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27618269 No.27618269 [Reply] [Original]

Hey faggots

Lets get a few things straight, I've been browsing this board for as long as I can remember. I've seen the golden bullrun of 2016/17, I've endured the bloodshed of 2018/19. I thought I'd provide some tips to you newfags caught up in the current bull-run and the GME hype alike.

1. Short-ladders do not exist
>B-but muh short ladders! They're artificially supressing the price!
Short-ladder is not even a recognised term, it was coined by the faggots at reddit, don't believe me? Do some research. In unregulated markets a whale could potentially crash the price of a microcap shitcoin, but in regulated markets this is pretty unheard of. A known tactic is shelving, where a whale will force the price high to find a natural sell-off from plebs.

2. When others are greedy, begin taking profits.
>B-But muh 1000% gains! Its going to the moooooon!
Shut the fuck up. If you're in a position where you've made 10x your investment and biz is full of shilling and hopium, begin taking profits immediately. This is fucking basic. No, you do not need to sell your entire stack, but begin incrementally selling.

3. Short-squeezes are real, but oftentimes require specific conditions to exist.
>B-but the squeeze isnt squoze!
No fucking shit, you're working with a 6bn marketcap stock. The squeeze happened when your shitty little stock gained 1000% in 6 days. Again, refer to point 2.

>> No.27618289

4. When the board is filled with pink wojaks, begin to buy with the profits you have made from following point 2.
>B-but its dumping!!
No shit, that's exactly what you want. If you're involved in the stock market, the perfect time to load up on stocks as-of recent was March 2020 and just after the GME squeeze, when specific hedgefunds had to liquidate long positions causing a mini-sell off across most tickers on the NYSE.

5. Always cover initial investment whenever you have the chance.
This is entirely up to you when you do, I'd suggest taking your initial investment out at a 200% or 300% gain and then letting the profits ride. Sure, you might lose out on larger profits, but you cover your fucking ass and can jump into another stock/shitcoin/bluechip to further compound your wealth.

6. Diversification
Diversification is important, however, it needs to be stated that if you have under $10,000 and are in crypto, it is more beneficial to diverse into a maximum of 3 shitcoins rather than 10. 2 of your shitcoins might fail, but if 1 gains 1000% ROI, you have made an overall 3x on your portfolio.

7. Buy when red, not when green.
I don't need to fucking explain this really.

>> No.27618595

So in short do the opposite of what /biz/ does like buying high and selling low?

>> No.27618914

Not really, oftentimes /biz/ has some real gems in it like LINK. However, you need to dyor and really dig into these shitcoins when they're posted and wonder to yourself "will this exist next year" before investing. If the answer is yes, then yeah, pile in. If the answer is no, you know it's either an exit scam, rug-pull, or just a shit project.

>> No.27619142
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Yea, everyone here is out to rob you.
And don't bet the farm. People do this for a living, there'll be another opportunity later. If you need the that money to live, use it to live.

>> No.27619354
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>I've seen the golden bullrun of 2016/17
i got into bitcoin in 2012, kill yourself newfag

>> No.27619573

A few more tips:

8. No, your project isn't an 'ETH Killer'.
Look into all the ETH killers over the past 3 years and tell me where they've ended up.

9. The faggots at /pmg/ know what they're talking about.
Silver and gold are good stores of value, however, you only really need to worry about this when you're in the six-digit region and you're setting some money aside for retirement.

10. Don't buy DOGE you fucking newfag.

Now, to point you in the right direction of some projects: BAO, MILK2 (mid-term), UNI, ETH, LINK, AVAX (mid-term, refer to point 8). I'm not going to shill you these, DYOR.

>> No.27619674

Cool. Did you spend your 1000 btc on drugs too?

>> No.27619873
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>buying precious metals ever

>> No.27620041
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>Did you spend your 1000 btc on drugs too?
nope, fortunately not, i also somehow managed to dodge every single hack from mtgox to mintpal and cryptsy, even the bitfinex one, mostly because i was/am a cypherpunk boomer that believes in keeping everything off exchanges and secure

worked in crypto, got paid in btc, mined for years (still do) and pic rel is one of my old 2013 gridseed asics at 10gh/s

>> No.27620186

Every time I see a rising stock that’s been in the green for the last few weeks. I’m afraid that the moment I buy in it will crash and I will be left holding bags.

>> No.27620395

learn technical analysis and watch the weekly and monthly timeframes, ignore the zoomers that think ta is useless

>> No.27620463


>> No.27620566

>No, your project isn't an 'ETH Killer'.

