27613855

Relative to where it is now? Actually MOON.

>> No.27613860

anyone here own XBC.TO . look at the year chart

>> No.27613913

Reddit faggots

>> No.27613942

I already made 3% today with daytrading. I will probably push further and lose everything. Wish me luck though

>> No.27613962


yeah im thinking based

>> No.27613967

$300,000 to $455,000 depending on the model

>> No.27613978

Sure, why not? You have done your DD, haven't you?

>> No.27614044
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My little MMED stock doin some

>> No.27614081

Nah. The dividend doesn’t move the stock.
Sound strategy.

>> No.27614099

Beautiful, anon

>> No.27614134

Damn you got the whole squad laughing.

>> No.27614154
File: 321 KB, 568x539, MelvinIfOnlyYouKnewHowBad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Over Pasta
>There is no momentum left
>We had the hedge funds on the ropes, but the tables have turned
>yes, I deserve to be laughed at

>this is performance art
>I identity as a Bundle of Sticks with 4 shares at $315 Cost average. Still holding
>this is my opinion, it is not financial advice

Tips for today, your mom is awesome:
>if you own GME shares, either cut your losses or hold. Holding is for retards at this point, and I'm retarded
>if you have a Robinhood account, sell everything or transfer shares to a different broker. I would also recommend dropping TD Ameritrade, Schwab, and any other broker that blocked the buying of shares last week
>also brokers sell limit order data to hedge funds and HFT. You are not the customer, you are the product/data that is being bought by bigger fish

Anon, the price is going down
>Most people can't stomach two red days of -50%+. People are selling and jumping ship, they got shook out at different tier levels
>Only hold if you can afford to or hold 1 share for the meme memories or the lessons learned
>At this point, I don't see any reason to buy

Beware of the Melvin Shills:
>Fuck these people

>Performance Art from a Bundle of Sticks
>We had the hedge funds on the ropes, they were shook. They did a lot of shady shit, but they won in the end
>The world will forget about this moment in time and move on. They'll be talking about the Super Bowl next and back to COVID after that
>I'm getting off of 4chan again. Maybe I'll see you all the next time an opportunity arises to shake up the powers that be.
>It's far from over, but this movement has lost its necessary momentum to move forward. Best of luck anons

>> No.27614264

finna buy some Royal Roy's

>> No.27614280

POWW holy shit

>> No.27614314

buy at least 100 shares and write covered calls

>> No.27614426


Fantasy Market Music for trading.

>> No.27614457

Yeah they will be adding options soon and a bunch of catalysts are yet to come

>> No.27614458

I already have 1000 but the premium on weeklies is tiny

>> No.27614564
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AQB bros, have we been too cocky? Where is the mommy when I need her?

>> No.27614632
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Can somebody recommend me some stocks or good etfs to put 50-100 Euro in every month?

I am moving to switzerland and when all is going good I can save/invest 3k every month.

Usind trade republic

>> No.27614638

did she ape into it

>> No.27614673

Does Fidelity slap me with fees or something for cancel and replaces?

>> No.27614687

yes, in ARKG

>> No.27614712
File: 784 KB, 800x600, Schiff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to quit buying ponzi schemes

buy physical save yourself

>> No.27614720
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i am financially ruined

>> No.27614723
File: 5 KB, 242x161, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 1500 shares of NOK after making a 50% gain from selling it at $7.50 last week.

What am I in for?

>> No.27614727

Anybody know of anything that's going to gamma squeeze in the next 20 minute? I wanna buy some short term options.

>> No.27614768

Hope you guys bought CLSK under 25 yesterday. We going to the moon now.

>> No.27614772


>> No.27614792
File: 50 KB, 406x364, 1605722042990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robinhood's UI is sleek, attractive, easy to use, and scales well to both desktop and mobile devices. However, the shady shit they've been doing lately, not to mention the gelatinous backbone of their founder and CEO, has signaled to me that it's time to move to a new broker. I chose TD Ameritrade simply because that's where my father conducts his trades, and good fucking lord is their UI absolute dogshit. It reeks of late-90s bitmap user interfaces.

What broker is as up-to-date in terms of ease-of-use as Robinhood without being gigantic pussies that will send their users to time-out if the kikes on Wall Street say so?

>> No.27614811

good luck NOKbro, i got 100 at 5.40, gonna take a lot of calls

>> No.27614820

shit, should have bought some a month ago. I just forgot about it over the holidays I think

might be overbought now

>> No.27614851

did you draw that dog yourself

>> No.27614877


Fake news OP.

>> No.27614897

There there big boy, even if AQB goes bankrupt everything will be ok.

>> No.27614904

>Robinhood's UI is sleek, attractive, easy to use,
How to spot a fucking zoomer. It looks like a toy and that does not make me want to trust it with my finances.

