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27575277 No.27575277 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27575937

What's the coin called?

>> No.27575996

Nevermind, it's literally just surf. The chart looks bullish as fuck. But i'm not gonna buy whilst it's 30% up.

>> No.27576204
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My dude, we’ve only just begun.

>> No.27576424

The devs said they were gonna pump the price with the event so I bought above a dollar, then sold when it hit 21c.if its higher than that the devs are just looking to scam new people.

>> No.27576597

oh no no no no, you sold before the alt season, now its gonna do x5 from here, why do you hate money?

>> No.27576599

So the prophecy of 10$ by Feb 14th begins. Hope some biztards here will get over their frustration of buying the top during distribution phase and selling the bottom. This is such a unique project in crypto and insanely undervalued.

- UBI coming on Feb 14th, all sushi holders and those that interacted with SURF ecosystem in some way will receive a towel which generates eternal passive income.

- The Swell also coming very soon, which will send a portion of the passive income to anything that benefits the SURF ecosystem, like marketing, content creation, development, etc. The Swell will turn SURF into a truly decentralised self-sustaining system.

- Multiple dApps that are literally ready to be rolled out.

Escape the wageslave life and secure your cut of eternal passive income. Or just buy SURF to flip at 10$ if you are more short-term oriented.

>> No.27576636

The goal wasn't to pump the price, it was to do a massive buyback and reward whirlpool holders with a huge bonus which is still paying out. But now is the time for the huge pump, and if you are not buying now you are going to miss out

>> No.27576656

Okay chads. Putting 2.5 ETH into this right now. I fucking love money.

>> No.27576681

SURF is the anti-scam. It's your ticket out if you simply get out of your own way with this closed-minded thinking. The devs and community are top notch. They will be all be rich soon. You should consider doing some research and listening to the dev's AMAs. SURF will melt faces

>> No.27576711

Wow. Do you always buy high, sell low?

Doesn't sound a winning strategy to me, but?...

I mean, you do you, but did you even consider READING the White Paper, or do you just yolo into any old thing with out having the slightest clue as to how it is intended to work?

If you hurry, maybe can get those tokens back for 40c, and ride them on the way up now that the product has gone public, and actual promotion has started.


>> No.27577082

>now its gonna do x5 from here
You're in for a ride buddy. We are going to hit $10 before February 14

>> No.27577183
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>> No.27577371

man, that would save my crypto career if you know what I mean
COPE, imagine not playing the easiest x3 from here buddy

>> No.27577491 [DELETED] 


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>> No.27577757
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I've been seriously thinking of investing in SURF. Is this just another shitcoin or something that can provide services to the influx of normies into crypto?

Leave your best sales pitch below

>> No.27578165

There was a (legendary) anon a few weeks back telling me to buy Badger and Surf in my thread. Since I was looking into Badger before that myself I bought at $16 and after I was 30% up I aped into Surf because of that anon. With 23 cents I must have bought very close to the bottom, thank you so much you wise, genius IQ anon! Now riding this wave up to $5

>> No.27578172

Chart looks bullish > I bought 2 ETH of whirlpool. I don't even understand what this is

>> No.27578262

passive income in surf divies

>> No.27578361

I was implying that you replied to bait, not that your post was bait, fren. I'm a whirlpool maxi

>> No.27578706

I remember that there was some problem with one of the staking pools and the devs paid back the addresses staked in there and added some ETH for gas
Didn't get involved then but seeing this coming all this way I'm pretty certain the project is legit

>> No.27578721

Where the fuck does all the money going into SURF come from? Besides the casino, the rest just looks like it's new investors feeding old investors.
Can anyone explain how SURF actually provides value to anyone who isn't just a fucking old hodler?

>> No.27578750

god fuck off brypto jesus christ

>> No.27579132

Think of it as a decentralized hedge fund. A place to park your money and get passive income without all the bullshit of Wall Street.
Right now SURF is leaving alpha and entering the beta stage. The casino is just the first example of an investment that will bring in revenue from the outside. The object is to diversify into many such projects using our community funds (the locked liquidity). The next development steps over the next fee months apparently involve something to do with a stablecoin, synthetic assets, and options trading, and monetizing our vast liquidity

>> No.27579481

>can provide services to the influx of normies into crypto?
Since Surf operates as a decentralized hedge fund it can provide services to the new people coming in by giving away dividends forever in a simple ways without having to know all the more technical stuff about DeFi

>Can anyone explain how SURF actually provides value to anyone who isn't just a fucking old hodler?
One current example besides the casino is the harpoon. But many more are coming and are coming fast. Sushi whales are getting in and the marketing campaign is in progress after months of silent developing.

