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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 181 KB, 508x283, denkosergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27583378 No.27583378 [Reply] [Original]

>table conversation with Sergey
>binance partnership
>staking coming soon will shut "muh coin supply" idiots down
>gateway to DeFI for newbs

dont tell me I didn't warn u anon

>> No.27583581

Can I get a rundown on the project? Is it another ETH altrnative?

>> No.27583701

No its a uniswap alternative that will also have many many great things like 1inch and Uniswap. Ive read on telegram this might go to $1 in a few months. This is soo much better than doge and stuff

>> No.27583879
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I mean if you're comparing it to doge, I don't have much confidence in it then.

>> No.27584045

probs ignore that retard.

>> No.27584063

>Ive read on telegram

>> No.27584139

>doge and stuff.
Fuck off pajeet go back to selling food coins.

>> No.27584596

The project, in essence, is an operating system that democratizes/ makes available to the masses the key elements of decentralized finance and communication. It's in it's infancy, and it's already tracing at a high premium, given it's basically just an idea being worked on.
The kid running it is hitting his milestones so far, and he does have venture backing and apparently the backing of binance in some way.
It's possible it will be the next big thing, but it's very high risk, and it's even more probable that it dies/ fails. Also, be aware that the pricing presently seems to be heavily manipulated by whales (downward for some reason). Invest accordingly.

If you're American, you can't buy it on an exchange. You'll need metamask and uniswap.

>> No.27585473

Minimum 0.1 by end of the month.

Screencap this.

>> No.27585536

Thanks for shilling me this coin, reefies

>> No.27585547

I took a small risk and own a 75k bag, hoping to see it hit at least .10 cents in a couple of years

>> No.27585552

REEF above 0.029 again niggers. ultra close to that sweet 3c. Gonna be fat fucking gainz boyyyy. This ship is taking off ma brothers

>> No.27585557

it's going to be nearly 4c today, the last few 1hr candles broke a two week long pattern

>> No.27585916

Yeah this is taking off. We break 0.03 the sky is the limit

>> No.27586067

>table conversation with Sergey
when is it?

>> No.27586138

Ignore retard. Look at roadmap and goals already met on target pace.

>> No.27586181

This is partly due to the binance thing bringing new confidence and interest in reef.

>> No.27586261
File: 118 KB, 622x676, Binance_Shills_Great_Barrier_Reef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aussie ReefChad reporting for duty.

> Denko is an autist software engineer with superior technical knowledge and a well-defined vision.
> Reef have created their own abstraction layer for cross-chain communication and integration with their client.
> Have been working on their own data-driven analytics engine for 1.5 years. It basically harvests data from different sources allowing real-time analytics on exchanges, tokens, pools, native cryptos etc.
> Using the analytics engine, the Reef client provides metrics and analytics to users, as well as investment suggestions based on performance and user's risk choice.
> Created their own basket engine to allow simple cross-chain investing (tokens, native, pooled assets etc from different protocols). Users can configure bucket investment allocation manually or select a simple risk profile and leave it up to the analytics engine.
> DankO explains that new crypto protocols and ecosystems are constantly being created, all wanting to provide the best tech - Reef's mission is to simply connect users to these via abstraction, allowing normies to invest without technical knowledge or the complexities we're all so accustomed to.
> Reef software client will have direct integration with multiple T1 exhanges from day 1 (Binance already shown in demo), meaning it's legit a one-stop app for normies. No need for wallet management, signing up to exchanges, connecting to uniswap, understanding ERC20 tokens, pooling, staking, gas fees etc...
> Powered by Polkadot. On Binance, Huobi. Partnerships with: OpenDeFi, chainlink, AVAX, bZx
> Reef is solid and solving real problems

>> No.27586365
File: 63 KB, 942x637, Boss_Danko_PR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Reef's security audit:
> The security assessment was scoped to the smart contract
> ReefBalancer, ReefBasket, ReefLiquidityBond, ReefMooniswapV1,
> ReefToken, ReefUniswap and ReefVaultsBasket. An audit of the
> security risk and implications regarding the changes introduced
> by the development team at Reef Protocol prior to its production
> release shortly following the assessments deadline.
> Overall, the smart contract code is extremely well documented,
> follows a high-quality software development standard, contains
> many utilities and automation scripts to support continuous
> deployment / testing / integration, and does NOT contain any
> obvious exploitation vectors that Halborn was able to leverage
> within the timeframe of testing allotted.