>> No.27614945


>> No.27614948
File: 170 KB, 1200x604, silver salmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust the Salmon
It's gonna take good care of us

>> No.27614968

I'm 30 years old. 31 in 2 months.

>> No.27614969

u no like think or swim?

>> No.27615028

>being emotional

>> No.27615034

Well dude, I don't know what to say. Your brain must be addled by zoomer shit like social media, then, if you actually like RH.

>> No.27615107

Sold most of BB to "diversify" at 11.40 today

>> No.27615122

Yeah, I feel like it will either crab or fall now since this company won't have production for few years. I'll just need to set reminder for myself to buy when it gets cheaper

>> No.27615168

I refuse to buy, on the principle that the salmon shills have zero appreciation for the true value of salmon. It is so much more than "luxury fine dining" or "frankenfood alternative"

>> No.27615170
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>> No.27615191

Thoughts on GSK?

>> No.27615232

It's ok, but I deal with enough data vomits during my field work via Excel and R. I like the visual simplicity of RH.
Maybe. I've stopped using Twitter and I rarely use FB anymore. I'm hoping it restores my mind, I've been having difficulties reading scientific journals lately because I have the urge to do something else.

>> No.27615238
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To the fucken moon fren.

>> No.27615266
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what did buy "white" berry?


>> No.27615284


Vanguard Emerging Markets ETF - VWO
Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight ETF RSP
iShares 1-3 YEar Treasury ETF - SHY
Perth Mint Physical Gold ETF - AAAU
Vanguard International Dividend APpr ETF VIGI
Vanguard Developed Markets ETF - VEA
Ishares Russel 1000 Value ETF - IWO
Flexshares Morningstar Gloval Natural Resources ETF - GUNR
VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF - GDX
Vanguard Real Estate ETF - VNQ

>> No.27615292
File: 119 KB, 1000x581, download (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought SPCE and GEVO

>> No.27615308
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>> No.27615315

>I'm 30 years old.
So am I, transfer to a real broker you fucking retard before Robinhood gets fucked and your account gets locked. Seriously if you weren't putting in a transfer last Friday you're already dead.

>> No.27615346


>> No.27615424

They deactivated my account already because TDA told them I'm moving. I'm safe.

>> No.27615429

>I deal with enough data vomits during my field work via Excel and R
Maybe that is the difference. Stocks fulfill my need for BIG DATA, because my job involves no numbers. Robinhood is just like using a stupid app to me, doesn't make me feel cool.

>> No.27615447

What's the exposure to chinese stocks on the emerging markets fund?

>> No.27615454
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>no finns edition
>no swedes edition

fuck you

>t. swede into 700 NOK pekkas @ 4dolla

>> No.27615453

I'm sorry anon, but it sounds like you have morals. This is not the way to make it on stock market

>> No.27615476

jesus christ I post with actual fucking boomers makes me fucking sick

>> No.27615511
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U fucker

>> No.27615572

Check out that spike on NOK huh?

>> No.27615604
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>> No.27615640
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>> No.27615741
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>> No.27615779


You would need to figure that out, but the West is dying and the new markets are in Asia. They have the most room to run.

>> No.27615791

my fucking trash app doesnt have any of this shit.

>german shitchange

>> No.27615809

Good to hear.

>> No.27615872

Shut the fuck up

>> No.27615893

Motherfucker I asked YOU to figure it out don't you ever talk back to me again

>> No.27615947
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That was the easiest 20% I'll make all day.

>> No.27615980

Thabnks to whoever shilled me TSNP a couple months ago, normies are flooding on now

>> No.27615983

idk, will it?

>> No.27616032
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>no finns edition
ah, wrong again huh?

>> No.27616047

Who left this child unattended on the stock floor?

>> No.27616045

happy for you fren

>> No.27616116

Can you please explain more anon for an options noobie?

>> No.27616117

Women with dicks are superior. Pussy is for boomers.

>> No.27616145

Kill yourself

>> No.27616157

>Obsessed with Trannys

>> No.27616216

Oh wow, look, cassava is at $78 now.

>> No.27616244

>nakd and sndl
This is bretty gud

>> No.27616250

>Can't close RYCEY at 1.32
>Can't close RYCEY at 1.33
Do I wait till EoD or move for a market buy? Is everyone at lunch or something?

>> No.27616301

WAT, what is this company and why I hear about it for the first time.

>> No.27616329
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lmao how much longer are the media going to be taking the piss out of reddit over this?

>> No.27616341
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how would one cope with 70% losses on the entire portfolio? I'm not saying I incurred such a loss from a single trade, but like, in theory

>> No.27616354

Is anyone else starting to develop a persecution complex from stocks? It almost feels deliberately malicious the way it dumps when I buy in and pumps just as I sell.

>> No.27616369

TSNP up 30%, CLSK up 21%, why do I even put these on my watchlist if I'm too scared to buy?