Harpoon - Developed by Aegis DAO’s pep, the revolutionary Harpoon contract deploys funds to farming protocols and sells the yields for SURF. Farm yields in comfort knowing you are accumulating a deflationary asset. Community Harpoons also feed the Whirlpool and the Atlantis automation layer.

>> No.27580044

>Sushi whales getting in
What do you mean? why is that?

>> No.27580100

Very little shilling for this going around. Will you be paying autists to meme-spam this?

>> No.27580172

check it on zerion app, token is SAFU as fuck, blue check-mark, this gives way more confidence that its not a scam but a legit working project

>> No.27580384

Because the project's willingness to work with Sushi the word is getting around and a few fat Sushi holders are making their position in Surf already. Also there's going to be an airdrop on the 14 of this month and all sushi holders are going to be able to claim a TOWEL token.

>> No.27580461
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Ride the Whalrus

>> No.27580651

yeah it's gonna hit $1 tomorrow, easy

>> No.27581472

No. Not as long as Kleros exists.

>> No.27581951

da fug is kleros?

>> No.27582945

I'm pretty new to crypto, first move was to fomo into statera. surf was mentioned in the telegram, aped in the second day of the farming phase because statera was boring af. somehow realised compounding is key, rn in whirlpool getting passive income and soon will only work part-time thanks to surf

>> No.27583012

basado, I'm still wagecucking @Micky D's but at least I'll have
>dude weed
money to spend on gettin high as fuck

>> No.27583281

dunno dude, surf made me live pretty frugalistic so I can compound more money. I think if you put more in surf now, you can have more weed lmao later and maybe don't have to wage anymore

>> No.27583369

risk managing, I'm ok with that, I never go full retard, defi is still #fresh

>> No.27584475

Cheeky bump for the lads.

>> No.27584504

imho beeing all in surf is the complete opposite of full retard. wear some mc donalds workwear at the summit so we can drink some beer together nohomo

>> No.27584706

the idea, memes aside, is to induce waves of fomo, then use the funds from those people that don't stick around to invest elsewhere to bring money into the ecosystem for those that do stay

>> No.27585494

i thought staking is what got you in on the passive income through ecosystem transactions like bet galaxy

>> No.27585805

how do i stake and not just buy the token? i buy the token on uniswap, right?

>> No.27586183

you can stake using eth too, take a look around on the website

>> No.27586304

kickin myself for not getting in at .24c a month ago

>> No.27586376

I’m staking $35k in the whirlpool and have been getting $120 a day since November. I think it’s time we end the fud campaign. Team says they’re making the marketing push this month.

>> No.27586443
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I’m brypto and I’m rich because of surf. What about you?

>> No.27586573

10% a month? for real? will it stay 10% of your investment or will it go up in percentage? i have less than 35k to invest

>> No.27586574

the easiest way is to go to the Whirlpool page on surf.finance and use the Stake with Eth button. otherwise you can manually create SURF-ETH LP tokens on Uniswap and then go to the Whirlpool and stake them. Gas costs will be about the same either way

>> No.27586600

Charlie don't surf anon

>> No.27586618
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Also join here and message me. Where did all you surfers come from? Salute
discord cxkeyGVc

>> No.27586655

You're rich because you and TideRider are the same person and you only want people to stake because you get a disgusting cut of all fees/TVL, you prey on innocent metics from ToK and getting people locked into this stupid shit when we're in prime alt season should be punishable by death

>> No.27586822
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All depends on the projects sending revenue to the whirlpool. I’m in this for the long haul. Dev said earlier theyre about to spend $10-20k on youtubers. The best part about it is the devs have $180k of liquidity ready to spend in any way shape or form to make surf blow. The only fudders in this are the ones that thought they could outsmart the bots when the event happened. Devs did a $2million buyback. Pajeets would have rugged but not surf. Main dev put 500 eth into the whirlpool a few months ago and also quit his day job. This is his life now. Syns and options coming too. Also don’t forget the airdrop on the 14th. Only 6100 tokens available to claim and they’ll pay out daily rewards for life.