>> No.27620634

That's why you should only buy stocks of companies with actual products and future ground to stand on.
Don't be afraid of it going red on some days. Only time you should be concerned is when you bought in on an inflated meme of a dead company with no leverage, or the company goes bankrupt.

>> No.27620785


all in on eth or ltc long term?

>> No.27620808

It's an easy mid-term gainer. Hold it until the end of this cycle maximum.

>> No.27620828

>>refer to point 8
He's just in it for the gains because other people think it'll kill ETH retard.

>> No.27620930

ETH, LTC has no real utility or value other than cheap, fast transactions.

>> No.27621221

got any good resources? judging the weekly chart it looks like a bubble about to burst, especially with all the hopium on this board right now.

>> No.27621410

>all in on eth or ltc long term
>ETH, LTC has no real utility or value other than cheap, fast transactions.

litecoin is the better option at this price compared to eth given a large portion of ethereum's current price is a factor of high transaction fees and proof-of-work algo which is set to disappear with proof-of-stake; litecoin's proof of work means the demand will forever remain regardless of transaction fees, which are already incredibly low and forever seen as the first option for quick and cheap transfers when bitcoin fees are retarded

with the transition of eth comes more awareness of proof of work algos in addition to proof of stake ones, so equally both are good choices, but you have to take in current market conditions too, and you can't deny a significant portion of eth's price stems from an issue that is set to be removed
look at that monthly chart kek, and look at babypips, i learned from that years ago, though you'll learn a lot of stuff that doesn't really apply to crypto and stocks (it's for forex trading), but it's all good info and gives you a trader's mindset and awareness of all available tools, even if you don't use them in the end

>> No.27621425

Thanks for the tips. Poorfag here just starting. Got ETH, GRT, and LINK. Didnt go all in on ETH or any of the others.. toom 20% and just plan on DCA. New to all this and GME made me lurk here more.

>> No.27621503

First understand how to read candlesticks properly. Understand concepts such as resistance and support. Use 30m candles and after learning the basics about dojis (dragonfly and gravestone), hammers and inverted hammers, bullish engulfings, etc. Once you understand these patterns you will find a good entry point.

>> No.27621680

Thank you wise one for sound advice in a pool of shit.

>> No.27621818

Was here in 2017. All these points are correct and they are probably 80% of what you need to come out ahead in this space.

The memes in 2017 were way better though.

>> No.27622036

>1. Short-ladders do not exist Short-ladder is not even a recognised term, it was coined by the faggots at reddit, don't believe me? Do some research.

Short ladders do exist and have existed you larping zoomer faggot

>> No.27622193

Definitely a nigger.

>> No.27622664

Why not buy doge wait for the next pump sell half (newpoorfaghere)

>> No.27622718

What is your take on LINK? I've also been around here for a few years and constantly see it shilled/discussed but have never really been convinced enough to "buy in".

>> No.27622782

thanks anons, appreciate it

>> No.27622805
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My sweet summer child

>> No.27622858

This, unless you had a mt.gox acc you got no business giving others advice. Lmao, acting like an OG from 17' lmao.

>> No.27623053

BAT is literally the next LINK. All the breadcrumbs and signs are there, yet poor poor BIZ is too autistic to see it.

>> No.27623765

Finally some good fucking posting.

What do you think of bao? And the picture of the Bloomberg terminal yesterday in regards to GME (that was supposed to indicate it would go up).

>> No.27624097

I was curious where they came up with this shit. There's like one investment article in 2014 alluding to it, the rest of the results are mostly about attacking castles


>> No.27624177

BAO has room to do a 10x if it performs well like SNX. If you didn't know already, Andre is Baoman.

>> No.27624312

i used to mine with a laptop, i actually still have my old configs from back then with all the old mining pools that don't exist
>tfw i will never be max comfy on btcguild again
>tfw i have a small balance of btc stuck on slushpool
i think the oldest bitcoin wallet i still have access to dates to 2014

>> No.27624432

here's you (you) nigger

>> No.27625049

Opinions on GRT? If ETH is to be the dApp standard then this looks promising.

>> No.27625253

Thinking about buying into xlm, am I going to be left holding bags forever?

>> No.27625510

Thank you. I'm obviously very new, and I'm appreciating the extent of the stack against very new investors. Do you have any slightly more advanced investing tips, such as the use of AIs, graph pattern recognition that people seem to be able to do, chat interpretations, etc.? Is it really all just reading the manual and then trying to apply it all to future investments?

>> No.27626373

OP is not a faggot. Good tips, listen to this newfags and you will make it. I hate seeing my friends IRL learn the hard way but I guess it's something we all have to go through.

>> No.27626674

Thank you. Appreciate your posts in here.