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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27614347 No.27614347 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen...fasten your seatbelts

>> No.27614777

Due a healthy move up, especially after this news. $30 this week seems reasonable.

>> No.27615474

get ready for take off. AVAX will fucking moooooooon from this point.

Give AVAX all your energy

>> No.27615891

Sell the tops, buy back in lower and watch it moon later this month.

>> No.27616280

Swinging on this coin is a guaranteed rope

>> No.27616306
File: 46 KB, 480x515, 1478588612546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tighten your belt for we are going to the moon

>> No.27616368

no one cares

>> No.27616583

Everyone trading on Uniswap will soon care.
Zero Exchange launched today... pennies to trade, less than a second to settle a trade.

>> No.27616590

pls fucking moon, i need to make up doge losses

>> No.27617224

Nope. Sold at 15.2 and bought back more at 10.8 after the 31st. Don't tell me I didn't warn you

>> No.27617821

Why would it dump now? Honest q

>> No.27617912

cexes actually typically mean an initial dump then moon harder after

>> No.27618852

Get in on this now if you don't already have an OKCoin account. They've announced they're doing an AVAX airdrop some time after the 15th

>> No.27619002
File: 282 KB, 1058x1029, this shitcoin already achieved its ATH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know who you are nigger, you probably sold at $9

>> No.27619072

I have my funds ready to go on OKCoin for 7 PM tonight. They're doing a nice airdrop too.

>> No.27619144

This is good news, will help us push $25 before the end of the week.

>> No.27620349

I downloaded it but didnt sign up yet. How come avax isnt in the initial list of coins?

>> No.27620711

it's not available for trading til the 4th

>> No.27622103

Americhads can finally pump our bags

>> No.27622198

can u buy avax on uniswap?

>> No.27622300

How many are needed until i can run a node and what is the lowest i can expect it to dip for when i go to buy? I know im already late and im a poorfag only got 1k to put to it. Prolly not enough for a node yet. I hope this gets slept on for a while and i hit node worthy numbers before coinbase lists it.

>> No.27622588

No, its not an ERC20

currently 2k AVAX for a node, but we will vote it down to 500 through on-chain governance within a few months

>> No.27622701

How do you get the airdrop?
t. never used that exchange before

>> No.27622745

What wallet to use for AVAX?
I only have metamask and AVAX isn't erc20

>> No.27622951

Metamask works

>> No.27623257

What's a Suicide Stack ? EOY predictions ?

>> No.27623345

500 sui
500 EOY

>> No.27623385


>> No.27624472

Confusing af. Why would I need to transfer from x-chain (I assume that's exchange) to c-chain inside the avex wallet, where I can simply transfer from binance to AVAX wallet address.
There are some logical gaps in that guide that new AVAX users (me) might not comprehend.

>> No.27625823

Signed up for OKcoin but then saw that the airdrop is not for those in th European Union. Obviously as bongs we are not but in not sure if it means Europe instead.

>> No.27626474

Why would the current nodes vote for a lower stake? That would mean more nodes and therefore less rewards the current nodes

>> No.27626626
File: 606 KB, 1077x932, Comfy Frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting even comfier around here fren.

>> No.27627542

By far my comfiest hold for Q1

>> No.27628114

No coinbase, No care.

Why would you buy AVAX over DOT right considering parachain auctions is gonna rocket Dot into the ionsphere