>> No.27586828

anon if you lure someone into staking in the whirlpool, your own percentage goes down

>> No.27586890
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I’ll take that as a compliment as tiderider is the reason why I’m still in this. Not sure why you’re so sour? Surf is for life. Keep waging away. You’re just too dumb to recognize the sheer potential of surf. Jokes on you. Now move along.

>> No.27586937

kek, surf's up

>> No.27587032
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Kek this. The other anon is blinded by his own stupidity and will fud an airdrop that pays out free rewards daily. Absolute state of biz.

Also you’re in pnk because I shilled it to you. Never forget that. I wonder who helped start the pajeet meme?

>> No.27587055

yeah there is a 20-25% exit fee they don't talk about. so if you want to stop staking the whirlpool if the devs fail to expand you lose a quarter of your stack. i understand it's a way to keep people holding, but if bet galaxy fails to launch then kiss your money bye bye. almost seems better to just buy the token and hope it moons. but a 20% exit fee at a 10% returns a month means holding for a couple months would cover. but then there are beaches and surfboards. is this a fashionable meme coin that is complicated to sound sophisticated and scam people long term? The main dev is anonymous btw so cant even check his rep.

>> No.27587143

>Also you’re in pnk because I shilled it to you
the fucking chutzpah, are you jewish by chance? you have a faggoty wigger accent but now i'm certain your mom's maiden name ends in -berg.

>> No.27587172
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I didn’t even read all that you said but now see how retarded you actually are. You don’t pay any fees staking in the whirlpool. You only pay on exit (in which you should never do because the whirlpool is for life) and if you do exit, the fee goes to the community which is why there’s $180k ready to be spent. I suggest doing your own research next time before making these brainlet assumptions.

>> No.27587240

your VPN isn't working, sorta like your foot

>> No.27587292

The exit fee is talked about all the time what are you on about? Kek
>scam people
That’s why the devs did a $2m buyback. Okay anon keep coping. Main dev of Btc is also anon. Fucking tard

Come to the surf summit in Hawaii so I can knock your teeth out.

>> No.27587343
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It’s obvious I’m the same person responding to you you absolute retard hahahahaha see you at $1 and beyond. You’ll still be poor and coping with your little poorfag pnk stack.

>> No.27587371


>> No.27587405

it reeks of samefagging in here

>> No.27587466

>he thinks this is a yield farm
Topkek run along with your little poorfoilio

>> No.27587493

12 ip's bro

>> No.27587559


>> No.27587572
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Hello sir please not accuse we make honest effort for coin

>> No.27587602

i mean it isn't mentioned on the threads you guys make. good point about satoshi. i'm not coping, i'm just skeptical about the project. 10% returns a month is insane and sounds tgtbt

>> No.27587728

>be you
>own a small stack of pnk bc biz shilled it
>don’t do any research
>see an anon telling you there’s free money to claim
>don’t claim it
>fud instead
>see surf at $5
>think about how stupid you are and contemplate killing yourself
>see surf at $10 and realize there’s options, synthetics and stable coins now
>realize you’re priced out because you’re poor and didn’t listen
>buy rope
>write letter to bf saying you should have listened to brypto
Surfs up 30% and will only keep climbing. You can sit back and fud all you’d like but I will be sitting back in the whirlpool collecting $100s a day. Just remember the youre the dumbest one in this thread.

>> No.27587748

your memes don't match the "integrity" of the surf team the dev was falling over himself to mention in his interview. wtf

>> No.27587786

>not holding both
Clement even joined the surf discord, expect future collaboration.

More to the point, pnk is doing SHIT right now.

>> No.27587898

Then don’t buy. Simple as that anon. You must not realize that surf is a hedge fund that brings revenue in from outside. It is not in my best interest to get you to join the whirlpool. Because when you do, I don’t get as many surf.