>> No.27586642


also, expansion will be very gradual to deter any attacks. which is also good for organic growth.


>> No.27586653

I can't decide whether to yolo farm all the defi coins in the stake or just reef

>> No.27586683

Not FUD but this surely has to retrace soon?

>> No.27586734

yeah but expect it .025 max i'd say
momentum is picking up now

>> No.27586789

not b4 it hits the sweet triple dee doo pah

>> No.27586872
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>> No.27586884

actually, he's right... why the fuck would you compare the first dex on polka with doge?
ger ur shit together. if you can't explain what you are shilling in one sentence, don0t complain if people doubt you, "retard"

>> No.27586957

We've been breaking sell walls left and right anon. Look it up in the archives

>> No.27586975

Solid post. Thx for the summary

>> No.27587025
File: 65 KB, 608x707, Boss_Dank_Denko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say that's the main driver atm. Things took off after the Binance talk - Denko made the pajeet and chun li looks like amateurs. Being the first DOT project on Binance could be a huge advantage too if the team even somewhat meet their targets for Q1/Q2.

>> No.27587088

I’ve been following bro, I was one of the first cunts here Monday saying these sell walls are bullish but we’ve also had ok buy walls. We will break it but maybe not right now.

>> No.27587155

And what does the coin do. Why would it be valuable.

>> No.27587218

Shitty example but best I can think of. Think of it as the Robin Hood of defi. It’s attempting to make defi easy for normies.

>> No.27587281

I hope you're right anon. I'm unironically not done with accumulating
I'm going to fucking lose it if it pulls an eth because I initially planned to put it all in eth

>> No.27587453
File: 92 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210203-060647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how readable these screenies will be, but from the whitepaper

>> No.27587461

Looking at the chart, seems like a bunch of noobs market bought right out of the gate and got wrecked. This token was sold in a private sale beforehand at like $0.0007/REEF. This info is on their Launchpad page too btw, but obviously nobody reads before they make decisions in the crypto space.


Seed sale price was $0.0007. Strategic sale toke price was $0.0009. Private sale price was $0.00125.

That said, why anybody would be buying REEF at $0.30 kind of deserves to get wrecked. What is that...428 times more than the seed sale price? $0.30 is even 240x the private sale price.

Maybe this is not something people thought about before market buying? I’m guessing those are the people who you’re hearing from about REEF. Just speculating/putting data with what you’re hearing! :)

>> No.27587495

Ysah likely just a bit of a sell wall there like 2.5c had. Will bust through no problem when the states wake up with the market pumping like this.

>> No.27587502
File: 90 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210203-060700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27587514

>This is soo much better than doge and stuff
Thanks. I'm definitely not buying now.

>> No.27587620

Noob here. When staking begins in 2 hours how do I get involved with it?

>> No.27587623

I had a 100k stack Monday and then finally managed to mentally link
>insane rolling sell walls that never dump price
>early binance listing
>founder talking at binance
>sergey eating Big Macs with him
>first dot on binance
>this might not be a larp
I since upped to 2 million parting with some eth which sucks as I’m bullish there too. This absolutely 10xs from here. From there we find out if it’s legit or not.

>> No.27587655

$0.3 or $0.03?

>> No.27587692

would one of you reef lords be willing to send me exactly 304 reef so i can get to a round 10k reef peasant stack?

>> No.27587765

it didn't moon
why would it

>> No.27587891

Don't forget the list of VC backing too
I'm bullish as fuck for Q1, but I'll have to see what happens to this afterwards
Pretty important to know whether the platform will actually be used or not

>> No.27587956

You’re thinking about this wrong. The initial market cap was insanely low for what this could be and the people who believe in it. It was designed to encourage a growth trajectory and reward early influencers. Look at the current market cap, fuck all coins have has this amount of promise at this cap.

>> No.27588004

Vc rug pull is my biggest worry if they think this isn’t legit and want to redeploy capital. HOWEVER we should 10x before than.

>> No.27588077

>Ive read on telegram this might go to $1 in a few months.
Oh wow I must buy it then, thank you. Did you read anything else on telegram?

>> No.27588251

Actual poorfag here living in a shithole country. I bought 5000 of this as a gamble, will I ever get out bros?

>> No.27588480

>Starting to moon already
Glad I bought in.