>> No.27616397

>When it dips to 10$ sure!
do you think it will bounce down hard to 10 dollerinos? That would actually be a nice price to buy, surely it will rebounce back to 20-30?

>> No.27616399

One day BOTY will pop and I will be wealthy.

>> No.27616419

The fuck is with CCIV?

>> No.27616420

Feels comfy being out of GME again. Highly recommend it to any poor GME people still holding bags hoping for a miracle

>> No.27616452
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Any nautical stocks to buy?

>> No.27616459

Nvm. It went through. See you in 5yrs on the MOON.

>> No.27616480
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Explain this to me like I'm a retard
>someone buys one share of 'company x' on the NYSE through a broker at $100 per share
>they sell that share at $50 per share

Where does that $50 they lost go?

>> No.27616525

So don't buy stocks when they're at ATH and only sell when you're up

>> No.27616527



>> No.27616550

> no financial reports in 2019 and 2020
Sure anon, I just hope you didnt buy when it was worth a dollar.

>> No.27616592

bullish for CLF

>> No.27616665


Here are some more - Income Oriented
Vanguard Intl Div Appreciation ETF VIGA
iShares Core Emerg Markets ETF IEMG
Sprott GOld Miners ERF SGDM

>> No.27616680

it was pumped on speculation above. Putting any money in it is a gamble.

>> No.27616718

It's like if you bought something for £100 but later it just decreased in value.

>> No.27616736

it went to the person that sold it to you for $100

>> No.27616755

ABB seems to have decent growth and an earnings report tomorrow

so fucking low volume though, do people care about robots?

>> No.27616768

This isn't a zero sum game, value can literally be created and destroyed.

>> No.27616782

Remember YRCW will be atleast 8.00 a share by end of month.

God no sitting at a .0004 buy in price. Here’s to hopin’

>> No.27616796
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>> No.27616828

The money goes away to the seller when you make the purchase. If you make any money out of selling it, it's just because you managed to sell worthless paper to a bigger fool than yourself. You're just flipping paper.

>> No.27616873

Thinking of buying shares in oil companies
got good picks lads?

>> No.27616906

RYCEY is garbage. There isn't enough Vol to make timely trades. Execution is shit. Trade something with decent volume.

>> No.27616913
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where the fuck are the cheapies... i need something to round out my chadfolio

>> No.27616918

Where my AMRS Chads at?

>> No.27616936

Opportunity lost though isn’t it. That capital would be better invested in a stock you are actively monitoring, rather than sitting where it might do OK, “if you’re lucky”.

Assuming a finite amount of resources, it would make sense to be actively investing said funds.

>> No.27616937

XOM, oil industry is consolidating, lots of M&A soon

>> No.27616946

I sell you a pokemon card for 100$ at the new york pokemon card exchange
You now have that pokemon card
Later you go and sell it for 50$.

The value of the card itself went down.

>> No.27617010
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>already went up

>> No.27617047

Someone already made a new thread bte

>> No.27617089

>people are willing to buy shares of a company they deem valuable at $100/share
>company then doesn't do well, people lose interest, etc.
>people no longer willing to pay $100/share, value drops to $50/share
>sell share for $50

Imagine buying a car for $10,0000. After driving it off the lot and getting it dirty, your new car is now worth $7500. The company dropping in value after not performing well or getting poor media attention is just like that new car of yours getting dirty. The value of each share drops in price when people aren't willing to pay as much money for it.

>> No.27617121

I bought BB at 16 can I recover

>> No.27617184


Merge when over or now, 2 threads

>> No.27617211

my lil bitcoin stock (MARA) doin sum

>> No.27617234

AMD is still really cheap. it gets more expensive by the day though.

>> No.27617371
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I was down -98% from fucking up SPY calls and puts, brought myself up to -72% from more SPY calls. Then went all in GME calls last Monday and now o have 6 figs. You keep playing till you win. Simple as

>> No.27617376
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Be evil!

>> No.27617382

nice i sold at $64

>> No.27617392

>you literally listen to our music
i dont listen to monkey noises

>> No.27617410

Fuck off

>> No.27617435

Who is buy it nh CRSR

>> No.27617472

Wrong you can just follow them just fine unless it's 20 pharma stocks or something crazy like that
ETFs are fine as part of a portfolio but you also want value picks and I don't trust some asset manager like Cathie Wood who sucked enough dicks to get there to do it for me

>> No.27617480
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>no swedes edition
Då ska vi se.

Long $EVO bitches!

>> No.27617487

Well I'm glad I held that GHIV->UWMC mess
Finally went green again

>> No.27617631
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scheibbe German broker doesn't show tickers

>> No.27617773

You'll see the daily losses 5 seconds after logging into your dashboard wtf are you talking about
And it's not like all stocks move 50% on earnings some have something like 2% daily volatility

>> No.27617875

hey don't worry about it, you're just a person in the world.

that's all you are.

that's all you'll ever be.

weaponize it.