>> No.27587987

>tfw an innocent metic on ToK who bought some surf stock
w-what are you saying, fren?? :((((

>> No.27588001

Lmfao do you think i'm sire kahuna or something? I'm not, I'm up 110% this month from the green shitcoin and now have 6 figures. Countless people in your discord could be too if their funds weren't being held hostage by the absurd fucking withdrawal fees in the whirlpool cuntract
You wanna know why your shitcoin will never hit $1 ever again? It's because you, SURF's posterboy and shill-in-chief, are an absolute fucking retard. It is too god damn easy to bait you into exposing yourself. If anyone who's been in your discord since last year is reading this thread they're probably considering suicide right now. SURF is like if Ricky from trailer park boys was in charge of peddling a token being developed by jim fuckin lahey. I am absolutely certain I will hear the sound of you falling off the nearest skyscraper when all the gay dapps that are supposed to pump this coin either never get delivered or are DOA. Seethe for the rest of eternity you pathetic baldcel cripple

>> No.27588015

The exit fee is there because they want people to stake long term and gain passive income. If you don't like it or want a shorter term play, there's nothing wrong with just holding surf and not staking it.

>> No.27588027

Literally as soon as this goes past a dollar everyone being rude on here is gonna have a bag and start acting like a genius for buying. Grow up.

>> No.27588032
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Hes saying his little pnk stock isn’t doin some

>> No.27588080

Hi CJ. Nice to see you around. Not sure why you’re so upset these days.

>> No.27588172

maybe after I've accumulate enough OXEN. Sir can you advise me on that number? Everything >1

>> No.27588190

neither's mine, and it hurts

>> No.27588194

Lol wen the biggest dick in the thread is accusing others of their integrity

>> No.27588255

Hes mad because he was in aegis pool and sold the bottom of surf and now can’t live with himself that he made that decision.

>> No.27588316

Because I fell for this stupid bullshit and ALMOST missed all these actual moon missions we're seeing now. I am legitimately ashamed of getting innocent anons in on this garbage for a few paltry ETH and turning them into perma-bagholders. Thanks for those ETH, by the way, they've multiplied to an absurd extent thanks to Rubic
And now I've made much more than the EPIC 33% GAINZ AFTER SEVERAL MONTHS OF CRABBING AT 20 CENTS after getting the fuck out of this shitcoin

>> No.27588382

>pnk is doing SHIT right now.
Why is this though

>> No.27588414

sounds like you're salty m8

>> No.27588473

Ok cool, you keep being a dick whilst we get passive income. Might not be the 1000000000x your big brain is getting but hey we are having a fun time either way.

>> No.27588557

will rubic keep going though for real? it seems like pajeet shill pnd or is it the next chainlink?

>> No.27588621

You didn’t fall for anything you just lost patience. We knew all along this was a long term project. I really don’t know why you’re so heated at me dude. Reach out to me on discord I’m sure we can talk it out. Tbh youre the pnker I thought that would flip on me. We bullshitted with eachother many nights about some real shit. I don’t think this hate is justified.
I get it you may be upset a little but I never did anything personally to you. Hope things have been well for you man. Hope you can get that land out in the sticks soon enough.

>> No.27588647
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who are you even talking to OMG THIS THREAD IS CURSE

>> No.27588656

I can't blame you, if chasing shitcoins is more like your thing and you are successful doing it, you're maybe better off doing so. I personally am too lazy, so I'm pretty comfy in the wp

>> No.27588675

Youre the last* pnker

>> No.27588922

Please continue hunting shitcoins to flip. Surf is a project for people that are tired of that nonsense and look for more long term stability and passive income. It sounds like your feelings are hurt for some reason. Surf and the devs have delivered on everything they said they would and even predicted these developments. If you thought Surf would be a quick flip then that's on you. Hope you wont rope in 2 weeks when we are at 5$+

>> No.27589975
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I’m off to bed. Be excellent to each other my surfers.

>> No.27590602

any bored euros around? uh and yes, buy SURF

>> No.27590760

da, but not many waves in the Mediterranean

>> No.27590951

atleast you wouldn't freeze to death if attemting to surf

>> No.27591207

>To get passive income devs say you have to put .1 eth, which is locked for 1000 days
>Meaning devs don't think you'll earn more than .1 eth in 1000 days

While I'm happy for guys (I see you're up 30%) , quite honestly I thought surf was dead, no one should touch it. They already lied once about locked liquidity (oh sorry we issued white paper 2 and took down the original never said it was locked ) and now it looks like they're going to implement governance.