>> No.27588549
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Sooner than you think, but if I were you, I would hold this for a long time.

>> No.27588573

I would also like to know this

>> No.27588773

What country?

>> No.27589025

Who's ready for liftoff once we break 0.03?

0.05 next then who knows. BOOM.

>> No.27589066

should I just buy this on uniswap?

>> No.27589165

Just buy it on binance.

>> No.27589225

thirding this sentiment sirs

>> No.27589253

Where can we stake?

>> No.27589291

Copy pasted off Reddit btw

>> No.27589516

This always happens on the first listing after an ICO though.

>> No.27589563

Unifarm if they are still accepting
Or Binance natively very soon

>> No.27589590

You invited too many idiots into the REEF telegram

>> No.27589620

ssshh don't tell them

>> No.27589655

Why are you guys in a telegram for crypto? that's so nerdy

>> No.27589704


tell me if I'm doing it alright

>> No.27589706

The lead dev committed war crimes during the Nagorno-Karabach conflict. Don't buy this.

>> No.27589795
File: 153 KB, 1015x1150, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this shit
will they steal my shekels

>> No.27589810

bull flag to 0.3 mark soon if I'm doing this TA shit right
if not I'll acoomulate at the next dip

>> No.27589823
File: 93 KB, 385x390, 1610229690161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27589843

I like warlords

>> No.27589866

you fuckers... I just swaped my PRQ for REEF... if this shit doesn't take off I'm gonna rape your moms next week

>> No.27589977

>next week
What part of "long term investment" don't you understand?

>> No.27589987

Dude DYOR and don't jump on bandwagons if you don't believe in it. The last thing we want is more idiots posting wojaks on every minor dip.

>> No.27590036

yeah fuck off back to prq or shiba
you're probably worse than the pajeets that shill this as the easiest x100

>> No.27590092

Yes thats a fake Unifarm


>> No.27590245

If you're not joking, that's not it and will surely steal your shoes too

>> No.27590341

wouldn't this already be worth more if this was the case? it has all conditions to have mooned already

>> No.27590468

This will reach 4 dollars in 1 year.

>> No.27590490

It only has been a month since the token is in circulation

>> No.27590493

fuck fuck do they already have my cryptos from clicking on the link

>> No.27590508

yes you're fucked my man

>> No.27590514

looks like my call is right

>> No.27590539

Yes. Crypto bye bye.

>> No.27590595

Fuck my deposit won't make it in time to double my stack before the inevitable pump

>> No.27590627

yeah no last time sergey left and we had to pay the $700000 restaurant bill

>> No.27590635
File: 6 KB, 225x224, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27591106

When is this conversation going to be happening?

>> No.27591135

wow you still try to get rewards with this fake shit that they make /biz/ thread
c’mon don’t be a tard so much best coins now
get cash with xsn staking and thank me

>> No.27591506

Binance.us doesn't have it. So if you're a burger you have to get it on Uniswap or something like that.

>> No.27591514

just fuck off back to PRQ

>> No.27591519


Sources for this?

>> No.27591585

lots of autistic faggots... bullish

>> No.27591652

you're gmi

>> No.27591735
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>> No.27591771

nigger no one was talking about reef a week ago

>> No.27591852

WTF some DeFi dev is also an degenerate warlord?

>> No.27591901

It's barely been two days since people started talking about it

>> No.27592227

shit like this actually does more harm than good to the coin you're shilling, and i say this as someone with a stack of reef.

>> No.27592519

are we in on the ground floor boys

>> No.27592585

yes sirs

>> No.27592650

just scooped up some more for 79 sats, for a poorfag stack of 27k

>> No.27592731

Just bought 2k stack will I make it bros?

>> No.27592823

Have to go to my psychiatrist get a refill on my meds wonder if by the time we get back it's broken the 3c barrier

>> No.27592825

How does $200 sound?

>> No.27592831

How does 20k sound?

>> No.27592944

Dont stop

>> No.27592960

How does 200k sound?

>> No.27592966

screenshotting this for the inevitable crash back to 50 sat this weekend.

>> No.27593012

How does $2Bn sound like?

>> No.27593025

Goona cooooooom

>> No.27593031

Is this a rug pull? Am I buying the top right now you filthy fuckers?

>> No.27593078

it didn't even triple you retard

>> No.27593238

Is this *our coin* biz?