>> No.27617896

Last call for CTRM bros, there’s a wall at 0.70 that needs to be broken.

>> No.27617947

you need to think like a jew to make money on the stock market

>> No.27618040

>pumps just as I sell
Buy and hold retard

>> No.27618216

>hurr let me just buy a 50B consulting comany that has never turned a profit
you wouldn't know a cheapie if it hit you in the face

>> No.27618323

No I'd rather trade and sell

>> No.27618493
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watch the demo. on second thought, don't. your brain wouldn't be able to grasp any of it

>> No.27618526

>tfw Americans cannot even have CFDs
You're literal slaves, god damn.

>> No.27618542

WTF Is happening with NOK? So much volume yet the price has stagnated.

>> No.27618597

>hurr lots of computer generated graphics and buzzwords mean company good
Take your meds palantrannie

>> No.27618628

>seld SAVA @ 72 yesterday
gonna rope desu

>> No.27618637

are we due for a major pullback bros? Can this bull run be sustained?

>> No.27618667
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>> No.27618772

Nice breakout on FIII

>> No.27618996

>that AMC pump happening right now

>> No.27619009


>> No.27619196

Enjoy getting dabbed on by the employees who got the stock for free when the lockup ends btw

>> No.27619302

jewish tricks for accumulation for tutes. it's unironically bullish. means they're preparing before the moon mission.

>> No.27619424

what are they doing exactly?

>> No.27619626

buy on high volume and then push the price back down on low volume so they can buy more cheaper while making profits along the way. they're not like the public during a mania that will just keep pushing the stock up and up and up because they're retarded, tutes are trying to load up at a good price before the news hits which they will probably sell the pop of.

>> No.27619829

Am I going to make it?

>> No.27619899

so when do we moon?

>> No.27620017

lurk more, newfag.

>> No.27620228

Any thouths on ZOM? Kinda wanna by it when it dips

>> No.27620405

you tried

>> No.27621052

So who is providing liquidity by selling during the high volume hours?

>> No.27621371
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LOAN (REIT) looks hella good, but check out this put/call ratio of 257. What's up with that?

>> No.27621417

just got banned from stocktwits again for mentioning 'israeli bankers' in response to silver manipulation and an article from goldman sachs. they banned me within a minute.
4chan is truely the only place left where i can say whatever i want

>> No.27622142

>a company that has delivered 0% returns before adjusting for inflation
>looks hella good
What did he mean by this

>> No.27622296
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Sorry AquaBoy, quit AQB at 11.20.
Today I'm gonna stick with NOK.

>> No.27622349


It has a history of consistent high yield

>> No.27622373

Sneedl is the best

>> No.27622453

>no blacks edition
>no kikes edition
>no finns edition
>no swedes edition
the most fucking based op i have ever seen for /smg/

>> No.27622642

Shut the fuck up newfag

>> No.27622649

>weed spac
>near NAV
>progressed over 60% to deadline

Sec report released some days ago ago that Greenrose bought 1mio $ stocks

I will post this again tomorrow. Check it out if you're interested in weed stocks.

>> No.27622721
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hang yourself tranny

>> No.27622793
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Where my CRSR bros at? Where are we selling?

>> No.27623210
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>robinhood still first trusty broken in pastebin

>> No.27623570

8% divvy on less than half the years (they suspended dividens after the recesions) isn't that great considering the price is at 0% after 20 years
You could've made more holding SPY
And puts pay according to price not dividend yield

>> No.27623747
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Nice cade

>> No.27623823
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>no! You can’t just be a smart investor! You have to take on a huge amount of risk and hold four max stocks at once or you’re a pussy!

>> No.27624039

Ok, we can all still be pissed at RH but that bullshit they pulled, but let's not be intellectually dishonest here.

RH's interface is sleek and extremely user friendly. I want to leave them too but i'm not going to cut my nose off to spite my face and go somewhere where the shit interface and ease of access fucks with my ability to make money.

>> No.27624335

About to lock in some ABBV $120 Aug 21 calls

>> No.27624342
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>3rd day of trading

I am not very good at this

>> No.27624673

CRBP chads, when do we sell?

>> No.27625263

Idk been watching the order history and people keep buying and selling with 100,000+ shares at a time. I don't usually look at penny stock orders, so maybe that's common. Not selling till $9

>> No.27626421

>hurr let me buy a 50B consulting company, that despite never turning a profit, has survived and thrived for 2 decades by getting its money from [SOMEWHERE]
Not a bad choice honestly

>> No.27626616
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>no finns
Haista paska
Suomi nousuun ja Nokia

>> No.27627362

Oh fuck man i really need an island capable home system

>> No.27627633
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