>> No.27591326

It will actually be 500 days and devs don’t know how much each token will make, nobody does.

The locked liquidity is the community’s and the community has OK’d the decisions which have been made.

>> No.27591636

>quite honestly I thought surf was dead
You are hearing about surf now again because the project is leaving alpha and is promotion is beginning

>> No.27591877

I mean I guess that's true but someone for sure worked out the numbers and they have figured out how much surf will be dripped to stakers. Otherwise, you'll just bleed lps to death. Considering they don't have to have exposure to surf to get surf.

Regardless (and again great that you guys aren't dead) I'm still not touching surf. Devs lied once why would I suddenly believe it again. And yeah now governance. Can't wait for community locked liquidity to be used for another series of buy backs, 90% unstaking fee, and whatever else you guys have.

No they promoted themselves pretty hard until they basically killed their own project. As far as I know they've been jerking each other off on discord instead of actually doing something.

>> No.27592101

DYOR - it cant go back down.

>> No.27592277

>No they promoted themselves pretty hard until they basically killed their own project.
I think what you are interpreting as promoting was just all the hype from the rebase farm that came during the distribution phase. After the token was fairly distributed the devs when to development only explicitly saying they didn't want the promotion to begin until the start of February

>> No.27592504

>Devs lied once why would I suddenly believe it again.
The community locked is to be used in favor of the holders and the community was in favor of doing the buy back.

>> No.27592597

It’s impossible to calculate the rewards for the airdrop right now. You’ll be able to calculate it after the LP’s are allotted for it. Those who send the LP’s to reward the airdrop, will receive surf gov tokens.

It’s also impossible to change the unstaking fee to 90%. 50% is Max and that will be up to the governance to decide. Every decision the dev makes he asks the closest community members before doing it. There’s $180k in liquidity that will be used for a number of things, not buybacks but even then, they get sent to the whirlpool so what is there to be mad about with that? Just wait until synthetics, stables and options come.

>> No.27592972

Ok whatever there's been like a daily surf thread and I've seen the dev do amas a couple of times. Still nice for you guys unironically I hope you guys do well. I'll just never touch it again.

Regardless, and I'm getting back up to speed this is what they spent their time doing
>Surf 3d
>A token that is based off volume (not terrible)
>The stacker
>Literally ponzi scheme that has deposits from months ago (I mean I guess it's funny if they were trying to fuck whales? If that was the point then it's fantastic)
>The harpoon
>Will yield farm but makes no sense. Why would I expose myself to like 3/4 assets and give up my rewards to boost the price of surf. Again even if these are stable coins why would you give up your rewards to boost the price of an other token with absolutely no benefit to you if you don't hold surf
>Another token that's likely to trick pajeets into unstaking because muh ubi and give more money back to the project.
>The whirlpool
>Probably the best but 99% of the time there's a fee it just means holders will dump when the price moves.
>Apparently they bought casino tokens and it's only going to yield like 200 dollars a week.... I've also heard that the devs are friends....

>> No.27593436

I see you that you a lot of misinformation. I don’t fault you as there’s many angles to surf.

S3d and stacker are not really dapps. I don’t consider them to be. The devs released these to hold the community over before they released real things like what I previously mentioned. On a side note someone tossed over 50 eth into s3d today.
The harpoon uses community liquidity so the holders are not exposed themselves. Also pep is working on a stablecoin solution that mph is interested in.
The towel token is free money and doesn’t require any investment so I’m not sure about the criticism on this one.
The whirlpool is forever and will pay our daily rewards for years to come. I’ve personally pulled in nearly $15k of rewards in the last 3 months. Not a ton of money but you get the idea. It will also pay out in other tokens too so keep that in mind.
The casino bankroll is just a single project feeding revenue into the whirlpool. Imagine when there’s 100 different projects feeding into it. It’s really inevitable at this point. And maybe the devs are friends, I’m not sure but I don’t see the issue in that.