>> No.27593248

Dumping already

>> No.27593294

HAHA. Nearly spat my drink out. Is it just me or is the state of biz is in the slums recently. So many low IQ pajeet apes.

>> No.27593329

If you're looking for short term profit, please go away.

>> No.27593367

Fuck you mother fucker. Went all in grt at .10c you small brain. I don't have time to sit in the slums researching paneer small cap trash

>> No.27593444

lmao you mean the coin that was literally pumped and dumped at ICO? no thanks.

>> No.27593476

screened to make an HAHAHAHA thread later on

>> No.27593765

So we could expect ~$10-20 if it’s reasonably better?

>> No.27593844

It's practically guaranteed

>> No.27593992

CEO of REEF was a primary suspect for collusion in the Alitalia Flight 329 plane hijacking of 2011. He only got away through a legal loophole. I'd stay away.

>> No.27594064

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' and 'Art of the Deal'.

>> No.27594132

What's the minimum amount worth staking do you think, bros?

>> No.27594179

Everything you've got.

>> No.27594262


Sources on this?

>> No.27594292


>> No.27594303

Have you never made a mistake in your life?

>> No.27594353

not with the current max supply, maybe if they introduce token burn

>> No.27594427

>got away

>> No.27594496

screenshotted this for when it's 200 next week

>> No.27594604
File: 82 KB, 750x1334, BEA019E9-8FF2-4632-A921-6B9B71942EE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much, but thank you reef bros. Hopefully I can make it a 100k sui stack during the chink new year dump.

>> No.27594733

Go ahead, I bought a nice stack at 54 yesterday anyway.

>> No.27594779

should I move my stack to metamask or keep it in binance?

>> No.27594787

His name has never in history been associated with the hijacking. Strange bait retard

>> No.27594796

Might be possible it isn't just an idea and already got at least some concrete results or some hidden test phase they are coming from and that's why they are getting backing from binance and just generally seem to project such confidence in their presentation. Whales might have some inside scoop if that is the case.

>> No.27594862

Some retard fudded me on this and I had to FOMO back in.

>> No.27594920

yes you should pay 50 bucks to move to and exchange full of pajeet coins where you have to pay another 50 bucks every time you want to buy or sell.

>> No.27595165

is the yield calculator also buggy for u guys?

>> No.27595283

Imagine if you got a dollar every time some retard in a thread asks where to buy a coin or how to use uniswap. This has a lot of potential.
Is there any other project similar to this one?

>> No.27595345

Even tho they can easily look it up on coingecko I understand it if it's an obscure coin, but I don't understand when it's something that's listed on fucking binance

>> No.27595472

God I wish, I have a small capital and a small stack and I need all the dollarydoos I can.

>> No.27595509

There's a live roadmap on the site. They're working their way through the features of '21 q1. We're a long way off still, when you look at everything they intend to do. I'm cautiously optimistic.

>> No.27595699

stake fee 1.6 eth ... ok

>> No.27595720

Every American is going to "where to buy", because it's not on any exchange we can access.
I'm intermediate level, so i went straight to uni. The dogecoin kids will ask by the dozens in every thread, especially as they become more technically oriented and less "needful my moon sirs".

>> No.27595812

lol man ETH is so shit, cant wait til it dies. Its the fucking netcape of the crypto world

>> No.27595843
File: 14 KB, 256x195, IMG_4436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the US so I've never tried buying on Binance, can I buy REEF on uniswap, 1inch, or rubic?

>> No.27595851

Really? That's a no-go for me, then

>> No.27595933

Same. Yeah we should help the plebs so we can poomp.

>> No.27595945

Staking opens up today correct, Is it done through binance or unifarm? is there any downside to staking my coins?

>> No.27596035

I'm a newfag to crypto. Is it normal for some projects to start burning tokens at least 2-3 yrs from their inception?

>> No.27596112

at the moment unifarm... but its 1.6 eth fee

>> No.27596135

You'd have to stake fucking cz's stack, and with total rewards capped at $50k in assorted whocoins, is say unifarm is a pass until they get some legs. :(

>> No.27596322

Someone needs to copy what the rubic threads did and make an infographic on how to buy it that is posted in every thread, even if it reeks of jeet

>> No.27596341

Thanks anon. Almost fomo'd in at the top but stupid high staking fees might make it dip more.

