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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27596676 No.27596676 [Reply] [Original]

Hello frens,

I'm an Eastern-Eu fag and i got really lucky with crypto, got in 2019 with 5k, bought ETH at 150 and LINK at 4 usd (Jan,2020). That 5k turned into 50k and to put it into perspective it's like 20 years of minimum wages where i'm from and my Portfolio fluctuates a year's salary every day. This is paralyzing me... especially when i want to invest into something decent (saw Sushi at 2 usd, UNI at 2.5 and many others) but didn't invest because i was afraid of losing so i sat on my hands and missed out on 30-40k of gains and it's killing me. I feel a lot of guilt too, here i am with 20 years of wages and i don't feel greatful nor content with my gains when i see someone else YOLO their shit and make life changing money and i'm stuck here thinking "why can't i do that" fuck...

Sorry for my rambling frens, it's just that this past month has been hard on me. How should i deal with this psychological barrier? any advice? or should i just jump head first into the water and see what happens?

P.S. It's all thanks to you anons for these gains, if it weren't for /biz/ i probably would have been bag holding XRP or something.

>> No.27596766

>20 years of minimum wages
What absolute shithole are you from? Romania?

>> No.27596926

Use your money to move to the USA. Get a degree and a good paying job and gamble like us

>> No.27596931


>> No.27597048

Don't buy shitcoins.

>> No.27597053

Doubt they'll accept me desu.

>> No.27597166

Pull some out and put it toward school or an education that's going to make you guaranteed money incase you fuck up crypto

>> No.27597212

sell some crypto to secure some profits. maybe invest it in less volatile assets (etfs or maybe housing if its cheap in your area?). this way even in the (unlikely) case that you lost everything, you still would have gained some wealth.

keep in mind that this is not the method for maximum profit but if it benefits your mental health it might be worth it.

some eastern european countries have net salaries of like 200-300€ at the lowest points.

>> No.27597318

This sounds like an excellent way to lose all,just living expenses would eat all your gains and that's excluding the stupid prices of amerimutts education

>> No.27597725

I'm a college drop out, had a decent job but got laid off last month. so i'm focusing in crypto right now.
That was my plan after my stack grew bigger, wages are shit in my country but property is expensive in the main cities (30-40k for a 50-60 m2 apartment and 100k+ for a decent house with land). with 50k i can start a business or something but i don't really wanna do that since it's a bigger risk than holding a shitcoin.

>> No.27598141

You have to stop trying to overcome fear. You should accept the reality that you might die poor no matter what you do, and use that realization to make calculated moves. The fear is just going to be there no matter what you do, so make a plan and ignore any compulsion coming from the fear of loss...

>> No.27598287

>with 50k i can start a business or something but i don't really wanna do that since it's a bigger risk than holding a shitcoin.
you are fuckin retarded, cash everything out, take weeks if not months to plan your next move and never look back.

>> No.27598812

Why would i want to cash everything out when this cycle isn't even done yet? My problem is i kinda feel that i missed out on these DeFi shit and i can't stomach the risk of putting my money now when everything can correct for like 50% or something but that also makes me feel like a pleb "I'll wait for a correction then i'll get in" for a correction to never come. FUCK! why can't i just fucking do it.

>> No.27598867

I feel personally attacked by that, apologise.

>> No.27598901

Serb or Albanian?
Very important question

>> No.27598927

It just takes time. you will eventually stop comparing the numbers on screen with everything else.
also remember its perfectly fine to miss out on opportunities, there will always be new opportunities and you will be better prepared to take advantage. and yolo'ing is not a good strategy, so don't be sad for not being a gambler.

>> No.27598941


>> No.27598990

Your fear of losing it is justified and smart. You didn’t do anything to make the money except hodl randomly. You haven’t developed trading skills. Why don’t you take a little profits and hedge in a few coins and hodl long like you did with eth?

>> No.27599089

unironically this

>> No.27599090
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You need to tether 80% and don’t touch it. Start over with 10k and follow your gut. As long as the daily fluctuations break your heart you will be paralyzed. Tether 80% and start grinding again.

>> No.27599222

He made smart decisions that paid off so can't be a Serb.

>> No.27599235
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Trust the dubs anon

>> No.27599278

Thanks fren.
I'm trading with a few hundred and trying to get a feel for the market.

>> No.27599559

I am a Serb and I am telling you to convert everything to Link and hold.

>> No.27599847

I feel like i got enough LINK desu and it can't go more than 100-150 this cycle 200 max.

>> No.27599875

This and put your gambling money into pnk

>> No.27600197

Still a nice return.

Anyways OP here is my advice : use some of that money to lead a more comfu, less stressful life. Give back to your parents/community if you care about them. Maybe invest in some boomers ETF.

>> No.27600394

Good idea. Choose coins with low fees like xlm so your $100 lasts longer. I tried this with btc and got btfo by fees and it was gone fast. Honestly though, most investors would say what you did in eth is the best move. Stake a little in a few coins with healthy long term growth and hodl for a few years. Link, lite, grt, xrp, uma, algo, etc.

>> No.27600983

Will do man after this cycle, i'll straighten my shit out hopefully and come back stronger on the next one.
Thanks fren

>> No.27601370

Normally do the opposite of what Serbs say but in this case he's right
Linkies are the future

>> No.27601731

take 40k out and leave it safe in your bank account

go wild with the rest 10k like you're just beginning