>> No.27596594

Poorfag here I have 80 dollars of BNB should I dump it all into reef

>> No.27596603

Is unifarm legit? Looks pajeety.

>> No.27596609

Only 50k? Seems less like staking and more like converting your eth into shitcoins

>> No.27596674

Please answer m8s

>> No.27596700

If fell bad for not jumping in if I didn’t have zero fiat and other crypto that was outperforming it

>> No.27596941

>spent 250 $ worth of ETH to move my REEF to metamask & approve the returns
>click "stake"
>1.6 ETH fee
>the returns are 1/100 of the fee
>have to pay fees again to send back to binance

>> No.27597029

wait americans are not allowed to use binance?

>> No.27597074

Bro... there was literally a conversation about people asking this question 2 posts up from your question.
Yes, uniswap. Binance.us doesn't have it.

>> No.27597093

why didn't you just buy $250 worth of reef on binance for that money

>> No.27597099

They’re gonna have bsc staking too it’s only at first everything is gonna beer moving through gaythereum

>> No.27597172

You tell me. I didn't expect the final fee to be worth a car.

>> No.27597176

bsc staking?

>> No.27597193

We have some shitass binance lite us version, but reef isn't on it, and it takes 1wk+ to kyc.

>> No.27597220

Same bro. I've been fudded out of way too many good options. I need to stop letting get it to me so much

>> No.27597230

Yeah that's my bad, thanks for clarifying for me though

>> No.27597233

Also prepare for gas fees so make sure you have some ETH

>> No.27597347

What percentages are we looking at? I wanna go in $500 and I've already got $30 in ETH waiting for fees

>> No.27597370

I haven't tried this staking thing but how in the fuck would fees be $2500????

>> No.27597410
File: 3.07 MB, 1828x768, KEKtemple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok.... all you fuckers shilling here have convinced me. This better not be another pajeet pump and dump.

>> No.27597416

No worries dude.

>> No.27597538

What happened to Binance in the US that you burgers get a cucked version from what I hear?

>> No.27597615

Make sure you understand what you're buying and where the project is at presently, and where it should be priced considering.
This is on of those 100x or zero deals, and it's already crazy manipulated.

That being said I'm in, and it's worth the small high risk investment.

>> No.27597706

Yhea, i'm also wondering why the US can't have Binance, to me it's the best overall platform.

>> No.27597714

Just trade the doge i get in .014 for this shit

>> No.27597743

I don't even know. It shows you the available pairs, and it's nothing I want to play with. If I wanted to just dca btc like a chump, if just use gemini or cb like a good goy.

>> No.27597759

Government cracked down on crypto, and so we got a worse US version made to comply with the changes.

>> No.27597821

Nah, not a pump and dump. But if the project doesn't gain any traction due the app being shit or delays or other reasons, get out.

That being said, from the looks of the demo version it appears something I'd be interested in trying myself.

>> No.27597827
File: 11 KB, 458x125, uhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uh
is that a 40.5 a day, a week, a month, or the whole ass 90 days?
250 APY my fucking ass if it's anything other than a day.

>> No.27597837

>Ive read on telegram
kek, best stealth FUD I've seen in these threads

>> No.27597842

Yes I know, I meant they might already have implemented or have some groundwork for the project done and aren't working from scratch as they go so to speak. Proof of concept they presented to their backers so to speak.

>> No.27597915

Guys everything seems to stand up with this project, all in all it's very promising.
However I cannot find any data on the final amount of tokens to be distributed, it is not mentioned in the incredibly algebraic white paper, neither CoinGecko or CMC have it, and no one in the telegram seems to know either.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
The one thing stopping me from throwing a few eth at this right now

>> No.27597932

Will this reach 1$?

>> No.27597965

For 1.6 ETH?

>> No.27597990

yea, im not down on REEF since it's clearly a collaboration with a few entities, but this unifarm thing was bullshit. the yields are pathetic and capped. not worth the risk even remotely.

>> No.27598015

wait for a few months or a year nigga, not everything is a moon mission

>> No.27598122

Couple of months.

>> No.27598162

im asking if it's daily earning every day over the course of the 90 days or that's what i get for staking 90 days.

>> No.27598172

Staking on non ethereum network

>> No.27598178

what risk?

>> No.27598179

idk anon. i just aped.

>> No.27598220

Yeah i also want to know this. I'm not paying $40 in fees for this pittance APY

>> No.27598263

When will there be regular staking instead of this fuckery?

>> No.27598288

any time you connect your digital wallet to a site you take a risk. im not connecting my metamask wallet to a jeet site for the chance to maybe earn my eth back in shit coins

and this is coming from a REEF zealot

>> No.27598302

Thanks, bought a bag, will buy more if it dips some

>> No.27598348

so it is 40 reef for 90 days of staking then.
they really nothingburgered us lol
at least the product is cool

>> No.27598355

1.6 eth fee??

>> No.27598371
File: 233 KB, 510x511, reefgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's wait for at least the dapp launch in Q1.


Looks promsing.

>> No.27598739

bitch, this is actually a promising project, why the fuck are you comparing it to some fucking neetcoin fuck you!

>> No.27598768

i think they're trying to say the gas fee to stake is 1.6x higher than the amount you actually get back in alts.

>> No.27599067

that's fair, but I don't see any risk in staking it when it goes live on binance

>> No.27599116

ah I thought those calculated yields were in % (between 12 and 15 when I checked). Guess not.
If I'd get 15 reef for 90 days of staking 20k+, that really is pathetic

>> No.27599426

whats even the point then?
the fact you literally lose money has me thinking its 15 a day instead of the whole reward.
someone ask the tele

>> No.27599992

they've muted the chat in telegram kek

>> No.27600035

I think it is the number from the calculator per day, although even that isn't clear

>> No.27600064

So we're holding off on staking until we get more info then? sounds like a plan to me

>> No.27600067

It can't be correct. Either the reef staking is oversubscribed or its a bug

>> No.27600244

So this farm fucked me good. Pay approval fee, see after it that I'm short on Eth. Transfer more Eth, paying multiple fees, suddenly $100 fee is $3000.

>> No.27600377

Can you post a pic. I've seen that mentioned in the Telegram but ive never ever seen a staking fee of over .1 eth. I dont trust third worlders on telegram obviously

>> No.27600385

That's because of the AMA.

>> No.27600529

To go back and get to the interface I'd have to pay the approval fee again which has me for 30 dolaridoos Australian so far.

>> No.27600595

Where to buy lads?

>> No.27600651

binance if you're not from the US, huobi, uniswap.

>> No.27600671

Same bro. Just sent them back on Binance. The tokens haven't arrived yet and I'm already feeling anxious even though there's no reason to be.

I mean, I believe in Reef and all, but staking through Unifarm is definitely not worth it. I'll keep my tokens and wait until the Reef platform is live to see what's the best way to use them.

>> No.27600703

what pair on binance?

>> No.27600748

alright, the whole thing seems fucked. Even the UI looks shite. APY is nowhere near as advertised, could be broken, thats not a good sign either.

I guess I will stay away, shame cause i was excited to earn some Reef

>> No.27600779


>> No.27600867

yeah just hodl

>> No.27601219

Just wait for Binance staking. If 1Inch is any indication we will get a very nice APY for our Reef.

>> No.27601435

this >>27598172 was for you

>> No.27601446

God damm the gas price right now....

>> No.27601511

Well happy waiting till Q3

>> No.27601704

>sent back my reef to binance
>choose "slow" transaction as there's no way I'm spending more shit on doing nothing
>been half an hour and still processing
Goddammit why is ETH so popular again?

>> No.27601856

truth, fuck ETH and fuck Vitalik

>> No.27602048

DeFi is an Eth redpill

>> No.27602251
File: 52 KB, 692x691, 1612205150051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a $1400 USDT 90 day loan against my ETH to buy more REEF at .0020, it's going to be a fun few months.

>> No.27602375
File: 3.62 MB, 223x223, maneira-eficiente-de-acordar-um-carioca.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH its at ATH, retard

>> No.27602657

How does this prove anything. It's clearly not scaling AT ALL.

>> No.27602875

>ETH its at ATH
>This somehow justifies spending 50 bucks for every trade of a shitcoin

>> No.27603075

GAS prices are a bitch but still worth it to get in before this moon shots

>> No.27603115

The demand side of the order book looks really thin and we lost volume since yesterday. Hmm.

>> No.27603178

this fucking shit does nothing but crab, WTF i'm literally missing alt season

>> No.27603571

I agree anon. We should sell our REEF for DOGE

>> No.27603847
File: 6 KB, 402x53, Screenshot 2021-02-02 184323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh stop the pajeeting, even with the undiluted supply this would rank reef on #3, right between ETH and Tether with 29B$. Yes the market will move a lot this year and reef will gain disproportionately, but even if they deliver this is not a realistic scenario.

That being, I'd take it, kek

>> No.27603852

When is Binance staking coming?

>> No.27603990

>+20% a day

choose one you dumbfck

>> No.27604705

went *3 at 019 .. sold at 21 waiting for a dip. you guys shilled so hard that it never happened. assholes

>> No.27604777

Where do you see that?

>> No.27604819

Swingers get the rope

>> No.27604864

Should've held dumbass retard

>> No.27605019

Sitting on 100k. Is this enough to make it?

>> No.27605169

how does $50k sound like

>> No.27605179

The stress is not worth it. Just HODL and ignore the dips, in the end it's going up.

>> No.27605353

that's probably enough for a suicide stack

make it stack is probably 1m

>> No.27605464

The gas fees right now are about $3000 dollars, so I'm out

>> No.27605495

Swingers would miss the buy of a lifetime waiting for their dips

>> No.27605553

I want to buy more but it keeps going up. When will the dip happen?

>> No.27605574

Ive been wanting to buy more. Only a 61K stack at the moment.

Fuck you gas fees. I wish I was a whale so I could eat these gas fees like it was nothing. :(

>> No.27605686

there will probably be no dip, reef is slowly chunking at a sell wall and will x2 soon enough

>> No.27605691

From 10 to 8 cents

>> No.27605802

I'd give it a week, this looks like a long term hold and ADHD dopamine chasers will move on

>> No.27605804

Lowest support is at 0.025 and going up, doesn't seem it will fall this low again. IMO buy now.

>> No.27606062
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Brainlet UK here. How do I buy in binance. What is usdt

>> No.27606214

EoY I can see this doubling to $0.05, but only if they deliver all what they have promised. Perhaps $0.06 if we get a golden bull run.

>> No.27606222

Revision: you might actually see 0.025 soon, so set an order there.

>> No.27606225
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>> No.27606246

Whats the market cap?

>> No.27606408

>Ive read on telegram this might go to $1 in a few months.
usually coins go to 1/10th of the expected value, so $0.10 is imminent. thanks, just market sold

>> No.27606488

buy bitcoin, use bitcoin to buy reef

>> No.27606513

100k to make it boys. strap in!

>> No.27606673

Is this the new bottom or are we going lower? I was hoping to buy some more.

>> No.27606689

Wtf is going on with that? They weren’t that bad a few days ago. Mine was over $100 for a $300 swap. Wtf

>> No.27606731

it looks like it eats right through those sell walls
hopefully will x2 EOW

>> No.27606764

Wtf. I wanted 10x on this till summer

>> No.27606862

it will

>> No.27606911


looks like reddit caught wind of it
we could always shill it there make a quick buck and buy the dip to ride it for awhile

>> No.27607064

How poor are you that $50 is a noticeable amount relative to the trade you're making?

>> No.27607081

>looking at usd chart
look at the eth chart retard.

>> No.27607157

I bought Eth through Coinbase and transferred that over to a Bilaxy wallet and bought with usdt and fees were way less than had I used uniswap/metamask

>> No.27607350

Dont believe the shillers. But since when is a +100% investment (in 11 months) a bad one?
Yep, we can get $0.05 EoY. And that is really good.

>> No.27607700

No one knows

>> No.27607732

>Dont believe the shillers. But since when is a +100% investment (in 11 months) a bad one?

Maybe since crypto has always been a source of +1000% short term investments on the regular? Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.27607905

But that was a once in a life time opportunity.

>> No.27608095
File: 3.11 MB, 3024x3024, 20210201_132641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britfag back again. I'm in for a long long wait. Is £100 a waste of time on this? Got 2K in GME/AMC so not taking any big risks and just want something to forget about

>> No.27608456


>> No.27608634

How does £1.000.000 sound?

>> No.27608786

How high can it go bros?

>> No.27608793

>not taking any big risks
>2k in GME/AMC

>> No.27608875

You'll make just enough to buy a packet of crisps from Tesco's

>> No.27608891

Since every alt and shitcoin pumps 10x before regressing. Was REEF a mistake?

>> No.27608951

Revision 2: Forget the dip, next stop is moon